Page 36 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 11, 1941 This Week's. -------.,.------. Those aliens who are believed The War And about unmolested. on subversive activities are no Personality to be working The College Student doubt being watched by the government, which is • ------------ • On the Campus in a much better position to know of their activi- With the entry of the United States into war, ties than is a war-stricken mob. it becomes necessary to caution ourselves lest we commit the same sins that were committed dur- .Miss Rankin's Case Unforgivable A member of the orchestra for Park ing the last war, and of which manifestations The case of Miss Rankin's not being permitted eight years, first at Forest and later High School in Baltimore. have already been cited. to speak cannot be condoned. at Western Maryland, he launched Foremost among these sins stand irrationality Is the cause of this war so weak that the Speak- of action and persecution of minority groups. er of the House feared that the speech of one forth on his own three years ago with We are told that during the last war, such ab- woman might make any difference? his now well-known orchestra, the surd actions as marching to classes on our own Is our cause so unjustifiable that it cannot Buccaneers, playing mainly at col- high local county campus, the removal of the study of German from stand up under criticism? lege functions, dances in Baltimore, schools, various high schools, and the attempted compulsion of Are we to deny freedom of-speech in the very and, once, at Johns Hopkins Univer- various individuals to violate their consciences room where our laws are made? sity. (in such actions as saluting the flag in violation Do we not realize that in using such methods, of religious convictions) wgre practiced with no we are destroying ourselves from within, without e Llkes Smooth Music other apparent reason than to ease some of the the use of armaments? "Although the Buccaneers usually specialize in jump tunes for the cam- tension caused by the very strained situation. As college students and future college gradu- pus jitterbugs and hep-cata, my pet .Dr. Holloway Advises Study ates, we, of all people, are expected to be rational ambition is to play sm_ooth, sophisti- Dr. Holloway has already advised that we con- and tolerant. We must begin to see the implica- cated dance music," "Cap" comments. tinue, as far as possible, our normal routine in tions of our actions, to guide our action by rea- . Besides traveling about with his order to better prepare ourselves for the un- son, and to do our best in protecting the rights of orchestra, his extra-curricular activ- known future. Release of much of our emotion- minorities against the tyranny of the majority. ties include four years of singing al strain in more intensive study might well serve with the choir, membership in the ~ double function in also helping us shift the Our Christmas Greetings-- college orchestra, and certain du- point of concentration from the horrors of the ties as senior representative on present and immediate future. To All Mankind the Inter-Fraternity Council from Our campus provides numerous opportunities With this, our Christmas issue of the the Bachelor fraternity. Accord- Gold for various activities--curricular and extra-cur- Bug, we extend our greetings for the holiday sea- inf to various other fellow-frat ricular; and for many, the use of our excellent son. Wilbur "Cap" Kidd members, he is (quote) well-known athletic facilities can aid a great deal in worth- Futile as it may seem today, we try to regain The stage is set. As the curtains for being an ardent Bachelor, at while diversion. some of the faith of Him, to whose birth the com- slowly glide apart, the shower-room least as far as the frat is concerned We are fortunate in being in a situation where ing holiday is dedicated, and hope for all man- (unquote). we have open to us activities that contribute pos- kind, American, European, and Asiatic-foe and door of D section of Ward Hall stands .Busy Off Campus revealed. A heavy silence hangs over itively to our present and future well-being. Let friend- the bath tub and swings from the cur- Off-campus, "Cap" is equally busy. us not forsake them for more stupid diversions 'Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men.' tain rings, broken only by the steady As announcer at the West- that are in themselves harmful and that contrib- drip-drip-slush-slush of a leaky fau- minster Studios of Station WFMD, ute to the discomfort of our fellow-students. cet. At this moment, the door opens he divides his announcing time be- Dining Hall Regulations-- .l'!linorities Oppressed and a towel-draped figure enters and tween turning tables (in this sense, The other manifestation of war irrationality- Please Observe advances dramatically to the center literally, since "turning tab I e e" the oppression of minority groups-may arise of the stage. Brandishing aloft II bar means playing recordings), and in- partly out of the same tension, or out of a posi- Your co-operation is solicited in the following of soap in one outstretched hand, the tr-oducing hill-billy and kiddy pro- tive conviction that such groups are at fault and matter: ~ figure trills forth a few experimental grams. (No pun intended on the word their rights need be suppressed. The meal hours in the dining hall are notes, then launches into a trium- "kiddy". Any similarity is complete- Instances of such oppression have already ap- Breakfast 7 :15 A. M. phant solo: ly coincidental as far as Kidd is con- peared in the physical beatings administered to Lunch 12:00 M. "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! cerned.) citizens of Japanese origin and in the refusal by Dinner 6 :00 P. M. Be of good cheer! ePet Hate .the Speaker of the House of Representatives to The dining hall will be closed to both students Have no fear- Contrary to the fact that "Campus permit Miss Jeanette Rankin, who cast the only and facuUy at the following times: Kidd is here!" Personalities" are traditionally crea- dissenting vote to the war resolution in Congress, Breakfast 7 :30 A. M. Thus enters "Cap" Kidd, the "bath- tures of numerous and varied person- to speak before the passage of the bill. Lunch 12:10 P. M. room barttonic" of D section. al likes and dislikes, his only pet hate Naturalized citizens of this country are, as a Dinner 6:10 P. M. 'e Oemal. Straightforward is an intense (and, in his case, natur- rule, loyal and patriotic (more so than many Please do not violate the closed signs when you Geniality and a direct, straightfor- al, considering his own attitude) "1000/0 Americans"), and have every right to go are late. ward attitude toward everyone are dislike of superficiality in people. only two of the many outstanding at- As to the future, "Cap's" main am- tractions which number "Cap" Kidd bition is to continue as a radio an- among the leading campus personali- nouncer at Station WBAL in Qalti- Open Letter To Blanche ties. Formally known as Newton Wilbur Kidd, he was self-dubbed Commenting on his college career, Ward From McDaniel "Cap" during his Freshman Week in "Cap" Kidd regretfully concluded that September of 1938 purely for varie- "the four years have slid by entirely Dear Blanche Ward, ty's sake. too fast". We have never written a letter like this to any- By Paul Alelyunas body before, nor have we ever considered that such Ultra-Intellectualism "Christ~as is only umpteen and seven days away," said a letter might become a necessity. However, we the newspaper. "By gad!", said the Squire. "That's have decided that you arc now old enough to under- right. I didn't realize it was so close upon us!" And the stand. Deathless Line Causes Confusion Squire's heart quivered with the spirit of the 'tide. He We realize that someone must tell you; so, for the sang joyously: . sake of Western Maryland's reputation (as well as Among Shakespearean Scholars "Oh, deck the halls with pieces of Whitfield, your own), we have come to the conclusion that we Fa-Ia-Ia-Ia-Ia-Ia, must take it upon ourselves to inform you. did Shakespeare mean when, in scene IV, act V, of Just what Don't you mind cause he is a-(one word censored) We hate to tell yon in such a public manner, but "King Richard II," one of the characters (we forget off-, it will be much easier for all of us if we write it. who, Oh, hit me with a wassail bowl, mama! Since we've always been good friends, all we can hand), bursts into a song and dance (we ha'l"dly think it was a tap pub- dance, since Poindexter in his excellent work, "Terpsichore", Fa-Ia-Ia-LA-LA·LA !" hope for is that this letter won't spoil our friendship lished late in the fall of 1879, points out that the tap dance as we in any way. However, please believe us when we .Squire's Heart Cold know it today was not invented until 1880, if at all), and screams, But soon the jolly heart-and was it not Tennyson who say that, if, after reading this letter, you cannot "Uncle farewell, and cousin, too, adieu!"? said at Christmas the college man's heart turns lightly to find it in you to .sympathize with our feelings in the For several years now-two hund- He was the first to attempt an ex- thoughts of making money-the jolly heart turned cold matter, we'll understand. red and seventy-three, to be exact- planation. Needless to say, the French and scheming. How is this chubby little soul to get his In all sincerity, we have no intentions of hurting scholars have been baffled by the im- Academy did not approve, and he be- share of the mighty Xmas sucker dollar? Post office? you, although we must warn you that, when news plied meaning subtly interwoven into came a virtual social outcast. Too prosaic, the Squire was an artist. By gad! (The of this sort is suddenly inflicted on most girls of the outward aspect of the line. One Recently, one of the better known Squire was definitely in a "By gaddish" mood this day as your age, a certain amount of shock must be ex- great Shakespearean scholar (we hee- professors of a leading university in well you might guess.} "I've got it," realized the Squire! pected. itate to mcntion his name, since we England walked into his third-floor "Remember your heritage, old man," said a wee small At least, it is better coming from us; your friends, don't know it) when first this verse flat, took off his left shoe, cooked-a voice in the back of the Squire's wee small brain. "Cole- than from strangers. was brought to his attention, hemmed mess of spaghctti, whistled three bars slawski, the Moscow Theatre. You're an actor, old pota- Therefore, girls, the time has come for you to and hawed for nineteen minutes, took of Shubert's "Serenade", and shot to!" know that there is no Sauta CkL'Wl. off his spectacles, polished them brisk- himself through the head. However, Merry Christmas . ly with a circular motion, and blow- much as we'd like to think the gentle- • Dashes To City Yours, ing his nose to hide the state of con- man (All Englishmen are gentlemen) "Well said." answered the Squire. "And by the by, McDANIEL. fusion in which he was, said, "Darn!" (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) thank you very much, wee small voice. Pip! Pip! Old P.S.~Happy New Year. boy." And the Squire dashed (for an artist always dash- es) to the big city of Baltimore. THE GOLD BUG Two days later, the Squire was dressed in a red and the chaos of his mind his lips threw forth this one curse white costume with a beard that drooped pathetically toward the fleeting figure of the unwashed lad: "Teach over his three chins, all in all presenting a figure remote- history at Western Maryland College; and have done with ly reminiscent of the general conception of Santa Claus. it, you little r-ascall!" Why this~ What has teaching Subscription Price $2.00 a Year He was sitting approximately in the center of a mass of history at Western Maryland College got to do with little merchandise and stout bourgeoisie together making up rascals who pull beards off the faces of helpless Santa Editor-In-chief Editor .. Isaac B. Reher-t '42 Managing Alvin H. Levin '43 the entire stock and clientele of F'inklestein's In-Cod- Clauses? News Editor __._. John Rawlins '43, Inc. It was Christmas Assistant News Editor .. Mary Miller '43 Eve! .Anticlimax Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 The following events were anticlimactical. The corpu- Sports Editor . John Robinson '43 Joe Workman '43 .Cherubic Little Lad lent captain of industry, Morris Quinn Finklestein, was Assistant Sports Editor .. . Carolyn Schmidt '43 Copy Editor "And what do you want for Christmas!" cooed the sad at the disillusionment of all his little patrons, but not Proof Editor .... Mary Turnley '44 Squire to a sturdy little lad of six, and an angelic smile too sad was this homme d'affairs to administer the classi- Staff Photographer. . Carl Webb '44 came over the cherubic face of the little fellow; and he cal parting gesture with his foot on the seat of the Business l\Janagers........ . Betty Cormany, Werner Orrison '43 Betty Cormany '42 Adver tf slng Manager cooed softly back: "Cut the hooey! You fat old porpoise. Squire's trousers. And the Squire, picking himself off the Circulation l\-Ianager __.._.__ _ _ Thornton Wood '42 You ain't (definitely grammatically iilcorrect) fooling me. sidewalk, was still confused. Why did he utter such an Contributors: Lillian Jackson '45, Virginia Waters '43, Lee Stiffler '45, Carl You're a fake!" And with this the little feIYow, the oathi What did it mean? He thought on it for hours; Bell- '45, Carolyn Gable '43, Mary Spaulding '45, Anne Barrow '45, Richard Squire's beard, and half' the Squire's skin was descending he grappled with it for days; and do you know the Squire Patten '44' Reece Scott '44, Nelson Wolfsheimer '44, Arlie Mansberger '44, definitely, wantonly towards the earth. Crazed with pain doesn't know even to this day what teaching history at Clarence McWilliams '43. Janet Baugher '45, Virginia Sweeney '42, Ann M. Rice '45, Mary Virginia Webb '45, Deloris V. Hartke '45, Agnes Dyson and amba rr-assment, wild and reckless thoughts fled W. M. C. has to do with little rascals who pull the beards '44, Thelma Morris '44. Connie Harris '45, Jeanne Williams '45, Ken Grove through the mind of the defaced Squire; but clear above off of helpless Santa Clauses. (Stupid, is::'t he?) '42, Carolyn Weant '45, Helen Stoner '45, Jane Miles '45, Ruth Sartorio '43.
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