Page 31 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Players, Choir MUCH ADO ABOUT Will Present NOTHING PAGE 2 Vesper Play • ~~liIHa~aL::~~: ~:I~~V .:.-=0:::1.-=1-=9:..., N:_:_::_0.:_:8:_ _:_W:_:E:_:S:_:T:_:E_R_N_:M_:_A_:_R_:_Y:::_L:::_.:_:A:_:N_:_D_:_C_:_O:_:L_:_L:::_E_:_G_:_E .::D:_:e_:_ce:::_m:::_b:_:e:::_r_4:._,_19_4_1 In Annual Christmas Affair The College Players, in collabora- Gardner Jencks To Give Recital Annual Nativity Pageant By tion with the College Choir, will pre- sent as the annual Christmas vesper Gardner Jencks, pianist, will present a recital in the Seminary Will Be Feature "The First Christmas" written by Music Hall on Friday, December 5, 1941, at 8 o'clock as the Marjorie Marquis. The play will be second of the winter series of classical concerts. given 4:45 Sunday, December 14, in Mr. Jencks is well-known for his achievements in the field Of Pre-Vacation Period Alumni Hall. There will be no regu- of music having earned the Artists Diploma from the Peabody lar chapel service that Sunday. Since Institute where he studied with Alexander Sklarevski. He the inhabitants of Westminster are holds a teachers diploma from Diller-Ouaile School in New Miriam Shroyer Will Have Role 01 Madonna invited, a large crowd is expected and York, where he taught for 4 years. Here he studied with For Fourth Consecutive Time; College Stud~nts students are advised to come early. Harold Bauer, Josef L. Hevinne and others. Mr. Jencks There will be no admission charge. Aid Theologians In Supporting Casts studied composition under Gustav Strube and Rubin Gold- • Choir To Sing mark and earned the Peabody Artists Composition Diploma . 'I'heNativity Guild of the Westminster Theological Seminary Previous to the presentation ofvthe As a concert pianist, he has been the guest artist on many will present its twelfth annual outdoor Christmas pageant under play, t~ choir, under the direction of famous stages and has been applauded as a pianist of the first the direction of Miss Dorothy Elderdice, on Monday, December 15. Alfred DeLong, will sing sever-al car- rank. Numerous newspapers in cities where he has appeared The pageant will take place on the seminary porch in two perform- ols. This nativity play, which con- have praised his talents and proclaimed him to be one of ances, at 8 P. M. and 8.40 P. M. Two of the several tableaus to be sists of two scenes, has the flavor of America's foremost artists. depicted are the "Annunciation" by Roger Von der Weyden, which the miracle plays of old. The theme The program to be presented is as follows: is in the Louvre, and the "Worship in the Nativity", by Roseelini. of the play is that of the reconcila- Bach Miriam Shroyer, a senior at the col- tion of the shepherds by the annun- arranged by BusonL..Wachet Auf Ruft Uns Die Stimme lege and daughter of Professor M. J. ciation of the birth of Christ. . arranged by Jencks Da-SAUe Jonre Vet'gal1gen 1st Dean Bertholf Shroyer, will appear for the fourth arranged by Jencks Liebster Jesu W1:r Sind Hier time as the Madonna. Fred Hollo- arranged by Busoni ...Lru Ilir 1st Freude Spends Week way, who has appeared in the pag- The cast of the play is as follows: eant every year of its presentation, Laban, a shepherd John Douty Beethoven Sonata E Major opus 109 will take the part of Joseph. His Obed, the chief of shepherds, Vivace rna non troppo At Conference brother, William, who has appeared Donald Marsh Prestissimo for ten years, will be one of the Magi. William Sires Theme and Variations Dean Lloyd M. Bertholf, in his ca- ..... James Robb Intermezzo op. 118 no. 1 pacity as President of the Baltimore e wtse Men. Russell Sellman Brahms Board of Education of the Methodist The other Wise Men are George Mur- ...................Robert Grumbine Romanze F Major op. 118 no. 5 Church spent the week of November phy and Larry Lypens, students at Capriccio C Sharp minor op. 76 no:-5 ............... Marvin Sears Intermezzo A fiat major op. 76 no. 3 24 in Nashville, Tennessee, at the the Seminary. Catherine Little will Don Griffin Rhapsodie E fiat major op. 119 no. 4 National Methodist Conference appear again this year as the Angel ...................; Ed Thomas Christian Educatiou. Gabriel. Paul Henry Debussy Et La Lune Descend Sur Le Temple Qui Fut e Students Participate ..............................Thomas Bush Bartok Sonatina • Functions And Techniques Others participating are the stu- ? '~......................~;~Ft~:Garary Chopin Polonaise F sharp minor. which included representatives from dents of the Seminary and of Wes- of purpose The conference, the Triesler Maryland College. tern Students Wives of Shepherds, Leathennan uearly every state---totaling approxi- of the college who will take the parts mately 560, was to give new concep- Black, Flor- Virginia of angels are: l Lucie Leigh Barnes IIQuitcher Shovin !1I tions of the functions and techniques ence Barker, Margaret Reynolds, Victoria Hurley in religious education in local church- Carol Stoffregen, Alice Keifer, Rebec- Dorothy Sowter es and educational institutions. ca Larmore, Helen Heminghaus, Phebe Robinson Letters, Not Social Contacts, Is Found The program consisted of presen- Phyllis Cade, Doris Himler, Virginia Carolyn Schmidt tations by various members of the Bell, Jeanne Eckhart, Martha Hodgs- Wives of Shepherds, Conference in the work they are do- Katherine Voss To Be Reason For Post-Office Rushes iug, followed in nearly every case by on, Audrey TreisJer, Jane Miles, Cor- Peggy Reeves descriptions and sharing of expert- delia Price, Dorothy Whorton, Alice Moore, Margaret Anne Smith, Jean Pearl Bodmer Western Maryland would not be complete without its MAIL enccs of people all over the United Bently. Jcan Trump element. How could we struggle from day to day without the States. Each morning of the duration Josephine Branford prospect of letters from home, or better yet-a-without the prospect of the Conference, Dr. Hornell Hart • Children In Play The Three Wise Men, of letters? of Duke University gave a speech on Children of Westminster will be Melchoir Paul Alelyunas Now, of course, we all agree that letters from the parents are the application of Christianity to var- gathered around the Madonna in the Gaspar George Wilson welcome. We just love to hear about baby brother's Whooping ious world situations. nativity tableau. The total cast and Balthasar Joseph Whiteford cough or Aunt Nellie's fall. Of course, we are griped when we production staff number about one Children learn that sister Sally went to her first formal dance. We can see e Conrerence Results hundred persons. the rebudgeting of the family income for this gala event will affect 'As to the results of the Confcrence, the allowance for the next four weeks. Why don't children stay at the representatives gained a new con- ways and techniques of fm·thering the Christmas Mail •.•• home? ception of the size and importance of work of religious education in the But these letters do send us-Yes- roommates were flipping coins to see the work in the educational work of local churches and educational insti- Thc college post office will be right down to Earl's to pay the bill of who would dare venture in for the the Methodist Church and various tutions. closed from Friday, December the past two weeks. After all, if we ultimatums. This was a passing 19th to Monday, January 5th. don't dish out, our conscience will fancy, though, and soon again the nWiII You Call Susie, Please?" During this time no mail will be bother us so that we won't feel jus- package list will be filled and maybe forwarded unless a written notice tified in starting a new account. our stomachs-for a change. is given the Westminster Postmas- .Those Nasty Grades Now, don't be misled, innocents, all Girls In Dorm Offices Learn To ter. Last week, however, the letters the letters are not from home-not Faculty members and students as many as the "steady" thinks, in ~nalyze Purposes Of Callers will please observe and make de- from home had to be sorted with as- fact, paralleling those "money" let- sired arrangements by using the bestos gloves, since mid-summer (Cont. 011 page 4, col. 1) grades were out. As a matter of fact, post office form--ask for one at To anybody desiring a jn-actieal through the halls fOl·her was greeted Mr. Harrison's office. course in the psychology of personali- with laughter. But some people are apply at either McDaniel ty-please just plain dumb, such as the man who Postal Card To W. M. C. Alumnus 01" Blanche Ward office any time of called for a student who was not even day from 7 A IIi. to 10 P. M. Of the on the roll, and then decided he had , Cantiques cle Noel Arrives Thirty- Two Years Late girls working in the offices o.f both the wrong college. dorms, nearly all are already widcly There are two particular nuisances: To Be Presentecl By Dottie ~hrush experienced in the art of how to read the caller who asks for the list and faces alld analyze peoplc. selects a name he wants called, some- By French Club Father time caught up with Uncle Sam last week and made At night when the dates are calling, time asking the office girl for helpful him blush almost as red as his red-white-and blue suspenders. thcre are some who only need glance advice, and the caller who comes in "Cantjques de Noel", the annual It happened in Western Maryland's own little branch of the in at the office girl, and she instinc- when the office worker is talking on French Club Christmas program fea- U. S. post office when a postcard, post-marked November, 1909, ar- tively knows who is wanted. Mistakes the pllOne, and demands that his date turing carols and the reading of the rived here on November 24, 1941-just a brief space of 32 years ha\'c been madc, when the office girl be called immediately. The office Christmas story, 'will be prcsented late. At first the absurdity of the situation presented itself, and wasn't up on the latest gossip and worker gets neithcr the phone mes- this yeal' on l\fonday, December 15, in then Mr. Harrison, in charge of the post office, began to speculate called the wrong person, such mis- sage nor the name of the girl correct McDaniel Lounge. as to the whereabouts of the ownel~,Miss Edith Holt. Mr. Harri· takes proving embarrassing to all in the entl. • son immediately started time backwards to solve the mystery. COllcerned. Some of the callers are The office girl has other troubles. • Soloists Meanwhile, your "reporter perused To get back to the story, Mr. sure of themselves and plainly "know She must keep a pleasant front in Soloists will be Mary Francis Haw- over the message on the postcard re- "Sherlock" Harrison discovered the thcir way arollnd", while the inexperi- spite of silly questions, and she is kins, Doris Baker, Virginia Sweeney, garding a fox hunt the sender had at- owner of the postcard-wrote to her 'enced caller is easy to detect. He often pestered by borrowers of pen- James Tinder, and Warren Earle, ac- tended, and also regarding her return and asked her permission to publish sidles in and either gets a friend to cils, pen points and other such arti- companied on the piano by Shirley to school the next day. How many of this story. She graciously gave her go into the office and call for his date cles. On dance week-ends she is rush- Reese. David Osborne will read' the the present-day Western Maryland- approval and added that "it was real- for him, or waits a few minutes ·until ed, while there are other week-ends Christmas story. ites attend fox hunts when tbey go Iy thrilling to get it after all these he has acquired sufficient courage to that are boring and uneventful. Since • Choruses Of Carolers home for a week-end? Yet, only a few _years. I immediately caUed the sender do it himself. If he is in McDaniel there is not a house phone in Mc- According to Miss Margaret Sna- years ago, it seems they were a pop- and we had a good laugh." Hall, he usually tries to leave by the Daniel, the office girl there has to use der, French professor, there will also ular pastime with Americans all over Which only goes to prove that, door which opens onto the little bal- her lungs, which may be good exer- cise if she is a vocal student. be choruses of ~roJers made up not the country. Times, as shown by the when you leave Western Maryland, cony. On the whole, the office workers only of present French Students, hut postcard, seem to have changed from the doors are not definitely closed be- There are occasionally smart-alecs. like their work. They enjoy seeing also members of past classes who re- fox_hunt week-ends to bep-cat so- hind you. There's a little crack left For instance, one gentleman (?) ask- turn each year to help Qut, giving journs---from those Sunday evening open and some day somewhere your ed for Ann Sheridan, insisting that and talking to people, and since most of the callers are men-well, she was a new transfer no won- student, and their time for practice three times a parlor parties to "Miss Up_To.Date college days will creep through and the poor office girl who shouted der it i~ interesting. week for enjoyment's sake. has a Caller"! come back to you.
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