Page 37 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 11, 1941 PAGE THRES THE=====. 1"errors Meet Bridgewater Eagles Tonight MORNING .====AFTER In First Court Game Of Current Season • John Robinson By Irvin Biasi Leads Team Georgetown Boasts Strong SP;)RTS EDITOR Charles W. Havens, director DC ath- In First Defense Of Club For Washington Tilt letics at Western Maryland College, Mason-Dixon Titl. Tomorrow Evening was elected president of the Mason- Dixon Conference at the league meet- Rip Engle's varsity basketball team Tomorrow night the Green Terrors ing last Sunday, held at the Hotel will usher in the new court season will travel to Washington to help Emerson in Baltimore. Charlie, head when they entertain Bridgewater in Georgetown open their season. The coach of football here succeeds Tom Gill Gym tonight at 8:15. A prelimi- Hoyas have a veteran club and have Kibler, popular Washington College nary game will be played between the advantage of starting practice director of athletics. the freshman team and the Boxers, weeks before the Terrors. Theyengag- Tom Minnegan of. Towson State starting at 7 P. M. ed Long Island University, generally Teachers was chosen vice-president 7 P. M. acclaimed one of the best cage teams and Fred Dumschott of Washington The Terrors went to College Park in the country, in a practice game two ".----...... ~"l0;~e~~da~.::~~~~ to scriramage l Maryland last Satur- weeks ago. presented a s m o 0 t h Long Island won, but day, and while the Terps 'outscored Georgetown cr. Lefty Reitz Charles Havens the Green team, the Terrors gave a working outfit that will be hard to will of Loyola, bas- Baltimore Bees good account of themselves and out- bent. handle the scored the 'I'ermpins in the second • Hoyas Dominant kethall branch, half after finding a defense for the The Terrors have never beaten the and Wuldo Ham- Bring Veteran "fast break". It took the Old Liners Hoyas in basketball since the series ilton of Hopkins, seven and a half minutes to score started in 1935 nnd are hoping that and Quint Here the swimming. their first point in the second half. . the law of averages is working to- \Vrestling Bridgewuter was swamped by Vir- Rip Engle mor-row night. tennis will also gin'ia last Saturday night. The The University of Baltimore will __ ;JOj __ _' be formed in ac- \Vhen the Green Terror team meets the University of Baltimore Bees ,Eagles were greatly hampered by be met in Gill Gym on Tuesday and Robinson cordance to con- next Tuesday night, at 8:15 P. M. ill the lack of practice, but should be will be the last game for the Terrors ference ways. Gill Gym, they will be up against a improved when they meet the Green Line-Ups before the Christmas holidays. Last Several changes have cropped up tough aggregation. Baltimore is 'I'er.ror a with this game under their WEST. MD BRIDGEWATER year Baltimore toppled the Green since last season; and many new teams playing such top flight teams as Tu- belts. Terrors in a contest in Baltimore, 47 have entered the league, headed by lane, University of Wyoming, and Coach Engle was well satisfied with 17..Robinson .. F ..Garber to 29, Bridgewater and Randolph-Macon. Villanova, which indicates a better the work of the Tenors Saturday and 18..SulTern F ._.. _._ Suter Baltimore will still have the ser- Miller 21..l\fogowski.C Once again this season, the play-off than average team. only said, "They ought to be good this G Barkman vices of Nat Winitsky, high scoring will be employed, but with a slight Although the Bees have lost five year. See how they came back in the 12..Biasi (e) forward, and Dick Edell, tall center, variation. men from last season either threugh second half?" IO .. Lodge.. G Nipe who is a good man under the baskets. • Change graduation or Uncle Sam's will, they Last season, the first foul' teams still have a wealth of experienced ma- .Three Tall Boys were eligible for the play-offs to be terial on hand. Of a squad of sixteen, The Terror mentor- will continue to played in Homewood gym. This nine men are holdovers from last year, Fraternity Cage Loop Will Swing use the same combination that he has with all winter, been experimenting season, the first eight clubs will play with such veterans as Paul Oberhaus, since it worked so effectively last Sat- off, and the series will last three Captain Nathan Winitsky, Dick Edell, Into Action Following Christmas urday against Maryland. Frank Suf- nights. After the first round the four Lou Doughty, Eddie Johnson, Bob fern and Ed Mogowski will be at for- winning teams will play, and the two Wright and Malcolm Gordon included. remaining at the end of this time Tho~ missing are Jack Oland, With the opening of another sea- Bob Siemon, who plays the othcr for- ward and center respectively, and the wiIJ meet to determine the Mason- Charles Reity, John Ross, Oscar son of fraternity basketball just ward position. Terrors can use to good advantage Dixon Conference Championship. The Schaefer, and John Wiseman. around the corner', there is every in- Returning from last year's Black their height, both men being 6-2 tall. Lee Lodge, who will be at one of the games will be played the first week in New Coach dication that the coming campaigu and White squad are four regulars guard posts is an even six feet tall March at Loyola's gymnasium on Also lost to the team is Bucky Mil- will be close and exciting, In the se- and also gets his share of rebounds. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday len, last year's coach, who is now nior group each team has a sufficient who played well together last year. Capt. Irv Biasi and Nemo Robinson, .nights. serving in the army. In his absence, number of returning regulars around They include Roger Saltsgaver, who take care of the other guard and Irv Biasi, veteran Terror guard, the coaching duties will be tended by which to build a potential winner, speedy forward, Carlo Ortenzi, the was, last Saturday at Maryland, elect- Charlie Volz, his assistant last win- In viewing the various league league's leading scorer last year, Tom forward positions in good style are ed to captain the 1941-42 Western ter. teams and their respective chances Terry, and George Barrick. both under six feet but are good floor- men and have an eye for the webbing. Maryland cage team. This duty, al- University of Baltimore has effect- for a successful year, it appears to This year's Gamma Bet team also Royce Gibson, and sophomores Art though not new to Irv, is one he is ed a change in the basketball policy be very difficult to select a definite has a number of mainstays around O'Keeffe and Arlie Mansberger saw readily looking .forward to. "We this year in scheduling more state wiiiner. However, the Bachelors, which to build a winning combination plenty of action last week as a unit should have one of the best teams teams. In fact, six of the sixteen with the addition of Joe Kittner, Tommy Lavin, Norman Foy, and Bill and should be of great help to the that Western Maryland has ever ex- contests ah-eady carded are with the Charles Tsouprake, and Woody Pres- Prettyman are all experienced men Terrors this year. Jim Roby looked perienced. I know that all the boys schools of the Mason-Dixon Confer- ton (freshman stars last year), to who played creditably for their team are capable, the spirit is fine, and ence and the Bees schedule will be their- roster which already includes last year. good last Saturday, and Larry Wim- brow and Charlie Harden also saw ac- we'll have a darn good year", is the quite a bit lighter than in previous such dependable performers as Paul In the B league, another hotly-con- tion. way the new captain states it. Pop years. Meyers, Bill Walls, and Francis Cook, tested race is probable. The Preach- Although the Terrors won the Ma- Calhoun strings along with Irv in his Freshmen Rule have a slight edge in the pre-season ers, last year's winners, and the son-Dixon Championship last year, prediction of a very successful year. Baltimore University officials have dope. Bachelors, who lost out by a nose, are they outscored their opponents by the Biasi is now entering his fourth decided not to usc freshmen when Last year's loop winners, the the pre-season favorites, with little scant margin of 609 to 589. Frank year as a regular on the Green and playing conference teams; however Preachers, and their runner-ups, the choice between the two. The Black Gold court team. Handicapped by a the Bees will use them against all Black-and-Whites, will figure largely and \Vhites and Gamma Bets, how- Suffern led the scorers and Irv Biasi bad ank)e, Irv played only half of his other foes. In the outcome, Not to be counted ever, will be battling for theh' share ran a close second. Bob Bricker has had his freshman freshman year and since then has The freshmen on the Bee's squad out, however, ru-e the Gamma Bets of the honors and are never to be club practicing for the last two weeks. been a steady ball player. A fine ball are Bob Jopped, Ted Wybianec, Jack who will be this year's dark horse. counted out. They are in shape for the contest with handler, passes and shot, Biasi Falcon, Bernie \Vallenhorst, Hyuum The Preachers have back from last the Boxers tonight. Carl Mendell, should show the way for his cage col- Klein, and Isadore Smelkiman. year's squad four able coul'tmeh in Playing again for the Bachelor Hymie Miller, AI Resnick, Reds leagues. Last season the Bees took the meas- the form of Jim Thomas, rugged cen- team this year will be Fred Bohn, O'Hara and Bob Hodgson probably ~Iike Philips, and Joynes Beane, who ure of Western Maryland in Balti- ter and all-star selectee on last year's were standouts in last year's aggre- will get the call to start against the Boxers Prepare more, but this season's fray may be a team, Joe Workman, a fine Hoorman, gation. Boxers. different story. Jack Doenges, a fast forward, and For Hard Grind Kittner And Bricker Picked On Western Maryland's varsity mitt- men are fast working into shape for Associated Press All-Maryland their 1942 debut against a strong Penn State s'luad on January 17. Af- ter Strite CO,.I~S Maryland, Lock Hav- Bob Brickel' and Joe Kittner, half- account of himself in the last three en, Army, Coast Guard, and Indiana back' and guard fOl' the Terrors re- games. State, followed up by the annual In- spectively, were selected on the As- Paul Menton, sports editor of the ter-Collegiate tournament. sociated Press All-Maryland football Baltimore Evening Sun, in his col- With experienced boxers and pros- team for the present season. All the umn on Oct. 11 praised Phillips for pective winners in the upper weights, coachcs of the Maryland colleges and his work in the Maryland tnssle and much depends on how well the lighter many of the Maryland newspapcr- called it the best bit of work he had leather pushers can handle their as- mell vot.ed for this mythical team. seen all year. signments. Two men stand out in the Bricker, a senior from Upper Dar- Bcrnie Gusgesky, who played good 120 pound class: Jack Alexander, cool by, Pa., was outstanding for the Ter- ball fOl' the Terrors at end all year and fast; and fast swin~ing, charging rors all season, never being outkicked was also placed on the second team Petey Townsend. and always drawing favorable com- along with Fred Bohn, tackle, and Dick Hausler and Bill Sires are Illents from the press box for that Capt. lrv Biasi at halfback. scrapping over the 127-pound berth. work. In the Mount St. Mary's game Bohn played an aggressive brand Either one of these boys may get the Bob scored two touchdowns; the last of ball for the Green team all year, nod to fill the shoes of the ex-Terror one was by catching a 40 yard pass and Biasi was the leading scorer for captain, Joe Rouse. It is another and gave the game to the Green Ter- the Terrors, scoring the touchdown in dual scrap among the 135 contestants rors. the Maryland game-the first score as Earl Schubert, of last year's varsi- Kittner, a s_ophomol'e from Corn- in three years against the Terrapins. ty sceks to top Punchy Zeigler, up ing, N. Y., played consistent ball all All the members of the Terrors who from the 1941 Frosh outfit. season despite an injury sustained in made the second team were injured The road is wide open for red-head- the Maryland game. Joe was out- at one time or another this year, and ed Howard Hall in the 145 pound standing in the Maryland, Lafayette, this undo~btedly lessened the i r class, and _the Southern Marylander and Bucknell games, and in the lat- chances of getting a place on the first will defend Green and Gold laurels in ter contest threw the Bison backs for team. that division. "In the 155 pound class, numerous losses. from Western ~taryland, Captain Mike Phillips missed the first team Phillips had a torn muscle, Gnsges- Harry Bakel''', is another announce- by only two votes, and undoubtedly ky a sprained ankle sustained in the ment we are sure to hear. Harry is would have been awarded the first Gettysburg game, Bohn was hurt ear- eagerly looking forward to closing team position if he had not been in- ly in the Bucknell game and played and Biasi was only a few minutes, his inter-coll~gjate boxing career with jured in the Maryland game and forc- a fine season, and the odds are with ed into idleness for three weeks. Mike troubled with an ankle injury in fall came back, however, and gave a good camp.
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