Page 29 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster,-Md., November 27, 1941 PAGE THREB MORNING Engle Takes Over Varsity Basketballers Among • AFTER In Preparation For Coming Campaign The ::!;:::o~:~~son Eight V.t.rans From Last Six Of Ex-Frosh 'Greeks' Y.ars Championship Teem Club Also S•• k Positions Gamma Bets Grab Win With the opening of basketball on Back Again This Seascn On Terror Court Squad Bachelors Take Second Place December 12, the 1941-42 winter sports season will officially begin. Charles A. Engle has taken over varsity. Arlie Mansberger, Wane Games in basketball will be played the reins of the varsity basketball Bills, and Art O'Keeffe, regulars on Gamma Beta Chi and Pi Alpha with Georgetown and B"a1timore Uni- team this year, and has had his squad the 1940 freshman teams, are also com- Alpha brought inter-fraternity foot- versity, the latter being met here on of fourteen men practicing for the ing up to the varsity. Charlie J;Tar- ball to a close last week when Bill Hall December 16, and Georgetown's game past week in Gill Gym. den and Larry Wimbrow, reserves on caught an aerial from Tom Lavin and being played on Rip has not coached basketball for the fresh club last year, are trying to ran twenty additional yards, making the Hoya court the Jast two years, but, in the eight make the grade. the first win of the year for the Bets, 6 to o. on the 12th,prior seasons that he tutored the Waynes- The players have shown good spirit The win enabled them to gain to the holidays. boro High School team, his club won in their daily workouts thus far and possession of third place inasmuch Added to the 161 and lost 58 games, winning the are pointing for a victory in the as" the Black and Whites failed to win s c h e d u l e this loop championship five out of seven opening game of the season with a a contest, although tying twice in the year is one of years that they were in competition. tough Georgetown University team regular six game loop. the best cage on December 12 in Washington. Last teams around. • &st Three Players year, the Hoyas defeated the Terrors Final Standings This team i-. From last year's championship club, 41 to 29 and the boys are seeking to Pt. Washington and the Green Terrors lost only three Frauk Suffern atone for the drubbing. T. , , o Jefferson, and players, two being regulars. Engle brought the championship to West- PreMhecs . 12 B"chelors they will be met on our court follow- has two starters left from last year's minster, Nemo Robinson, abd Royce :.Trying Unit Work Gamma "nd Bets 'Vhite8 •. , , a a Black ing the Christmas holidays. Accord- team and three men who alternated. Gibson saw plenty of action last sea- In the practice sessions, the Terror ing to one ranking, the Wand J team Frank Suffern, who gained a place on son and are fighting it out for start- mentor has been working Biasi, of last year was placed 50, and such the "All Maryland" team as a center, ing berths this year. Manny Kaplan, Lodge, Suffern, Robinson, and Mo- e Lavln Stars teams as Seton Hall, famous for their and Irv Biasi were starters last year Jim Roby, and Ben Griffith are also gowski as a unit, though this is not For a while, the contest was strictly basketball, were ranked in the 70 col- and were firat and second high holdovers. the probable starting lineup, since a punting duel with occasional bril- scorers for the Green Terrors, re- .J\1ogowski Promising many changes will be made before liant runs ... Tom Lavin led the Bet's Terror Rating spectively. Ed Mogowski, the star of the frosh the season opens. attack from the running sides, aided Loyola was placed about 170 and Lee Lodge, whose two points in the quint of last year, is putting in a The Terrors were hampered to a by fine blocking by Nonn Foy, Ridge Western Maryland was in the 400 last minute of the Loyola game strong bid for a starting place on the slight degree by the fact that foot- Friedel and Bo-Bo Moore. Earl Schu- column, while Wisconsin and Long ball practice prevented them from bert, once again paced the offensive Island University were at the top of starting basketball as soon as some for the Black and Whites with quick the list. It's hard to realize the dif- Lafayette Tops Terror Eleven As . of the Mason-Dixon teams. After short passes doing most of the gain- ference in the Terror-Greyhound rat- a few games are played, this should ing, Abe Gruel on the receiving end. ing, but it is probably due to the not be noticeable. schedules. Football Season Comes To Close strength of the respective Coach Engle frankly admits that • Preston Outstanding Last season Western Maryland he and his charges aile looking for- Alpha Gamma Tau brought their won 13 games while losing 7, and the Lafayette's bounding Leopards, year, winning four ball games and ward to a good season. season to an end a few days earlier majority of the wins were of the close "with a 26 to 0 win over Western tying one. "If the injury jinx holds off we when they topped the Gamma Bets in variety. They finished second in the Maryland, brought to a close the 1941 They started it off by topping a should give the best teams in the eon- a hard fought tilt, 6 to o. Woody Mason-Dixon Conference with 10 football campaign for the Terrors. highly favored Massanutten eleven, rferenee quite a fight to retain our Preston's fine catch of Captain Elmer wins and 4 losses, then went on to win The season ended with a record of 9 to 7, and it wasn't until the last crown," declared Rip. Evan's pass resulted in the win. Stan the playoffs by ousting unbeaten Loy- three wins, one tie, and four defeats. period that the Goldiers were able to Ritchie and Porky Powell stood out on ola. After a start that raised hopes high score. Rollie Blanchette's 35 yard the line, as did Jack Buttner in the on the hill, a defeat plague broke and field goal was a main point in the Close Ones turned what could have been a very opening victory which at one time Black and White backfield. It was the For those who were absent last successful season into-a mediocre one. found the little Terrors ahead 9 to O. Bachelors' third win of the season season, take a look at these close and gave them second place honors in After polishing off Cortland Teach- the loop standing. ers in the initial contest on Hoffa Statistics Wins Losses Field by the largest SCOl·eof the year, On a post-season All-Star game, Loyola 39-38 34-36 33 to 6, the Havens men appeared to Scores .. 9 MU.aYlutten Intramural Hockey Standings •.. Delta. Pi Alpha, champions of the B~by Terrors cli- im!~~~~~:..2~ ~r;Nli~~gr~:: Hopkins 38-36 be in for an o[:nsive season. Otts league, were hard pressed in winning 27-26 O'xeerre's two touchdown sprints a nip and tuck, 13 to 7, contest. Tommy Amcrican U. 40----39 maxed the Green and Gold victory RallY Torror' 20 Bullis Proll Lavin of the Gamma Bets, Earl Schu- Washington 41----38 march in the opening encounter. " bert of the Black and Whites, and 42--40 Division I 2 Elmer Evans, Bachelor mainstay, led Soph. A 38---37 Gettysburg then tied the yearlings, Junior A 1 the All-Stars on the offense, while Drexel 40-36 Statistics 7 to 7, after Western Maryland took Freshman A 1 Doggy Freidel of the Gamma Bets Mt. St. Mary's 32-30 Scores a 7 to 0 lead on Curly Coffman's Senior A 1 and Porky Powell, Bachelor lineman, Cortland It was thrilling on the crowds, but Western Md. 33 03 Maryland •.. 6 6 touchdown pass to Charley Godwin. Division II were consistent on the defense. Md Western play 10 games at home and 8 *:m~~Hi· .. 2g giii~b:~;.ry'SH hard on the coach. This season the Hymie Miller sparked the Terrors Freshman B 2 Terrors in their second win of the season, Freshman C D 2 1 "Workman Fine Pitcher Freshman away and will compete with prac- ~~::::~~~~1·.. 2~ grc'l.~~!~n·· 28 running twice for 80 yards in a 20 to , Delta Pi Alpha scored first when tically the same clubs. Loyola should Western ~ld 03 Lnfnyetle 26 7 win over Mercersburg. Division 1 Division 11 Joe Workman passed to Nemo Robin- be as good; Hopkins and Washington so Dickinson was next on the list, the IlL Hoke 3 3 v. Horine 4 son .for a tally and Jim Jones caught A.Mihailovich .. 3 C. Price much improved; and Mount St. Mary's Junior College dropping an 8 to 0 J. Lippy 3 C. Weant 3 another aerial for a "7 to 0 lead. The always troublesome. Then our traditional r-ivals were contest to the unbeaten Terrors, as C. Linton 2 A. Avers 2 All-Stars came right back, Evans Rule Changes met at the Stadium, and after 54 min- Coffman bucked over for the local's C. Wilkens 2 tossing a long pass to Red Matley, Several changes have cropped up in utes of brilliant football in which the touchdown. 'good for six points. Another pass this year's rule book, although none Terrors led all the way, 6 to 0, Mary- In the only home game of the year, Girls' Varsity Team ..• was good for the conversion. of them will seriously affect the land scored to tie up the game. They the' Englemen met Bullis Prep and ~h";iCh- -_ .._._. In the final quarter, after twice los- Forwards game. One is that it will be legal to missed the conversion and the contest after being behind at half tim, 7 to 6, ing the ball inside the five yard mark, substitute any time the ball is dead, ended for the first time in the long went on to win in an action packed Little the Preachers drove into the left side thus allowing substitution to be made series, a tie. fourth quarter 20 to 6. Coffmun'a Price of the line and scored on Workman's following field goals. Mount St. Mary's was next to be pass to Red O'Hara opened the scor- Sowter \ fine run from the ten yard mark. The Linton Another change is the one concern- encountered at Emmitsburg, and once ing for the Terrors in the first quar- Alternates-Wilkens pass for extra point was batted down. ing the three-second lane restriction, again t'he Terror offensive clicked, ter, but Bullis came right back with Whitmore If a player is touching the floor only their winning 24 to 21 in probably the a touchdown and the point. Coffman Halfbacks Scoring in the outer half of the circle, that is, most thrilling even if not the best bucked for the second Terror tally in Wentz Player from the foul line out, with or with- played tilt. Bob Bricker's touchdown the last period and in the waning mo- DuVall Hausman out the ball, he is not subject to the gallop with Manny Kaplan's aerial in ments passed to Captain Cal"! Men- alternates-Johnson restriction. the last minute of play resulted in the dell for the last score. Steele Also, free throws are attempted in win. Fullbacks the order in which the fouls are Still unbeaten, the Terrors traveled IIIacVean Bentley called, regardless of whether the foul to Gettysburg where the home team is personal or technical. pushed across three first half touch- Soccerites Win Goalkeeper downs to win easily, 19 to O. Boston Davis, 1"11. J. University administered the second Over Bucknell, Varsity Bask.tball loss, downing the Terrors in the Sta- Once again both scores dium 14 to O. Sch.dul. came in the opening period. BucknE}ll Tie Wheaton All Fraternity Football Team December was met at Lewisburg, and the Bisons, 12 Georgetown Away after being held to a 14 to 7 score for Western Maryland's soc c e r i t e s FIRST TEAM SECOND TEAM 16 Baltimore Home three periods, tallied twice in the Jast closed the 1941 season with a victory END January quarter to win 26 to 7. and a tie, downing a hard fighting Jim Jones, Preachers ... ..(20) Abe Gruel, Black & Whites ..... ( 5) 10 Johns Hopkins Away Homecoming day found Dickinson Bucknell eleven 3 to 2, and, in their 14 Loyola Away making·passe~ all over the field, and last encounter, scoring three times in TACKLE 17 Delaware Away Mike Phillips intercepting two of the last half to pull the game with Jack Stewart, Preachers (16) Bob Moore, Gamma Bets .(8) 21 Catholic U. Home them for touchdowns. Irv Biasi Wheaton College out of the fire, the CENTER 24 Washington Away kicked off tackle in the last quarter final score being 3 to 3. 27 Mt. St. Mary's Home for a 20 to 0 win. Luther Powell, Bachelors .... (14) Bud Smith, Preachers ..... (13) 29 Gettysburg Away Lafayette ended the season for the . In their first encounter against TACKLE February Terrors at Easton, winning 26 to O. Bucknell, the Bisons managed to start Ridgely Friedel, Gamma Bets ..(22) Frazier Scott, Preache!"s (13) second the tallying off, things in 3 Mt. St. Mary's Away At this game seniors Ed Lewis, Jim quarter; but Western Maryland came 7 Washington-Jefferson Home Thomas, Irv Biasi, Royce Gibson, back fast when F!"ank Tarbutton, END 11 Dickinson Home Harry Baker, and Bob Bricker saw playing one of his best collegiate Lee Lodge, Preachers (20) Bill Hall, Gamma Bets . (8) 14 Loyola Home their last action on the college grid- games, scored from the outside. Both 17 Washington Home iron. elevens scored in the third period to BACKS 19 Catholic U. Away On the frosh side we see an enth·e- once again tie up the ball game. Joe Workman, Preachers (13) Earl Schubert, Black & Whites (12) 21 American U. Home ly different pictur~. With a five It wasn't until the final minutes of Nemo Robinson, Preachers .(20) Tom Lavin, Gamma Bets. . .(12) 25 American U. Away game schedule the Baby Terrors, un- the game that Bud Blair and Tarbut- Elmer Evans, Bachelors (24) Randy School, Preachers ( 5) 27 Johns Hopkins Home der Coach Rip Engle, came up with the first undefeated season in many a (Cont. on page 4, col. 4)
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34