Page 35 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Library Western Maryland College 1':estminster, Md. Christmas Dance To Feature Harry Marsh' 5 Orchestra Black And Whites Will Sponsor Alfair Lasting From 8 To 12 P. M.; Vocalists On Program Harry Marsh and his ten piece orchestra, featuring two fe- Vol. 19 No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE December 11, 1941 male vocalists, will provide the music for the annual Christmas Dance, which will be held fn Blanche Ward Hall Gymnasium on December 18. The Black and White Club is sponsoring the dance this year. Christmas Banquet •... Evans, Workman, Rawlins Marsh's ba~d has appeared on the campus before, having played at the Mid-Year Hop last year. Miss Tweed extends to the to a Christmas dinner to Nominated To Edit Aloha The band has also played at various hotels in Washington, D. boarding students and faculty an C., Lafayette, and Penn State, and for the last three fraternity invitation dances at Dickinson College. be held in the Dining Hall on Wed- The highlight of the band program nesday, December 17, 1941 at 6:30 Wiesand, Beglin, Healy, Friedel, Gruel, Reeves will be a series of drum solos by Bob- P. M. The affair is a semi-formal In Open Race For Business Manager Post by Sarbaugh. one, and Mlsa.Tweed suggests that The dance will be unique in that it the girls wear formal dresses. Amassing among themselves over half of the total vote, Mar- will close at midnight, women being vin Evans, Joe Workman, and John Rawlins were nominated by required in the dormitories by 12:15 the junior class as candidates for editor of the 1943 Aloha at a A. M. There will be a program of Arts Association class meeting held yesterday in Smith Hall. twelve dances. Admission will be Vernon Wiesand, Robert Beglin, and Alvin Levin received the $1.10, tax included. Attire will be Junior Division highest number of ballots for the post of business manager of the semi-formal. college yearbook. Levin, however, declined to run, as did the next Christmas will be the theme of dec- closest candidate, Thomas O'Leary, thus leaving the nomination to orations-red and green and pine Elects Officers Harry Gruel, Ridgley Friedel, Peggy Reeves, and Eleanor Healy, trees. The Alumni Association of Balti- Following the organization at Wes- who each received an equal number elected by the junior class. The class more and 'Vashington will be repre- tern Maryland College of a chapter of votes. voted 'that the officials be elected. sented at the dance. of the Junior Division of the Eastern Lee Lodge, president of the junior This year the question was not Sponsors for the affair will be the Arts Association, officers were elect- class, announced that, as has been the brought to the fore. following: ed as follows: Edna Bandorf, presi- custom, elections for the two posi- Clarence Mc'Villiams, treasurer of Dr. and Mrs. Fl'ed G. Holloway. dent; Thomas Bush, recording secre- tions on the yearbook will 1:e held af- the class, informed the students that Dean and Mrs. L. Forrest Free. dent; Thomas Burah, recording secre- ter Christmas vacation. payment of junior and sophomore Dean Bertha Adkins. tary and treasurer; and Ellen Hone- Interest in the nominations seemed class.' dues, amounting collectively to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Makosky. man, corresponding secretary. to be at a low point this year, two dollars would admit the junior Miss Sara S. Tweed. Membership in the Eastern Arts according to class officials, two meet- free to this year's Junior Prom and, Professor Frank Hurt. Rey- Prof. M. C. Raver Association, is composed of teachers, ings having been necessary before a Lieut. and Mrs. Lawrence students, directors, supervisors, and sufficient number of voters turned as has been the custom, would rate nolds. others interested in the teaching of out to make nominations official. This an invitation to next year's dance Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engle. Appointed Public art in schools in states east of Ohio was in distinct contrast to last year's from the class of 1()44. Committee chairmen are the fol- and north of Virginia. The Junior elections when violent debate was Mr. McWilliams appointed Mary Jowing: General chairman, Earl Shu- Division provides for membership at held over the question of whether the Louise Sehi-t collector 'of junior class Decora- Relations Officer bert; Band, Bill Vincent; Western Maryland College of art ma- two heads of the Aloha should be dues in the girls' dormitories. tions, Jack Quynnj Invitations, Lee Professor Milson C. Raver, of the -jors in education and students in al- appointcd by the retiring staff or Kindley; Programs, Roger galtsgav- Physics department at Western Mary- lied fields training in phases of are or land College, will resign his post as education. the purposes of the (ollege professor of physics at the beginning According to the secretary of the Organizations Lay Plans Nativity Pageant of the second semester in February to new organization, are to aid in the Junior Division take up the new position of Public Re- to lations Officer. growth of interested art students, re- For Pre-Vacation Holiday Season Monday Night Officer, Mr. Ravel' will have charge of promote a closer student-faculty con- In his capacity as Public Relations to make professional lationship, Featuring a special Christmas all college publicity, publications, and tacts, and to develop professional at- By Althea Mihailovich titudes. peace message for a world at war, prospective students. As the Christmas holidays draw neal', we once again find the the twelfth annual Nativity Pageant Although no longer a teacher of students on the Hill busily engaged in making preparation for the of the Westminster Theological Sem- physics, Mr. Ravel' will retain his Symphony Plans celebration of the Yuletide vacation. • inary will be presented on Monday duties as professor of geology . The Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha Mu, and Sigma Sigma night; December 15, under the direc- Appointment of a new professor to Tau Sororities are having their annual Christmas party on Tues- tion of Miss Dorothy Elderdice. fill the vacated position has not yet For Year Are day, December 16. There will be exchange of gifts, refreshments The cast, numbering approximately been confirmed. and entertainment. All the club rooms will be decorated with a one hundred persons, includes almost Announced Christmas tree and other decorations. the entire seminary student body, J. G. C. Dinner ... The J. G. C.'s are having a movie and will give him a present. There students from Western Maryland Col- J. G. C. will hold a Christmas din- The College Symphony Orchestra party and dinner next Tuesday at will be a Christmas tree and decora- lege, and Westminster High School, will hold its first concert Monday, 5:30 P. M. After a banquet at the tions, and each child will have a and children from \Vestminster. ner on December 16. The banquet January 19, 1942 at 9:50 A. M., as an- Charles Carroll Hotel, they will at- 'stocking hung and filled up at the In the event of inclement weather will be served at the Charles Carroll nounced by Director Phifip Royer. tend the movie, "Smiling Through" at fireplace. Professor Bennighof will on the evening scheduled, the pag- Hotel, after which the members will The outstanding feature of the con- the Car-rell Theater. They are also again represent Santa Claus in giv- CalToll to eant, which is staged out of doors, ,go "Smiling the Through". Theatre to see cert is the fact that the entire pro- giving a tea dance on Saturday, De- ing out the gifts here. Chnpet-ons for will be presented on the first fair eve- the affair will be Miss Margaret Sna- gram will be conducted by five stu- cember 13, from 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. Pre-holiday activities among the ning after December 15. del', Mrs. Nina Veale, Miss Bertha S. dents of the Seventh Conducting in McDaniel Lounge. fraternities will also occupy the spot- The program will begin at 7:55 P. Class, which consists of Jane Fraley, The Tri-Beta's are having a party light as the week before Christmas M., with a chime prelude, "Holy Adkins, and Miss Martha E. Mana- Shirley Belle Reese, Wilbur Kidd, Eu- on Tuesday, December 16, at 4:00 P. vacation draws nigh. Night." • han. gene Belt, and Miriam Bond. M. in McDaniel Lounge. There will The Pi Alpha Alpha Frat is spon- Due to" the fact that few colleges be an exchange of humorous gifts, soring the semi-formal, annual Light Pole Takes Beating offer the opportunity for student con- refreshments, and entertainment. Olu-istmaa Dance on Thursday eve- ducting classes to work with and be Professor Bennighof will act as San- ning, December 18, in the Blanche Delta Pi will Alpha Kicking Post Ranks High On'List able to give a concert with the 01'- ta Claus and will distribute the gifts. Ward Gym. bids for the Freshmen for present underprivileged the their A party makes it indeed an unusual cheswe attraction. children will be given on Friday af- before the holidays begins. The Al- Of Campus Traditions On Hill Music this year is more difficult than Home Economics students in the pha Gamma Tau Frat is donating to Royer, the to Director According December 12, by the Senior ternoon, and Gamma the U. R. A. C. fund, Nevel' let it be said that the "kick- go traipsing down to this spot with any conducted by student conductors Management House. Each of the six- Beta Chi is donating to the Old Peo- ple's Home and Associated Charity. teen girls will have charge of a child ing post" was a custom (and one with all the frivolity of youth. They talk of previous years. many themes) that didn't rank on the about this and that and then again The program will be as follows: upper three on W. M. C.'s hit parade they don't say anything. Passe-Pied by Ernest Gillet-- "F?'01l1 the Yuletide Atmosphere of tradition. Of course some young couples go conducted by Wilbur Kidd Will Feature Like all other customs this one does down in that direction (through force A Legend frO'ln the Suite have a history. The tread of foot- of habit) in a fierce argument--(that South" by J. L. Nicade- steps in this direction started way too is often due to the same force). conducted by Miriam Bond French Club Program Monday back in the dark ages of our college But never fear; by the time that ,Themes from Scherhel'azade by Rim- when the sheltered young ladies were "ten o'clock rolls around, they, too, sky-Korsakov- In a-solemn Yuletide atmosphere highlighted by the reading not allowed to leave the campus. In have usually joined in the fifty yard conducted by Shirley Belle Reese of the Nativity story in French by David Osborne, the French contempt of this rule they used to dash for the front door (or the side R08amluul Overtur(J by Franz Schu- Club, under the direction of Miss Margaret Snader, will present its kick the post and mumble (what we one-they both have their advan- bert- annual Christmas program on Monday, December 15, at 7 :00 P. M. don't know, since they were sheltered tages). conducted by Jane Fr-aley The chorus, attired in white, will be directed by Miss Virginia young ladies). Then too it was the Th-en there is a third group that Ballet Music from "La Giaconda" by Sweeney, club president. Throughout the reading of the Christ- most logical thing to kick and still saunters down past Alumni Hall-the A. Ponchielli- mas story, the chorus will sing several well-known carols. Several be on the roll book. silent types (but by their way of conducted by Eugene Belt solos and a double quartet will be featured also. But we have come a long way since walking they probably can't get In the near future, the forty-piece The program consists of the follow- then-ah yes-and we "Ain't dead enough breath to speak anyway). orchestra will accompany a county ing selections: Eciatez, chants alleg']'esse-chorus yet". Of course we do hope that all These just love to gaze at stars (or chorus of foul' hundred Carroll Coun- Voici [(1, Noel--the chorus soloist: James Tinder psychological reactions don't result in the fog-they aren't particular) sigh, ty High School students in a concer- Cantique de Noel-- a violent blow from the pedal extrem- and thcn gaze some more. (They tized version of the opera "Faust" by Ll est ne-chol'us solo----Mary Francis Hawkins ities-for if they do, heaven help the would do well to major in astronomy Gounod. soloist: Anita Rice The double quartet consists of Dor- bumper on the cars that r~ve around -two to a class.) For the annual spring concert, the Dan8 les Ombres de la, Nuit---ehorus is Baker, Lillian Jackson, sopranos; Ancienne quartet Nool-double the campus. From the rugged and worn look of college orchestra is planning a per- Be1'g81'e?-chorus Winifred Gillikin, Flora Siewicz, al- vifJ1ls-tu, In the present curriculum of college the bottom of the ancient post, it formance of the "London Symphony" [J'()1t 8010ist: Doris Baker tos; James Tindel', Adam Sly, Bern- life, however, this post, now beloved, seems to be a question at present of by Franz Joseph Haydn and a per- al·d Gusgesky, Emmanuel Kaplan. is seen in a different light (not the just how long amorous termites (no formance of his opera "The Song- Marche des Rois-solo-- The chorus is made up of French stu- one across the strect either-that has relation to college students) are going stress". This will be the second per- Un Flambeall,,--Jeanette 'Warren Earle dents and others who have studied Isobella- its weak points). With light hearts to allow the ancient custom to con- fomance of this opera anywhere in soio----Virginia Sweeney French in former years. and lighter minds young collegiates tinue. America.
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