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1J;;".l?olJ B Dr. Holloway Outlines Plan Library '1estern Maryland College '11 For Three_ Year College zass "9 Program In Emergency Broadening 01 Summer Scheel Session Is Core Vol. 19 No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE January 15, 1942 01 Idea To Accelerate Progress 01 Those Affected By Delense Situation Fifty-Six Freshmen Aloha Elections ... A three-year program for college students at Western Mary- Are Pledged By In one of the largest class votes ever to take place in land College, designed to hasten the graduation of young men and or women so that they may be available for defense industries the history of the junior class, Marvin Evans was elected other war-time work, was announced by President Fred G. Hollo- Fraternities by a landslide majority as editor-in-chief of the 1943 Tuesday, January 13. way in a talk before the student body assembled in Alumni Hall on Aloha, Western Maryland College year book. Robert Beglin, Evans' running mate, was elected to two-term session of the summer By attending the regular Alpha Gamma Tau Takes the post of business manager, by a substantial margin school each summer and the winter sessions for three years, it will Top Honors, Inducting over his closest rival, Vernon Weisand. be possible to complete a normal four-year course in three years Opponents of Evans, who managed together to poll Twenty-One Members approximately two-thirds as many votes as he, were Joe without sacrifice of courses taken or hours spent in the classroom, according to the plan formulated by a committee under Dr. Hollo- Fifty-six pledges, a total of nine" Workman, and John Rawlins. Beglin's other opponents. way. Entering students may begin this program in February of less than last year's record of sixty- b~sides We.isand, were Eleanor Healey, Peggy Reeves, this year and thereafter in either June, September, or February. five, officially began informal frater- RIdgely Friedel, and Harry Gruel. nity initiations following the Christ- ex;~ter~~:~m n::::ti~~:~~n~:~ ~~~~ some defense 'industry, throughout mas holidays. will not attain Selective Service Reg- the long summer vacation period. Alpha Gamma Tau, otherwise Public Salety And Health Concerned istration age before their graduation, By eliminating all vacation periods known as the Bachelors, received the will continue on the regular four- until the end of this year, the present greatest number of pledges, inducting year program. This will give them senior class will be graduated two the following twenty-one men: Ro- Civilian Councils Are Set Up Here the opportunity to work, perhaps in weeks ear-lier'. Present plans exclude even the one-day holiday between se- land Blanchette, Carlton Mendell, John O'Hara, Charles Godwin, Jesse mesters. Commencement will be held Johnson, Walter Phillips, Grover To Aid Defense Coordination on May 18. Powell, Thomas Price, John Smith, may Such a plan by which the student obtain complete four-year a Ray Thomas, Donald Smythe, LeRoy Special councils to inaugurate a Carroll County. Canter, Joseph Wilson, Allan Skim', program of public education on civil- A Liaison Council for members of course in three years is not new at Robert Hodgson, KaoJan Coffman, ian morale and physical fitness have the ai-med forces will be directed by Western Maryland, but merely an en- Joseph Kugler, Hugh B. Speir, Pat been set upvon campus by the Com- Mr. Milson C. Raver of the faculty. largement of a previous plan which campus Caruso, George Piavis, Stanley Kil- mittee for the coordination of De- This group will extend the college has been in operation on the accordance facilities to the graduates and former years. In for several kuskie. fense Activities, appointed recently students of the college who are now .Gamma Bet Pledges by President Fred G. Holloway. with the resolutions of the Amel';can Closely following the Bachelors Campus blackouts will be develop- in the armed forces. Association of Colleges, which met with a total of nineteen men, the ed and executed by a special council recently in Baltimore, that an accel- Gamma Bets pledged the following: headed by Col. Percy L. Sadler of the erated program be offered, this plan J. Patrick Smith, Nicholas Pisacano, R. O. T. C. A' program of phyeicn l Marionettes To has been studied and modified to meet William Conncltee; Kenneth Volkert, fitness and recreation for the towns- the present wartime needs. Harrison Langrall, William Burgess, people as well as the students will be President Holloway pointed out Russell Sellman, Roderick Naef, Jack handled by a council under the direc- Perform Here that the high standards achieved in Warner, John Barker, Theodore H. tion of Dr. Theodore Whitfield. the past by institutions of higher Seigel, Kenneth Volk, Arthur Cun- Courses in home nursing and first January 20 learning must not be lowered now, ningham, Charlc Harris, Charles aid, as well as the knitting and sew- but must be maintained in order that Gatchell, Robert Mirise, Harry Kom- ing under the auspices of the Amer- the type of training may be given panek, Vincent Higgins, Ralph Dud- ican Red Cross, will be administered Life in Japan when the Flowery which is essential to our national de- ley. on the campus by a council under the Kingdom was a land of flowers and Dr. Fred G. Holloway tense. Pi Alpha Alpha, the Black and direction of Dean Bertha Adkins. courtesy, instead'of the noisy trouble- Whites, received the following eight A program of Public Education to some spot we know today, will be men: Carl Donald Bell, Viron Diefen- Build Civilian Morale will be set up shown by the Tatlerman .Martonettes Educational Conference Discussions bach, John Carr Elliott, William Ray by a council headed by Dean Samuel when they perform here on January Keeffe: Robert Grumbine, Frank Jau- B. Schofield. The college facilities 20 at Alumni Hall. The play, a 500 Relate College Student To War mot, William Myers, William Potts. will be made available to the commu- year old Nipponese comedy, is called The Preachers, Delta Pi Alpha, nity for this program. "The Melon Thief." It will precede pledged ten men, including Charles The program of book and magazine the featured marionette play, "The -- The News -- Chlad, .1. Allison Conley, Joshua En- collection under the auspices of the Glowing Bird." The performance is Foul' representatives of Western higher education might play in Na- sor, James Jones, Anthony Fleming, State Library Association will be car-r scheduled to begin at eight o'clock. Maryland College attended the group tioual Defense. The four who attend- Randall Larrimore, Hyman Miller, ried on on the campus under the direc- The audience at the Tatterman conference representing nearly 600' Lawrence Wimbrow, WillialJ.l Lewis, tion of Miss Martha Manahan, who is Marionette performance will have colleges and universities throughout ed were President Fred G, Holloway, .1. Baxter Richardson. also the director of this campaign for the opportunity to see "just how it's the nation which met in Baltimore Dean Alvey Isanogle, Dean S. B. done" backstage. At the close of the last week to discuss the factor that Schofield, and Mr. I'II. C. Raver. Window Wrasslin' ... program, the actor-puppeteers will drop the masking curtains and repeat -- Behind The New, -- Winter Sports Enthrall W. M. C. a scene in full view of the audience, Of particular interest to those stu- • Presidents' Meeting The art of synchronizing the move- At a meeting of College and Uni- ment on the stage with the voices of dents who contemplate taking advant- versity Presidents, sponsored by the age of the pro- course accelerated Students As Cold Hits Hill ' the operators is one which requires posed by Dr. Holloway is a set of res- Committee on Education and Defense, The students at dear W. M. C. are blessed (01'cursed-it's all great skill, and spectators always en- olutions adopted by the association of which met on January 3 and 4, Paul this joy special back-stage demon- Security Federal in one's point of view) by the glorious winter weather that we have stration. American Colleges which met on Fri- McNutt, emphasized the fact Adminis- sur- trator, that day, January federal aid 2, favoring here. ."lUelon Thief" vival of institutions of higher learn- There is nothing so invigorating as the jump out of bed in the to those students whose programs are ing would depend on how well they morning! The room is always filled with cool, fresh air and a The "Melon Thief" is a type of accelerated to compensate for the loss defense. of national gentle breeze. For those who are clever enough to kick their bed- play known to scholars of the theatre in earning power during the summer. met the York needs University's Chancellor New room slippers under the bed the night before, there is added plea- as a Kiogen interlude. The Kiogen Chase spoke on problems arising out sure of crawling around in search of the precious treasures-the plays, ShOI·t comedies, were offered Bachelor Dance of the Selective Service Act. He ex- fact that it's still dark helps, too. between tile acts of the "Noh" plays, pressed confidence that college sys- Of course, the real fun is putting girls who just had to go sledding- poetic tragedies which lasted all day tems would not be disrupted by the the window down. It's so thoughtful and in their brand new Ch:i~tmas long. This was done to relieve the Will Highlight draft act. of your roommate to let you tackle skirts and sweaters. And loving the emotional strain on the audience. the sport while he or she groans sport, they picked the nice big hill The play has been staged by the • Educational Efficiency the Also interesting to note was away (and of course, this type room- over behind the parking lot. Tatterman Marionettes. with strict Semester End fact that representatives of both the ie is usually a fresh air fiend). Of Neither one of them could guide a faithfulness to the theatrical customs War and Navy Departments pointed used no of the times. The Orientals course, sometimes the window gets sled, but having faith in woman's in- Alpha Gamma Tau, the Bachelors, out that the maximum amount of ed- stuck, but who minds that? A good tuition, they jumped on anyhow. it scenery and almost no stage proper- will sponsor the annual Inter-Semes- ucation that everyone could get wrestle with a window on a brisk was too bad that the sled didn't have ties. Theil' actors merely went ter Dance this year in Blanche Ward would make him or her more efficiellt morning is known to put one in ex- the same f aith-c-inj.tead of a mind of through the motions of rwhatever ac- Gymnasium. The tentatively sched- cellent spirits for the day. its own-for it slid out from under tivities they were por-trayiug. uled date and hour
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