Page 33 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 4, 1941 PAGE THREE Reynolds Holds Daily Drills For Frosh. Varsity Boxers Harry Baker To Captain Green And Gold Squad; Sig Jensen And Carlo Orten.i Very Promising Penn State, Maryland, Army, and year, will fight either heavyweight or Coast Guard are, teams that Lieut. in the 175 pound class. Jensen, a rug- Lawrence Reynold's ambftious boxing ged boy, will alternate with Red Mat- team is looking forward to meeting in ley, sophomore prospect, in the heavy- the coming campaign, while Lock Ha- weight 175 pound division, depending ven and Indiana' (Pa.) also will be on which boy gets his weight down. met during the season. These latter \-YoodyPreston, another sophomore, is clubs probably will not be as tough also putting in a bid for the 175 as the first foul' mentioned. pound class, Memorial Museum and Basketball conception of tho NaIsmith Hall of Famo This II the archltect'l .New Faces .Ortenzi Promising which w[1J bs erected at SprIngfield, Man.-the sIte of tho first game-In honor of Or. James NaIsmIth, A good sprinkling of veterans and Southpaw Carlo Ortenzi will han- who Invented the game when he was a young Instructor at Springfield College in 1891. In Ita archives will newcomers greeted the Green Terror dle the 165 pound division this sea- be prelerved In perpetuity the names, records, and accomplishments of all the great playen and teams coach when he formally opened prac- son, and the brothel' of the former of palt, present, and future generations. The Naismith Memorial will be open to the publIc at all tImes. tice a week ago. The Terror mitt- Eastern Inter-Collegiate Champion It will lerve to give the great pastime of basketball substance and permanence. It wIll do honor to a man men are still laboring under the bur- is also seeking to keep his college ca- who hal brought pleasure to millIons all over the world. It will also be the finest ernnee ever erected In den of fighting without a ring since reer unmarred. Captain Bakel' stands honorof.'portsman. + the new ring has not yet arrived, but alone in the 155 pound diviaion. How- ,.. most of the work has been of a condi- ard Hall will probably draw the nod tioning variety. in the 145 pound class. Zeigler Temple Of Basketball To Be Erected By Earl Schubert and Frank • Baker Veteran will fight it out for the 135 pound for the Players And Fans In Honor Of Naismith Harry Bakel', aggressive veteran, post. Bill Sires and Dick Hausler, was elected captain of the squad last both sophomores, are battling week and will represent the Green 127 class. and GOld in the 155 pound class. Bak- In the 120 pound class there is a Game Celebrates Half • $300,000 Nceded Many Cage Teams To er has fought for two seasons and is triple fight between Jack Alexander, The aim is this-a goal to raise aiming for a very successful senior- Pete Townsend and Willie Kerber. Century Of Activity; $300,000 to construct the Temple of Play Benefit Game; windup. . Freshman candidates who are work- Born In Springfield Basketball in memory of Dr. Nai- $300,000 Sought Sig Jensen, who won all of his ing out early are Joe Kugler, Charley smith, " fights by knockouts in his freshman Godwin and Pat Caruso. This year marks the fiftieth anni- They are asking each team to hold the Temple of Basketball will be doc- versary of basketball. A half century a Golden Ball Game, where both play- uments, curios, souvenirs, and rec- The Morning After ago two peach baskets altered the ers and fans will be paying tribute to ords of the sport; and each year in a gentleman suitable manner- will be the names of the worthy who founded course of sports history-two peach the sport. ,- the recognized annual AU-American Terror Five To Play Two Home baskets in the hands of ~he famed • Similar '1'0 Hast-ball teams . James Naismith: and now all over the United States, Colleges, Y. 1'1[. C. A.'s As baseball's Hall of Fame at Coop- .Big Step Games Before Christmas Holiclay and schools are all cooperating in an crstown, New YOI'k, the Temple of It is a step into tile future: another will have the same Basketball effort to honor where honor is due. mem- The late Dr. James Naismith has tak- orativc significance as does the dia- great step in glorification of the fast- by John Robinson en his place among immortals of.... mond structure. It will not only be est and probably the most attended SPORTS EDITOR game in the United States. sports, and the idea of keeping his a monument but in its Hall of Fame For the first time in many years, Hopkins and Loyola on the schedule. memory of the vital contribution will be perpetuated the names and The Hall of Fame, a long-hoped-for basketball will appear to home fans Gallaudet, the Bullets, and the should receive whole hearted support accomplishments of the game's fore- dream of basketball authorities, will prior to the Christmas holidays. It Greyhounds will be met at home while by every player and fan in the coun- most players, past, present, and fu- finally be recognized; and in it the im- was thought that Baltimore would be the Johns Hopkins match is slated for try. ture. Deposited and safeguarded in mortals may be forever honored. the first home game on December 16, Baltimore. but another contest has moved the De Manns and Cohen, however, wish opening debut of the campaign and that more candidates could report for Western Marylancl Court Team Opens League the home season to next Thursday, early fundamental training. Western Maryland in the will be represented December 11. On that night, in Gill 121 pound class, the 128, 136, 145,155, Campaign Next Thursclay Against Briclgewater Gym, Western Maryland will play host to Bridgewater of Virginia. 165, 175, and heavyweight division. Bridgewater is a recent addition to Anyone interested should report to We e t ern Maryland's basketball Maryland is vastly improved over comer Ed Mogowski, who had been the Mason-Dixon Conference. The Gill Gym in the afternoons about 3 forces will open the current campaign last season and the locals should bene- performing well in practice sessions, game will also usher in the league o'clock. Exhibitions wili be given earlier than was expected, when they fie' at center. Lee Lodge and Nemo Robin- play for the 'pen-ora It will be the la ter on in the season. meet Bridgewater in Gill Gym next The Englemen arc hard at work in son, both who played a great deal of first step in defense of the conference It is official that Bob Brickel' will Thursday night, 8:15 o'clock. Just re- preparation for the defense of the ball last season, are found at the oth- take over the freshmen basketball cently admitted to the Mason-Dixon Mason-Dixon Conference crown which er guard and forward post. team. The Baby Terrors will not be- Conference, Bridgewater will be mak- they won last season and have becn 1"'"'----""'11 th;~~i~er~~;~a:f gin daily practice until after the holi- ing their debut at Western Mar-yland, practicing daily for the last two Gibby Back Senior Royce Gibson is playing es- Maryland was the days when they then will prepare ser- and .the game will be a league affair. weeks. pecially well at forward in both ball site for a well iously fol' the coming season. Brick The next night, the Terrors will jour- handling and shooting while sopho- planned basket- played a year of freshmen ball and ney to Georgetown to meet the Hoyas Biasi Plays wen new Tenor mentor, is mores Art O'Keerte and Arlie Mans- Rip Engle, ball clinic. Long two seasons in varsiiy competition but in a non-conference tilt. berger have been the surprise pack- Island Univeraity because of leg injury, sustained in Bridgewater New still using Lhe same first team that ages of the short practice campaign. he started experimenting with several and Georgetown football, will take it easy this winter. Little is known about Bridgewater. days ago. Frank Sufl'eru and Irv Bia- Coach Engle started his boys put on an exhibi- but Georgetown again presents one si, who have been regulars for the last scrimmaging this week for the first tion following of the best teams in the East. The two seasons are at the forward and time, and the cagers all seem to be in fundamental Hoyas proved that point in their ex- guard position respectively with new- fair shape. drill by the up- Gym-.Party To hibition game with Long Island Uni- staters. On these drills it was no- versity last Friday night at College SMITH 8: REIFSNIDER ticeabJe that every movement was Be Sponsored Park. - FOUR CHAIR SERVICE taken into consideration, and concen- This Saturday the 'rerrors will No Waiting Incorporated tration played a major role in all journey to College Park where a prac- HEAGY BROTHERS' LUMBER-COAL types of shooting. ByWAA tice session will be held with the BARBER SHOP Although score was not kept, Long ----' Terps N6xt to P08t Office WESTMINSTER, MD Island appeared to have the superior The Women's Athletic Association ball team, but Georgetown handled will be the sponsor of a gym-party in the ball well and was continually on Blanche Ward gymnasium at 7:30 on When back at College Phone 300 CARROLL THEATRE the go. Certainly the Hoyas will fur- Wednesday evening, December 10. Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 4 and 5 nish plenty of fireworks in the Terror CARROLLEEN "ALL THAT MONEY CAN fray next week. .Lippy President STOP AT BUY" June Lippy, preaidenf of the organ- • Fine Soccer Club ization extends an invitation to the Individual Coiffures While still down at Maryland,' we The program in- Keefer's Market Saturday, December 6th GUNS" in its Entirety congratulate the Terp soccer team on entire student body. Beauty -- "GREAT and Hardy Laurel the 1941 season. They were ranked cludes a stage show, dancing, and re- as the outstanding soccer team of the freshments. Phone 283 66 W. Main St. \\Ion. and 'rues .. Dec. 8 and 9 section and one of the best in the east. Admission to members of the Wo- Opposite Post Office WESTMINSTER. MD. "LYDIA" Merle Oberon They were unde.feated - but were men's Athletic Association is free; Wed. and Thurs., Dec. 10 and II scored on. And this score, the o)lly non-members will be charged five "NEW YORK TOWN" one of..J;he season from the field came 'cents. Mary Martin Fred 1I1cl\1urray by Western Maryland's left wing, --".!-- Clarence McWilliams. Mac said it SUBSCRIBE TO THE Christmas STA TE THEATRE was lucky, and Frank Tarbutton said GOLD BUG Christmas Cards it was a good center; but it was this Will Be Merrier • Thursday, December 4th goal, never the less, that had Mary- "FORCED LANDING" land won-ied as they trailed the Ter- John Everhart 50 Beautiful Cards with name if your Richard Arlen Eva Gabor rors for three periods, 1 to O. A last imprinted-$l Fri. and Sat., Dec. 5 and 6 period rally gave the Terps a 3 to 1 THE COLLEGE BARBER Jewelry Gifts "UNDER FIESTA STARS" win, but the Green and Gold were far AND BOBBER from disgraced. Also othet Mon. and ·Tues., Dec. 8 and 9 AT THE FORKS Assortments come from "MOUNTAIN • Rasslin' MOONLIGHT" Wrestling this year finds the local CASSELL'S The 'Veaver Bros. and Elviry matmen with four matches. Although H. E. REESE Wed. and Thurs., Dec. 10 and II the first of these is a month and a -- DOUBLE FEATURE half away, Charlie De Manns, student TAILOR "Bernie" Jennings J. WM.HULL "KNOCKOUT" coach has his boys working out daily. PrftSing With Arthur Kennedy Al Cohen, chunky heavy weight, is Repaidng "D"Sec. successor to CASSELL'S Plus assisting Charlie for the season, DeWAYNE BILLS-Representative MURDER AMONG FRIENDS which finds GaJlaudet, Gettysburg, 94 East Main Street
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