Page 28 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 27, 1941 This Week's. -------------. The Library Need. Dr. Jones's Talk Tonight Personality Material Improvement Should Be Worthwhile The Library in recent months, has improved This evening at 8 o'clock in the Westminster remarkably with the installation of new lights Methodist Church, Dr. E. Stanley Jones will give and the acquisition of a great many new books an address open to all. interested mostly in journal- in various fields. Dr. Jones has travelled widely, is in close con- Ism. In connection with this, she There is room for a great many improvements. tact with the legislators in Washington, and has was the editor of her year book and however, which Mr. Mirise is doing his best to in- been called the foremost Christian of the world the assistant editor of the school stitute. today. paper. In the fall of 1938 Betty came to Most noteworthy of the defects in the library is His insights into world affairs make him a WMC "just as everyone in Frostburg the poor combination of lights and chairs on the very well-qualified speaker, and his talk should be does." Freshman year was the same second floor. Here the lights are fixed on to the of interest to everyone interested in international for her as it is fbI' all newcomers- tables, illuminating only the area on the tables affairs. orientation, strange people, room- immediately under the lights. To read by such mates, friends to be made; and fresh- light necessitates keeping the reading matter on man year was a thing of the past. the table. Mr. Hoover's Plan As for her sophomore year, Betty The chairs at these tables, however, are low M~rits Inv~5tigation said that she "had a wonderful time, and sloping backs, designed, it seems, for leaning but I can't remember anything special back and reading by overhead illumination. To Herbert Hoover is fighting a desperate verbal that happened." Perhaps one of the sit in these chairs and read or study from a book battle to persuade Congress to vote aid to the in- most important events of that year on the table requires an extremely uncomfortable habitants of the invaded European countries. As was that she joined Delta Sigma position. To sit back in the chairs and remove yet he has been unsuccessful in his appeals al- Kappa. the book from the table is impossible because of though he has obtained support from many note- e Dean's Lister the poor overhead light. worthy congressmen. Betty became a dean's lister in her Inasmuch as the library is used a great deal for His arguments for having the United States junior year, and this year she hopes study in the-evenings, a great many students are support this cause are most convincing. He di- Betty Ellwein to keep it up. So fm-, this year has affected by this incongruous light-chair system. rected the work during the first World War and been a most active one for Betty, since Either the present chairs should be exchanged was commended by both sides for the success of Although she says that she has she was made president of the Woo for higher, straighter backed chairs, or else the the venture. I had a wonderful time at college and men's Student Government, 11 member overhead illumination should be installed. The Among his supporters in sponsoring the. bill has been happy every minute, Betty of 'I'ri-Beta, and vice-president of present set-up is certainly not conducive to study are many prominent military leaders who assure Ellwein, president of the Women's Delta Sigma Kappa. Previous to in the library. the people that neither belligerent will benefit by Student Government, admits that she this time, Betty has never been on the action. will be glad to graduate. "I've been student government. "The biggest going to school for fifteen years now Compulsory Chapel Sending food to the starving inhabitants of oc- and I'll be glad to be on the other end headache of this job," Betty says, "is trying to arrange the dining hall lists. Demands Discretion cupied countries' is certainly a humanitarian act. awhile!" Everyone wants to sit in a special With the assurance of the authorities that neither Bctty is one of the group at WMC The combination of strict chapel and assembly side will be aided in the process, there seems to be which hails from Frostburg, Mary- place with special people, and I near- ly lose my mind trying to get them attendance rules and of a great many speakers no reason why Congress should pigeon-hole the iand. She emphatically defends her all satisfied!" anxious to deluge the public with propaganda has bill. hometown, however, and says that it Betty's hobbies follow rather close- brought to the fore a new obligation upon the ad- Public opinion should be voiced against such isn't as much in the hills as some ly her line of work, which is home ministration-to take care that speakers will be procedure. people think. "The natives don't carry economics. Knitting is perhaps her either impartial on controversial questions, or guns or go barcfooted, or do any oth- greatest hobby; but she also enjoys that both sides of such questions will be given er such things." sewing, especially making over old within short periods. I • Born in West Virginia • clothes. In her more serious mo- Here, where we are all supposed to be in quest Although she has lived in Frost- ments, Betty even docs a littlc writ- of truth, to expose the students to partial propa- Up, Up through a mi11ion~billion stars burg since before the time when she ing. gandists, and not give them the choice of attend- Screaming like the biggest damn rocket you ever saw When asked about her favorites ing or not attending is certainly not a fair mea- I WHIZZZZZZZED and went phtt ... 62 rue de mort had one candle on her birthday cake, along various lines, Betty answered Betty was not born there, but in Wel- sure. Down, Down past a hundred heaving worms lersburg, West Virginia. She is, very definitely: sauerkraut, pOI' k We hope that those who engage chapel and as- Lying like the deadest damn phtt you ever saw moreover, an only child, and doesn't chops, and baked beans rank in the sembly speakers will appreciate this view and I inherited the earth ... six feet of it. like it at all. food line. As for movies-she loves use discretion in choosing speakers whom we She attended the public schools of them, and Clark Gable is her all- have no choice but to hear. Frostburg, and while in high school time favorite. Although Betty plans to teach Pseudo-Science Simplified, No.3 home economics after graduation, we • Meandering ... wouldn't be too surprised if, instead, she follows ambit.ion-c-to her secret The Psychology Of Adjustment become an army nurse. Or On The Hill -e~- How To Win Marks Ancllnlluence Teachers With Pete· -SociaL- This week we will launch fearlessly, Then there was the student expert boldly, wantonly, into the touchy at epigrams who said "You can flunk Any similarity between the opin- suits? (Address all comments to this question of "Do marks really count?" some of the courses all of the time, ions expressed in this column with column in care of The Gold 811g and -/V0k4- (The answer is obvious, but we can't and all the courses at least once, but that of any W. M. C. student is just by return mail you will receive one stop here.) you can't graduate under that sys- a darn coincidence, that's all. copy of "How to Woo in Six Sit- Western Maryland will be. well rep- Lust week's article on Joseph Col- tem." A coincidence may be a phenomo- tings.") resented at the Gettysburg Military lege, the "Integrated Personality," Frankly, we don't know one thing non, but isn't coincidence over-done A week ago tonight, J broke Ball this Saturday when senior mili- was designed for the cynical, disillu- about influencing- teachers; and as for when freshmen girls and members of through a window in Alumni Hall to tary students and their ladies will be sioned college student, to give him a the "Psychology of Adjustment", we the opposite sex meet every night in sec "The Man \Vho Came to Dinner," the guests of the military depart- hope to build on in this vast Sahara abhor it. • the library? Or are the library chairs and if avoirdupois adds character to ment of Gettysburg College ... of Ideals-the America» College more conducive to intellectual PUl'- a role, Mr. Alelyunas should come to Gladys Crowson plans to attend a Needless to say, last week's article dinner more often. In fact, the en- Phi Delt Fraternity dance at Mary- failed completely on account of those tire student body would favor one land U.... Lee Stiffler and Walt nasty mid-semester grades. As a re- ~hu eoLlet;iate 'kJ0IdJ .... ~ep good dinner anywhere. Aside from Phillips attended the Junior Prom at sult, many students either quarreled the dinner, which I never saw, the Johns Hopkins last Saturday. violently with their best friends, de- .Scholarship Scramble play was (supply your own adject- Fraternities have been busy voting liberately ripped the laundry tags off Rio Grande (Ohio) College has found a new way to "award" schol- ives). on bids to be issued just before their roommate's clothes, or to their The impressive candlelight service Christmas vacation ... Sororities are parents wrote (and from them receiv- arships. Odell Marchington out-scrambled 100 other high school seniors recently conducted by the S. C. A. planning their annual Inter-Sorority ed)tactlessletters. from six counties to recover a $50 scholarship dropped from an airplane was really an emergency ceremony. tea for January ... On December at Rio Grande's High School festival. Here is a typical letter from a fath- The failure of incandescence of the 13 the J. G. C.'s will hold a dance in revealed er to a son: • Second Fiddle To Baton Baker Chapel Instead lights of crying "Who a McDaniel lounge ... on December blown fuse. Dear Wolfgist: Even the best have to play second fiddle sometime. This is the blew out the flame?" the members are 16 they plan their annual Christmas Car- party with dinner at the Char-les What's wrong? In high school story of a drum major who lost a decision to a baton. inquiring, "Who stole the lighling roll Hotel after attending a movie. it was opium smoking; now it's an Kenneth LeBar, freshman drum major at Kent State university system1" (Send in all live-wire solu- "F'itzie" Fitzgerald and Dot Brown, F in English. Will come to room who recently won the Penn-Ohio championship for outstanding work as tions immediately, and who knows, both '40, visited the campus last with you till the end of the semea- a drum major, knocked himself out recently with a baton while practic- (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) week-end. ter ing. LeBar tossed the baton into the air, but instead of catching it in Pater. his hand he stopped it with his head. P. S. Will bring the opium you Students passing by found LeBar in a semi-conscious state and took asked for. him to the university hospital, where he quickly recovered. THE GOLD BUG Or here is still another letter from .'Heavenly Bodies' By Petty f: mother to her daughter: The pioneer plainsman who could take one last look at the heavenly Dear Offspring: bodies before he closed his eyes at night in his open-air bedroom had Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Your marks came yesterday. Dad- nothing on residents of Mc'I'yeir-e hall at Emory university. They too dy shot himself. Don't come home gaze at "heavenly bodies" as a prelude to sleep. :Editor·in-ehief Isaac B. Rebert. '42 Editor Alvin H. Levin '43 Managing for the funeral - keep studying! Faced with an edict banning the tacking of the work of such mast- News Editor ..._._........... .. John Rawlins '43 Love. ers as Petty, Hurrell and Varga-not to mention that portrait of the Assistant News Editor ... Mary Miller '43 Mother. One and Only-to the walls, they evolved the even more satisfactory idea Feature Editor ....__. . Eleanor Healy '43 Sports Editor_ .. John Robinson '43 So it goes. Personality is being of fastening said art masterpieces to the ceilings. , Assistant Sports Editor .. . Joe Workman '43 distorted-yes, even destroyed-by Now the MeTyerie dullaby is "Look Up, Look Up." • Copy Editor Carolyn Schmidt '43 low marks. Proof Editor ...Mary Turnley '44 eCompoetuon On Wax Staff Photographer ._. Carl Webb '44 In a recent education text, called Typing or writing in longhand seemed slow to Leon A. Danco, a Business l\Ianagers . Betty Cormany, werner Orrison '43 Trends in EduooJ;imuU Trends, a pro- Harvard freshman, so he submitted a 2,OOO-word English composition Advertising Manager Betty Cormany '42 found statement concerning grades on a home-made phonograph record. Circulation Manager __ .._._ Thornton Wood '42 was made by the author (whose name Dr. Claude M. Simpson, Jr., his instructor, gave Dance a passing Contributors: Lillian Jackson '45, Virginia Waters '43, Lee Stiffler '45, Carl Bell '45. Carolyn Gable '43. Mary Spaulding '45, Anne Barrow '45, Richard we forget as we write this-in fact grade, but forbade any repetition of the stunt. Patten '44' Reece Scott '44, Nelson Wolfsheimer '44, Arlie Mansberger '44, we even forget what he said-but we "For one thing," Simpson said, "how can you correct spelling and Clarence McWilliams '43, Janet Baugher '45, Virginia Sweeney '42, Ann are sure it was something like this: punctuation in a theme like this?" M.. Rice '45, Mary Virginia Webb '45, Deloris V. Hartke '45, Agnes Dyson '44, Thelma Morris '44, Connie Harris '45, Jeanne Williams '45, Ken Grove "Low marks are discouraging.") '42, Carolyn Weant '45, Helen Stoner '45, Jane Miles '45, Ruth Sartorio '43.
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