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L1br!3ry 17estern Maryland nestm1nster, Md. PSYCHOLOGY OF 'RIP'ENGLE COACHING ADJUSTMENT BASKETBALLERS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 • • Vol. 19, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 27, 1941 Christma.s Dance Sunday Scho~1 Services ... Thirteen Seniors Selected By Committee re Be Given By Nov. 30- For 1941-1942 Collegiate 'Who's Who' "The Religion of China" Pi Alpha Alpha Speaker: Andrew Chi, Dec. 7- Only National Recognition Social Activities Committee Harry Marsh's Orchestra "Mission in India" For Achievements Of Who's Who Of Students And Faculty Will Provide Music For Speaker: Jack warner, Undergraduate Students Paul Alelyunas Makes Selections Affair On December 18 Dec. 14-Christmas Sunday Harry Baker names Baltimore as his horse city. Special Carol Service Richard Bakel' Western Thirteen stu- Maryland Traditional Christmas atmosphere dents have been nominated for inclu- John Doenges Bakel' is captain of C Company in the in a winter setting of red and green sion in this year's "Who's Who Don Griffin R. O. T. C. battalion. He is a for- deeorauona. will be the theme of the Among Students In American Uni- William Leatherman mer member of the men's S G A. annual Christmas dance, to be pre- Forensic Schedule versities And Colleges"; according to Isaac Rehert John P. Doenges, Glyndon, Md., sented by the Pi Alpha Alpha frater- an announcement of the Social Activ- Frank Tarbutton was elected to Beta Beta Beta, honor- nity in Blanche Ward Gym from 8 Lists ities Committee. Edward Thomas ary biology fraternity last yeear. He to 11 :45 P. M. on Thursday, Decem- Completed i Those students selected for the Lucie Leigh Barnes is business manager of the western ber 18. honor include Paul Aieiyunas, Harry Doris Davenport Maryland College yearbook, the 1942 Music for the dance will be pro- Twelve Colleges W. Bakel', Richard J. Bakel', John P. Elizabeth Ellwein Aloho,. He is also a member of the vided by Harry Marsh, of Hanover, Doenges, -Don E. Griffin, William J. Emily Linton Inter-fraternity Council. Pa., whose rhythms created a mild Resolved, That the federal govern- Leatherman, Isaac B. Reher t, Frank Don E. Griffin is from Towson, sensation at Pi Alpha Alpha's Mid- ment should regulate by Jaw all labor A. Tarbutton, Edward R. Thomas, Each of the persons selected for Md. He is an active member of the year Hop last year, according to the unions in the United States. Lucie Leigh Barnes, Doris Lee Dav- the honor was asked to submit an ab- U R A C and president of the Sun- dance committee. Resolved, That the United States enport, Elizabeth Ellwein, and Emily brevifl-ted biography together with day School. General chairman of this year's should send an expeditionary force William J. _Leatherman, student Christmas dance is Earl Schubert, outside the Western Hemisphere to Kent Linton. answers to a questionnaire covering electrician, is from Hagerstown, Md. the fields of education, marriage, pol- assisted by Jack Quynn, in charge of combat the Axis powers. e Reterence Volume He was recently re-elected President decorating; Jim Griffin, chairman of These controversial issues will be Compiled annually as a reference itics, economics, religion, music, and of Alpha Delta Lambda, the Chemis- the advertising committee; and Roger' debated during the coming winter volume of information on the most war issues. try Club. Saltzgaver, in charge of programs. session by the Western Maryland de- outstanding American college .stu- .Committee serects Isaac B. Rehea-t hails from Balti- Sponsors will be Professor and bating team of five veterans and two dents, "Who's Who" is the only na- Nominafions were submitted to the more, a graduate of City College. He Mrs. John D. Makosky, Dr. and Mrs. new members. The schedule will take Lienal means of recognition for honor publishers of "Who's Who" by the is the present editor of the Gold Blig Fred Holloway, Dean and Mrs. For- members of the team to colleges in students devoid of politics, initiation Social Activities Committee which is and president of the Men's S G A. est Free, Dean Bertha Adkins, Pro- four states, during February, March, ;fees, and dues. Selection is based on composed of three faculty members e'Taebutton Scccerman fessor Frank Hurt, Miss Sarah and April. ' character, leadership, scholarship, and and two undergraduate students. Frank A. Tarbutton, Eastern Sho' Tweed, Lieutenant and Mrs. Law- potentialities. • Paul Alelyunas, who hails from man, is from Sudlersville, Md. He rence Reynolds, and Mr. and Mrs. .lI1akosky Coach The book will be sent to various Merchantville, N. J., is a candidate was recently elected president of the Charles Engle. The. team, coached by Professor business and industrial corporations for graduation honors in mathemat- (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) Admission will be $1.10, including John D. Makosky, has the following throughout the country as a guide in ics. He is a former member of the tax. experienced members: Andrew Bohle, the selection of graduates when they men's S G A and a member of the produc- Rabbi Fineshriber Richard Baker, Richard Hansen, apply for employment, Students who College Players. He recently had the Sportsmanship And Laurence Brown, New-comers to the are mentioned in "Who's Who" are a lead role in the Thanksgiving Ed and Thomas, tion, "The Man Who Came to Din- of purchasing given the privilege Alelyunas. Paul Scholarship Cups group are Wilbur Preston and Joseph gold key as a symbol of their 'repre- ner." Will Speak In in the volume. sentation Harry 'V. Bakel' is from Waynes- Whiteford. played bOI'O, Pennsylvania. Ire has Last year's book contained over three years of Varsity football at the Chapel Sun,day In Competition • Schedule Set teams to be met 5,000 students selected from among guard and backfield positions. This College debating all the colleges of any size practically Fineshri- Rabbi William Howard Two traditional loving cups award- come from Ursinus College, College- at all in the United States. The num- year he is lieutenant-colonel of the 001', prominent in the American rab- ed for scholarship and sportsmanship ville, Pa.; Shepherd State Teachers' ber of students to be selected from R. O. T. C. battalion. binate and widely-known orator, will will be donated this year by Profess- College, Shepherdstown, West Virgin- each college is determined by percent- Richard J. Baker, for four years speak on "Religion In Student Life" or Frank Hurt and the Inter-Frater- ia; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, age of enrollmeqt. right-hand man to the Dean Q/ Men, at the Sunday Evening Chapel Serv- nity Council, respectively. Pennsylvania ; Cedar Crest College, ice on November 30. According to Royce Gibson, presi- Allentown, Pa.; Franklin and Mar- Since 1924, Rabbi Fincshriber has dent of the Inter-Fraternity Council, shall College, Lancaster, Pa.; "Junia- Student Service Bureau Set Up been the leader of Keneseth Israel winning of the cups by any frater- ta College, Huntingdon, Pa.; Ship- congregation, Philadelphia, Pa., be- College, nity depends on maintaining the pensburg State Teachers' Univer- To Help In Government Study fore which he served in Davenport, high'est average for t~ree semesters, Shippensburg, Pa.; Rutgers Iowa, and Memphis, Tenn. A native before the cups are permanently re- sity, New Brunswick, Pa.; Lehigh Establishment of a Washington Teachers have encouraged their stu- of St. Louis, he has been awarded de- tired by one fraternity. University, Bethlehem, Pa.; Mt. St. dents to make tr-ips to Washington. grees by the University of Cincinnati, Thel Sportsmanship cup, retired Mary'S College, Emmitsburg, Mary- Student Service Bureau to aid college Thousands have come every year Hebrew Union College, and Temple last year by the Bachelors, is given to land; and Upsala College, East Or- students in studying the operations alone or in groups hoping to obtain a University. the fraternity with the greatest num- ange, N. J. of the federal government was an- close view of government in action. In 1932, he was appointed by Pres- ber of points received from all inter- • Girls' Team nounced today by Joseph P. Lash, Por most of them, this hope has not ident Roosevelt to the chairmanship general secretary of the International fraternity sports. Awarding of the Ed Thomas, the manager, also an- been fulfilled, as they did not know of the Pennsylvania State Adjust- Scholarship cup, retired last year by Student Service. Molly Yard, for- what resources were available and no ment Board for disputes involving the Black and Whites, is based on the nounced that tentative plans for a merly on the staff of the National agency existed to help theJ)"ldiscover the National Recovery Administra- highest scholastic average of the girls' debating team have been made. Youth Administration, has been ap- and usc all the possibilities for a tion, and, in 1934, was appointed a pointed head of the bureau. members. Organization of the team will also The new office will offer the follow- deeper understanding of what the board member of the Housing Proj- "Professor Hurt and the Inter-F'ra- be under the direction of Mr. Makos- capital of this democracy symbolizes. ect, Federal Emergency Administra- ternity Council should be thanked for ky, according to Thomas. ing services to college students and Hence the establishment of our tion of Public Works for Philadel- filling the vacancies left by the retire- All girls who m-e interested are teachers: phia. ment of both cups last year," com- asked to report to professor Makosky 1) Conference on topics of poJiti- Washington Bureau." / mented Gibson. in Room 31, Science Hall. cal, social and economic interest. The first such gathering will be a five day Plans For Year session, November 28th to December Attractions Analyzed 2, for economic majors on the subject S CAW II S B f M Library Survey Shows Social Desires ~!n::.~on~:~~r~:~~~ o~!~::;~ViW l~ae~,. • • i ponsor ene it ovie th~)di~~~ss::n;~achers and i~dividual At Carroll Theatre On December 3 Overshadow Intellectual Curiosity students collecting material for spc- T'hc S.C.A. will sponsor a Benefit After Christmas study groups will cial studies, to those desiring infer- Movie 011 December 3 at the Carroll be resumed. This was an undertak- Contrary to any vague illusions hours, the dormitories are too noisy marion about specific legislation, car- Theater, according to Doris Daven- ing of the S.C.A. last year, and the which Western Maryland's faculty for adequate concentration. Summa- eers in government service, civilian port, president of the organization. various studies proved quite success- may have, the main reason -why most tion of the whole problem is in the defense, etc. Thc movie, "Major Barbara" by ful. students crowd the library every words- of one man student who said 3) Information to individuals and G'eorge Bernard Shaw, is a G. B. pro- night is not intellectual curiosity, but he was there because "it was too groups of teachers and students con- duction and stars Wendy Hillel' of Plans are underway to have in the the social contacts to be made. noisy in the dorm and too dark back spring an exchange program with In a recent survey taken among stu- campus." cerning the legislative, administra- "Pygmalion" fame. Tickets will be either Gettysburg or Morgan College. dents studying in the library only one Aside from the reasons already tive, judicial and technical resources on sale on the campus soon at regu- At this time, the S.C.A. will present a program lar prices. at either of these colleges has also Miss Davenport of. the government. person in a dozen was there for read- named, one Mcljaniel Hall resident announced the following plans for the ing or research. According to one of complained that, when she studied in 4) Assistance with field trips, in- remainder of the year. while that college is represented here. the student library assistants, the her room, the temptation to turn on cluding' visits to departments, bu- On Saturday, November 29, the The S.C.A. Bazaar will be held in main peak of attendance is reached, Bob Hope was too great, so she vis- reaus and agencies, These visits \vill S.C.A. will sponsor an infermal dance the spring and will be similar to the however, on the nights before "col- ited the library in order to sit in a be prepared in close cooperation with one held two years ago in Blanche lateral" is due, when most students hard chair and stay awake. appropriate officials who will assist in McDaniel Lounge. Music will be Ward Gym. furnished and there by recordings, rush to complete assignments put off Sophomore regulations had driven students and be available for ques- will be a small admission charge. Efforts are being made to bring as long as possible. one little Freshman co-ed from home. tions and instruction. Another annual feature of this or- Dr. T. Z. Koo to the campus in The survey showed that another Unable to keep her usual date back In outlining the purposes of the ganization is a visit to the Old Peo- March. Dr. Koo is a Chinese minis- stimulus is the fact that work is bet- campus, she said she had come "be- bureau, Lash said: "The need for tel' who is well-known in this country ter and more easily done in a quiet at- first-hand observation as a means to ples' Home in Westminster at Christ- for the aid he has given to the Chin- On this occasion, students mosphere when the people around are cause her roommate asked he; to, and implement and bring alive knowledge mas time. college present a musical ese. Dr. Koo is very much in demand from the working also. In spite of student because it was so-o-o lonesome in the acquired in the classroom has been program iQr these people. in all the colleges in the country. gc.vernment regulations for quiet dorm." recognized by students and teachers. I ,
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