Page 26 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md., November 13, 1941 Evolution Of The Yearbook College History Since 1899 Reflectecl By Thirty-Five Alohas Now InLibrary By Virginia Waters Thirty-five editions of the Aloha ---------- are now in the library, reflecting the ·-e~- changing fashions of college life and l'ct that certain similarity of college spirit of any time or place. -Socid- The earliest edition of the Alohas in the library was published in 1899, -/Voiu- and is as different in appearance and make-up from the '41 volume as the students of that ;year would be from Homecoming Day was a real home- us. The first four or five annuals are coming for loads of alumni .• From smail, dark-colored books, with a lot the class of '39 we saw "Reds" of drawings and few photographs. Bender, Frosty Peters, Harold Bell The 1902 Aloha is typical: seniors Wright, Hyde Dooley ... from the were given tWQ rather long "write- class of '40 were Edith Armacost, ups", one serious and the other a hu- Helen Armacost, Kitty BeI'l'Y, Dot lllOI'OUS character sketch with an il- Brown, Inez "Bull, Jeannie Lou lustrative cartoon for the boys and a Cairnes, Charlie Cole, Betty Craig, baby picture of each girl. There were Homer Eiseroad, Jane Gilchrist, Bet- many poems, both funny and serious, ty Helm, Charlie Horan, Mac KuUmar, parodies on faculty meetings and Blanche Scott, Ellen Shipley, Frank classes, and specialties, such as the Shipley, Grace Brannock Smith, Muse senior chart, which gave a lot of sta- Sones, Virginia Wooden, and Mr. tistics about each senior, from his and Mrs. Larry Sbrowe ... from politics and religion, to the size shoe last year's graduating class we saw Trott, Leigh Venzke, Corky Vollmer, WANTED-A new member for PATRONIZE he wore, and his favorite expression. Clyde Baden, Ruth Beard, Evelyn Elise Wiedersum, Netta Wigley, and the circulation department. OUR Each class had its own color, flower, Mae Bowen, Thelma Bowen, Betty Addie Ruth Williams. J. G. C.'s Must have the first period on ADVERTISERS. and class yells. Brown, Eleanor Brown, Lindsay held a supper at the pavillion, No- Friday vacant. See Mr. Wood Several of the Alohas have a dedi- Chase, Judy Collinsen, Fran Dina- vember 4. . Phi Alpha Mu plans in the Gold Bug office eight cation to the parents of the students; way, Charlie Earl, Bill Anthony, Neil its annual trip to Baltimore for De- o'clock Friday morning. the 1925 volume is dedicated to Eckenrode, Tom Elias, Lou Elliot, cember. . The engagement of Jean When .back at College Mother, "whose love has made our Arnold Fleagle, Ellen Giles. Mooney, ex-'43, and Carl Gross, of college education a reality." Bink Grumbine, Mary Hastings, Bill Baltimore, has been recently an- Welcome Back to College STOP AT Of course, there are as man y Hauff, Ralph Hawkins, Hank Holl- nounced ... Recent visitors on the themes as there are year-books- fee, Annette Hutchins, Nelda Kalal', "Hill" were Lieut. "Vic" Impeciato, John Everhart ships, progress, and so on; the sig- Tim Lewis, Lucky Logan, Rudy Man- stationed at Fort Wheeler, Georgia, Keefer's Market nificance of the title was used as the sberger, Slim Parks, Scotty Prescott, and Lieut. Mack McPike, who is now THE COLLEIiE BARBER theme in 1930; Aloha being the Ha- Sara Reid, Robbie Robinson, Made- stationed at ROl't Knox, ,Kentucky. Phone 283 waiian word meaning both Hail and leine Schultheis, Jeanne Shank, Julia AND BOBBER Farewell Shepherd, John Tomlinson, Trucky SUBSCRIBE TO THE ~ I Opposite Post Office GOLD BUG AT THE FORKS Campus Personalities (Continued from Page 2, Column 5) a machine which freezes only two and telligent competence, says Miss JOHNNY MIZE one-half gallons at a time. All bread, Tweed. Without their indispensable biscuits, and cakes are baked in a humor, life in the kitchen and in the huge oven heated by coal, and heat dining hall would be lonesome and regulation is therefore difficult to uninteresting. maintain at a steady temperature, the explanation of why many cakes Seventy-Fifth Year fail is evident. Keepers of the storeroom are Wil- To Be Celebrated liam Schaeffer, head, and Mack Ow- ens, Sr., assistant. Plans are already underway for Two kitchen men, Richard Magrud- Western Maryland College's seventy- er (also pasteurizer of milk), and fifth anniversary celebration, to be Lester Clark (also in charge of pots held during Commencement week, and pans), prepare the vegetables for June 1, 1942. cooking. At a meeting during the Homecom- Cafeteria porters dishing up and eharge of the celebration, decided to serving food are George Smith, hold a convocation at 11 o'clock on Roosevelt ("C"-Boy) Ghase, and "0"- Saturday morning, May 30, 1942. Boy's nephews, Francis and Leford Further arrangements will be an- Chase. nounced later. Setting up of tables is done by din- The chairman of the committee is L. ing hall porters Lawrence and Sher- r. Pollitt '89. Other members from tho man Summers, and cleaning up is Bon i-d of 'trustees are Robert J. Gill done by Sterling Adams. '10, Henry Gilligan '01, William C. Thrce years ago, Richard Taylor, Scott, and the Rev. John N. Link '25. dishwasher, we a given the nickname Alumni representatives are T. K. "Rochester" by football coach Char- Harrison '01, and Frank Bowers. The lie Havens, and he is now the mas- Faculty is represented by Dr. Lloyd cot of the football team. Rochester's M. Bertholf and Prof. Samuel B. special accomplishments are tap Schofield; and the student body by dancing and imitations of the Roches- Frank Tarbutton and Anna Robey of tel' of Jack Benny fame. the class of 1942. Laveur- Owens, another- dishwasher, is fairly well surrounded by relatives in that he is brother to Mack Owens, Sr., assistant storekeeper, and uncle to Mack Owens, Jr., a part time i-e- lief boy who works afternoons and Compliments evenings after school. ,..,_ II>"H ,n""u/njJOSS Francis Squirrel, the present foot- of ball walter, leaves his job after next Saturday. the lIJordalong. .. Most outstanding of the character- istics of the dining hall staff, on the whole, are their friendliness and in- Carroll H. E. REESE hesterlield TAILOR Cleaning and Pressing R~pairing DcWAYNE BILLS-ReprC8entll.tive Smokers take to Chesterfield 94 E..,t Main Strut State like a duck takes to 'water ... because they're definitely Milder For Correct Cooler..Smoklng ••• Setter. Tasting Campus and Theatres Chesterfield's can't- be-copied blend ••• the right College Fashions combination of the best cigarette tobaccos that grow both here and abroad •.• gives a man what Come to Westminster's Best In he wants •••• cigarette that's definitely MILDERand Entertainment that completely SATISFIES. Rochschild, Kobo & Co. ~~ ••• IT'S CHESTERFIELD FOR A MILDER COOLER SMOKE ~hll941.L>G':>~aM""ITI!!I'CC')<:o"
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