Page 25 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 25
PAGE THREB THE=====. Frosh Eleven Host To Bullis MORNING On Hoffa Field This Friday _.=====AFTER By John Robinson Visitors Have Won Two, Lost Three, Tied On. SPJI:TS EDITOR In Season Play---Baby Terrors Still Unbeaten With the varsity footballers at La- Rip Engle's freshman eleven will fayette and thc,sOCCCI' club at Mary- strive to end the season undefeated land, Rip Engle's undefeated fresh- when they struggle with Bullis Prep Terror Eleven , men footballers will have the Terror in the season finale tomorrow at Hof- weekend all to themselves, en- ia Field. The kickoff is scheduled Faces Strong gaging Bullis for 3 P.:r-.-r. of two wins, Bullis owns a record P rep on Hoffa three losses, and one tie. The Soldiers Terp Squad Field this Friday. started the season by defeating New- This year's elev- en has already port News, 12 to 6, but then lost to Saturday morning, Western Mai-y- ,WOll three games Central High, 7 to 0, and Staunton, land's soccer squad journeys to Col- 4C to 14, before regaining its stride to and tied one, and '" beat Valley Forge Military Academy, lege Park where they encounter one with Bullis Prep, 7toO. of the outstanding elevens in the the last hurdle, Mount St. Mary'S Junior Varsity East, Untversttv of Maryland's un- should periol'm GALUPE'S two runs of intercepted passes last beaten 'I'erps. The Green and Gold nt their very best for the first ClI- week played a major role in the Ten-or win over Dickinson, 20 was met next, and the Mounties will be much handicapped by the ill- again ~ gagemcnt on home turf. A Jot call to O. Mike will be in there ttt Easton, Saturday when the Green walked off with a 27 to 0 win. A 6 to jury jinx, but Charlie Wallace assures u tie was the result Pa. of the Bethesda and Gold meets Lafayette be said for this year's crop of fresh- game, and last week was an open that they will h~ in that ball game." men footballers; they are very sin- date for Bullis. to everyone, and in general very well Walter Zirinsky Leads LafayeHe In retrospect, the Baby Terrors Stressing ball hurdling on the line, cere, confident but not cocky, friendly .Bud Blair Active liked. So let's all go out lind boost beat Massanutten, 9 to 7, Mercers- Wallace hopes to get the much needed Junior Dickinson them when they seek win number In Tilt With Locals At Easton burg 20 to 7, and They were tied by scoring punch for this important tus- College, 8 to 0, four. sle. There is-a chance that Bud Blah i At Lafayette, the Terrors will run Gettysburg, 7 to 7. Last week was may return to active duty, and this into a real ball club. It won't be the Leopards Regain Stride also a period of rest for the freshman will help no end all the scoring side. one that tasted defeat in the season Sports Week As Season Nears End-- team. Last Friday, Towson played host opener, or the one that lost to Navy Friday-Frosh \'5. Bullis Prep, here Bullis has been outscored this sea- "to the Green and Gold Soccei-ites, and 40 to 2. It will more than likely be Saturday-Football-Terrors V5. La- Terrors Top Dickinson son by the count of 86 to 3!J, while 011 a muddy turf both teams fought the 011ethat a-an over Rutgers handily fayette, away the Baby Terrors have managed to to a 1 to 1 deadlock, Although Tow- and took the measure of Gettysburg's Soccer-Terrors vs, Maryland, away Lafayette's up and coming Leo- outscore their opponents 44 to 21. son had not Wall a game this season, Bullets 17 to 6. If comparative scores Tuesday-Touch Football-Preachers pards, gaining momentum as the sea- Ted Mattern, a triple threat back, they showed up very well against an mean anything, - Rutgers downed vs. Seminary, here son progresses, entertains Western is the spearhead of the Washington- injuvy-r-idden Terror eleven, Due to Maryland by three touchdowns and Maryland this Saturday at Easton, ians attack, scoring half of their the absence of Bud Blair and Tom lost to the Leopards aimilar'ily-s+so Pennsylvania, the game marking the touchdowns this season. Mattern is a Price in halfback positions, and Bob watch out, Western Maryland! After final in the current campaign fOJ fleet-footed half-back who can run, Shockley in the fullback spot, the a slow start, Lafayette now holds Women Hockey Charlie Havens' Green and Gold. kick, and pass, and is usually the Wallace booters did not show their three wins, a tie, and three losses. After 11. victory over Dickinson last thorn in the side of the. opposition all old fight. They started off quickly in Last Saturday's Dickinson scrap week, 20 to 0, which boosted the total afternoon. the second quarter when 'l'arbutton displayed one thing definitely: the Tearns Active wins to 3 along with 3 losses and 1 Despite the racket which the frosh drove one from way out, which dent- Red Devils are, at least, C011sistent. tie, the local eleven ...vill be seeking an equad continuously makes in Ward ed the nets. It looked as though the 'They threw just as many passes as After weeks of practice, the first upset over the highly favored Penn- Hall, third floor, they promise to bol- team was on the go, but Towson came usual, made just as many first downs, inter-class hockey game of the season sylvanians . ster the varsity next year. l"ight back in the same quarter and . gained just as much yardage, and was played on October 30 between Led by Walt Zirinsky, the Leopards pushed one through. For the next scored the same number of touch- seniors and freshmen, the senior team have about six regulars from last Frosh Line Up half, both teams fought for possession downs. A silent word for the Sun- downing the Frosh 4 to 0 as June of the ball, but to no avail, for neither pa.pel·8.-Mike Phillips, who ran like Lippy and Emily Linton each tallied season's unbeaten squad; and al- 45 Johnson .....L.E. had the power to score. Harmon on two occasions, proved not though off to a slow start, seemed to 46 Kugler L.T. Coach 'Vallaee was disap- only to be a lineman, but also a back. twice." 4, the Sophomores have gained a foot-hold in the last 38 Blanchette .... __L.G. pointed with the outcome, ver-y for the On November If the Galupe doesn't make All-Mary- beat the Juniors 2 to 0, both goals be- few contests. They tripped Gettys- 47 Caruso ..C. Towson fray would have elevated the- 17 to 6, for the Bullets' burg, first land this year, he never will. And, in- ing made by Corky Price. The Jun- loss as Zirinisky personally accounted 44 Natalizi .... _R.G. Tenors higher in loop standing and cidentally, Phillips was chosen on iors and Freshmen team tied, 2 to 2, for all 17 points. 41 Piavis R.T. threatened the lending Mm-ylaud Dickinson's All-Opponent team last 011 November 7. Milly Haake scored 26 Godwin R.E. Terps. year. Wonder what they'll do with twice for the Junior team; Ramsburg Western Maryland now has taJlied 40 Mendell OR. Next week the bootet's conclude the him this season? and Cocky Little made one each fOJ" the a total of 90 points for the season 35 !'IIiller '''" And then ther-e's the wise guy who freshmen team. On Tuesday, the against 92 for the opposition. Mike 36 Schropp R.H.B. season, meeting wheaton College all plays tough football and submits the Juniors downed the Seniors, 2 to 1; Phillips broke into the scoring column 34 Coffman ....... F.B. Tuesday and Bucknell University on ) following All-Star schedule of teams the goals for the Juniors were made with two fine first half runs following Wednesday. W. M. C. has met and his reasons. by Hoke and Ruth Ann Whitemore. intercepted Dickinson passes. Irv Team Place The lone score for the seniors was Biasi tallied also when he skirted off Junior Regular L Gettysburg Away made by Lippy. tackle for the final tally in the last 2. Bucknell Stadium This' year there are almost five half. Tom Terry place kicked both Will See Action Saturday 3. Temple Hoffa Field freshmen hockey teams, and material extra points, for the total of 20. 4. BostonCollege Away is plentiful all around. In every game Last season, Lafayette was mot at 5. Maryland Stadium there was hard fight nnd much com- Easton in the Terror's final game, and 6. Georgetown Hoffa Field petition, all teams being CO!llPO~- after- a brilliant western Maryland (Homecoming) first period attack, which found the ed of good hockey players. There 7. Wake Forest Away wilJ" bc more hockey games in the fu- score 7 to 7, the undefeated Leopards 8. Lafayelte Away ture, but much depends on the cold went on to win halldily 40 to 7. Zi1"· 1. We play theLll next year any· weather which lllay force the seaSon insky, incidcntally, led this attack way. 2 Tied Bucknell in 1940. 3 t.o an abrupt end. also. Beat Temple when Rip was here. 4. Tripped Boston College 40 to 0 once. 5. Tradition. 6. Tht>y ain't so hot this year. 7. Beat them 13 to 12 in 1939. Preachers Down Bachelors 34-0 8. Tied them for one quarter last year. Now for t.he varsity mUll'S choice of In Winning Frat Championship 1. COl·tland __ _:___ --' 2. Hopkins Hampered b)' that old bugaboo of PI'eacher touchdown. The scoring: 3. American University :111 footbnll teams, Old Man Injury, a came when Stewart tossed ~4. Blnt> Ridge gang Alplla Gamma Tan this time to Workman who 5. Randolph-Macon ti!!"htiJlg of went over. Robinson crossed the goal lom:h footbal](','s \\"ent down to defeat G. Lebanon Valley at the hands oJ ll. superior Delta Pi twice 1ll()J'edUI'ing the second half to 7. Ursinus AIJlha crew Oil Tuesday afternoon, finish the scoring for the dn". "Championship of Carroll County 34 to (I. Paul Bl'OO"kS'ri;~located fingel's With this win, their sixth of the limited thc Bachelors to a sevcn man "eason, Delta Pi Alpha ("o,lljlletcil rOUl" )'Ca1'8 of inter·iratcrnit; .. compe- tition withont 11 llim;le loss. The los*" The scoring was carly in the seconr! of the current call1lJaig-1l tbe initial p('riod Jim Jones" for the Bachelors, leaves the sl-anti· Preacher right end, Elmer in!!!! intact, \\'ilh Alpha Evans' kick which rolled into t.he end Gamma Tau second place. Third zone, where it waS downed far a place goes to Pi Alpha Alpha and 8afet~'. During the second quarter, Gamma Beta Chi brings up the rear. the Preacher weight began to tell, ~~ Frat St.nd~;-~~-- and Kemo Robinson gathered in Joe 'Vorkman's rass to make it 8 to O. Cluh Just before the half, Lee Lodge made a one-handed, running catch of Ran- :;::(.'I':('\'~;;.. .. .. ;"~" "~:"." dy Scholl's heave for the second Hi"d, "',,) W'hi',," v (I"",m" B,'l, tOllchdoWll. Bud Smith's pass to Scoring Leaders Jones was good for thc fifteenth Player point. A Bachelor threat came early in the second half on a nice run by Ev- ans and a short pass to A. J. Beane. IT1 The Preachers held for downs, how- Big Bill, heaviest 1"nanon the Tenor fOl"\val"dwall, will see ac- ever, and Evans kicked to the ten. At tion Saturday against Lafayette. Bill oes most of the Terrors' this point, II- long pass from Jack kicking off, and the Terrors would enjoy nothing nlore than to Stewart to Jones set 'up the third have Bill kick off plenty this, week against the favored Leopards.
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