Page 24 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmimter~Md.. November 13, 1941 \-. OFF The Cob ·-1 Typical Meal Dietitian's View ColI.g. Stud.nts Ar. Thinking .Verbal Slap occurred when a This week's verbal slap extra,ordinaiJ'8 The questions of war and peace have struck group of freshman girls were, as usual, dragging the men college students all over the country and have of WMC over the proverbial coals during a midnight started them thinking, now as never before, on bridge session. Somewhat meowishly, one of the girls the things they have learned about the products asked about a certain well-known campus figure, "Just of the last war; and evidences show that they are what has he got?" determined to think this war out for themselves. The answer came back in short order as one of the Heated bull sessions, and classroom discussions group quipped, "I sit with him at dinner. Boy, he's got are evidences of this critical process on our own an appetite!" campus, and printed articles on various college papers and magazines show an increasing inter- • Fowler Forgets est in the underlying issues of current affairs. William Fowler gets this week's Workman Medal for The following article, quoted from the Duke the best, "brodie" pulled on the campus. Just t'other day Chronicle, and appearing in Motive, the publica- he and Bill Walls were walking along the road in front tion of the Methodist Student Movement shows of Smith Hall, when Marv Evans, carrying lumber in the the trend of student thinkers in the country to- college truck, came driving by. Walla stepped out of the day way, but Fowler, with nothing but Dante's Inferno on his It is time that our generation of college mind, forgot to duck a stray board sticking out of the students asked the wa-iters and teachers of truck. He did a somersault or two and landed smack in a the preceding generation one very serious bed of roses, yelling, "Watch that stuff, you-" question. In its simplest form, the question is this: What are we to believe? . . . • Notices After the last great war, you told us how Andy Bohle has asked us to insert the following hit of unreasonable and unprofitable was this busi- doggerel d prop08 sleeping matters in C section of New ness of killing our fellow men. Today. be- Dorm: fore our very eyes, you have changed your Bohle's looking out for Baugher's health, tune. You tell us that war has become glo- He wants to see him go to bed; rious and necessary again ... But he does wish Bo would stay out of his room, This W •• k's e -------------. At any rate, we reserve to ourselves the And sleep in his own instead. right to do our own thinking from now on. Personalities If youth is ever to decide with clarity and • False Alarm certainty about such vital things as war and Frank Tarbutton's keeping his room locked on Sunday democracy and tolerance and the worthiness mornings now. Last week he asked Porky Levin to wake • -----,--------- • On the Campus of human life, th~ decision must be made by him UI) at 9:30 Sunday morning so that he might be able youth itself, for our present "leaders of to see Carol Stoffegren at 10:15 in order to get to church Three times daily, approximately food, headed by John Brown, who has thought" have failed dismally as a consistent on time. At 8:15 in the morning, the Pork slipped into 600 Western Maryland faculty mem- been employed by the college since formative influence. Button's room and set all the clocks ahead to 10:15. Rous- bers and students sit down to meals September, 1938. Before that date, From time to time, the Gold Bug shall publish ing Frank, he yelled, "Good gosh, get up; you'll be late." in the dining hall, with no further he was at various times employed as results of student opinion from other colleges so Button gave one horrified look at the clock, let out a consideration as to how the food got chef by the Cambridge Springs Hotel that students of Western Maryland College may shriek, "She'll never forgive me", and was washed and before them beyond an occasional in Pennsylvania ; Sherwood Forest, a know how their own opinions compare with those dressed in exactly 3 minutes and 42 seconds fiat. He grumble over the lack of speed on the summer resort on the Severn river of their fellows at other colleges. zoomed out of the dorm rubbing the bruises he had re- part of certain waiters. Actually, be- outside Annapolia; Severn Prepara- ceived when he bumped into himself as he was coming in tween the time a menu leaves Miss tory School, a training school for the Th. Gold Bug Wants and going out of the shower-room. Tweed's desk until its appearance up- Naval Academy; the Cclonlul Hotel, Cr.ativ. Work Ten minutes later, he was banging at Porky's door-"I stairs on the dining hall tables, it ma- Havre de Grace; the Buena Vista want to see you, Bud, about an alarm clock." terializes under the supervlaion of Springs Hotel in the Blue Ridge Comment has been made by Gold Bug readers "Go 'way," was the answer, "It~s too early for me to twenty men and one woman who, col- Mountains; and the Pennsylvania on the recent policy of devoting much space to get up." lectively, compose the dining hall Railroad on the Washington-New poetry and creative work of students. staff. York run. We need not apologize for this. • Psych Stuff One of the most unusual features In 1919, he shipped to Europe as a There is no magazine to publish such work, Jim Wrightson, pride of Hering Hall, is finding that it of the staff is that it includes three cook on a small cargo freighter and and we feel that much of it should be published. doesn't pay to speculate during psychology class. While pairs of brothers, two uncles, three he visited Genoa, Valencia, Barcelona, Because of the small size of our college, many Jim was reading his text a couple of days ago, the pro- nephews, a husband and wife, one and the ruins of French battlefields. of the activities on the campus receive ample ressor asked the class, during a lecture on heredity, what father, end one son, among some of In spite of Mr. Brown's varied ex- publicity through other channels. _ would happen "if I crossed a red four-o'clock and a white whom, working at Western Maryland pei-ience, the most unusual feature of has been traditionally a family affair. his career is the fact that he has nev- We extend a welcome to the student body and four-o'clock?" Jim lifted his head fl·O mthe book just er been fired from any job. to the members of the English department fac- long enough to murmur, "You'd probably get a pink-and- ·.John Brown Head Chef ulty to submit for publication any article written white eight-o'clock." Three chefs cook and prepare t.he e Townes Is College Graduate by students. A box has been placed at the en- This self-same psychology prof was discussing during Hillyard Townes, the Virginia- trance to the book store for this purpose.· We this self-same lecture the phenomenon of two-headed born second chef, has been employed will endeavor to publish those that we feel are babies. "Has anyone here ever seen a two-headed baby?", at W. M. C. for three years, before of interest to our readers. she asked. "No", quoth a voice from the rear, "but I've ~--=I which lime he traveled about the got a baby who's a. bit two-faced." Psychology in its country, worldng and studying. FOl The Men's Infirmary broader aspects. two years, 1925 and 1926, Mr. Townes course at. studied the pre-pharmacy Is G.tting Popular .Competition If I were in love Crane's Union College, which is as- I would he in love with you Among the recent improvements in material Milt Lipstein gave Bill Fowler stiff competition for the I would be in love with the moon 01· sociated with the University of Chi- and-nan-material things on the campus is to be Workman Medal for the best "br-odie" when he pulled the the stars. cago, and beforc his mother's death, noted the cozy atmosphere in the men's infirmary following "job" last week: The song was enrolled at the University of Vir- provided by the flowers, pictures, books, and Miss "Lippy" retired at 9:30 one night and decided not to of a rrig-htbird ztnia. Burton Mack, a quiet, retiriug man, Adams's attitude. get up until 10 :30 the next morning, since he had no in the is the third chef. sense memory The favors that Miss Adams is doing constant- classes that day. So the bright little lad set his clock for of n Included in the baking- division are ly for the patients has increased the already over- 10:30 and hopped into bed. Naturally, the bell went off mind George Gibson, head bnker-, and James Whelming appeal of the infirmary; and, if she in an hour, instead of in 13 hours as Milt had planned. 1 am in love with yon tonight Norris, assistant baker. George Gib- continues to spend her idle moments baking cakes Groping his way out of bed, he walked to the window, I am in love with the wind son's experience at western Mary- for the invalids, she will soon need a bouncer to raised the shade, looked out, and exclaimed, "By golly I am ill love with the ruin 01" the fog land covers a period of eighteen years remove the fakers. now, an eclipse!" that pulls a soft veil before my of learning and practice. Uvilla Gib- eyes. son, his wife, and the only woman The Indispensables The wet member of the staff', makes salads. brown leaves baker, has James Norr-is, assistant linger been here five years and was at one on the bough time opera tor of the college's pas- then fall machiner-y. {Incidentallv, and kiss for the information of all interested the parties, the dining hall does not wa- earth ter the milk.) Besides baking. Mr. J sigh fOI· you Norr-is makes the college's thrice- I sigh fOI· the clo.stor of your min-I weekly ice cream (25 gallons fo]" .,. would be a monk '·."('\:01';'>';,20 gallons for Sunday) ill a fda)". (Continued 011 ]l:'l_(!:e4. col. 1) THE GOLD BUG ______ S"_b_"_dc_pt_'._._Price$2.00 a Ypar Editor-In-chief ..... ..... Isaac B. Reher-t '4~ Managing Editor Alvin H. Levin '43 Xews Editor John Rawlins '43 Assistant News Editor . ... Mal"y i'lIilJer '43 Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 Sports Editor John Robinson '43 !\ssistant Sports Editor. Joe Workman '43 Copy Editor Carolyn Schmidt '43 Proof Editor. ..... .. .... Mary Turnley '44 Stuff Photographer _ _................... Carl Webb '4.1 Business Managers Betty Cormany. werner Orrison '43 _\d\·e,tising Manager '42 Chculatlcn )Ianager _....................... '42 Contributors: Lillian Jackson '45. Virl!:"iniaWaters '43, L arl Bell '45, Carolyn Gable '43, Mary Spaulding '45, Anne Patten '44' Reece Scott '44, Nelson Wolfsheimer '44, Arlie Mansberger '44, The spark that. keeps Miss Tweed going is the geniality of her staff. Clarence McWilliams '43, Janet Baugher '45, Virginia Sweeney '42, Ann They are, left tf) right: Mack Owens, Sr., Uvi1la Gibson, John Brown, Francis Squirrel, Sterling Adams, M. Rice '45, Mary Virginia Webb '45, Deloris V. Hartke '45, Aglles Dyson Mack Owens, J)..., Richard Taylor, Laveul' Owens, James Norris, Lester Clark, Leford Chase, Richard l\Iagrll- '44, Thelma Morris '44, Connie Harris '45, Jeanne Williams '45. Ken Grove der, Roosevelt Chase, George Smith Hillyard Towne5, Francis Chase. '42, Carolyn Weant '415,Helen Stoner '45. Jane Miles '45, Ruth Sartf)rio '43.
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