Page 23 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Libr§ry Ue.tern Maryland College {Jestminster, Md. Vol. 19 No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE November 13, 1941 'Man Who Came To Dinner' Gold Bug Staff .... adver- Cormany, Betty To BeThanksgiving Production tising manager, has been appoint- former ed co-business Gold 8-ug. manager of the Paul Alelyunas Heads Cast Of Play Satirizing Group Carolyn Schmidt has been Of Broadway Theatrical PIaye" In Modern Life named copy editor of the paper. The newly-appointed proof edi- When two playwr'ights as widely tor is ~Iary Turnley. celebrated as Moss Hart and George According to Miss Esther Smith, The Gold Bug will not 'be pub- S. Kaufman are able to so scathingly director of "The Man Who Came '1'0 lished Thanksgiving Week. satirize the Broadway theata-ieal set, Dinner", an admission fee of 35c and at the sante time, enjoy the will be charged. Receipts will be whole-heartedly enthusiastic support turned over to a College Players' of that set-that's news. fund to aid in financing later produc- Doeng~s Selects tiona and to pay for royalty permis- ~~~:~;t~a~~~~Jat~le:l:x!~~;;t~v~~~:ot: The the only production Play of the Business Staff But when two play- the same is, sions. Thanksgiving however, "for reasons that are nobody's busi- year fOI' which a student admission uessv=-well, that's just "The Man fee is collected. For Aloha "rho Came To Dinner". e Few Amateur Productions After over a month of constant re- Since the play, a Broadway comedy Announcement of the 1942 Aloha hearsing, the College Players will hit of the past season, was only re- Stuff was made this week by Jack present their first production of the leased for amateur presentation this Doenges, business manager. season on the stage of Alumni Hall next Thursday evening, November 20, ~all, the Western Maryland Players At the same time, plans to include atS P. M. are one of the first amateur groups to a larger adver-tiaing- sec t i 0 11, H produce it. Booster list and to advertise in the Paul Alelyunas, in the role of Sher- AllWlni NewlJ were also disclosed, Concert Series idan Whiteside, heads the cast as the by The plea to alumni on Homeccmiug ad- Day to support and is supported main character the Awka with For Winter Is the following students: Shirley Reese, vet-tieing- subscriptions achieved to a Doris of success, according fair amount James Snodgrass, Davenport, Jean Trump, Herbert weaver, Vic- Doenges. Announced toria Attix, Marvin Shroyer, Doro- The st.nff includes: e i- Hancock. Hurley, 'Miriam S t ray Lucie thy Circulation Sears, - Leigh Barnes, Lawrence Brown, Stan Ritchie, Grover Powell, Kenneth January 20 will bring the next in the college's winter concert series Gladys Crowson, John Douty, Donald Groves, Peter Badrich, Clarence Mac- when William Ireland Duncan will Marsh, Charles 'I'souprake, Russell Williams, Don Gi-iffln, Reece Scott, present the Marumettes Sellman, George Wilson, DOll Griffin, ' Joe Workman, Jerry Diener, Thomas in a program consisting of two eelec- Betty Cormany, James Robb, Joe O'Leary, Laurette MacCusker, Gene AnnuarSadie Hawkins Dance t:ons~"The Melon Thief" and "The Whiteford, George Marshall, William Belt, Ir-l Wentz, Doris Davenpor-t, Ruth Glowing Bird" by Edward Mabley. Leatherman, Thomas Bush, Peter Peggy Reeves, Gladys t.:!eJe Masten, Kitty Mac'Vean, Crowson, Jeanne To Be Held On November 22 Badr-ich. Continuing the series, t.he Curtis Voss, Anna Robey, Barbara Zimmer- String Quartet, who have appeared on man, Louise Young, and the campus before, will present u IRe Will Be Sponsor Of Trump. For just one night, November 22, Western Maryland 'gates program of chamber music on Feb- will put aside their glam and glitter and get out their glad rags ruary 13. The quartette is composed -Penel Discussion About Advertising~Jerry Diener, Vernon for the annual Sadie Hawkins Day Dance. That is the great day of two violins, a cello, and a viola. Weisand, Betty Cormany, Helen Gar- when the eligible swains are courted and treated by their shy, yet The climax of the series will come Fre';dom .or The Seas _ ey. on March 20 when, under the direc- Aloha proofs were returned to the so willing, admirers. setting, with plenty of rural Held in a typical Dogpatch tion of Dr. Hans Kindlei', the Nation- "The America.n Policy Of Freedom representative of Zamsky studios to- rhythm furnished by Cap Kidd and his orchestra, the scene of the al Symphony Orchestra will present of the Seas" Will be the topic of a day, and orders were taken for pic- its sixth annual concert on the Hill panel discussion at the 1. R. C. meet- tures to be delivered before Christ- dance will be a direct reproduction of Al Capp's famous cartoon "Li'l Abner." Well-known for his subtle humor, Mr. Capp has in Alumni Hall. ing on Monday, NOvember 24, at 7 created in Sadie Hawkins, a spinster known all over the country This orchestra was organized in P. l'II. The meeting will be chairman- 1931 by Dr. Kindler and .has since ed by Dr. Theodore Whitfield. P$eudo~Science Simplified, No.2 :os;~ea;~:~. ~:~. :~:~ad spunk enough achieved national fame. The college Professor Frank Hurt, Dr. Law- For all you hill-billies that aren't concert is the most important mllsi- l'ence Little, Anna Robey, Ruth "in the know", he're you will find the cal evellt in the region, and attracts Baugher, Edward Thomas, and Isaac 'Integrated Personality' Analyzed a number of patrons from Westmin- Rehert will participate. true story of the first Sadie Hawkins at the Universit.y of Mary- By Student Authority On Genius ster and Carroll County. DI'. W. M. Gewher, professor of Day: Students arc admitted to all of History Sadie Hawkins was the daughter of settlers of Dog- t.hesc events without charge, the ad· land, will be the speaker of the fol- one of the earliest Hekzebiah Hawkins. namely, patch, mission coming out of their activities lowing meeting scheduled for De- In last week's Gold B1!U (Don't who dr6p into his room, they're fees. cember. bOther to look for it; you probably "Swell". Joseph sets aside from She was .the homeliest gal in "all put it around your shoes when you nine-t.hirty to eleven-thirty every them hills." On Sadie's twentieth took them to the shoemaker's), we night-to talk to the fellows coming in birthday, she came to the sad realiza- Don't Blame Li'l Abner ... discussed the "Genius OIl Our Camp- from theil' dates and the salesmeu tion that she, of all the girls her age, us." This article has left such a bad who drift in. He likes to w!"ite term remained ullmanied; and what was taste in the melltai mouths of OUI' papers-two in onc week, especially worrying her Illost, there didn't even readers that this week we feel if he has three tests to study fOI". seelll to be a faint hope of a suitor. obliged to discuss the "Perfectly In- Joseph's secret ambition is to be on She complained to her fathel', and tegrated Personality," 0 the r w i s e the Student Government. Who's his day by day he gave her courage-in known as "Joseph College." l'oommate? We don't talk about that fact, he gave her courage for 15 years. .Enjoys College -he shot himself Freshman Week! At the end of 15 years, her courage Joseph got so much out. of Fresh- and her father's courage definitely mall orientation program that he was Dr. Maynard Will Give gave out. Poor papa Hekzehiah was made Rat Chairman his freshman getting mighty worried, 'cause it ycar. He has learned not to loaf on Second Lecture In Series looked like unsought-for-Sadie was the steps of Smith Hall, to read only gonna be on his hands for the rest of a living bis dnys. So-papa had those- books revelant to the courses "William Butler Yeats and Georg~ bright idea. He called together aU that he is taking, and to take courses W. Russell" will be the stibjects of that PREPARE HIM TO DO the second in a series of eight lec- the eligible bachelors and inforllled SOMETHING. He studies, sleeps, tures given by Dr. Theodore May- them that with the sound of the gun and the and "dates" (at Blanche Ward a-nd nard in Room 31 at 7:30 P. M. on they were to start running, Sadie would by daughter one caught November 24. McDaniel), according to a schedule Lytton Strachey will be discussed be the lucky spouse, One poor fellow which he has pasted over his desk, on December 17. - Once, however, he was 50 startled was left at the post, and Sadie when, at the end of the week, he had Dr. Maynard will publish in the grabbed for him, thus heralding the twenty minutes that he did not know near future his latest book, A Hi8_ wedding bells. All the other spin- how to use, that he lost all his poise tory of Catholici8m in Am.6rica. sters watched with envy and thought for several days. the idea so good that they made Sa- die Hawkins Dayan annual affair. Joseph is happy, so-o happy he Thanksgiving ... doesn't mind a lab every afternoon Thanksgiving Day will be observed There you have it-the real reason and four classes on Saturday. He this year on the Hill on Thursday, for the slicked hair, friendly smiles likes all of his teachers and enjoys November 20, in accordance with the and spotless shirts and ties on the each and every meal in the dining decrees of President Roosevelt and W.M.C. eligible bac.belors; they're hall. Breakfast is J O!!eph's favorlu Governor O'Conor. just dying to be invited, girls, so go meal. When It comes to the boys in Classes will be suspended for the ahead-be like Sadie and "git yo!" the dorm, they are all Swell." day. Wednesday. November 19, and mantI-and fellows-don't tell your His special joy is opening a box Friday, November 21. will be $5.00 best girl you don't like her hair-do or from home in the presence of about days. the way she wears her face--you'U be , You'd Run Too sixteen fellows. He likes the fellow!> sorry!
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