Page 22 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 22
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 6, 1941 New Dorm Council Dogpalch Doin's Sixteen Students Eligible Is Appointed By Scatter, Men-But Not Too Swiftly; For Argonaut Society New members were admitted to the Men's SGA Sadie Hawkins Is Out A'gunnin'! Argonauts, the college honor society, by the club at their acceptance after Have you noticed how much the ns regular meeting on Wednesday, Appointments to Men's Dormitory girls are eating in the dining room November 7. Council, consisting of sixteen repre- lately, the long walks' they are tak- Those students who have had a sentatives from Albert Norman \Vard, "B" average for four semesters, and Carroll Distributors four from :McKinstry, and six from ing. and how often they go to the who were therefore eligible for mem- grill? Know why? Sadie Hawkins Ward and Hering, were made at the day is coming, and they are getting bership included: Milton Huber, Al- 173 W. Main St. meeting of the Men's Student Govern- into good physical condition for the bert Jones, Alvin Levin, Robert Sei- ment on Monday, November 3. occasion! Yes, sir, Saturday, No- man, Verna Cooper, Elizabeth Gable, Phone 644 Duties of the council members in- Janith Horsey, Hannah McKee, Hazel elude reporting of breakage and main- vember 22, is Sadie Hawkins Day, Metz, Mary Miller, Dorothy Sowter, and that, as you know from reading tenance of order. your favorite comic strip, lA~l Abner, Strayer Hancock, Jean Lamoreau, WESTMINSTER, MD. The Student Government also nom- is the day when the girls chase the Lauretta McCusker, and Anna Robey, inated Senior men students fur boys-e-m this case, to invite the un- Dr, Ridington, co-advisor of the Ar- "Who's Who". The final selection will fortunate creatures to the dance that Sadie Hawkins gonauta, was host to the group at his SUBSCRIBE TO THE be made by the social activities com- home, The speaker was Rev. Lund- GOLD BUG mittee, composed of faculty members night. The girls pay the admission And the boys are up against the berg, local Episcopal minister, who and student representatives. On and act as escorts. They may even d~al problems of "outrunning" cer- spoke on "Education in Hawaii." Thursday evening, November 6, there send a corsage of cauliflower and tam gals who have intentions on See our will be a meeting of all men students carrots. is in reverse on that them, and getting caught by the right don't care to go to the dance, they Everything to discuss the formation of a joint one, Now they know what the girls had better plan a good hideout, be- council of the Men and Women's Stu- day; the girls take the initiative for usually go through, except in 1'10· cause the girls have other ideas. BALFOUR dent Governments. a change, and walk the lucky fellows verse. If any of the bashful males Good luck, Lil' Abner! The persons appointed to the Dor- to the kicking post, treat them to mitory Councils arc as follows- cakes, or take them to the movies. display of very useful jewelry Even the stag line outside the dining Ward Hall, first floor-Ed Thomas with 'and Stan Ritchie; second floor-Sig hall is composed of girls. They dp Jensen and Wilbur Preston; third the cutting in at the dance, too, and MEET AND EAT AT THE Western Maryland floor-Tom O'Leary and Strayer they really enjoy it. N; wallflowers Hancock. In McKinstry Hall-first on Sadie Hawki::_s Day! Seal floor-Fred Kullmar and Peter Bad- CITY RESTAURANT rich; second floor-c-Juck Rawlins and Fred Eohn. Phone 300 The Gift of Gifts for West- In ,Albert Norman Ward Hall- first floor, section A.-Jimmie Robb, CARROLLEEN SEA FOOD AND STEAlt DINNERS ern Maryland students section B-Ken Volk, section C -Ralph Dudley, section D-Frank OUR SPECIALTY Tarbutton; second floor A - Lee Individual Coiffures SEEING IS BELIEVING" Lodge, B-Nick Plscano, C--Don Beauty in its Entirety Griffin, D-Ken Burdette; on the third • floor, section A-Dick Patten, B.- BONSACK BROS. Erni! Grenda, C-Joe Workman, D- 66 W: Main St. I Bob Dowell; fourth floor-section A- WESTMINSTER, MD. 11 W. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. The College Shop Thornton Wood, B-Carl Webb, C- Bob Moore, D-Werner Orrison, THREE CHAIR SERVICE PATRONIZE No Waiting OUR HEAGY BROTHERS' ADVERTISERS. BARBER SHOP Next ee Post Office SMITH & REIFSNIDER , Incorporated LUMBER-COAL Where your Hungry Dates WESTMINSTER, MD. Congregate -- GLORIA "ND ·SARBARA BREWSTEII H. E. REESE .popurC'rtwi~1 of ,tog." (I~o;I ,creel\ TAILOR Cleaning Margaret & Earl's Repairing DeWAYNE BILLS - Representative Just off the Campus 94 East Main Street Welcome Back to College John Everhart '!HE COLLEGE BARBER Greetings From AND BOBBER AT THE FORKS J. Stoner Geiman -- Welcome HUTZLER. BJlOJHERS @ Western Maryland Greets Alumni . The Faculty To gtV Y . oU the one e that Homecoming Alumni l cigarette and Students Compliments and on Y "t takes the ri~ht ':7. and listen to th' • , Satisfies." q, . . of of }<_ind s of the :.or ~d'sbestci~arette these best ci matmn of . It takes the Right Comb' {rom our oW~ ~arette tobaccos, the Western Maryland tobaccos ••,ted best rare aro m 9.t tC Mend th at can t he cop; d College Carroll 'fobacco\a"d a~urkey ••. the best Chesterfield the e ••• to give ~ob9.CCOS{rotO . ney con buY·' pleasure that mak extra smoking tobaccOS that ",0 THEY SATISFY. es smokers say' and State Theatres ~,~()fId~ . We travel together without any fuss , Westminster's Best In 'ffiChesterfIeld we always charter Entertainment a Blue Ridge Bus. Welcome Alumni THE MILDER BETTER-TASTING COOLER-SMOKING CIGARETTE
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