Page 21 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 6, 1941 PAGE THREE MORNING Freshmen Eleven Wins 8-0 Dickinson Red Devils Here AFTER To Preserve Perfect Mark For Terrors Homecoming • By John Robinson SPuRTS EDITOR Dickinson Junior CoII.g. Gr •• t Pa .. Off.ns. Fall. B.lor. T.rrors- Built Around Rehor; When Dickinson trods down the hill Saturday afternoon, they will Bullis Pr.p Last Gam. In Series bring with them one of the nation's outstinding passers in the collegiate Still undefeated after playing four Dickinson's Red Devils will give ranks. games, \Vestern Maryland's Fresh- Western Maryland's pass defense a And when the column says this, it man football team will have an open real workout on Saturday, when they is well hacked; for from the Dickin- date this Saturday before winding are guests of the Green and Gold in son Bureau of Public Relations re- up the season with Bullis Prep on the annual homecoming day football lease, on October 20, came the follow- Hoffa Field next week. game on Hoffa Field. defeated Dickin- The Baby Terrors ing report; "Dickinson, with Rehor, son Junior College last Saturday by Air Attack Expected I"""~~""_ ;~~'sOf o~~:ta~:= the score of 8 to 0, to give the fr-esh Led by Chucking Doug Rehor, Dick- one of the most ing passers, club a record of three wins and one inson will present attacks in recent concentrated air tie in four contests. The Green team throwing- strikes has defeated Massanntten, Mercers- years. Last year the Red Devils on every other burg, and Dickinson, and were tied tripped the Terrors at Carlisle, 13 to play, has out- by Gettysburg. • 6, but the year previous the Green gained all three Early Score and Gold won out while celebrating teams played to Last Saturday, the Baby Terrors Homecoming Day on Hoffa Field, d ate, although lost little time in scoring their touch- 25 to O. they have won down against Dickinson on a muddy but one game." gridiron, as they tallied their first six Douglas C. points four minutes after the opening Prebeble Line-up Rehor, sophomore back, is twenty-one kickoff. Hymie Miller, diminutive We8tern years old, 6 feet r inch in height, and halfback, again proved vto be the D,ickinson Maryw.nd tips the scales at 185 pounds. Just sparkplug of the Terror offense, as as Cortland had its Hatthaway, he returned punts for thirty yards on Crouthamel LE Gibson Dickinson has her Rehor. Watch numerous occasions. Burrowes LT Thomas him, number,40, a right-handed ma- Menna LG Kittner chine! Dickinson received the opening Polehmann C Souprake / kickoff, and was forced to punt on 1n the fiist, two engagements, Rehor third down from their own twenty. Kun RG Baker threw, 50 aerials, and 30 of them were three yard line. The punt traveled to Gehr RT Natalizi completed for 375 yards. ~nd along the fifty yard line, and Miller return- Bailey RE Sorensen with his other bombing back field ed to the twenty-five. Curley Coffman Michaels QB Biasi friends, the Red Devils have com- and Miller alternated in carrying the Brosius LHE Lewis pleted 46 passes in 90 attempts for a ball, with Coffman finally bucking Beattie RHE Bricker Bercy grand total of _548 yards. It isn't over from the two-yard stripe. Rolie FE Terry hard to guess what play Dickinson Blanchette's attempt for the conver- will use next.; for ill those first three sion failed as the pass from center contests 184 plays were called and 90 was wide. A last-quarter spurt by Bucknell of them were of the passing variety. Two More Points University was the deciding factor in This gives them an average of one The scoring ended in the second a 26 to 7 win over Western Maryland last Saturday. The Bisons, leading back will not Terror Kaplan, Manny pass out of two plays and an average period when Charley Godwin and Joe starting line-up triple threat when the Terrors meet Dickinson's Saturday Oil of about 12 yards on every comple- Kugler tackled Carl Seward, Dickin- Red Devils. Injured last week, Kaplan was excused from this 14 to 7, pushed across two scores in tion. Another amazing thing is the son halfback, in the end zone to give week's practice, but will be ready to perform if called upon. the last period just when a ray of fact that the back is still standing the Baby Terrors a safety. This end- hope for a Western Maryland upset after every heave. ed the scoring, but both teams threat, seemed on the way. Dickinson's case is an interesting ened several times in the second half. Pi Alpha Alpha Loses 19-0 As Bucknell Tallies one. With such a passer as Rehor, Every man on the Western Mary- Bucknell had tallied early in the how can they lose? Well, th~s far land squad saw action as Coach Rip ball game, converted, and scored again they have won but one game, have Engle continued his policy of fre- Preachers Grab Fifth Straight before the Green and Gold found their lost three, and tied one. They downed quent substitution. The squad is in bearings and started a second quar-~-- Ursinus 20 to 7 in the opening test of good physical shape except for Walt ter drive which brought the only Ter- the year, but they were edged out by Phillips, who will be out of action for Pi Alpha Alpha, after completely 6 to O. Last week, they tripped the ror score for the day. Back 14 to 0, Washington and Jefferson, 7 to 6. Del- dominating play in the first quarter of Black and Whites to hold on to second the visitors on a sustained drive, aware downed them, 28 to 9; Muhlen- Statistics their touch football game with Delta. place, when Elmer Evans caught Pete mostly on the ground, carried the ball berg tripped them 13 to 0; while a tie Pi Alpha on Tuesday, were stopped Townsend's pass for the only touch- to the Bison 6 yard line, where Manny resulted last week with Drexel, 0 to Scores just shy of the goal line, the Preach- down of the day: Another aerial, Kaplan heaved a pass far to the side o. Beby Terrora 9 .Mu~anutten ers going on to win by the score of Evans to Porky Powell, accounted for to DeWane Bills good for the touch- Yet in the game with Delaware, Baby Terror~ 20 1 Mercersburg 19 to O. the point in the 7 to 0 victory. down. A conversion by Kaplan quick- Gettysburg naby TenOn! they outgained the Blue Hens in first Baby Terrors 8 DiCkin.on Schubert Stars Bets Ready ly followed, and the Ten-ors were downs 16 to 5, and against Washing- SCoring Leaders Earl Schubert, Black and White Tough breaks have hampered the back in the ball game at 14 to 7. ton and J etferson won in that de- P.A.T. captain, threw numerous passes which Gamma Bets since the first game, partment, also 13 to 9. In the Wand ~~ann T: c o went for long gains in leading the of- when they dropped a 12 to 0 decision Terrors Lose Ball J game, they had the ball on the one o a fense for the losers. BiliBaylies,Abe to the Preachers. Harry Yingling Western Maryland completely dom- foot line with a minute to go but Gruel, and Roger Saltzgaver were on stepped out of the end zone for a inated play after the half and in the I couldn't score. Totals show 42 first Johnaon ... the receiving end, while Bill Vincent safety in the 8 to 6 first Bachelor third period were continually in Bison ...1 BlancbEtt" downs to opponents 20 in the first and Zack Ebaugh were prominent on tilt, and this proved to be the decid- Territory. A fumble, recovered by I three tilts. the rest of the season with a broken the defense. ing factor in the final statistics. They the Terrors on the Heed's 25, set up a I Last season they won three games ankle. Stan Kilkuskie and Pat Car- Preacher Tallies then tied the Black and Whites 6 to 6, scoring opportunity which went for -Delaware, Roanoke, and WEST- uso are still troubled with knee injur- Preacher scores were made by before losing to the Preachers in the' naught as the Green and Gold lost the .j ERN MARYLAND. They lost to ies, but are able to play. Nemo Robinson on a pass from Joe second round 26 to O. ball on downs. Gettysburg and Muhlenberg, AI- Dickinson presented a hard fight- Workman, Randy Scholl's buck off I blight 6 to 0, and Washington and ing club, but was unable to penetrate 'the center of the line, and Workman's Jefferson 7 to 6. A tie with Ursinus the Terror defense except during the fine run around end. Jimmy Jones --- • Senior Stars • completes the summary. third period when they picked up caught Bud Smith's toss for the extra some ground through the line. point. . , ! Alpha Gamma Tau, resting com- fortably in second place, will go after Terror Booters their third win of the season when j they meet the Gamma Bets on .Fri- at 4 o'clock. Tn the Drop 4-3 Tilt day afternoon of these two clubs, the last meeting Bachelors came out on top, 8 to 0 and To G-Burg this Friday's game promises to be 1 just as interesting. In a driving rain last Saturday, the Bachelors Second Green and Gold booters suffered their Thus far, the Bachelors have won third defeat in five games against a twice, lost once, and tied once. They strong Gettysburg eleven, 4 to 3. opened the season with a 0 to 0 tie Blair Tallies with the Black and Whites, downed Gettysburg opened the scoring in the Gamma Bets, 8 to 6, before drop- the first quarter, but before the period ping a close game to the Preachers, was over, Frank Tarbutton was fouled, and Bud Blair tied the game up with tied up. Gettysburg tallied midway a perfect penalty shot into the Get- in the third period, but the Terrors tysburg net. Then the Bullets quick- came back to life when Clarence Me- ly returned to the scoring column U! Williams drove home the third goal take a 2 to 1 lead at the end of the from the outside post. ,With both full period. teams fighting for possession of the In the second quarter, Gettysburg ball, the Terrors missed two oppor- once again punctured scoring terri- tunties to score in the final period. tory and tAllied their third goal of the Charles Wallace's hooters were day to lead 3 to 1, but a beautiful handicapped by the absence of Bob shot from the foot of warren Cook Shockley, veteran fullback, and Tom put the Terrors once again back in the Price, regular halfback, who were ball game at 3 to 2 as the half ended. sidelined by injuries sustained in the Even Contest Temple fray. Tom O'Leary and Ben Gettysburg and Western Maryland Griffith took over in a creditable fought on even terms for the remain- manner in the Gettysburg contest, der of the game, and it appeared s~v- marked by good sportsmanship and eral times that the contest would be clean play.
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