Page 20 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, West:minster,Md., November -6. 1941 PAGE TWO Football This We.k's. • Personality .. a visionary study of its basic sa vagery Tests Should M.asur. (Apologies to Vachel Lindsay) Attainmenl 01 Purpose • • Off Ihe Campus Husky, sweating halfbacks in a steaming locker- The most important job of any student enrolled room, in any course is to determine the purpose of the Gridiron heroes with feet quite able, course and then to seek to attain that purpose. Dr. Mary O. Ebaugh, professor of ed- the state, for she has served at var- Laughed and sang and pounded on the table, The student's arrival at these objectives is ucation at Western Marylan,d College, ious times on state committees which Pounded training table, usually conditioned by the type 'of tests given by comes from a family of outstanding studied different problems of educa- Beat an empty locker with the handle of a broom, the teacher of the course, because studying for doctors and teachers. One of her tion. After graduating from Goucher Hard as they were able, tests serves, for most students, as the incentive brothers is a nationally known psy- of College in 1907, Dr. Ebaugh taught at Boom! BOOM! BOOM! chiatrist, her father was principal With the end of a ball-bat and the handle of a for integration and review. the Franklin High School for twenty the Catonsville High School, and was broom, The most important job of the faculty, then, in preparing a test, is to see to it that the test will years, and two of her three sisters also the v:ice-principal there. She Boomlay! Boomlay! Boomlay! Boom! During this later became principal. measure the degree to which the student has mas- are teachers. time, Dr. Ebaugh received the degree Then I had a vision; then I lost misgiving; Dr. Ebaugh herself is looked up to tered the objectives. of Master of Arts from Johns Hop- I could not turn from their revel in derision. In all courses, students want to study for prac- as one of the educational leaders of tical understanding of subject matter so that kins University. Then I saw the GRIDIRON cutting through the Dr. Ebaugh came to Western Mary- they can apply this subject matter to everyday land in 1926 as an associate professor black, living. of education. She also assumed du- Cutting through the campus with a lime-lined track. In no courses do students want to study for ties as the director of student teach- Then along the playing-field, a hundred yards, minute details, the knowledge of which serves no ing. It WRS in this capacity that she White-shirted referees howled at guards, other purpose than the attainment of high grades has always helped steady the shaky And "Touchdown!" screamed the whistles and the on tests or ostentatious display. nerves of many student-teachers on horns of the umpires, When the objectives of teacher and student their way to teach their first lesson. "Offside!" screamed the long-faced, lean, lank um- clash so that the teacher, through his tests, com- In 1930, Dr. Ebaugh was made pro- pires. pels the student to study minute details-when fessor of education and she has serv- Whirl ye the oblate, spheroid football, the students, as they review in preparation for ed in that capacity ever since. Since Harry the backfield; rip through the forward their tests, feel that they are prostituting them- she has been at Western Maryland, wall . selves in studying material that they feel is ir- she has obtained the degree of Doctor Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! relevant or at least of secondary or tertiary im- of Education from the Johns Hop- Football is a tough game, short-lived yet wonderful, portance, and not emphasizing what they feel is kins University. Scramble-brained and wonderful. of primary importance-c-then is manifested the Dr. Ebaugh has always been ex- Boom! Kick the pigskin! need for understanding and change. tremely interested in her work here Boom! Plunge through tackle! Situations like this do.exist on our campus, and on the Hill. Her interest, however, Boom! Pick up eight yards! are the cause of much friction between students does not lie solely in the education de- GO! GO! GO! and faculty. partment, but also in all the phases Listen to the howl of the coach's henchmen, Situations like this should be ameliorated, of college life. Invariably, on Sunday Seeking to find some good among the bench-men. mornings, Dr. Ebaugh turns first to Hear how the coaches rant and yell, The "Griping" Aboul Service Dr. Mary O. Ebaugh the sports page of the paper to see Griping at linemen who are "dumb as hell". Listen to the low-voiced warning whisper, Is Legilimale This Time about the -e~- how the football team made out in its Voiced as the autumn air grows crisper, The students' traditional "griping" Saturday game. Voiced as the season rolls on by, "all-round" that Dr. Ebaugh has food began prematurely this year after a series ability and personality that marks Voiced where the helmets are thrown and lie, of meals which really occasioned it. -Socid- the truly intelligent person. More- "Be careful what you do, A conference with Miss Tweed on the matter over, she is the fortunate possessor of Or Charlie Havens, King of the Football, revealed several important considerations. -h~- a keen sense of humor, and can al- . And all of the other coaches of football, Despite the increase in cost, the quality of ways appreciate a good joke. It is Charlie Havens will pounce on you .. meals are the same as that of last year. In fact, perhaps this sense of humor that has Charlie .. Havens .. will .. pounce. . you .. Miss Tweed remarked that many of the menus A few of the alumni expected to be permitted her to understand the out- Charlie Havens , will ... pounce. this year have been identical with those of last on the Hill for Homecoming Day are look and actions of the student; and you . year. Mr. Frank Bowers, president of the she has always "stood up" for them The national defense situation has occasioned Alumni Association ... Dr. Legg, and supported them through many an unusual labor situation which has caused con- president of the Carroll County Club, difficulties. who win preside at the banquet Sat- stant change in the dining hall staff. This is the During some of her summer vaca- College Opinion ... of much of the poor service. urday night ... Mr. Caleb O'Connor, tions, Dr. Ebaugh has indulged in ,.,..."._.....crner_e is no excuse. however, for the ineffici- an outstanding alumnus of 1898. another of her favolites-travelling. ency of the waiters who fail to bring to the tables We will expect some of the more re- She has had several trips to Canada, On World Affairs the food that is present in the cafeterias. ~ cent grads, such as Kitty Jockel, Hen- the West Coast, Alaska, the national This is the cause of most of the irritation about ry Ricker ... and some of our ex-stu- parks, New England, Florida, and ... A Survey food and dining hall. dents, Julia Sheppard, Harriett Dy- New Orleans. Probably her longest gert, Lois Guba, and Elaine Meade. The waiters must realize that they are render- stretch of travelling was a six What do the young men in our colleges think about the around the campus Seen frequently ing an important service to the student body. The bas been the Reverend Will Devine months trip to Europe, three months present World War? Professors in our colleges are sus- later lunch hour now gives them ample oppor- '39, who is taking a bi-weekly course of which were spent in study at t1ie pected of having destroyed their faith in democracy by tunity to prepare for their duties. University of Munich. being too critical of its failures, according to a bulletin The student body must realize that we are in a at the Seminary .. recently released by Associated Collegiate Press. At a Today, Dr. Ebaugh is a patient period of emergency, when even their homes are Cordelia Price and Rebecca Lar- Johns Hopkins Hospital where she at recent survey taken among the upperclassmen at Prince- deprived of certain usual commodities. For this, more were guests at the Annapolis has been since last spring. Hef in- ton, it was discovered that the attitudes of the men ques- the dining hall staff is not to blame, and the co- Naval Academy last week-end ... A terest in Western Maryland College tioned were most reasonable. operation and understanding of the student body welcome visitor on the campus last When asked about the 1914-1918 war, most men agreed would be a great help to an already strained sit- week was Sam Galbreath '40... he is at has not declined, and she remains one that the causes and results were very complex; and the of the Gold Bu.g's most ardent read- now a second lieutenant instructor uation. Taft Field, California ... general opinion was tbat everyone wanted the war, but that no one really won. They believed that the present An Apology To Pseudo-Science Simplified Nazi movement was a direct result of the peace terms. Peler B.drich Some believed that the victory which we made possible An apology is due Peter Badrich from the Gold 'Campus Queer~'? Why, No Sir; should have been used to establish a decent world order. Bug. In last week's issue of the paper, an announce- .On Aid To Britain ment was made that Peter would serve as master Survey Shows They're Geniuses The opinions concerning aid to Britain were varied. of ceremonies at the Frosh-Soph Hop. Some desired maximum aid; others think we have gone Most students are aware of the failures of Brit- too far. This article was written by an over-zealous re- Would you know a genius if you down, as if he were planning a way to ish statesmanship since the last war. porter who had not seen Peter to verify his in- met one on our campus-c-or back-cam- "liberate mankind." Let's not waste formation. pus? Would you care? words on him; he's trying to eke out When asked if we should enter the war and, if so, Peter, who had no plans for the occasion, gave In a recent educational psychology 18 points just like the rest of us. He's when? Only one man replied "Never". A few said we' an impromptu performance rather than disap- class, the professor reported that worried. should enter only if attacked; others said only when Eng- point his audience. about 1% of the students at W. M. C. Among us also is the Extra-Currie- land is in danger of collapsing. A few are afraid that in We are sorry for having inconvenienced him have an IQ of 14()...-..()rthat of genius. ular Activ:ity Genius, who, having this country a form of dictatorship might arise which and congratulate him on his better-than-good This astounding statement has caused planned an easy schedule for the se- would be more dangerous than Nazi invasion itself. Only sportsmanship. much comment. "From the kicking nior year, uses this opportunity to one student declared that we have a moral obligation to post to the seventh green," the think- "get around socially," with the steps enter as soon as we can. ing students of W. M. C. are asking, of Smith Hall as the center of her .Do Not Like Nazism THE GOLD BUG "Who are these gifted people? jf we activity. we accept her as we do the ican youth has been misled can be assured that this is not How We dare not explain this The people of this country who have feared that Amer- type; them--even can we recognize ~:~~~~d~::d~h:~~P~:~"1~~~S~~j~~~~!~:~O;~~~t!~~I~~g~~~:li~~!~ so. The students agreed that Naziism has its good interested at Friday' dinner. vegetable are to?" Especially want the freshman girls who-are ready to Valuable to any "bull-session" matter at '\\"estmill.ter Post Offiee. under the Ad of March 8. 1879. welcome (wy genius with open arms. Dilletante Type. He reads all around is points, but that the. desire for power and the lack of free- dom of the laborer will cause the downfall of the Nazi Subseription Pr-iee $2.00 a Year Let us look at some of the manifesta- every course and boasts about never regime. Their'belief is that the virtues of Naziism are Editor-in-chief . . Isaac B. Rehert '42 tions of this natural phenomenon as 'opening a text-book. You'll meet him not virtues when one looks into them. Managing Editor '''V Alvin H. Lev:in '43 we see it about the campus. at summer school, too. News Editor . . John Rawlins '43 Ptrst, and most conspicuous, are The Military Genius is weighted .Proud Of Democracy Assistant News Editor.. . :Mary Miller '43 those people who come into the post- down with too many medals and a These college men are proud of their democracy, and Feature Editor Healy '43 office carrying violin cases and thick cumbersome book. Conscription has they regard as privileges their sense of responsibility, Sports Editor Robinson '43 yellow music books. The secret of awakened in him the great urge to ~heir civil liberties, and their capacities to make changes Assistant Sports Joe Workman '43 their genius lies a potent vitamin B1 serve unselfishly (as an officer) for III the government. Exchange Editor Virginia Sweeney '42 concentrate. It is the wonderful re- 'the glory of America. He hopes Those taking part in this parade of opinion, insisted Proof Editor Mary Turnley '44 sult of the marriage of the arts and "There'll Always Be An England" that their attitudes are the result of family influences, Business Manager. . Werner Orrison '43 sciences. and never be another A. E. F. reading, conversations with friends, and commentators Circulation Managers: Then, there is that Versatile Type We might also mention the Phil- opinions rather than the teachings of their professors. Thornton Wood '42; Frank Tarbutton '42 that majors in several different fields, They have stated that their college courses have clarified Contributors: Ray Purnell '43, Lillian Jackson '45, Virginia does honors work, and derives his osophical Genius who has solved all their conflicting ideas and attitudes and that their col- Waters '43, Lee Stiffler '45, Carolyn Schmidt '43, pleasure from laughing at the clumsy of life's problems and thus has es- Carolyn Gable '43, Mary Spaulding '45, Anne Bar- efforts of others who are not as gifted caped the sordidness of this world; lege courses have taught them the value of democratic row '45, Richard Patten '44, Clarence McWilliams '43, as he. We must understand him. He the Scientific Genius who lives from institutions. Reece Scott '44, Janet Baugher '45, Nelson \Volf- one lab to the next, who hasn't read From this survey, we can conclude that the average sheimer '44, Arlie Mansberger '44, Ann Rice '45, just wants to be sure of a job when college student, although planning to enter a profession, Mary Webb '45, Deloris Hartke '45, Connie Harris '45, he graduates. a book since Political Science 101; Jeanne Williams '45, Carolyn Weant '45, Helen Stoner The Eccentric Genius moves among and the Dev:iI_May_Care Genius who will not hesitate to fight if the time comes when this is '45, Jane Miles '45, Ruth Sartorio '43, Mary Virginia us with his shirt-tail out, and his head "could if I studied." necessary. Walker '43.
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