Page 19 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Vol. 19 No.5 Preacher Dance To Mark Start Of Frat Series First in a series of four fraternity dunces will be the annual Homecom- ing Dance to be sponsored by the Del- ta Pi Alpha fraternity on Saturday, November 8, in Gill Gymnaaium. As usual, the fraternity dance will be semi-formal, will begin at 8, and end at 11:30 P. M. The admission will be $1.10 with no stags allowed. Fumtshing the music will be "The Townsmen," an eleven-piece aggrega- tion from Baltimore. This is the or- ehestra which, according to interested observers on the Hill, provided an ex- cellent brand of music during the summer at Meadowbrook in Balti- more. "The Townsmen" feature both sweet and swing along with several novelty selections. Robert Beglin, chairman of the pro- gram committee, promises something Analee Camp unique in the way of programs and also that there will be enough for all. Ernest Bacon And Analee Camp Will The sponsors for the dance are Dr. and :Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, Dr. and J Inaugurate Winter Concert Series Mrs. Free, Dr. and Mrs. Earp, Dr. and Prof. and Mrs. Raver, Mrs. Spicer, Ernest Bacon, pianist and Dean of' the Music School of Con- and Prof. and Mrs. Harris. Edna Tries1er verse College, Spartansburg, S. C., and Analee Camp, cellist, also of Converse College, will open Western Maryland's winter series of classical concerts with a recital on the stage of Alumni Hall on Edna Triesler And Court Head Activities Monday, November 10, at 8 o'clock. As a concert pianist, Mr. Bacon has been widely praised as and the composer of music ranging from symphonies, cantatas, German As Graduates Return For Homecoming semi-classical songs with and American lyrics, to musical com- Edna Triesler, the Queen of Homecoming Day, Saturday, No- Tri-Beta Regional edy hits. His ability as a symphonic vember 8, will highlight the day's many activities when she pre- and choral conductor has connected Homecoming Schedule ... sents a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Holloway, wife of the college Conference Will. him with the- Rochester Opera Com- Football-2 P. M. president, during the halves of the football game. 'Miss 'I'rles the pany, the Carmel Bach Festival, will be accompanied by a court of pulchritude consisting of the San Francisco Civic Junior "Orches- W. M. C. vs. Dickinson following attendants: Mabel Greenwood, senior class; Mary Be Held ·Here tra, and the San Francisco Federal Hoffa Field Frances Hawkins, junior class; Rebecca Larmore, sophomore Symphony Orchestra. class; and Audrey Triesler, freshman class. The queen will be Tri-Beta Fraternity will hold its Analee Camp, in private life, Mrs. Open House--4 :30 P. M. present at the speakers' table at the Alumni Banquet in the eve- annual regional conference at West- Ernest Bacon and past-student under gorortties-Frateruities ning. j!rn Maryland College on November European Masters of the violinccllo, A wide variety of events has been planned to entertain both 15. All chapters from colleges in the has soloed with the Oakland Sym- Student Supper-5:30 P. 1\1. the returning alumni and members of the student body. Col. T. northeastern states will be guests of phony, the Southern Symphony, the Blanch ward Gym K. Harrison, Secretary of the Alumni Association, has announced the local Alpha Mu chapter at discus- Oakland Federal Symphony, the San Alumni Dinner-6 P. 1\1. that the festivities of the day will include a football game, a cross- sion and planning sessions, as well as Francisco Federal Symphony, and country track meet, sorority and fraternity open house, alumni at lunch, and at an evening banquet. many others. Dining Hall banquet, and a semi-formal dance sponsored by Delta Pi Alpha The Tri-Beta is the National Honor- The program to be presented is as ary Biological Fraternity, and the follows: Homecoming Danee--8 P. M. Fraternity. Alpha Mu is the chapter on the Ernest Bacon Gill Gymnasium The Green Terrors will defend their record of never having campus. Sona.ttL ill G lIJin01' ..........Handel lost a Homecoming game on Hoffa Fieli:l when they wage a hard of Devils Red battle against the Committees f01"organizing the day arM' Dickinson College at 2:00 P. M. A were chosen at the last Alpha Mu Allegra plentiful throng of outside spectators meeting. The program committee is Sarabande Briefs headed by Doris Davenport and in- Allegro are expected to be on hand to watch the team fight to keep their record. cludes Esther Henvis and Emily Lin- Analee Camp for the transmission of tentative t-ee- ton. Virginia Bell is chairman of the fi'antMY-C Minor. . Mozart Women's SGA ... ords to various schools. A cross-country race has been ten- Registration Committee, arid her as- Chacon1!e. . Bach-Busoni The Women's Student Government, tatively scheduled to be run between sociates are Robert Podlick and Jan- Ernest Bacon under the presidency of Betty Ell- diate According to Dean Schofield, imme- the halves of the game. The team is requested which the against application Terror trackmen of all ith Horsey. Dr. Ber-tholf is taking Whimsy ..... Wallingford-Riegger wein, is sponsoring the visits of var- will compete has not as yet been de- care of all correspondence, and Frank Suite, "lVekome" . .Ernst Bacon ious members of the Student Govern- planning to take the test. Tarbutton is responsible for housing Etude, a-pus 25,Na-. 7 ment and Women's Athletic Associa- cided. overnight guests. Chopin (arr. Glazounov) Hen to colleges in neighboring states. URAC Fund Drive ... Open Hous,e The luncheon and banquet are be- Donee E8pagnale The purpose of these visits is to com- ing planned by Professor Bennighof, Granados (ar-r. Saleski) pare the technique and rules of these Edward Thomas, treasurer of the During the afternoon, the sororities Janus Yentsch, and Jack Rawlins. Analee Camp types of women's organizations in U. R. A. C., officially opened the Coun- and fraternities will hold open house Dr. Ella Martin, Jack Doenges, Ir-l 2 Mazw'kas Chopin colleges of approximately the same cil's drive fOl' funds this year during in their respective club rooms. Re- Wentz are to set up exhibits. Jack Nocturne, D Flat Maior Chopin size and brackground as Western last Monday's assembly, with an ex- turning brothers and sisters will be Rawlins and Mary Virginia Walker Caplwcio, B !>finOl' Brahms Maryland. planation in detail of the' past year's entertained by the active members of and an announcement of expenditures are handling printing and publicity. Rhapsooy, E Flat MtLiQr.. Brahms the- organizations. Margaret Anne Smith, Helen Hem- expenditures planned for the coming The Alumni Banquet will take inghaus, and Georgie Milby compris- year. place at 6:00 P. M. in the College Good Samaritan: College Ver~ion ed the first group which visited West- Following Mr. Thomas's address, Dining Hall. Tickets may be pur- minster and Allegany Colleges on Oc- tober 18. Five more girls, Ruth Mac Dean Bertholf pointed out the bene- chased for $1.00 per person. As is fits to be gained from subscribing to the annual custom, the seniors have By Carolyn Schmidt Vean, June Lippy, Mary Louise the U. R. A. C. and the necessity for been invited to the banquet free of A certain high school senior went a~d the art of cramming, and brought Steele, and Pat White, will visit Wil- maintaining the council. charge. The college orchestra, di- liam and Mary College on November down from Hometown to Western him to Christmas vacation, and sent 15. Dean Bertholf pledged that the rected by Professor Royer, will be Maryland, and fell among Sopho- him home to astound his relatives. drive for funds would be supported by present to furnIsh music for the oc- mores, which stripped him of his cock- And at the end of May when the both students and faculty. casion. iness, and belittled him, and departed, Sophomore departed, he took out sev- Pre-Med Exams ... Both speakers emphasized the fact Bowers Speaker 1eaving him a Freshman. eral initiation traditions, and gave Senior pre-medical students enter- And by chance there came down a them to the Freshman, and said unto ing medical school in September, 1942, !~~:e~:~ts U~~~'dC';e ,!:::;c~~IY r~; Frank Bowers, President of the Al- certain biology course his way; but him, Take care of these; and whatso- will be examined by the Association when it saw him, it passed out the ever grudge thou has stored up, when, of American Medical Colleges on De-: each student and faculty member. do- z: ~~~::a!~;~k::~~ b~ho;~::q!!: other ear. as a Sophomore, thou comest again, camber 5. 'nated an average of one dollar apiece. ! will close with group singing and a And likewise an English grammar thou canst repay it. According to a government publi- roll call of the representatives of course,when it was at the place, came Link To Speak . . . various classes. The student body and cluttered up his desk, and stuffed Which thing of all thy Freshman cation, serious thought on the part of will have dinner in Blanche Ward The Rev. John N. Link will be the his bookshelfwith dusty books. year, thinkest. thou, was of the most students interested in the medical pro- speaker at the regular Sunday even- Hall at 5:30 P. M. fell among the to him fession that is urged because of the in- benefit But a certain kind-hearted Sopho- cr~ing need for doctors in the pres- ing Chapel service on November 9. more,as he journeyed, came where he D's? ent emergency. Dr. Link will speak on the subject The banquet will be adjourned in was; and when he saw him, he had And the Freshman said, The Sopho- ample time to permit preparation for compassionon him. mores that showed initiation to him. Previous examinations have already "What Think Ye of Christ7" Dr. the semi-formal dance in Gill Gym, And went to him, and sympathized Then said the Sophomore unto him, been given to some members of the Link is a professor at the Westmin- which will close the day's program. with his D's, pouring in bulisessions Go, and do thou likewise. class of '42 in the spring of last year ster Theological Seminary.
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