Page 18 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOU~R~ _2T~h~e~Go~I~d!B~u~g,~W:~:~~m~M~M~y~l~aM~C=o~ll~~~e~,W~~~~~i~m~~:~~M~d.~,~O~,,~ob~e:'230~,!1~~~[___ Dr. Maynard To Thanksgiving Play Previewed For' French Club Will Hold QUOTE BOX Give New Series Followers Of College Players Card Party Thursday ... ACP will sponsor a Le Cercle Francais Freshmen co-eds at Massachusetts in McDaniel Of Lectures Here Reverently, the little group of ad- - --.J card and bingo party November 6, at State College have been advised to Thursday, Lounge, mirera clustered about the living room 7;30 P. M. Tickets may be bought "wear a girdle unless you're a ver- Dr. Theodore Maynard, authority of the home of the Ernest W. Stan- from the officers of the French Club. itable sylph-the day of the hip- in the field of English literature, will ley's in a small mid-western town. Cookies and punch will be served. swinging siren co-ed is gone." give another of his series of eight After two weeks of anticipation, in The regular meeting of the club lectures durillg the winter months will be held Monday night, November As late as 1919 in a midwest col- this year. Dr. Maynard's subjects another moment Sheridan Whiteside, 17, at 7;00 P. M. The program for lege now out of existence, women stu- world famous autocrat of the theatre, will all be contemporary or recent would appear before them for the first the evening will be provided by two dents were not allowed to play English authors. The lectures will time since fracturing his hip on the Fl'ench refugees, M. and Mme. Boul- croquet "because it made them take be given in Room 31. Stanley's doorstep in the course of a vin, who are now living in Westmin- immodest postures." The first author considered will be lecture tour. ster. the poet, Emily Dickinson. This lec- Slowly the library doors opened, and On "dating," a major portion of ture will be given on November 12. a worshipful hush fell over the TOOm British Consul To Speak the booklet, the advice is to "hold on- On November 17, Dr. Maynard will as all eyes salaamed to the portly fig- to your kisses 'til you find somebody speak on Thomas Huxley. Two au- ure bulging from the thickly cushion- At Faculty Club Tonight thors, Yeats and George W. Russell, ed wheelchair. The chair halted in you really wan; t: gi:e them to." who wrote under the pseudonym the midst of the group as Sheridan T'hc Honorable Edgar Campbell The Tower club at Ohio State Uni- A.E., are the subjects for December Whiteside gazed intently at each of Russell will be the speaker at the versity is a co-operative dormitory 1. Lytem Stractney is to be con- the faces beaming with welcoming Faeultv Club meeting to be held on built under th~ se:ts ;f the stadium. sidered on December 8. The other smiles. His finger-s drummed a mo- Thursday, October 30, at 8 o'clock subjects will be announced at a later ment on the arm of the ci]"air. Once in the Faculty Parlors in Smith Hall. "Don't forget that boys talk about date. • more, he slowly stared around. Then Miss Esther Smith The subject of Mr. Russell's talk and girls. . and if you 'neck' with one Dr. Maynard was born in India he turned to his secretary and spoke. (diJ"octoJ" of "Ma.n Who Came to discussion period will be: "British man, all his 'brothers' will know it and at one time nearly became a "I may vomit", he said. Dinner") Imperialism; Facts and Fallacies." soon." Domician monk. He has written Complete and startling unexpected- chosen profession." II"h-.Russell is a senior member of the books of poetry, magazine articles, ness is one of the most entertaining Miss Preen, howe vel", finally British Consulate in Baltimore. Twenty-six University of 'I'exas and edited poetry collections. He is attractions of the play "The Man Who achieves the last word when she says, The meeting will be semi-formal. students, all 6 feet 3 or talier, have a prominent and active layman of the Came To Dinner", by Moss Hart and formed a club whose only qualifica- Catholic Church. George S. Kaufman, to be presented "1 am not walking out on this case, tions is height. ... Whiteside-I the leaving am Ilk Selections of his work are found in Thanksgiving night, November 20, nursing profession. I became a nurse Boston Seats Terrors ••• the text-book of the modern literature on the stage of Alumni Hall by the because all my life, ever since I was (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) Hamilton college has one English course on the campus. Dr. Maynard's College Players. The feature charac- a little girl, I was filled with the idea composition student who goes in fOl' latest book, A Hi8tOry of Catholicism ter of Sheridan Whiteside, played by of serving suffering humanity. After the Terror 5 by George Barrick. From realism. He wrote on "My Room- in America., is being published by Paul Alelyunas, senior College Play- one month with you, Mr. Whiteside, the five, on a weak side reverse, Pro- mate Gives Me a Haircut." Clinging Macmillan in the very near future. er, is the source of the greatest part I am going to work in u munitions vinznno galloped over for the second to the theme paper which he turned of the play's versatility. counter, and Williams added the ex- in to David H. Bettle, instructor, Sheridan Whiteside, author, actor, factory. From now on, anything that tra point. were several small, closely clipped the hu- I can do to help exterminate Western Maryland took the air in Dining H.llimprovements critic, lecturer, and self-appointed su- man race will fill me with the great- the second half and moved into scor- hairs. of all authors, ac- preme Maharajah If Florence Nightin- est of pleasure. Which 'Affect Workers tors, critics, and lecturers, expresses gale had ever nursed yon, Mr. \Vhite- ing position with the ball on B. U.'s was denied membership Gary Cooper As an undergraduate, yard three his complete conceit and self-esteem The 1\laryland marker. side, she would have married Jack the in the dra- And Students Started with his own words; "Is there a man Ripper instead of founding the Red running attack refused to function matic society at Grinnell College, smoothly and the Terrors were una- in the world who suffers as I do rrom the gross inadequacies of the human Cross." ble to shove over a single score. Iowa, on grounds he couldn't act. Improvements which will affect both students and workers are now race?" In Whiteside's hands lies the abili- underway in the dining hall and kit- ty to make, wreck, and remake repu- chen. New lace curtains and drap- tations at his own pleasure. His hu- eries will be hung at the windows of manitarianism can be strong to the ADRIENNE AMIS the dining hall in the near future. The point of supporting a home for Pa- (ftarofstage"creenandradlo)visir, in her job af many campI trelining: kitchen is being painted, and more roled Convicts as a hobby, even while Chairman of rhe Enrerloinmenr Com. shelves are being added to the store mi".. of rhe Homo Leg:ion. A carlon goading and driving his nurse, Miss of Ch.,lerfjelds Is 0 mlahlywetcome Preen, to such an extreme that she ;lftforrh. men in compo The president's dining hal! has also finally breaks the code of her pro- been renovated, and is now ready for fession and leaves the case. visits from the freshmen. It is be- At one point in the play, Whiteside lieved that these improvements will ordered Miss Preen to "go in and read make the meals more enjoyable to the life Q.f Florence Nightingale, and students, and will make the surround- learn how unfitted you are for your ings more pleasant for the workers. CASSELL'S -- Jewelers SUBSCRIBE TO THE The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty GOLD BUG J. Wl\J. HULL, Owner 51 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. H. E. REESE TAILOR Cleaning For Correct Pre"ing Repairing DeWAYNE BILLS - Representative Campus and 94 East Main Street College Fashions Come to Purchase Your Hallowe'en Hochschild, Kohn & Co. Candy CARROLL THEATRE I at the I Thursday --- and Friday, ~ "OUT OF THE FOG" Oct. 30th and 31st Ko-Ed Klub I And John Garfield with Ida Lupino -- Saturday) Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 1st, 3rd and 4th WE HAVE A MAILING "A YANK IN THE R.A.F." -~ SERVICE With Tyrone Power -- Wednesday, Nov. 5th is made for your pleasure and conve .. Martha Scott in "CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP" nience ... from their fine, rightly blended STATE THEATRE tobaccos to their easy-to cello .. Compliments of -- phane jacket that· keeps Chesterfield Thursday. Oct. 30th ._- EVELYN "DRESSED TO KILL" always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking. with Lloyd Nolan Friday, Oct. 31st Buy a pack anJ try them• BEAUTY '"THE KID FROM KANSAS" big fhing that's pushing Chesferlielcl You're sure to like them because 'he with Dick Foran -- j st Saturday, Nov. SHOPPE "THE WILD CAT OF ahead all over the cDuntry is the Bill Elliott in TUCSON" approval 01 smokers like yoursell. -- -- lIIonday and Tuesday, ,,- Nov. 3rd and 4th "ONE NIGHT IN LISBON" EVERYWHERE YOU 00 Phone 355 with Madeleine Carroll -- Wednesday, Nov, 5 32 W. MAIN STREET 14~h "PRIVATE NURSE" with Jane Darwell .11
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