Page 17 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., October 30, 1941 PAGE THREE MORN I NG .Bucknell Entertains' Terrors On Saturday GettysburgHost • AFTER With Hopes OF Erasing Last Year's Tie To Terrors In By John Robinson Soccer Clash SPJkTS EDITOR I Bisons Los. Cont.sts To Temple And Penn St.te-- Western Maryland's full athletes Tallying twice ill the first. half are still on the winning side of the Beat Boston Terri." and three times in the second, ledger. Following last week's activity, Bucknell's bucking Bisons win roll Temple Llniver-aityts powerful soccer downed western the clubs boasted into action again this week, playing Maryland team 5 to 0 on HolIa Field a vi c to r y col- host to our own Western Maryland yesterday. umn of six wins, Tenors at Lewisburg on Saturday. Charlie Wallace will take his scrap- two ties, against Conquerors of Boston University, a py soccer eleven to Gettysburg this th i'e e loss e a. week previous to the Terrier-Terror Saturday, the game marking the mid- Much of this frny, Bucknell will be heavily favored point in the current soccer campaign. success is being but may meet- stiff opposition if the The Terrors, victors over Hopkins held up by the Green and Gold display the type of and Delaware, expect to give the Bul- sho\Vlng of the football played in the last half of the lets all they can ask for in way of op- freshmen foot- Boston fray. position, despite the fact that Mar~'- ball team, still Bucknell, although bowing to Penn land University, a power in eastern unbeaten. A l s o State and Temple, will probably have soccer again this season, .were only Robinson scccerites at this enough offensive strength to wipe out able to down the Bullets by a two writing have lost the scoreless tie between the two goal margin. Last year, Gettysburg but one game in three, while as ev- elevens last year, for in play against downed the Green and Gold 3 to 0; but eryone knows, the Iootballera stand these major elevens, the Blsona have the Wallace boys are definitely on the at two wins, a like number of de- totaled 27 points. Melvin Knupp, co- upward surge following last year's feats, and one important tie. Wheth- captain of the Bison squad will in all poor- season. er the Terrors can duplicate last pt'obahility be the main threat to the year's fent in football by tying Tenors, and will start at thc left half Down Hopkins Bucknell is very uncertain. The Herd back post. Western Marylaud may In their first home encounter, Wes- holds wins over Lebanon Valley, alter their line up this week in trying tern Maryland nosed out a hard fight- Muhlenberg, and Boston. They have to find a winning combination. ing Johns Hopkins team, 1 to O. It dropped tilts to Penn State, 27 to 13, Boston University Terriers, dis- was an evenly matched contest all the and a strong Temple eleven, just last playi,ng a well timed running attack way, with both teams failing to capi- \;eek, 41 to 14. which was aided by some fancy punt- talize on scoring opportunities. ing, defeated the Terrors in the Bal- For n time it seemed as if neither STAGGER THRU THIS timore Stadium 011 Friday night by tcnm would score, but in the third a score of 14 to O. Peter Lamanna, period Bud Blair booted the net with placed well The boys all squawk at coaches, Frank Provinzano, and Walter Wil- a gave the Terrors penalty shot. This the one point mar- For coaches they arc bad; liams featured in the running offense, gin, and they protected it easily for They drive you bats with signals, while William's toe kept the T~rrors the remaining- quarter. In time, they make you mud. deep in their own territory all night. Preachers Last Half Rally Earns At Delaware, the bootera won their IT Boston Starts Early first game of the season tripping the They get you out at 3 o'clock, Boston lost little time in taking the Hens on foreign soil, 2 to 1. The Hens When others play around; lead. Williams returned the kick-off Them Win Over Gamma Bets tallied first, however; but the Terrors They push you up and down the field, 21 yards to his own 35. Then he ~lld came back with a quick marker in the While others are down town. Provinaano made it a first down, 12 In downing the Gamma Bets on inated by the defending champions. initial period also, Warrell Cook SC01'- III yards farther up the field. After two Tuesday, the Preachers displayed A pass from Jeb Stewart to Robinson, ing. 'I'hen in the final per-iod, Ray You're finally off at 6 bells, unsuccessful attempts to gain, Wil- their best form of the season as run- in which the latter player reversed Hyson pushed one into the Delaware And hungry to be sure, liams kicked a high spiral which roll- ning plays and passes clicked Oil nu- his field twice, culminated in the sec- net in conclusion to a well played But diet is important, ed dead on the 'I'error five. merous occasions in their fourth win ond score. "Barrel" Smith shot a bul- game marked by both defensive and And sleep is even more. kicked the next of the season, 26 to O. The game, let pass to Jim Jones for- the extra offensive skill. IV play and Provin- however, was closer than the final point. Lodge intercepted a Lavin You talk of how unnecessary aano returned the score indicated. pass and scooted over the goal line Two at- "c!,~ew~l::ri~~~te~irl~~~~,~t::~p'~ His plans and tactics seem, punt to the Ter- inson heave was good for another Frat Standings Of what you'd do ill his place- ror 28. for the third tally. A Smith to Rob- You ~wouldn't yell and scream. tempts at the line point. 'Yesterday's Score V were halted and ped on the two yard line, after Lee Uneho)o,". 6; Blnck and White_, 0 So then to bed the players go, on the third down, Lodge failed to tally on'an end around Club play. Tired of play, and sore, Provlnzano pass- And cussing out the coaches ed out wide to Williams Punts Well Who make the game a bore. Lamanna who fell VI 6 yards short of Nemo Robinson ran back John Wil- Anothel: week-end rolla around, O'KeefIe pay dir-t. liams' beautiful kick thirty yards, The opponents are plenty good- Two plays later Lamanna crashed where, on three successive plays, You're beaten before you're on the right tackle for the initial score. Wil- 'Workman ran the end for fifteen teams to a clean, hard fought contest WOl'k'M", Prcach~r; Robinson, Preache'. field, liams added the extra point, and the yards; a reverse by Robinson was and downfield blocking by each, in L"dg~. Preacher, Preachers 'Won't win even if you could. 'I'cri-iers led 6 to O. good for ten yards; and Workman which Doggy Freidel, Norm Foy, Sch~II, Prellcher" S1 to Wil- lllan tossed a thirty yard pass to (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) respectively, the second half was dom- That they just had the breaks so far liamsport, Pa., on Saturday to test a Charley Godwin to give the Tenors a Beaten? That is rot! strong Dickinsoll Junior College team. 13-7 lead. X --- • Senior Stars .---- The Baby Terrors have defeated l\-las- Miller in the third period ,returned 'Ve went out 0)1 the gridiron, sallutten and Mercersblug, and were a punt for eighty yards, but was tackl-. A different team you knew. Harry Wilson Baker, with an eye tied by Gettysburg, cd on the Mercersburg five yaTd line, 'Ne drove from our own twenty, on the army and a glance toward med from which point Coffman bucked And then the whi~~e blew. __ school, plans doctoring if present cris- Heavy Club over for the last Western Maryland is doesn't interfere--likes military Dickinson has an experienced club touchdown. Blanchette again kicked The quarter ended on the fivc, and would be more than satisfied "if this year since most of the players the point after touchdown. With four downs yet to go. they'll have me." are playing theil' second year togeth- Walt Phillips Hurt We tried to tackle, then, an end- Has had variety in sports life- er. The team is fairly heavy for a But still had two to go. focuscd now around football and box- Junior College, averaging 171$pounds. The victory was a costly one to the XII ing. For three years a gridder, both Western Maryhllld and Dickinson Tel'ro~'s, howe:er. :~alt ~hiUjps, who A center plunge resulted 011 line and in backfield-two years have not met on the gridiron for two has been plaYlllg center Slllce Pat Cu- In a scramble for a yard, in thc ring and always in there swing- seasons now, since last year's contest rllSO wus forced out of action with a Just thirty-six small inches, ing. was canceled at the lMt minute. Two leg injury, broke his ankle and will But the last one it was hard. Will always remembel' win over years ago the Baby Terrors defeated be out the remainder of the season. XIII Dickinson in '39, the only one that the Pennsylvanians when Tom Terry, Joe Wilson stepped in and played a We didn't know just what to do, veal.. Would like to forget Wake sophomore back of the Terrors, play- bang-up game at the pivot for the If only hewel'e here. Forest, as evel'yone else would, too. ed in the backfield for Dickinson. Baby Terrors after Phillips was in- He would know the play to call; Claims Bucknell's :Mel Knupp as best jured early in the first period. That one yard seemed so clear. drhing backman, but must share hon- Miller Stars Line Steady XIV ors with 'Wake FOl'est's powerful Po- Hymie Miller spal'ked the Baby Ter- Stan Kilkuskie saw his first action Well, once again we'll try, men, lanski. rors to a 20 to 7 victory over Mercers- of the season passing ver~' welL While For that one pl'ecious yard. burg Academy last Saturday as he We took the pill off tackle, boro Played under Rip Engle at Waynes- scored in the first period on an 85 yard Blanchette continued to pepper the into the basketball, and club, putting' life and spirit High-football, But it wasn't in the cards. track. Thl'ce years Iettennan on punt return. Rollie Blanchette kicked game at all times. George Natalizi XV gridiron, one year on court, and two the extra point to send the Baby Ter- continued to play steady balJ at the We can't blame this on coaches; on cinder paths, Captained trackmen rors into the lead. running guard position, while George We were near enough to score. Mercersburg came back, however, Piavis and J"be Kugler were out- We played, and fought, and loved it; while running mile and on half mile HR~R.'I l!R;{ER. -qI.MRD in t,he same period, recovering a Wes- standing at the tackles, Carlton Men- Was sprints. back unbeaten Fer the game that seemed a bore. Wa~TJlesboro eleven in senior year; rugged. Will always l'emember Bo tern Maryland fumble. Sid Anderson dell also played a fine game at the XVI end on gridiron in junior season. Bo Knepp--"When I saw him run, I bucked ovel' for the only Mercersburg blocking back post. The Engleman So now we'll borrow a line or two touchdown. Anderson then kicked the have now scored thirty-six points to From a poem that does seem tame; Ranks highest in R.O.T.C. battalion thought I'd pack my bags alld go extra point to end their scoriNg. their 0 p p 0 n e n t s twenty-one, while "It isn't if you win or lose, _Sergeant-at-arms of class for third home-I didn't belong in his clkss." In the second period after driving winning two and tying Olle ball game. Stayed and loved it. It's how you play the game." !itraight year-blond, friendly, and
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