Page 16 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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, PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md., October 30, 1941 This Week's. • College Students Should students that, having agreed with them, they Personaliiy have been willing either to change this procedure Finish The Semester in order .to give the students more satisfying pro- • • Off the Campus The controversy over the proposal of a law for grams, or to have no programs at all. the postponement of induction of college students Third, the students have evidence that the ad- who have star-ted a college year or semester has ministration is willing to meet them halfway by It's football season now, but one v across North and South Carolina in attracted considerable attention and has prompt- changing and varying the procedure for chapel football player who won't be gracing the huge war games now about to get ed numerous statements from educators through- and,assemblies. The students should now prove any gridirons this Fall is Tony Orten- under way. Even athletics come to out the country. ' that they recognize this concession by at least zi '39, former All-Eastern guard, now a halt when the maneuvers start, and At present, the decision for postponement of trying out the new procedure (the varied speak- first lieutenant and Athletic Officer Tony will be with his company in the induction rests with the local draft boards, who ers) to see if this is an answer to the problem. of the 39th Infantry in the Ninth Di- thick of the "fight". take into consideration such items as supply and vision. The lieutenant }ltal'ted his athletic demand of men in that particular board's area. Wanted: Recognition Instead of gridirons, it'll be battles career while in the public and high The following statement of President Winfred For Fraternity Scholarship schools of Baltimore, Md., and then G. Leutner of Western Reserve University sums went to Western Maryland, from up the case for postponement and for continu- Last year, by the consistent good scholarship which he was graduated with a ance of democratic educational policies in gener- of its members, the Black and White Club won Bachelor of Arts degree. al: "permanent possession of the scholarship cup There's little wonder that be's ath- We must not sacrifice the great heritage which had been donated jointly by Professors letic officer of the 39th, for he i-an up of knowledge and culture that has been Frank Hurt and Theodore Whitfield. a gt-eat record at college. He can- handed down to us. The training of the As yet, no new cup has been placed in competi- tnined the football and boxing teams mind and the heart in the present world is tion among the fraternities. for two years, was business manager. even more important than any particular For' an institution of higher learning, this is of the school year book, and president area of technical training. For unless our shameful. Students at Western Maryland Col- of the student government. faith in ourselves, in our democratic polity, lege seem to get more recognition for their extra- This isn't the lieutenant's first hitch in our ideals, in the principles of tolerance curricular activities than for scholarship. in Army life; for he spent a year at and freedom, unless all those things can be Among the fraternities, there are awards for Fort Meade, jfd., then went back to maintained, the battle is lost before it begins. sportsmanship (donated by the Inter-Fraternity civilian life as a director of freshmen The case for postponement needs no further Council) and for athletic prowess (donated by the intra-mural sports department.) ~~~~~n,~~~fn~oJ~~tb~~~~~n~heu10s~f ofthc~.e~f;l~~~ If recognition is given the clubs for their abili- that year. . ties in these matters, there should certainly be an achievements in school were Men are not so scarce, nor potential leaders so award for success in the realm of the curriculum. plentiful that students seeking higher education A contribution for this purpose is certainly be compelled to forfeit their opportunities for it forthcoming from some source interested in this recruit instructor at Fort Bragg, he in started coaching winning combines at an unfavorable time. essential part of college. The course-of action now is for constituents to his as Athletic Officer. notify their congressmen of their feelings and to The Gold Bug He the 39th boxing team see to it that the postponement of induction of Receives A Criticism which won the Lumberton, Raleigh college students be taken from the hands of the and Charlotte Golden Gloves tourna- lo~l boards and be effected by national law. Readers of the Gold Bu,g last week felt that ments, then turned out softball and certain members of the feature staff had been baseball teams which won Division The Chapel Chang. "gushing" in their writing or that they were not championships. H. A tip for the ladies-Anthony as impartial as they should have been in the pre- Has Implications sentation of campus news. Ortenzi, athlete and officer, is single, Dr. Holloway has released to the Gold Bug for Because the letter was of interest only to mem- ana, when the crisis is over, will live Mr. and Mrs. Set- with his parents, publication a schedule of the speakers for the bers 01 the staff, and because its tone criticized timio Ortenai at 504 Arlington Ave- Sunday evening chapel services for the next few not only the writers, but the innocent subjects of months. their articles, the letter has not been printed. Lt.. Anthony H. Ortcnat nue, Govans, Baltimore, Md. This new procedure, together with the fact The Gold Bug staff, however, wishes to thank that there have been no Monday assemblies the writers of the letter for calling its attention Shirt-Tale scheduled for several weeks now, has several to these matters, and wishes to emphasize that it implications for students. is always open to, and always welcomes, the criti- First, the administration, by these procedures, cism of its readers. laundry Is Scene Of love Affair is demonstrating its agreement with the students The matters discussed in tqe letter shall be re- taken by the writers in quest{ionto change their Between that there has been a need for revision of the viewed; and if it is found"necessary, steps will be Soiled Shirt And Blouse chapel-assembly program procedure. Second, the administration has proved to the presentations to suit as many readers as possible. Once upon a time there was a dirty shirt named Arrow that was sent to the Troy Laundry where strange things are done. At ~---R~----~ 8 ;06 lfhursday morning he was stuffed into a bag, thrown down the steps, loaded into a truck, and hauled over the mountains to (A Short Sl.ory) Hagerstown. After having been mauled through tubs of soapy ~ N.wsAndVi.w. W;rk~;; Joe Jenkins slowly drank, not avidly, two bottles water and blue rinses, Arrow was ready to limp back to West- of after-shave lotion and played the serenade from minster. From Kicking Post Mozart's Eine Kleine NaiJhtmWlik and wrote out- Arrow Shirt had made many To Seventh Green five ten thousand dollars checques payable to Hu- fr-iends .in tub No.3, but he felt in- ferior to his companions because ev- Friday Night's football game with Boston University manity. It was growing dark. He shivered; cer- he eryone but him had a number and was tired and hungry and nervous. Marijuana supplied a few laughs in addition to the pangs of a 14 to tainly did affect one's perceptions! Not fifteen min- name tag. However, on the way back o defeat. Baltimore's Green Spring was the scene of an utes before, he had fallen into the bottom of the to \V.M,C" he met Daisy Belle unusual announcement. Sometime in the wee sma' hours, water tumbler in which he was mixing a scotch- Blouse, WM 220, pride of second floor the band leader interrupted one of those dreamy dance soda and after-shave lotion; and now he was sitting McDaniel. At last he had found numbers that sets everyone to wooin' and booin', with a on one arm of the tie rack that Mother had given (Apologi.s To Robt. Frost) his heart's" desire. But he was sor- few bars of the Wedding March. Close on the heels of him two years before (when he wore ties)'. He rowful when he saw his friends be- this reverie smasher came the announcement that Mr. knew that he was not a degenerate, even though WHOSE girl is this 1 think I know, ing sorted into their boxes. and Mrs. Buddy Blair were leaving on their honeymoon his ease history had been taken by every social He's gone away for football, though; Tuesday night, all the clothes came on Saturday morning. What a shock worker in the fifth disti-ict ; he was a unit of so- He will not see me stopping here, out of the boxes in a Walpurgic that must have been to Blair's date. ciety, a lover of mankind ... a GENIUS! To take a walk with his little dear, frenzy for a farewell party. Arrow Plenty of smiles and no one injured. II The 'office-girl must think it queer saw the spectre-like sheet Wilf 331 Just another of those whirlwind 1'0- Slowly the rose unfolded, and he saw into the In- My calling for His little dear, haunting with WM 302; laundry-BAG ner Reality of its being-a Japanese beetle oozed On Saturday night, 12 being the life of the party: the shy glances of Sock 478 and Hankie '162; Porky's Proverbs forth, inebriated with nectar; it crawled to the end The darkest evening of the year. heard the songs of WM 245 and the The inevitable Porky Levin comes of its world and raised its stodgy body in a drunken She gives her curly head a shake, gypS)' melodies of WM 140, But alas, to fly; it succeeded and flew into a swaying attempt up with this beauty. The other day Japanese beetle trap which was hung in a dingy And wonders if ~here's been a his friends had to part; his love was in Religious Education class, Dr. Lit- yard (not yet a slum clearance'project) . "break"; gone; he was left alone on the table, tle happened to make a statement Jenkins was aghast. Was this the end? Did the No other guy would dare do this; uncalled for. , just as one of the more zealous of the Inner Reality lead i"nto a trap? Spiral nebulae de- There surely must be some mistake. did he not have a number? students, Ray Purnell, raised his hand. Completing his scending! Our cosmic existence e sham! Infinity This girl is lovely dark, and deep; statement, the good Doctor asked M!-. Purnell if he had not in each flower! Mozart wrong ... Blake But she has promises to keep, Was to blame? Was he to be lost forever? anything to add. "You took the words right· out of my wrong, Shelley disillusioned ... Whitman a syco- And I have English to read before r mouth," replied the eager aspirant for knowledge. Dr. phant of false hope. sleep, ENVOI: Please put your name and laundry; even your on number Little leaned back in his chair, hooked his thumbs in his 1Il And math to do before I sleep. vest and with a characteristic tilt to his chair, said, He drank another bottle of after-shave lotion; your socks might appreciate it too. "Well, you know the old saying-great minds run ill the turned on the gas-jet; and settled back to rest. He same channel." died. His ego and his chair both came down with a thump THE GOLD BUG He found, of course, the truth! when the Pork quipped aloud, "There's another proverb, ner Reality! There is no In- Doctor-fools think alike." ~'~{~~~dci~ii:{o~:it~!~F~!X:~h~:/~~~~~i~ufn:~i~;i~:pg~~~'u~~E~it;"~ds;~~d:l~l~~:"~~~~~~~~ Dr. Little, the good sport that he is, took it laughing. . Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Great Man Passes On One in three hundred In all seriousness, let it be said, we mourn the passing Then ther-e was the freshman who was so honest that of a great man. Although surpassing all others in his she actually signed out for back campus instead of the time spent in McDaniel, never did he get a girl in late. library. ' His slate remains unblemished by black marks garnered from sitting on chair arms; for that was his privilege. Dear Mac and Daniel: Faithfulness r;an be regarded as one of his shining vir- We do our best to cover the campus news and if the tues; for never,' no never, not even in times of famine, coverage isn't adequate, please be so kind as to send any- did he des~rt McDaniel for Blanche Ward. His successor thing that you consider interesting to the office. It will can never hope to attain the heights reached by the Col- appear in the subsequent issue. lege's Leading Citizen. Yes, let us pause for a moment in Thanks for the criticism concerning this column and ,the push and pull of the post office rush to think of one its author. It is a well known fact to us that the Keg is who is better off where he is-we speak of Gaesar, the slipping, We all know it-but have you ever tried to black and white kitten among the cats that went the way, . write a column? of all flesh on last Thursday. Caesar, you were a great Oh yes-in the future, please sign the criticism. Thank man, and may your heaven be full of mice. you.
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