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Sorority Initiations Vol. 19 No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE October 30, 1941 Fro~h-Soph Hop Chapel Schedule . . . Chapel Speakers To End Initiation November 2 For November Tho Of Freshmen very Rev. Edward B. Bunn, S.J. Announced Phi Alpha Mu (Left to right): Helen Hemminghaus, Virginia Salerno, Virginia Phillips, Dance On November 1 To November 9 Anne Covington. The Rev. John N. Link Loyola College President Be Held In Blanche Ward To Address Students Gym;Hallowe' en IsTheme November 16 On November 2 Dr. Henry L. Stahr Blanche Ward Hall will be the scene of the Frosh-Soph Hop 011 Saturday November Su President Holloway has announced evening, November 1, with the formal that he will provide guest speakers to close of the freshman initiation. Rabbi Fineshriber deliver the messages at 'the Sunday Chapel throughout Services evening Hallowe'en will be the theme of the the coming year. His object is to dance, which will be held from 8 to present the student body with as Dance To Climax much diversity of thought and opin- 11:30 P. M. for the e Kidd to furnish music ion as is possible. Speakers already November month have of "Cap" Kidd and his Buccaneers will Alumni Welcome been chosen by Dr. Holloway and will furnish the music. "Cap," well- include several college professors and known on the campus fOI' his rhythm, At Homecoming 11 rabbi. announces that'his new band has two imports from Baltimore. With all of On November 2, the Very Rever- B. Bunn, S.J., will be the his former musicians and the addition Climaxing a full day of events end Edward Reverend Bunn is president speaker. of this new blood, Kidd promises a which include a football game, pres- of Loyola College in Baltimore. band producing a worth-while brand entation of the homecoming court, a of music. cross-country track meet, and an al- The speaker for November 9 will umni banquet, will be the annual be the Reverend John N. Link. Dr. J. G. C. e Iutermlssion Floor Show Homecoming Dance which will be Link is a professor at the Westmin- Standing (Left to right): Gracie Kelbaugh, lIiarjorie Rue, Jean Ayres Louise The dance will be informal. During held this year on Saturday, Novem- ster Theological Seminary. ~oung, Cal"olint; Gable, Clam Beck, Peggy Reeves. ' Stoopmg (Left to r-ight}: Gladys Crowson, Winnie Wareheim, Harriet Smith, the intermission, Peter Badrich will bel' 8th, at 8 P. M., in Blanche Ward On November 16, the president Clare Arthur, Katherine Tepton, Jane Martin, Esther Henvis. produce a short floor-show making Gym. of Hood College in Frederick, Mary- use of the copious resources of Frosh The Townsmen, well-known Balti- land, Dr. Henry L. Stahr, will speak. talent. Hai-ry Kompanek will render more orchestra, will furnish the Rabbi Fineshriber will be the a solo; Nick Piscano will playa se- music for the affair, which is spon- speaker on November 30. He is lection on the piano; and Al Walker sored this year by Delta Pi Alpha being supplied by the Jewish Chau- will put on a comedy skit. fraternity. Admission will be $1.10. tauqua Society, an educational organ- Badr-ich has promised a surprise Edna Triesler, queen of the home- ization entering its fiftieth year. din-ing- intermission, the spirit of coming court, will highlight the af- which will be quite lm keeping with ternoon's activities when she presents the Hallo\~e'en tljerne. ~ a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Fred G. college presi- URAC To Open Admission for the affair will be fif- Holloway, wife of the ty cents per couple' and thirty-fivc dent, between the halves of the Dick- several Drive For Funds cents stag. anson-Green Terror football match. Preceding the dance by hours, will be the alumni banquet Re- The Fund Drive of the United Religious Group which will be held at 6:30 P.' M. in ligious Activities Council will be the the dining hall. subject of Assembly on Monday, No- To Speak Here ing During the course of the day, visit- vember- 2, according to present plans. will alumni about be conducted the campus and made to feel at home The drive will be opened by a speech A tnalogue composed of three men by fraternity brothers and sorority from Dr. Lloyd Bertholf. of different faiths, now touring in . sisters. Ed Thomas, traasurer of the or- colleges and universities, will present ganization, will also speak. Five a program in McDaniel Lounge at hundred and forty-five dollars is the 7:30 P.M., Thursday, October 30. In Leatherman Is Re-elected amount to be raised this year from Delta Sigma Kappa Sigma Sigma Tau the group, a Protestant, a Catholic, contributions by the faculty and stu- (Left to right): Florence Kobleguard, (Bottom to top): Phoebe Johnson, and a Jew work together to stimulate Chemistry Club Prexy dents. This is the U. R. A. C.'s only Betty Colleran, Jean Kaestner, Dor- Rebecca Wooden, Dorothy Rove- justice, amity, and understanding way of getting funds. The drive this othy Thrush, Dorothy Wharton. camp. among the people of their faiths. year will be limited to two weeks, P.hotographs by Carl Webb William Leatherman was re-elected contrary to ordinary customs. George Hill, William R. Burke, president of Alpha Delta Lambda at and Gilbert Harrison, the speakers, The U. R. A. C. plans the largest group False-Faces Come Off come from Los Angeles, where they the first meeting of that October 28. on program of its history-bringing to Tuesday afternoon, are members of the University Con- Louise Young and Ellsworth Cant- the Hill outside speak~'s, sponsoring four Sororities Initiate Pledges; ferences. Their route is planned Con- well were elected secretary and vice- parties, and enlarging the group of and which it aids. The Council charities made possible by the National respectively. president-treasurer of all Ban On Make-Up Shocks Boys reroncc of Christians and Jews. Professor Raver selection of officera, is made up of representatfves Sunday Following social groups on the the religious and Baker sound mo- showed campus, • Gottsc.holl procures speaker William the Hallowe'en came a week early to alities were subtly brought to the fore The Reverend A. W. Gottscholl, vies on the "\Vork of the Atmos- School, S.C.A., Inter-Sorority and In- Western Maryland College; only, the by the wearing of lampshades-tin Southern Area Secretgry of Chris- phere". ter-Fraternity Councils, Men's and faces weren't false. As a matter of ones at that. tians and Jews, made the visit to Leatherman announces that in the Women's student governments, and "fact, it was ironic that at this season The Delts, however, seemed to up- Western Maryland College possible, future, meetings will be held on Wed- the faculty. This year it has already of the year when everyone is putting hold the theory of dual personality or and he supports the other recommen- nesday afternoon at 4:00 P. III. and sponsored an Interdenominational masks on, many Western Maryland else they thought it too cruel to have dations which have been offered con- will be planned to create more inter- Party and published the Freshman cuties had to take theirs off. the real face appear all at once. The cerning the trialogue. est in physical science. Hand Book The first bullets were fu-ed out of result of this belief-half of the sur- Dean of the College of Arts and the J. G. C.'s traditional initiation face was shaded with makeup, the Science at the University of South cannon-and the effect caused a few other half was just a cross between a California, remarks, "In m.y judg- 'Lit' Abner' Appoints Committees mild cases of shell shock in the boys' vamp and true \V.M.C. girl. In addi- ment, nothing in the University com- ,dorm. Black became the color of the tion, they carted suitcases around munity has done more to encourage For Annual Sadie Hawkins Hop day, and shallow the shade of the with them and wore their clothes religioUS tolerancc than has the pres- complexion---except when embarrass- wl'ong side out-truly a fetching entation made by these boys in their "Li'l Abner", hero of AI Capp's tinction of bcing titled "Dog Patch's ment's paint brushes tinted in blush group. ' discussion. Their program is au- comic strip of the life of a simple best dre~sed couple." Other members red. Li'l Abner would have stopped Last, but "far from least, came the thentic, interesting, and stimulating mountaineer, will again be a guest on of the comnlittee responsible for en- drinking had he seen so many Sadie Sigmas-Gr the litt.le Pocohantases and 1 personally covet the opportun- this campus when the Gold Bug spon- tertainment are: Jack Rawlings, Joe Hawkins all at once; but hot so with (we wonder how many John Smiths ity for them to carry their message sors its annual Sadie Hawkins Dance Workman, and Roderick Naei. the boys of W. III. C.-They have iron will survive-this is truly a test of to other parts of the country." on Saturday, November 22, from 7:30 "Cap" Kidd's new 10-piece orches- constitutIons. the faithfulness of Western Maryland Congregations at all the local to 11:30 P. :M. tra will provid~ the music for the_oc- The Phi Alph bombs soon exploded men). A little junk jewelry was added churches have been invited to attend casion. Betty before an all enthusiastic public just to give the general effect-which the service along with the interested co_chairmen Cormany and Mary Miller, Aceol'ding to Lee Hayman, chair- of the dance, in co-opera- which, incidentally, included both we haven't figured out yet. We will students. Student Christian Associa- tion with Li'l Abner, have applinted man of the refreshments committee, sexes. Like all other pledges (saving say this, however-,the Sigs were the tion members expect to· boost the eve- entertainment, refreshment, publicity, cider and doughnuts will be served. the Delts) they appeared as Nature'S only ones who had feathers in their ning's program. and decorations committees. John The publicity committee is composed children-none of the artificialities caps. Robinson, director of the entertain- of; Thornton Wood, chah'man; Jack that so typify these modern glamour .To Address Wesleyans ment committee, has announced that Quynn, Marvin Evans, Mal"Y Spauld- girls. Their skins were unmarred by So it went for three days pel' group. plans have been made fOl"a floor show ing, and Anne Barrow. Frank Tar- any rouge, powder, or lipstick--detes- But when it was all over the sorori- Following the meeting of the to be followed by the awarding of button, chairman; Reece Scott, Caro- tiblestuff! ties had new and welcome members- S.C.H., Messrs. Hill, Burke and Harri- prizes for the most rustic costumes. lyn Weant, Dick Patten, Mary Turn- The country girl complex was car- the boys were thrilled to hear her son 'will lead a round table discussion Li'l Abners and Daisy Maes clad in ley, and Dottie Thrush are responsi- Club at the home of ried out to the bitter end by the voice and see her "face" again-and of the Wesleyan Dr. Little. The meeting plaid shirts. overalls, burlap skirts. ble for decorating Blanche Ward Gym the ad\'iser, perching of a large purple bow upon Max Factor will probably get letters will begin at 10 P. M. and straw hats will vie for the dis- in typical Dog Patch style. braided tresses. Electrifying person- of thanks from the men of W.M.C ..
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