Page 14 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 14
PAGE FOul'C The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., October 23, 1941 Organizations Continued From .••--------------------- Page 3 Column 3 Page 1 Column 3 Page 1 Column 5 Pa~e 1 Column 4 Tri.8eto the Bets, stepped out of the end zone poral G. M. Reeser, Corporal R. A. the appointed counselor to supervise pupils' reaction. Incidentally, we The Northeastern Regional Confer- to account for what was the winning Sellman, Corporal J. E. Tindel', J. D. repairs, and to prevent assessment of l learned that the students mobbed her ence of the Beta Beta Beta, the Na- margin. After several kick exchanges Burroughs, W. W. Can', K. E. Bur- all students for damage done by in- after the period was over and begged tional Biological Soeiety to be held the first half ended with the count 8 dette, C. J. DeM:anss, W. L. Eadl, H. dividual students. her fOL'an autograph. And so it went here at Western Maryland, will be the to u. E. Hall, W. B. Lippy, J. I. !\:lann, E. J. After football season is over, the right down the line of teachers. As highlight of the year's work for the The Gamma Bets showed the signs Nygren, W. O. Sires, H. J. Skidmore, student council will 'Secure an agree- Dorothy Turner put it, "I believe this local Alpha Mu chapter. This meet- of power in the final half with several D. S. Woolston. ment with the University of Mary- is just a brief insight. I think there ing will be attended by representa- threats toward the Bachelor goal1ine. Merit Badge land to prevent any damage in the is a lot we have experienced". May tives from colleges and universities in Tommy Lavin was principal in these 1st Lieut. Irvin E. Biasi, 1st Lieut. future to either schools. . we add that despite these excursions the region. Definite plans bave not marches, with Norm Foy doing some James M. Townsend, Sergeant E. P. Other plans are being formulated to high schools, the embryo teachers yet been completed. fine blocking. The Bets line opened Schubert, Corporal W. L. Beane, Cor- and will be put into exercise during still believe that experience is the best In the meantime, the society will numerous holes capitalizing' on the poral W. E. Pennington, Corporal J. the coming weeks of this school term teacher.after all. continue its regular Tuesday after- particularly good blocking of Friedel R. Kittner, Corporal E. W. Mogowski, Members of the new council include noon meetings. On November 27, the and Bob Moore. One of their thrusts Corporal C. J. Grtenzi, C. B. Adams, Stanley Ritchie, Strayer Hancock, and members will gather at the home of ended in a touchdown, with Lavin D. N. Bills, W. E. Bowman, H. E. Frank Tarbutton, seniors; Lee Lodge, Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, faculty ad- running through a gaping hole in the Buck, T. G. Bush, L. E. Gerding, W. Joe Workman, John Robinson, jun- BENNEY'S viser of the chapter, for the semester center of the line. T. Richardson, J. E. Rowe, R. R. Scott, iors; Sig Jensen, Arlie Mansbei-gei-, iaitiations. For the benefit of the D. M. Sullivan, J. E. Griffin, E. F. and Wilbur Preston, sophomores. KITCHEN general student body, the Alpha Mu's (Continued from Page 3, Column 4) expect to provide outstanding speak- Gross, W. S. A. Harris, C. V. Hauff, ers fl'om other colleges three times in though the Terrors threatened twice. W. Kerber, M. E. Lipstein, D. S. the coming year. Ira Wentz is the In the third period the Terrors got Marsh, P. F. Mille)', T. J. 'I'crahinski, When back at College president of the local chapter. as far as the Gettysburg 16 but were L. E. Wimbrow, N. J. Wolsheimer, D. The meeting and eating place unable to push the ball over for a STOP AT Econemlcs Club score. C. Young. for young and old The second threat came late in the Keeter's Market Addison Beane, Robert Shockley,' game when Kaplan tossed to Bobby and Vernon Wiesand will hold a pan- Bricker, to the BuJlets' 11, THREE CHAIR SERVICE who ran el discussion at the meeting of the but again the Terrors lost the ball on No Waiting WELCOME, Economics Club this evening on the HEAGY BROTHERS' Phone 283 WESTERN MARYLAND subject of inflation. downs. BARBER SHOP The final score: Gettysburg Col- Next to Post Ojftce Opposite Post Office COLLEGE STUDENTS Wesleyan Club lege, 19; Western Maryland College, Come in and see our fine line o. The Wesleyan Club, a group of of gift suggestions. A com- ministerial students, is out to become October, members of the group elected plete line of College Jewelry, an 'officially organized institution on Milton Huber- as President; Don Grif- For Correct DRUGS--SODAS expert watch and jewelry re- the Hill, according to Milton Huber, fin, Vice-President, and Paul Henry, COSMETICS pairing. Also a complete op· recently elected president of the or- Secretary. The club is under the Campus and Prescription Specialists tical department. ganization. guiding hand of Dr. Lawrence C. Lit- Run right to At the last meeting on the 16th of tle, College Fashions READ'S Columbia Jewelry Co. Come to 34 West Main St. I "Drug Store Worthy of Your WESTMINSTER, MD. NOVEMBER FIRST our new Now is the time to buy your Confidence" line of W. M. C. Seal Mer_ Hochschild, Koho & Co. Wesnninster, Md. Phone 9 Telephone 303 Westminster chandise will arrive. Personal \ Christmas Cards Many n;w articles you will -- want to see. 'Ycnl'lIenioy, .. ';no P. G. COFFMAN CO. ALL HAVE THE W. M. C. MARJORIE WOODWORTH Inthecur.ent Hoi ROQch hit SEAL ATTACHED .. A.ll·AMERICAN CO·ED" r.leO$ed through United Arti.t •. ,_.,. * * For Your Next BONSACK BROS. PERMANENT WAVE Try the New Ray Macbineless with the 'Vict~ry Hair-do' DRINK It's New! Sunsweet Fruit Ade at the GRAPEFRUIT Lowry B~auty Shop Adjoining Post Office GRAPE ORANGE Phone 395 Carroll Distributors %_ or knee lengeh Campus phone 644 Westminster, Md: CARROLL THEATRE Hose Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Oct.. 23rd, 24th, and 25th by Gordon AII.American Girl••• "ALOMA OF THE SOUTH / -- SEAS" you want a cigarette Dorothy Lamour Jon Hall Slip-Over Mon., 'I'ues., and Wed. that's ~ a [S@.[3 ~ Oct.. 27th, zgth, and 29th "THAT HAMILTON Sweaters WOMAN" Vivien Leigh Laurence Olivier -- --- . STATE THEATRE bJCheste Thurs., Fri., Oct, 23rd, 24th Personalized ('THE PARSON OF PANAMINT1' Anklets Charlie Ruggles Ellen Drew Try a couple of packs. We feel sure Saturday, Oct.. 25th (with initials) you'll be coming bock for more .•. because "ROBIN HOOD OF THE PECOS" -- Chesterfiel~'s rig"t combination of the Roy Rodgers world's leading cigarette tobaccos makes Mon., & Tues., Oct. 27th & 28th Needle Point them so much Milder, Cooler and 8e"er~ "PARACHUTE Tasting that more smokers are turning to BATTALION" -- Robert Preston Nancy Reily them every day. Wednesday, Oct. 29th T.W.Mather &Sons DOUBLE FEATURE Yes/ the approval of smoke" ;5 '''e oig tl:Jng t"aI's "GIRL FROM HAVANA" Main St. Phone 94 pul~jn~ Chesferfield ahead all over lite country; "MYSTERY SHIP"
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