Page 13 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 13
The Gold Bug. Western. Maryt.u.d College, We.tmiMter, MeL, October 23, 1941 PAGE THREE THE • MORNI'NG Boston University Ruled Slight Favorite Baby Terrors .'=====AFTER Over Terrors For Friday Night Fray Prepared For By John Robinson Mercersburg SP:JRTS EDIT9R Terrors Drop Initial That wound left by the Gettysburg Test To Gettysburg Bullets may be the turning point in This Saturday finds the freshman this season's campaign. Both Bart By 19-0 Count football club traveling to Mercers- Natalizi and Bernie Gusgesky suf- Boston University, eager to return burg, Pa., to test a perennially strong fered painful ankle injuries in the to winning ways following a loss to Mercersburg Academy team. Laat weekend skirmish with the Orange Bucknell last Saturday, will test the year the Baby Tenors drubbed the and Black. With same inclination of the Western Pennsylvanians 26 to 0, but the game Boston Universi- Maryland gridders when these teams this season should be much closer. ty and Bucknell get together Friday night in the Bal- Coach Rip Engle probably will start ahead in that or- the same lineup on Saturday for the der, the 'rerrors t.imore Stadium. Boston dropped :1 Baby Tenors as he has used in the close one to Bucknell 6 to 9 just last will probably week, and the Terrors are still in previous games with much success. have to rcly on mourning over a 19 to 0 loss to Cet- Charlie Godwin and Jesse Johnson at m u c h substitu- tysburg , t.he terminals, Joe Kugler and George Blan- Butterball Piavis at the tackles. tion. Har-r-y Bak- Last season the T'erriej-s downed chette and George Natnliz'i at the el', Jim Thomas. our Green and Gold 37 to 0 and aim guard slots, and \V,dter Phillips, at \Vayne Bills, and to repeat this season; but western center, round out t.he line. Jimmie Royce Gibson Maryland has entirely different views Schropp, Carlton Mendell, Curley may see a great deal of action this in recalling a seasonal record of two Coffman, and Hyrnia Miller will star-t Friday, for all of these boys hold wins, one loss and one tie this far. at the number 1, 2, 3, and 4 backs re- enough knowledge to keep the Terrors Always better in the Stadium, the spectively. in the ball game. They haven't been Green and Gold held the Terriers to a overworked this season and should 6 to 0 win in their last Baltimore ap- G-Burg Tied the Ter- Last Friday at Get.tysburg be eager to get at these Terriers, pearance; and this season, with a ror yearlings were tied by the Gettys- If the Green and Gold plays good much improved defense, are seeking a burg Prosh 7 to 7, in a hard fought football, and it will have to be of high major upset. The visitors will rule grade, the season can still be a real slight favorites to win, but if the lo- Jim Anderson, Boston U. contest. The passing of Coffman success. A win this Friday night cal eleven shows any fight and will sent the Baby Terrors into the lead would be sweet revenge for that 6 to 0 to win, an upset may be possible. aerial to the mid-field stripe. In four in the third period as he tossed a win of the 'I'errtars two years ago in Reserves plays, Gettysburg moved the ball to thirty-five the yard pass to Godwin, who nabbed zone. end ball in the the same Baltimore Stadium. The Reserve strength may count a the Terror 30, then FJorsheim Blanchette then kicked the extra school is really behind the Terrors; great deal, for the Terrors have nu- passed to Johnny Yovicsin, who point to send Western Maryland into they follow them everywhere; they Johns Hopkins merous injuries. Jim Thomas, Har- stepped off the remaining 25 yards the lead by a 7 toO count. will follow them again Friday night. ry Bakel', and Wayne Bills, howev- behind a host of blockers to cross the and here's hoping t.hey don't let us ei-, will be on hand to shoulder the Terror goal line unmolested. 'With only two minutes remaining down. Next Foe Of burden this week. e Shermnn Stars to play, the Bee Bees began to throw passes, and Al Vernon tossed a long first the Also in the on Boston Line-up Soccer Team Gettysburg Bullets two breaks, three cracked the center period, Sherman one to Harry Sweeney for their score, of the line and shot over Ftasea Sam extra the kicked then touchdowns in the first half to defeat broke into the open for that 41-yard No. Name Pos. Wt. western Maryland last Saturday, touchdown scamper. The other Get- point to tie the score. Win Firsl 53 Whelan LE 170 Still seeking their first win in state 19 to 0, on the Bullets' home field. tysbul'g score came in the second Two weeks ago the Teroors deree t- 39 Radulski Co) LT 178 league play, Charlie Wallace's Green The Bullets converted an intercepted period when Tommy Terry's punt 34 DOlT LE 164 .and Gold soccentes will entertain the pass and a blocked kick into touch- was blocked by Jack Musselman, who ed Massanutten Military Academy on foreign soil 9 to 7 for the first vic- 35 Michaels C 184 Johns Hopkins eleven on Hoffa Field downs in the first and second periods. recovered for the Bullets on the 11- tory over the Soldiers since the two 41 Parsons RG 164 Saturday, the gamemarking the Ter- Harold Sherman, stalwart fullback, yard stripe. schools started relations five year's 11 Gold RT 191 rors first one on the turf for the cur- who gained a total of 146 yards from Two plays put the ball on the three ago, 47 Erickson RE 172 rent campaign. the line of scrimmage throughout the yard line and, from there Joe Powers The freshman eleven scored all 14 Carroll QB 184 Coach Wallace intends. to use the game, broke loose on his own 41-yard circled the left end for the score. Stock their- points in the second period when 28 Williams HB 181 same line-up against Hopkins on Sat- line to score the third touchdown f01' added a point with a placement kick. Miller tossed a twenty-five yard pass 21 Provlnzano HB 161 urday as the one that took the field Gettysburg. Score at the end of the first half- to Johnson, who ran the remaining 22 Lamana FE 185 today against Delaware, on the Blue Early in the first period, a pass' Gettysburg, 19; Western Maryland, five yards for the touchdown. A few Hens home pitch. 1t will consist of from Manny Kaplan intended for O. minutes later Blanchette kicked a Glancing Back eight lettermen, two newcomers, and Frank Suffern, was intercepted by The second half was scoreless al- field goal from a difficult angle to In J'eview, let us give credit to Bob one fresh bcoter. John Hancock will Bill Florsheim, who returned the (Continued on Page 4, column 2) give the Terrors 9 points against Sorensen, George Banick, and Bob once again be t.ending the net, with Massanntten's O. Bricker. Sorensen played his best Francis Cook and Bob Shockly at full- In the waning minutes of the game game of the season, and defensively back post.s. Bud Blair at center haLf Preachers Down Bachelors 6-0 the Soldiers started to throw passes was the outstanding man on the Ter- will be flanked by newcomers, Tom in desperation, and one of them clicked ror side. George Barrick also was O'Leary and Tommy Price, to com- To Capture First Half Honors to lliace them on the four yard line. piling them up at the scrimmage line, plete the defense setup. The touchdown was scored on a buck, and Bob B)·jcker was again that spark One Freshmall Lee Lodge's first quarter touchdown and the kick for extra ]loint was good. plug with two fine catches of Manny Freshmen Ken Volkard and veteran pl1\Yed a majOl' role in Delta Pi Al- Standings !Hendell Captain KapJan's aerials and also several yard Frank Tarbutton will be at the wing pha's 6 to 0 win over Alpha Gamma Kugler and Pia vis have been out- gaining runs. positions with Clarence McWilliams Tau on Tuesday, the victory enabling Club ,I'on standing at the tackle posts and, act- Certainly everyone must admit that and Warren Cook at the inside posts. the Preachers to capture :first round r,.""ch~r~ 3 ing captain Mendell has turned in a G-Burg was not three tonchdowns su- The attack is rounded out by Paul honors and \ extend their streak to Uaehelors ..... 1 0 good job at the blocking back position. W"hites Block &, perior to us. We gained yardage on Myers playing his first ycar on the twenty-five consecutivc games with- Gamma UN. 0 Stan Kilkuskie, who has been out sustahled drives through the line, line at center forward. out a loss in the fraternity football of nction for t.hree weeks, is expected something we eouldn't do against the In their initial encounter the Ter- league. Scoring Leade" to be ready for action this week, and Mounts ant:! played on even keel with 1'ors wcre edged out by a much heav- Although beaten, the Bachelors Total his presence will ease the situation in " the Bullets (if not better) in the sec=- ier and better conditioned squad at caused lIlany a troubled moment as " the backfield since there are few sub- ond half. Those early passes proved Loyola, 2 to O. The Grcyhounds drove Elmer Evans paced the Blue and " " stitutes. At the sallle time it was to be too much of a handicap to over- from the very beginning and had White attack with both clever running " learned that Pat Caruso suffered a come. lllany scoring chances, only to be re- and accurate passing. Short flat " " , a Te-currence of a leg injury and will Praise to Rip Engle and his frosh pelled by Blair, Shocklcy, and Han- passes, good for five yards, were most " not be able to play against l'IIercel's- eleven. Charley Godwin appears coek's defense work. In the second effective used by the Bachelors all burg. charge, an1:l Coffman throws a smooth period Loyola tallied however, as Tom day in as tense and spirited game as Kugler and Curly Coffman. Godwin Repetti slipped 011C by Hancock, but has been witnessed all season. Senior Stars .---- is a fine pass receiver, hits unusually it was late in the last period before .Champs St:ore Early ---- 0 hard when tackling, and is among the the Greyhounds tallied again. In the first quarter the Preachers fastest on the squad. Kugler is big Lack Punch struck and following a pass from Ed Lewis---a senior with a variety and aggressive with a very good Threatening time after time, the Randy Scholl to Nemo Robinson 'for a of interest--athletics, milital'y, and charge and Coffman throws a smooth local club had trouble in taking ad- first down, they scored, as Lee lodge science balance his eventful social pass and blocks efficiently. Also Rol- I vantage of scoring opportunities, but came down with another of Scholl's life._ lie Blanchette is a pepper, and George Coach Wallace feels confident that heaves, this time in the end zone. Came here from Coraopolis High Piavis a consistent linemcn. Engle's the Terrors will improve as the sea- From here on it was anybody's ball in Pennsy-played three years of son goes on. boys have a :fine chance fOl' a clean game until the last two minutes, when high school football and quarter- slate this season; so good luck, Rip. the defending champions started :l backed every season-for two years a Statistics march that was halted only by t.he varsit.y\cager--captained track squad whistle on the Bachelor 10 yard stripe. in his seniol' year-business manager at class of school year book-speaker Varsity Football For the winners Joe \Vorkman, in graduation-president of class in Scores the backfield, Fray Scott, Jeb Stewart, sophomore and junim' settos. '1'errors.33 Cortl,,,,,16 Bud Smith, on the line, and Jim Jones Terrors 6 Mnn'land G at the flank stood out while A, J. "Liked Western Maryland first Terrors 24 "!lit. ·St. ?Jar,.'. ~l time I saw it"-played frosh basket- Terrors 0 Oetl)'sbur~ 19 Beane, Pete Townsend, Stan Ritchie, and Paul Bl'ooks werc consistent fOI' ball but tumed t.o boxing in his soph- Scoring .Leaders omore and junior winters-has per- the Blue and White. Last Friday the Bacllelol's-Gamma formed in track well for three sea- Bets game pl'oved to be the most ex- sons, As a football man he is versa- citing one of the campaign with each tile-played a guard post but now team threatening throughout. The has been shifted to blocking back. Bachelors score came first whereas Will never forget Wake Forest-- it took the Gamma Bets until the last that 66 to 0 game--"It was something Freshman Football quarter to push one over. you could do not.hing about". Declares Scores Beane Tallies them to be the best team he ever Bahy Terro,.s D )rassnnutt~ll On a beautiful pass from Evans to faced. Likes Polanski, Deacon back, Daby Terror" 7 Gettyshurg A. J, Beane t.he Bachelors netted the as best ball all-l'ound players-Jim· back, of Ail' Corps. Aims for permanent my Ringgold, , Deacon blocking first score, but another pass play fail- T. , F.G. -; ,, T. " " ed to produce the extra. point. Hany deserves a lot of credit too. and commission in army or else a stab at 0 Pre- 0 , Will always remember business life. quarter Getting first viously in the in advanced military 0 practical jokes the boys have played in col- are highlights " Yingling, playing his first game for tying Maryland Bad eyes kept him out -"especially the ones on Cohen." lege career. (Cont.inued on Page 4, Column 2)
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