Page 12 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., October 23, 1941 This W •• k's. • The Faculty Has Personality _ On the hill tonight I saw a spectre- Laughing at the blinking lights A Job To Do Of the city. When several students begin to question the • • On tho Campus J tried to get the joke- value of a course, there is no cause for concern. But in vain, What's funny? J asked I When many students agree that they are not getting what they should from a course, the pro- Tomorrow is her birthday-----exactly 20 years ago on October Of the wraith-like form. It's these human beings, he answered. fessor teaching that course should begin to think. 24th, Lucie Leigh Barnes began to get that well known kick out of Some live like vu!tul'es, living; and she has been doing it ever since. When the majority of students taking a course Because the Barnes' lived near Johns Hopkins University, Some like dogs feel that the classes are a waste of time and that there were always lots of students and doctors living with them. Some, sheep they would be just as well off by not going to Cynic! I charged. works One of these doctors gave Lucie Leigh the Complete class, it is time for that professor to evaluate his Shakeepeare when she was five. Perhaps he had high ambitions of then-- teaching. . of launching her upon a Shakesper- I looked down and found that And when any course or department, because the students feel the teacher incapable, becomes ean career! I had bee» wearing a bell around my neck! mc, WE BOTH LAUGHED---except the laughing stock of almost every student who From the time she entered the first i bleated. has been in the department, it is time for action. grade until graduation from the Many faculty members have been teaching for eighth grade, Lucie Leigh was peren- her class. One so long now that they have lost touch with their nially second in she carne out first, month, however, students. They fail to realize that they are not and then proceeded to work so hard lecturing to empty seats, but to mature, and in at the favors which were bestowed BY I some cases, superior minds. Joe These faculty members should take cognizance upon her (permission to wash boards, of the fact that they have an important job to clean erasers, etc.) that by the next News And Views '!'orkman month she had dropped back to tenth do-----topresent a body of subject matter to their place! From Kicking Post students in as stimulating and thought-provoking a manner as possible. • President of Western High To Seventh Green Their job is to stimulate thought, to guide After junior high school, Lucie thought, and to -point out inconsistencies in Leigh entered Western High School. Western Maryland is rapidly acquiring a C()rps of Fly- thought. . In her junior year, she was elected to ing Cadets since Zack Ebaugh obtained his flying license When' a faculty member loses sight of these the student government, and in her last year. Josh Ensor has obtained his certificate, and facts and, either because of his own conceit, or senior year was elevated president of Louis Fowler is making rapid strides in that direction. his contempt for the students, feels that these the organization. High School grad- Who knows, perhaps by next year's Maryland Watch we'll jobs are not within his province, that teacher uation found Lucie Leigh near the have an air force to help protect the campus, should be asked to demonstrate exactly what he top of the honor list, for she gradu- Rubbing the Right Way is contributing to the course. ated fourteenth in a class of 700, Speaking of the State University, reminds us of the Lucie Leigh Barnes The fall of 1938 found Lucie Leigh story told by Hank Holljes concerning our 6 to 6 game Th. Maryland Watch Had at Western Maryland. with the Terrapins. It seems there On. Good R.sult -e~- During her sophomore year, Lucie was a Western Maryland rooter seat- our boys and ed on the bench with elected vice-president Despite the unpleasant incidents brought on by Leigh was She was also secretary of of fairly yelling his lungs out for the her class. this year's Maryland watch, there is one result the Camera Club, Resulting largely Green and Gold. Each time that our which was worth while. The accent on prepared- -Sidal- goal line was threatened, the enthu- ness, in which the freshmen played such an im- from the urging on by Ronny Kern- siastic one would grasp the bag he portant part, caused a relaxation of the rules for panek (then editor of the Gold Bug), was holding and rub it'for all he was the initiation of freshmen and proved that most -/Voiu- Lucie Leigh began to work on the pa- worth. This action went on until the She got into the work to such per. of the hazing ceremonies are neither necessary an extent that in the spring of the third period, when our boys pushed nor helpful. Recent guests of the faculty were over a touchdown; and the contents In recent' years, hazing has been continued same year, Lucie Leigh was elected .of the mysterious bag carne to Jight. either because the sophomores felt that the Mr. and IIIrs. Edward Wilson of Obi- feature editor. Jane Fraley, her room Do you believe in good luck charms? The bag contained "cocky freshmen" needed it, or because-they felt cago. . Mrs. Wilson was formerly mate, was likewise elected news edi- a diamondback terrapin, Maryland's lucky piece. Some- that they had to repay their grudge from the pre- Miss Pauline Wyman, a member of tor, On the social side, Lucie Leigh one should have rubbed the brass off a 75mm shell last pledged Delta Sigma Kappa, of Western biology department the vious year. Both of these arguments have been Maryland. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Saturday against the G-Burg Bullets. nullified this year. were entertained at a tea given by e Juntce Year Important The Sleeping Beauty Although there was very little initiation of Junior year was quite an important Section "C", Albert Norman 'Yard, would like to for- freshmen, there has been no observable increase the faculty last week. one, for Lucie Leigh was elected to mallv nominate their candidate for the Order of Knights in the "cockiness" or unpleasantness of this Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradley (Do- the Argonauts and was also elected of the Bed, James C. Jones. charter Other Trundle -year's freshman class over those of -previoue lores Cer+etrand, ex-'42) announced editor of the Aloha, At that Lucie sleepy-heads include such personalities as James "I'm ex- years. the birth of a daughter, Margaret Pa- Leigh was "thrilled to death," Re- hausted" Thomas, Jim Roby, and Thornton Wood. Under the capable supervision of Messrs. tricia ... and we find Mr. and Mrs. gardless of the great deal of work Mansberger and Patten, there was little initia- Cissel with a daughter ... Mrs. Cissel which she had to do as 'editor of the The Latest Thing tion of individual freshman-and that which was was formerly Betty Schaeffer, ex-'42, Aloha. and as feature editor of the Have you noticed the new hairdo worn by Richard "the done was on a much more civilized plane than The Reverend Richard M. Lund- Gold Bug, Lucie Leigh began honors Spirit" Shuck?"_ Gee whiz, those curls look just like the that of previous years. berg, new rector of the Westminster work in creative writing. cooked macaroni someone spilled at lunch the other day. Next year's sophomores, because of the laxness Episcopal Church, will address the This year she is of course continu- Weekenders of this year's initiation will bear no grudge Argonauts at their 6rst meeting on ing with the Aloha. as well as with Dottie Attix, McDaniel's Red Hot Firechief, wandered against next year's freshmen. Noyember 5 at the home of Doctor honors work. She is also majoring in down on the Sho' this past week-end to attend a wedding. The sum of these events-proof that rough Riding ton, one of the faculty advis- English and history and is taking Poor Dottie lost the keys to her car, the wedding wasn't hazing is neither necessary nor desirable, and the education. hers, and she got second prize, a gardenia. absence of the revenge motive-should help next New members will be admitted at Like all personalities, Lucie Leigh Just Our Bill year's sophomores toward an intelligent and ' this meeting. Students having a "B" has very definite Ideas-c-loves this- It is beginning to' look as though the women take a helpful initiation program next y,ear. ~;:r~f;ibi:l~o::~en~~;l~:~~:.ive ryear-s hates that! Loves shrimp eocktail, worse beating around here than the football team, Flo The Reader', Club Can Tentative plans for the year include Bctte Davis, horseback riding, eating, KO'blegard was the first with her bad ankle suffered from a fall from a horse named Bill. Now, Margaret Ann and reading long books that tell ev- Serve A Good Purpose ~i~,a ~or d~~~::~:ntsot\~~e ~::~::: crything to everybody. Also she Smith joins the ranks of the infirmary just to keep the riding stable's Bill in first place in the Tosses Completed adores dancing and has an ambition College studying is notorious for the fact that course system, and the annual ban- to know how to jitterbug, but hopes column, it excludes the reading of books for recreation quet in May. no one ever sees her at it! and pleasure, and many students feel that the ab- Guardian Deluxe sence of an incentive for extra-curricular reading The new guardian of the sanctuary of McDaniel Hall is one failing of their college courses. Manahan And Perry, 'nco is none other than Caesar, a black and white cat of the To remedy this situation, a Reader's Club has alley pedigrec. The women inform us that Caesar is a been organized, in which students read for plea- Staff Of Two In Registar's Office weil' behaved animal and that he fills the place vacated by sure--and supply their own incentive by a regu- last year's pigeon with ease. Lct 'a word to the wise be lar meeting at which the subject of their reading sufficient. Remember what the man with the cigar did is discussed. Kept On Toes By Numerous Duties to Strongheart. • This organization is a much needed one and should and can becom'e one of the most important That very essential, sadly overlook- .W. M. C. Grads activities of every student on the Hill. For a col- ed and under-rated part of W. M. C., Miss Manahan is from Westmin- lege graduate who has not cultivated the reading the registrar's office, is really busy ster, has taught in high school, and is habit is certainly not worthy of his degree. from 8:30 A. IlL, until 4:30 P. M. Mon- a graduate of Western lI1aryland Col- day through Friday, and in the morn- lege. 1IIiss Perry is also a graduate Have you read "Letters from Women of Britain"? This THE GOLD BUG ::!g~7n:~~t~:~~iai:e~, ~:~slO~r:~~!~:~ ~~a~ia!l;d.C';::y i~:t~l:g;:~n~~:!a~~~ is a story of England told through the letters of thO'se 'Val'." The letters are Qnes who are Jiving under "Hitler's ~~:~ ~t:~n~he~lsi~~a~~ ~~dt~y~'7tg~~;~l;/ ~~l;':t~d!~~l"~~;,i;ug~he~:~:.a~~:o~~:~~~ received by people in America and are taken from theil' personal correspondence with those in England. Under til;:s~e~j~~eO~~;~~a7::~; of register- ~~\~~l~e~l:~!u:~:e a:~~~~~::!e~~:a~ez the direction of Jan Struther, the letterf have been ar- illg all studellts, making sure that all ing students, judging from their fam- ranged and edited in book form .. Jan Struther, a native Editor-in-chief. ._.Isaac B. Rehert '42 will have enough credits to graduate, ily and high school records, and there Englishwoman, naturally knows the lllany phases of Eng- Managing Editor .. . Alvin H. Levin '43 checking basic, major and minor re- is enough variation from what would lish lifc. All through the book, Beatrice Brown has given News Editor John Rawlins '43 explanations and comments about the writers of the let- Assistant News Editor Mary Miller '43 ~~i~e~e:!~t ~hnedr~::~:r~~ea::~~~~~:~ be expected, to make it interesting. ters. Through these letters, the book strives to show: the Feature Editor . Eleanor Healy '43 compile statistics of all kinds for the .Schedule Cards "day to day life" of the Londoners; the lives of those ncar Sports Editor _ _ John Robinson '43 president and deans, collect fees and the manufacturing centers; the thoughts of the "Oraer Assistant Sports Editor Joe Workman '43 student charges, register students for The thing that Miss Manahan 1Il0st Generation"; some of the decisions that the Eng]jsh have Proof Editor William Taylor '42 the summer session, report grades to dislikes-that upsets routine, and been forced to make; and London from the time of Dun- Business Manager. Werner Orrison '43 parents, student advisors, etc., evalu- good temper-is delay in handing in kirk to the Blitzkrieg. Advertising Manager. ..Betty Cormany '42 ate credits for class rank, graduation schedule cards, Ot· even faculty re- This book pictures the most interesting side of the war, Circulation Managers: requirements, and commencement ports. (Students aren't the only that of the citizens bchind the lines, by a different but Thornton Wood '42; Frank Tarbutton '42 honors, reply to and file correspond- ones!) At the beginning of this week very effective method. The reader is made to feel that he Contributors: Dot Thrush '44, Janet Baugher '45, Jack ence and questionnaires, make tran- there were still twenty-eight boys and is getting a much more informal picturc than he would Quynn '42, Rod Naef '45, Reece Scott '44, Nelson scripts of records of students :md six girls who hadn't turned in their get from the author's observations. Wolsheimer '44, Clarence McWilliams '43, Arlie Mans- cards, due on the tenth! berger '44, Jane Mjles '45, Beatrice Burke '42, Agnes graduates, and do a lot of other im- Unlike most other books, "Letters from \Vomen of Dyson '44, Carolyn Weant '45, Dick Patten '44, Lillian portant, detailed work. The records December is the time when there is Britain" is not written to gain personal riches for its Jackson '45, Carolyn Schmidt '43, Ruth Sarwl'io '43, of students since the very first gmdu" least w be done; SUillmer is a busy writers but its proceeds will be fOr the relief of air-raid Anne Barrow '45, Ann Rice '45, Mary Turnley '44, ation class are filed in th,e office, and season; but there is never a time when victims. Mary Virginia Webb '45, Virginia Watcrs '45, Mary are not discarded even after the ex- there is "nothing doing" at the regis- Virginia Walker '43, Connie Harris '45, Ann Leete '45, This timely and fascinating book is in our college li- Jeanne Williams '45, Mary Spaulding '45, students arc dead. tration office. brary and available to everyone.
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