Page 11 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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_-- Social Events --- Frosh-Soph Hop To Feature Football Game And Dance Poler B.drich, Other Acts To Highlight Homecoming Peter Badrich, sophomore ventrilo- Edna Triesler, elected by the stu- quist and radio performer, will act as dent body, will reign as queen of the 'mastel' of ceremonies in th~ presen- Homecoming Day festivities on Sat- tation of a floor show dur-ing- Inter- 'ui-day; November 8. The members of mission at the annual Frosh-Soph the quean's court consist of Mabel ~V=OI=.=19==N=O=.3==========W~E~S=T~E=R=N~M~ARYLANDCOLLEGE October 23, 1941 Hop. The dance will be held in Greenwood, senior attendant; Mary Blanche Ward Gym on Saturday, No- Frances Hawkins, junior attendant; vember 1. Rebecca Larmore, sophomore attend- Day Students' Papers .. _ Tarbutton, Mansberger, And During the intermission program, ant; and Audrey 'I'reieler, freshman All day student subscribers to Badrich hopes to have a solo or two attendant. the Gold Bug will henceforth re- by Harry Kompanek, two numbers on The activities of the day, for which ceive their copies of the paper Lodge Elected Class Prexies the piano by Nicholas Pisaeano, and many alumni will return to the cam- through the mail, according to a possibly a short skit led by Al Walk- pus, will include a football game be- new plan instituted by the circa- er of bonfire fame, although nothing tween the Terrors and Dickinson Col- Jation department. Elmer Evans, John Robinson, And Margaret Ann Smith is truly definite at this time. lege, the presentation of It bouquet to Because of the numerous com- Are Chosen Vice-Presidents In Balloting In Alumni Hall Music for the occasion will be fur- Mrs. Holloway by the queen and her plaints on the part of the day stu- nished by "Cap" Kidd's new enlarged court, a cross country track mce, the dents that they were not receiving Frank Tarbutton, Lee Lodge, and Arlie Mansberger were band which now consists of ten pieces. annual alumni banquet, and a semi- their papers every week, and be- elected presidents of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes, Admission will be fifty cents per cou- formal dance sponsored by the Delta cause of a tendency on the part of respectively at the balloting held in Alumni Hall on Monday, Oc- ple, and thirty-five cents stag. Fresh- Phi Alpha fraternity. some to take more than one paper, tober 12. men men will be admitted with or e'I'ownsmcn To Play the old box system of distribution without dates upon showing their rat will be discontinued. Elmer Evans was chosen unanimously during nominations as hats. The Townsmen, a Baltimore orches- the vice-president of the Senior Class. John Robinson barely The committee chairmen for the tra, will provide the music for the nosed out his nearest rival, John dance are Arlie Mansberger, general Homecoming Dance in Gill Gymna- Rawlins, to- gain the vice-presidency Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, Dr. Practice Teaching Ana Headaches chairman; Carl Webb, decorations; sium. The sponsors for the dance are of the junior class. Margaret Ann William Sires, advertising; and Clyde and Mrs. Free, Dr. and Mrs. Spicer, Smith, chosen vice-president by the Hauff, refreshments. sophomores, was the only woman to Mr. and Mrs. Raver, and 1\Ir. and Confront Senior Education Students gain office in the upper two brackets. Mrs. Harris. In the senior class balloting, Anna Sixty-one Girls Join Various Lee Lodge is chairman of the dance c Robey was chosen to represent the Sororities On Hill committee which consists of Marvin -The News- class as secretary. Ed Thomas was Evans, Bob Beglin, Bud Blair, Fraz- elected as a class officer for the first Composing one of the largest ier Scott, and Jack Doenges. Fate has snatched some of our be- guinea pigs, however, since other time as treasurer of the year. The groups ever to join the sororities, loved education students from the schools in Carroll and Baltimore office of sergeant-at-arms was kept sixty-one girls pledged the various Gold Bug Will Sponsor realms of learning and deposited them Counties will also be visited. For two by Harry Baker, while Edna Treisler clubs this week. The pledges were \ at the teachers' desks of Westminster weeks each senior, under close super- was voted the classes' Historian. evenly divided among the organiza- Sadie Hawkins Dance High School. Yes, practice teaching vision, will teach two or three periods The result of the Junior class elec- tions with the J. G. C.'s getting eight- has started-and will continue until daily. After each class, the practice tion placed Jean Bentley in the office een, Sigma Sigma Tau, seventeen; A hill-bi!1y dance with ball-room the end of March. All of the various of Secretary. Clarence Mcwilliams Delta Sigma Kappa, sixteen; and Phi music will climax a hectic day of studies from science to music are be- teachers have conferences with the was elected treasurer fOl' the third Alpha Mu, nine. male-trapping on the part of the fe- ing taught. Pupils here in our col- protessors-i-in order to improve their consecutive year. Joseph Workman Maryland males of Western College • Sigma Pledges- when the Gold Bug sponsors its an- lege's hometown will not be the only technique . will represent the class as Sergeant- Pledges of the Sigmas include:. nual Sadie Hawkins Day Dance in - Behind The News - at-arms. Initiating a new practice, Jane McComas, Dot Clark, Mary Beth Blanche Ward Gym on Saturday, No- the Juniors voted for Class Historian Smith, Peg Rudisill, Betty Cowperth- vember 22. But now let us peep behind the with ingenuity, she firmly told the and chose Mary Miller for the office. wait, Kitty Voss, Dot Rovecamp, El- Although Sadie Hawkins Day will headline curtain and see what really youngster to prance up to the black- The sophomore class, electing of- len Walker, Rebecca Wooden, Cor- be observed nationally on November goes on in the classrooms. Miss Janus board and draw a circle. After the ficers for the first time, selected as delia Price, Rebecca Lee Larmore, 8, according to Al Capp, creator of Yentsch, as we all know, has little young gentleman had successfully ac- secretary of the year Cordelia Price. Phoebe Johnson, Emily Billingslea, the comic-strip character Lil Abner, patience with any sort of miabehav- complished this, he was amazed to Treasurer for the sophomores is An- Lucille Gischel, A-lice Kiefer, Peach it will be impossible to hold the dance 'lor-e-so she decided that it was abso- find that his task was not complete. drew Graham. Tom Terry will act as (;al·rison. and Nellie Sharrer. on the hilk then because of tha£flnf\#:.t- lutely necessary til punish a chronic Thewnr,.t wall yet to ccme-c-foa. he sergeant-at-arms for ti}e class. ~ Phi Alpha Mupledged; Ann Cov- in dates with Homecoming Day. offender (even though it was a he). had to stand there with his nose in ington, Helen Heminghaus, Virginia Coeds of the campus will take the Applying her originality coupled the -center of the circle. As Shakes- Salerno, Virginia Kinnaman, Maude initiative insofar as social amenities peare put it-"What fools these mor- Student Council Lee Wilson, Margaret Ann Smith, are concerned when they invite their tals be." The irony of it all came when Virginia Phillips, Lee Hayman, and current boy friends to the affair. Janus went breezing down the hal\- Plans Changes Ruth Benson. Clothes in keeping with the occasion ROTC Presents only to be checked by the voice of a New members of the Delta Sigma must be worn. Girl stags will be wel- monitor calling-"Get in line.' (The Tentative plans for the activities of Kappa are: Elaine Ort, Jeanne Free- Merit Awards truth of the matter is she did file in- the newly-elected Men's Stu den t. man, Jean Diffenbach, Ruth Broad- .•co;:t:;d ~:~l~:~yal~:e ~~::~\riller such love of discipline). Council were released last week by l"UP, Mary Turnley, Jean Kaestner, are co-chairmen of the dance. • Zeus Takes Beating Isaac B. Rehert, president. Dorothy Whorton, Doris Himler, Seventy-nine students cited by the Several constitutional changes are Now for- the male element-Jerry Dorothy Thrush, Sally Ann Cox, Jan- Esther Henvis, Grace Kelbaugh, Military Department were presented Diener was informing his class that planned, of which the most important ith Horsey, Mary Jane Jeffries, Mary Kathryn Tipton, Louise Young, Clara merit awards by Dean Forrest Free Zeus ruled all of the gods. Some will be the placing of the student Louis Shuckart, Florence Koblegard, Beck, Elizabeth Ebaugh, Caroline at the regular drill period on Tues- bright one wanted to· know if Zeus council elections immediately after Betty Colleran, and Elizabeth Gable. Gable, Jane Martin, :ilIargaret Reeves, da~', October 21. ' was ruled by his wife. (It almost spring vacation instead of the last The purpose of this .1. G. C. Pledges Marjorie Rue, Alice Rohrer, Harriet The citations were based on faith- sounds like he is a fugitive; from part of the yem·. ul1 opportunity for the is to provide The 1. G. C. "will initiate Clare Ar- R. Smith, Virginia Waters, Winifred ful attendance at military classes and \V.M.C.) student council to organize before thur, Gladys Crowson, Jean Ayers, Wareheim, and Helen Woodruff. drills, a grade of "B" 01' better and In Jane Fraley's music class, one of they leave for vacation. the proper wearing of the uniform. the young men dozed off to the The merit awards, similar in ap- rhythm of oue of the recordings. So, It will also be proposed that there 'Man Who Came To Dinner' To pearance to the campaign medals of :Miss Fraley, not wanting to be ob- will be a joint council of tbe men's and women's councils. This will pro- the World War, though displaying the Open College Players' Activities colors of the College, were awarded to vious-because she did say, "The Kids "ide an opportunity fpr more efficien- are so sweet"-led the group in song. between cy and cooperation the two those cadets who during the previous semester met these conditions for the It worked-he woke up. Dear Jane. bodies. By Carolyn Schmidt first time. For each succeeding sem- • "Incendiary Bl~d" The student council will also look est-er these requirements are met, a Edna Triesler or "the incendiary into the question of student automo- Take one large, wriggling o.topus; Can't Take It With You". gold star is conferred. blond", as she is colloquilized around biles on the campus. The dormitory add a pair of prowling penguins suck- Satire of the New York theatrical Following are those cadets to whom high school, confesses that her knees councils will also be continued this ing on thel'mometers; mix well with group is the theme of the play. the awards were made: shook when she first stood in front of year. If fuses are needed 01· some- an Egyptian mummy case; sprinkle • Alelyunas Heads Cast Fifth Gold Star the class. Too bad we don't have the thing is bl'oken, it will be the duty of liberally with a city of two thousalld Prul Alelyunas, s~niol' College (Cont. 011 page 4, col. 5) (Continned on Page 4, Column 4) cockroaches-and what have you Player, heads the cast In the feature 1st Lieut ..Thornton M. Wood. got? Well, among other things, role as Sheridan Whiteside, the man FourU\ Gold Star you've got the stage of Alumni Hall who started everything by comjng to Captain Addison J. Bcane, Jr., Cap- library on Thanksgiving night, November 20, dinner. tain William G. Vincent, 1st Lieut. William M. Leister. when the College Players will open Other characters are: Third Gold Star their yearly activities with "The !lIan Mrs. Ernest W. Stanley, Shirley Captain Norman W. Foy, Jl·., Cap- ProF_ Mirise Speaks Reader's Club Formed Who Came to Dinner", comedy hit of Reese; Miss Preen, Doris Davenport; Professor Mirise of the Library the past Broadway season, by Moss Richard Stanley, James Snodgl'ass; tain Paul R. Myers, 2nd Lieut. Zach- Science Department was a speaker at Feeling that theil' regular schedules Hart and George S. Kanfman. ariah G. Ebaugh, Sergeant A. R. Frie- the meeting of the Maryland Library were not encouraging the reading of ~~~~!t\;n:=~~r;J;::ah~~~~~~;ia J~~~l~ del, Sergeant A. W. Jones. books for pleasure, thirteen students, • Funniest Comedy ley; Mrs. Dexter, Miriam Shroyel'; Seeond Gold Star Association recently held in Hagers- with the guidance of Professor Edwin The Western Maryland Coilege Mrs. McCutcheon, Dorothy AttLx; 1\h. Captain Robert E. Brickel', 1st tOWl). Professor Mirise gave a brief C. Mil'ise formed a Readers' Club last sketch of the policies, the equipment, Players are one of the first amateur Stanley, Marvin Sears; Maggie Cut- Lieut. Lee M. Kindley, 1st Sergeant and the staff of the college library. week. groups in the country to produce Ter, Lucie Leigh Barnes; Dr. Bradley, T. J. Lavin, Jr., 1st Sergeant W. O. The members of the club agreed to "The .Man \Vho Came to Dinner", ac- Lawrence Brown; Harriet Stanley, Prettyman, Sergeant M. F. Evans, Jr., He stressed the fact that this libl'ury read at least one book (chosen by a cording to Miss Esther Smith, dra- Gladys Crowson; Bel·t Jefferson, John Sergeant C. E. McWilliams, Sergeant is the only training school of its kind matics COBch. The play, termed the Douty. W. W. Orrison, Corporal T. E. Price, in Maryland. colleges represented were vote of the group) each month, and to Other "funniest comedy of the season" by Professor Metz, Donald Marsh; Corporal J. S. Whiteford. Hood College, Johns Hopkins Univer- attend a meeting to discuss that book Brooks Atkinson, New York Times Luncheon guests, Charles Tsouprak~, First Gold Star sity, and St. John's College. at a convenient date. Two faculty drama critic, has only recently been Thomas Bush, Russell Sellman; Mr .. 1st Lieut. Robert B. Gelde!', 2nd members will be asked to lead the dis- l'€leased for amateur production. Bakel', George Wilson; Express man, Lieut. Royce D. Gibson, Master Sgt. Classes PI.n Field Trip cussion of the book. .. Turbulent, absorbing, eccen- Don Griffin; Lorraine Sheldon, Bet- R. J. Moore, 1st Sergeant E. J. Kap- The first book, which will be read On Friday of this week, the classes tric, and immensely funny" is the rat- ty Cormany; Sandy, James Robb; lan, 1st Sergeant J. B. Workman, Ser- in Iibral'y science will go on a field and discussed by the Readers Club ing of John Anderson of the New Beverly Carlton, Joe Whiteford; geant F. J. Blair, Sergeant J. l'II. Wil- trip to the Enoch Pratt Library in York Journal-American, which is sec- \Vestcott, George Marshall; Radio liams, Corporal F. A. Kullmar, Cor- Baltimore. There they will attend a on November 16 or 17, is Nana by ended by Sidney B. Whipple, New technicians, Will i a m Leatherman, poral P. P. Mannino, Corporal O. R. meeting of the Association of School Emile Zola. Corporal A. F. O'Keeffe, Mansberger, York World-Telegram critic, who adds Thomas Bush; Banjo, Peter Badrich; Corporal R. G. Patten, Corporal W. F. Libraries in Maryland. There will be All students interested in joining that "The Man Who Came to Dinner" Two Deputies, William Leatherman, Potts, Corporal W. D. Preston, Cor- on display various exhibits of inter- the club are urged to contact Adele is "the most sparkling and intoxi- George Marshall; Plain clothes man, (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) est to the students. Masten. cating dramatic concoction since "You George Wilson; Choir boys.
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