Page 10 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUl( The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., October 9, 1941 Briefs ------- Do You Listen Frosh-Soph . . • Placement rests . . . (Continued from page 1, column 1) place on the "Breakfast Club" and make us chuckle. "Bergen and Mc- (Continued from page 2, column 4) and Catherine Ann Waring. House Presidents "Club Matinee." Evelyn is going to Earthy" have added "Abbott and Cos- "bare facts?" Tied scores put twelve freshmen in be married. tello," those "funny men" of radio The male initiation started with a the upper ten contenders for biology Mabel Greenwood and Jane Fraley Did you know that D'Artega's and screen, to their cast. Bob Burns bang---or rather a shower. As a re- honors. They were: Ray Clinton were elected House Presidents of "symphonic swing" orchestra is the now has his own program, "The Ar- suit of the praying for rain under the Dalton, Oxon Hill High School, Ana- Blanche Ward Hall and McDaniel Hall most widely heard in radio? Besides kansas Traveler." This is to be a windows of Blanche Ward and Me- costla, D. C., Donna Mercedes DuVall, respectively at the meetings held last his Saturday morning program, combination of comedy and drama. Daniel, it really poured. However, John Gilbert Eichler, Towson (Md.) spring. "Vaudeville Theatre," he and his mu- Hal Peary, "Fibber McGee's" Mr. an unexpected attempted attack :from High School, Winifred ZadeH Gilli- Dorothy A ttix, who \as been the sic are heard over five hundred sta- Gildersleeve, now has his own Sunday the Maryland "Turtle Doves" threw a kin, Roselle Park (N. J.) High wrench into the plans of the sardonic "fire-chief" of McDaniel Hall for the tions by way of transcription. For night program, "The Great Gilder- , sophomores-the rats were "all out School, Lucinda Ellen Holloway, Alice , sleeve." past two years, has 'been reelected; the benefit of any interested pez-sons, William L. Shirer, noted correspon- for defense". But the hour of reck- Roberts Kuhn, Theodore Roosevelt while Emily Linton will assume the he is a bachelor and is six feet tall. dent for C.B.S. from Berlin, will have oning began when the final whistle High School, Washington, D. C., El)1- responsibility of conducting fire drills .His proudest possession is his pup, his own program. He will give a blew in the stadium Friday night- ily Elizabeth Miller, Westminster in Blanch Ward Hall. Daisy D'Artega. series of war news comments every Judgment Day had come. The class High School, Theodore Holbrook Sie- \ Those who enjoy Victor McLaglen Sunday. of '44 decided the rats had turned \i- gel, City College, Baltimore, Flora Lawrence C. Lillie, Ph. D. • . and Edmund Lowe on 'the screen, will Now don't forget to listen! berty into license and they were des- Marie Siewicz, Clio Adele (Md.) Tenney, want to hear their new radio broad- Chevy Chase Bethesda, High Dr. Lawrence C. Little received the cast on Sunday nights. It is called ANN RICE. tined to pay. Grotesque sights again School, Mary Ellen Thomas, and graced the and "griped" the campus degree of doctor of philosophy in re- "Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt." f reahies-c-hut what could they do. Kenneth William Volk, City College, ligious education from Yale Univer- It is a continuation of their humorous Education Dep't. • . . Deal' Don Smythe came out of rat Baltimore. sity this summer. adventures in "What Price Glory." court a ham on toast, while Ken Vol- If you like serials, try "Mr. and (Cent, from page 1, col. 3) Mrs. North." The radio script is County; Mildred Miller, Carroll Coun- kart of "Court" fame was in the game Home Ec..•. based on the Broadway hit of the ty; Ina Rakes, Howard County; Mar- on Wednesday-carrying a racket same name. A slightly dim-wit wife garet Rich, Montgomery County; and tennis balls around with him. Pat Welcome Back 'to College Fr-eshman home economics students and her long-suffering husband arc Ethel Richards, Baltimore City; Fran- Smith, after his little session, found will be feted at a party to be held in the main characters. ces Royer, Carroll County; Madeleine himself roped in to the tune of 15 John Everhart neckties-that was the knots. really McDaniel Lounge on Friday, October Juan Arvezu. Latin-American sing- Schultheis, Baltimore County; Jeanne The sophomores, aspiring to a bit of 10, from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M. The pro- ing star, is now on the American ra- Shank, Harford County; Anita Twigg, THE COLLEGE BARBER gram will include a speech by Prances dio over C.B.S. He is as famous in Allegany County; Elise Weidersum, Hitler's fame, pulled air raids on the Ogden about her trip to the National South America as our Bing Crosby. Baltimore County: Jeannette Wigley, freshies, and every time the words AND BOBBER Home Economics Convent.ion held in He sings dashing Latin-American Anne Arundel County; Helen Willard, "air raid" blasted our peaceful atmos- Chicago, and a discussion of plans for rhythms in native Spanish. Prince George's County; Vi 0 let phere, the freshmen tumbled on their AT THE FORKS future Home Economics Club meet- Most of the comedy shows are back Younger, Prince George's County. tummies, eager-ly c awaiting the "all ings. with those characters and gags to clear" signal. Mounts --- Terrors --- Th. Morning AIt.r --- Phone 300 (cont. from page 3, col. 5) Score: Maryland, 6; Western Mary- (Continued from page 3, column 1) Christmas Cards hold they did. Early in the quarter land,6. Maryland put on another of- pay-off end of one was Irv Biasi, Ter- CARROLLEEN Duvall of Maryland faded back and fensive in the latter part of the game, ror captain, who slyly got behind the 50 Beautiful Cards with name threw to Rigby who was tackled Oil but neither team was able to score Maryland secondary and caught Kap- imprinted-51 Individual Coiffures the four yard line. 'I'hree line smashes further. lan's heave on the Terp 20 yard mark, Also other netted only a yard for the Terps and then dashed, aide-stepped down to the Assortments Beauty in its Entirety on a fake place kick and reverse to enemy 2 yard- mark. Four plays later 800 George Barnes, the Old Liners lost found the Terrors out in front by six 66 W. Main the chance to score as well as the ball CARROLL THEATRE big points, as Biasi skirted right end, "Bernie" Jennings WESTMINSTER, St. MD. on downs. abled by Kaplan's jolting block of an "D" Sec. Western Maryland took the offense 'I'hurs., Fri .. and Sal., oncoming Terp. in the latter part of the second quar- Oct. 9, 10, and 11 Fred ter and started a drive from their Erroll Mac Murray Flynn own 45, which ended on the Terp 27 at the half. "DIVE BOMBER" With the kickoff of the second half, Mon.. Tues., and Wed.. the Terrors again took up the offen- Oct. 13, 14, and 15 sive, but were finally forced to punt. Eleanor Young Ann Bricker's kick rolled dead on the Powell Robcrt Southern Maryland 1 foot line and Bernie Ul- "LADY BE GOOD" man's return punt went out on the 'Western Mal'yland 39. Kaplan then STATE THEATRE set up the score with a long pass to Biasi who ran 18 yards to the Ter'p'a 2 yard line. Three plays failed to Thurs. and Frf., Oct. 9 and 10 push the ball over and, on the last James Pat Cagney O'Brien play of a series of clowns, Biasi skh-t- "DEVIL DOGS OF THE ed right end for the score. Kaplan's placekick for the score was wide. AIR" Th~ score at the e,nd of the third Sac. Oct. 11 per-iod, Western Manylund College, 13; "Wild Bill Hicoel{" Elliott University of Maryland, 0. "ACROSS THE SIERRAS" With about five minutes of play left in the final quarter, the Terps 1\1011.and 'rces., Oct. 13 and 14 took to the ail' and completed tour "BLONDIE IN SOCIETY" aerials in five attempts to set up a score. A pass from Rigby to Duvall Wed.. Oct. 15 put the baJJ on the Western Maryland Double Feature 5. On the first down Wright ran "Passage To Hong Kong" around right flank for the score, but "BULLETS FOR O'HARA" his try for the extra point was wide. Special For Friday And Saturday October 10th and 11th 6AtsKar One package of 25 cent Victor Chromium Needles given FREE with every three records purchased. BLUEBIRD, VICTOR, COLUMBIA on the campus_ AND OKEH RECORDS /tfCheste J. STONER GEIMAN 77 W. Main Street They're cheering Chesterfields MEET AND EAT AT THE because they're MILDER CITY RESTAURANT COOLER and BETTER-TASTING You'd enjoy reading "Tobaccoland, U.S.A.," SEA FOOD AND STEAK DINNERS or hearing a lecture on Chesterfield's can't-be-copied blend of the world's best cigarette tobaccos ... but OUR SPECIALTY the best way to learn about Chesterfields is to try • 'em. You'll find more cigarette pleasure than you ever hod before. 11 W. Main Stteet WESTMINSTER, MD. ,(",,'Il /DIn"'e mH/lo... wIIo say ~. (7-P:'..~ c",,;,"'ML WITH ME If'S C!lf5fE!!FIUD... ." ',JP1li'J LI:c.t~4'M:rl:"';OH=C8
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15