Page 9 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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The Gold Bug, Waum MarylaDd College, W~, MeL, October 9, 1941 PAGB TIiREB THE, • MORNING Mounts Entertain Terrors .'=====AFTER At Emmitsburg Saturday By John Robinson SPJRTS EDITOR Deadlock With Marylanders They didn't let us down. Although First In Long Terp Series -- victory would seem sweeter, western frosh Gridders Passes Play Major Role Maryland's courageous football squad deserves all the praise and glory that Open Season Mount St. Mary's veteran eleven, we can posaibly crowd into this col- seeking a win which would elevate umn for that tie with Marylnnd. As them to etate football heights, en- a team they were On Saturday gages Western Maryland at Emmits- great, as individ- burg this Saturday on their home uals they shone field. equally well, a Western Maryland's frosh gridders With a win over Potomac State and tribute to the fine will open their season on Saturday as a loss to George Washington, the showing against they travel to Woodstock, Va. to test Mounts are eager to inflict the first a more powerful, the strong Maeeanutten Military loss to the Terror forces. Last sea- but by no' means, Academy team. The soldiers have son's game ended in a 19 to 0 win for better Maryland strong teams each year, and in their the Green and Gold. opening eleven. Many be- game they won handily by H For the first time 'in a series of 31 lieved that the five touchdown margin. gamcs, Western Maryland and Mary- 'I'er-ps would take The Baby 'I'errora are handicapped land battled to a 6 to 6 deadlock last over quickly and rout the Terrors as each season by the facts that school Friday evening in the Baltimore Sta- they did Hampden-Sydney a week be- opens so late and the practice ses- dium. The first score came in the fore. Although nr hot water from sions do not begin until the first of third quarter when a long forward the very star-t, the Terrors never October. pass from Manny Kaplan to Irv Biasi gave up. They played the part of a Coach Rip Engle had f~urteen of put the Terrors in scoring position. team not knowing defeat, and only in his men report early to practice with Biasi ran around right end for the the final stanza did they bog down --- • Senior Stars • --- the varsity during the fall camp, and score. Kaplan's attempted kick ror from fatigue and a whistling bom-, consequently they are better condi- the extra point was wide. bardment of Maryland nil' works af . tioned than the new men. Terps Score tel' fifty-foul' minutes of exciting Brick, thc little man with the big Though they have only five games The Maryland score was brought football. toe. Fumed for his Maryland punts scheduled this year, none of the clubs about in much the same manner, A Aiter Line Outst.anding -the Davy O'Brien of the Tenors. seem to be push-overs. yearlings Mas- long aerial, Elmer Ripley to Mearle Terror sanutten, face the - Much credit must go to that lil;c Plays three sports at Western Mercersburg, Gettysburg Fresh, Dick- Duvall, put the Terps in scoring po- which displayed great intestinal for- Maryland and all of them well. For inson Junior College, and Bullis Prep. sition, and Jack Wright skirted right titude in repelling the larger 'I'erps three years a back on the gridiron; a. end for five yards and the tying touch- 01) two occasions inside the five yard basketecr who is as foxy as the next Lineup Uncertain down. Wright's try for the extra stripe. To hold n team that early in one; 150 pounds of dynamite behind Coach Engle is undecided on his point was wide on the same side as the first 'quarter as did the Tenors the' plate. star-ting- lineup and will only com- was Kaplan's. the Ter- Early in the first quarter, was a truly remarkable feat. A score ment, "We have II nice bunch of boys". rors were forced to hold as the Terps might have brought -mcmoriea of that Good Summer At the terminals, Jesse Johnson began a drive from their own 45 yard 1940 game, when Maryland's forces Prepped at Upper Darby High-a and Charley Godwin, two boys from marker. Classy ball handling by broke fast, scored, and trcaded water school of 3000. Quarterbacked for Forest Park in Baltimore, and John for the remaining three-Idurths of three seasons, acting as a blocker O'Hara are le~ding in the fight, with Wright, Rigby, and Tommy Mont put the game to win, 6 'to O. and passer. Reached climax in senior Jack Barker and Prank Faughman the ball on the Western Maryland But Gusgesky, Bohn, Walls, Kitt- year when his club met only one de- backing them up. Joe Kugler, from 6 yard line with a first down. The drive ner, Natalizi, and Suffern had differ- feat. Pushed aside love of basketball Engle's 'Waynesboro club and George forward finally ended as the stubborn wall of the Terrors refused ent views on the subject, much to the for love of water. was 50 yard free Pia vis, a former team-mate of Tom to be budged beyond the one yard relief of a worried Terror gathering stylist for two years, Pitched on the Terry, seem sure of starting at the line and the ball went to Wes- that had not as yet gotten accustomed baJJ team but won't remember record. tackle posts with Rod Naef held in tern Maryland on downs. The educat- to the wooden background. Perhaps it was that Philadelphia at- reserve. R 0 I and Blanchette, and ed toe of Bobby Brickel' put the Ter- Phillips Sensational mosphere. George Nataiizi, brother of Bart, will rors out of danger and 'the period It .is impossible to mention all the be the starting guards, assisted by ended with the baJJ in Maryland poS- exceptional plays of that· game last Head Shaved Al Resnick. session. Friday evening, but I know most of Will always remember freshman Pat/Caruso was counted on as the The score at the end of the first the boys will give way gladly and to- year, His head was stripped for rat regular center, but he injured his leg quarter, Maryland, 0; Western Mary- gether join in congratulation on paper inspection. in practice, and Walt Phillips was land, O. to Mike Phillips. The Galupe was Almost went to Lafayette but will Triple Threat shifted from end to center. Joe Wil- Again in the second quarter, Hav- tops; he made tackle after tackle never regret changing mind. Likes Rooms with Elmer-prefers foot- son has looked good at the pivot post en's men were forced to hold and backing up; he cut behind interfer- it here because of everyone's equal ball to all else(?~ Ardent fraternity the last few days and will see plenty (Continued on page 4, column 1) ence to stop Maryland's effective status. Will be disappointed if Ter- man. of action this year. flanking plays; he was down under rors don't have great season. Foul' year's on Hill have left Br-ick > The "star-ting backfield probably punts with the alertness and swift- Can'b recall any great thrill,-'It's relatively unchanged-he says. Great- will be Curly Coffman at the spin- ness of an end; and he also messed up just a series of thrills, I guess"-. est worry was when his one and only ningback and doing some of the pass- Seven Lettermen Maryland on some of their- intended When asked about that sensational business verrtu re-c-candy salesman in ing, Hymie Miller playing the wing- forward passes. Mike was good in punt in the last Maryland game Brick junio~ year-died a slow death. back and also kicking and passing Form Nucleus the Cortland game, but he was super recalled-" I was so afraid that the Up neal' the top in military depart- while Jimmy Schropp will bc at the against a smoother, heavier, and boys would touch it down inside the ment. Says that R.O.T.C. is next to t.ailback, and Carlton Mendell will For Booters tougher Maryland eleven. ten and Maryland would automatical- football in his list of \ikes. handle the blocking assignments. And Bricker ly get the ball 011 the 20 that I didn't Brick may continue with military Stan Kilkuskie, who is now out with Then therc was Bobby Bdckel'. know exactly where it was. I was too serviCe after he graduates. "If they'll an injury, and Jim Conley are also With the opening of the 1941 sea- Whim a man averages 37 yards in busy yelling at Mike." have me," he adds. backfield candidates. son, the Green and Gold soccerites will kickillg, he is considered a bit of all find seven lettermen and eight good right, but when he can average 37 Among The Greeks prospects from last year's Jay-Vee yards and punt as often as Brick was eleven back. forced to, he deserves special men- Leading the squad with an eight tion. And not only that, but most of Tuesday markcd the opening of the punt to turn it into the first score cul- contest in the anllual fraternity touch game schedule will be co-captains the minute backman's kicks were un- fraternity football campaign with the minating in a touchdown pass from football league. Frank Tarbutton and Bob Shockley. der pressure when a flaw might mean Preachers playing the Gamma Bets Randy Scholl to Fray Scott. The pass Elmer Evans, vetel'an backfield Although hard hit by graduation, the the difference between 50 yards and in what proved to be a clean hard- for the extra point was missed, the man, b!flieves able replacements have booters nre looking forward to a very 6 points. That one kick that traveled fought battle. The Preachers ended first quarter endblg with a 6 to 0 been found in newcomers Woody successful season under the excellent and landed on the Olle foot mark, 60 up the winners by a 12 to 0 score, The score. Preston, a worthy end, who is a SUI'e coaching of Charlie 1Vallace, former yards from Brick's right toe, was the men, playing under adverse weather The Preachers came back in the starter having played freshman foot- soccer captain at \V.M.C. needle in Maryland's side. conditions, l'apidly tired, and found second quarter to score another six ball; Porky Powell, their new center Because of the vacancies in the _...,It set up an opportunity for Manny it difficult to play top notch ball, pointer when Jones ran 15 yards on who packs plenty of weigbt; Howard squad, 1Vallace has found it neces- Kaplan to start pitching, and the big After losing Don Honeman, Jack an end al'ound play, and a pass from Hall, a swift running candidate for sary to shift some of his men in new fullbaek come thl'ough with three Ryan, and Ted Bowen, the preachers School to Robinson produced the the backfield; and Skeets Hauff, a positions. Bud Blair, who bas for the straight completed aerials. On the uncovered three fille backs in Nemo score. Scott heaved a long pass to heavy soph lineman. past two years been the shining light (COllt. on page -4, col. -3) Robinson, last year's mainstay, Joe Lodge which looked good momentari- Paul Brooks, all-league tackle of in fullback to the position, has been trans- center halfback post. ferred Workman, and Randy Scholl. With ly and would have been a touchdown, note last season, will again hold up a veteran group of blockers on the but it was,.too difficult to handle. his position, while Stan Ritchie returns Shockley, who has held the left wing fOl'ward wail, the club i_~very optim- Lavin Grabs Pass for another year at the other tackle. of the line down very well, has !J.een where his strong to fullback shifted A. J. Beane has moved from his old istic. The second half wus much slowcr position at center to make l'oom for foot can be used to more advantage. Bets Improved Club but was highlighted by Lavin's catch more weight, and will take one of the Frallk Tarbutton will keep playing a The Gamma Bets showed them- of William's 20 yard pass, and sev- flanks for Pete Townselld who has beautiful game at right wing, John selves to bc probably the most improv- eral pass completions by both of these shifted from fOndto the backfield join- Hancock as goalie, and Francis Cook ed team in the league with a heavy men. In this half the Bets showed ing Evans and Hall. The backfield trio at fuilback. The other positions are line, in which Bob Moore and Doggy that a strong line was keeping the comprises one of the fastest aggre- a toss-up, and out of a squad of 24 Feidel al'e outstanding, and a well Preachers in check. A sleepel' play gates in the league, two having been footmen anything can happen. balanced backfield. Tommy Lavin by Stewart caught the Bets complete- on the track team and Evans supply- The candidates for the squad are: starred all afternoon for. the Gamma ly off guard; however, the pass was ing the shiftiness plus speed. Blair, F. Cook, 'V. Cook, Hancock, Mc- Bets. pOOl',and the play went for naught, Black and Whites Ready WiIliams, Myers, Shockley, TaJ:button, Beane, Conellee, Gross, Griffith, Har- The Preachcrs elected to kickoff to The game was stiffly fought Also the Black and Whites are den, Harris, Hyson, O'Leart, Phillips, the Gamma Bets with tackle Jeb tbroughout as is shown by the five looking forward to their first encoun- Price, Sklar, Zeigler, Ensor, Volkhal't, Steward doil,g all the placements for penalties, the low score, and the two ter and, although hit hard by gradua- the former club. After a r poor kick slight injuries sustained. The con- tion, muy boast a troublesome squad. and Yost. by Williams the Preachers capitalized test was marked by many pass inter- Under the guidance of Dutch Schu- With the opening game Wednesday on the error-Joe 'Workman passing ceptions, poor kicking, and excellent bert, the Black and Whites will have at Loyola, the squad will hit one of the to Jones for a 35 yard gain. Another blocking by both teams. Bert Jones and Bill Baylies at the its strongest Last contestants during ended tilt their season. year pass from Workman to Robinson net- Completing Jast season's schedule ends, Bill Vincent and Zach Ebaugh with a one to one tie but this year the ted 8 yards, but on the next play the with an even count of three wins and at tackles, with Rogel' Saltzgaver, Greyhounds have a much stronger ball was intercepted by Bill Hall end- three defeats, entitling them to sec- Abe Gruel, and Schubert in the back- ing the tlu.'eat. A few minutes later ond place, the Bachelors are confi- field. Other candidates are Don team, backed up by all-eastern goalie, the Preachers grabbed another short dently looking forward to their first Griffin, Jim Gl'iffin, and Lee Kindley. Ed Pazourek.
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