Page 56 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmiruter. Md., February 21, 1941 Pan-Hel Council Nine Get Bids To I Mass Food Production Cagers Second In I Elects Holljes Bela Beta Beta Cont. from page 1, eel, 2 It seems that the girls operating Conference Race As Prexy Nine students in the biology de- sert on Lincoln's birthday last week, the dish-washing machines in the Cant. from page 3, col. 5 have developed a new call basement remember? Well, the icing was beet- partment were issued bids to join en too much and spoiled. After being when they want the silverware to be ing 13 to 12 in the visitors' favor, in the cafe- sent down from upstairs told by Miss Tweed that this had to Body Makes Plans For 'I'ri-Beta, the national honorary bi- bc\ used somehow, the ingenious one teria-"Hi Ho Silver" they call, but and at intermission this lead had In-' Tea Dance In March ology fraternity, this week. Initiation on made "brownies" (chocolate-square unfortunately rather it is not followed which by creased to 22 to 16. of the new members will be held a response, "away" After half time the Sho'men picked the And May Ball March 3 at the home of Prof. Cloyd "jobs") out of it, which you had But means hours of toil. The girls are all up an eleven point lead at 35 to 24 but following remember? evening, L. Bennighof at 8 P. M. very amused by "southern accents" Henry Wirt Holljes, president of Membership in Tri-Beta is open to the unfortunate part of the entire of most of the dining hall employees, saw it dwindle to 38 to 31 with seven Gamma Beta Chi fraternity was those students who have attained an situation was that she made 1000 and find it quite interesting to receive minutes remaining. It was here that elected president of the Inter-Fra- average of one and one-half times as servings for 500 people-Miss Tweed instructions, not understand a word the Terrors put on their belated spurt ternity Council last Wednesday'even- many points as the total number of is still presenting the left-overs to of it, but go right on, speculating on with Bob Faw leading the way. The ina. He succeeds William Wiley who hours taken, and who have at least her friends. what was said. "Blind Bomber" made good on a held that office the first semester. ten hours in biology of grade B or charity toss to put Western Maryland John W. Ryan, president of Delta better. Most Practical Course I've Taken ahead, 39 to 38, and then dropped in a Pi Alpha fraternity, succeeds Robert Those students who have received two-pointer to put the game on ice. Faw as vice-president of the Coun- bids are Frances Lemkey, Emily Lin- Says Miss Betty Poore Junior Samele and Charlie McNiff cil, and Lou Elliott, president of Pi ton, Janeth Horsey, Lindsay Chase, Betty Poore asserts, "It's quite an who, while being told how to make led the Washington attack with elev- Alpha Alpha fraternity, retains his Caroline Rudisill, Esther Henvis, experience. It's the most practical coffee last week, curiously climbed en apiece, while Faw and Frank Suf- post as secretary. William Taylor, Edna Bandorf, and course I've taken and there's plenty over one of the large urns of hot fern counted for 21 of the Green and Guy Windsor is replaced as trea- Robert Hahn. to be done; but I'm sure we girls are water to see what it WRS all about. Gold total. surer by Thomas Lewis, president of more of a detriment than an asset; Just then, the safety, valve opened, Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity. for we inevitably get in the way of steam blowout and poor Betty ran After the elections the Council dis- everybody, instead of helping." so far she hasn't yet learned how to cussed the probability of holding an Snapshot Contest Incidentally, it was Betty Poore, make coffee. Hermit, The Skeleton Inter-Fraternity tea dance sometime in March. Tentative plans for the Amateur photographers on the Miss Tweed, Instructor, Praises Cent, from page I, col. 2 Pan-Hellenic Dance, to be held in campus will compete for a free copy Intrest And Progress red and blue; the origins in red and May, were put in the hands of a com- of the Aloha, or the equivalent in the muscle insertions in blue. "The mittee composed of Jack Ryan, Thom- cash, in the annual snapshot con- The course also provides for prac- in any type of work she might do. Hermit" may be out for football at as Lewis, and Lou Elliott, which is to test sponsored by the yearbook staff. tical work at the Westminster High Those taking the course include spring practice-he has the muscles meet with representatives of the sor- All students of the college are eli- school, and field trips to markets and Eleanor Prescott, Mildred Gebhardt, for it-146 to be exact. orities. gible to submit photographs of any ho~~~~~!~~~r::.ethe work thus far, Edith Leidy, Betty Poore, Edith One might also say a word about 'I'he committee was detailed to con- subject dealing with Western Mary- the man from whom "Herm" was ob- tact bands and to endeavor to get in- land life for consideration for the Miss Tweed asserted that there was Richards' Anita Twigg, Nice Voll- tained. Charles H. Ward, member of formation that might be presented to prize. Any number of pictures may good interest, a lot of progress, and mer, Jeanette Wigley, and Pauline the AAAS and the Rochester Dental the Council to aid in selecting the be submitted by anyone person pro- the course was helpful to any girl Gatchell. Society, supervised the work. Mr. orchestra. vided each has the name of the photo- Ward has devoted his life's work to Other members of this governing grapher on the back. the field of osteology, and has be- body include William Parks, Leigh Judges of the photographs will be For Limited Time Only SMITH Be REIFSNIDER come one of the world's leading Venzke, Royce Gibson, Joe Rouse, Prof. Milson Raver of the physics 10% REDUCTION ON authorities on bones. Bill Vincent, Guy Windsor and Frank department; Dr. Walter Nathan, head WMC JEWELRY Incorporated Not much can be said about Tarbutton. of the art department; and a repre- come in and See the Full Selection "Herm" for after all there. isn't sentative of Zamsky Studios. We have in Stock LUMBER-COAL much to a skeleton, is there? "Herm," however, can't be duplicated for less COLUMBIA JEWELRY CO. than one thousand dollars which is Alumni News Players Perform S4 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. pretty expensive bone. - Forsythe Made Six members of the Dramatic Art Chief Judge Department of Western Maryland, Chesterfields are made the Wf''Otminster collaborating with Players, presented certarn scenes Judge William ,H. Forsythe, class from "There Shall Be No Night" by with one aim in view .•• of 1894, of Sykesville, has recently Robert E. Sherwood at the Opera been appointed Chief Judge of the House yesterday at 7:40 P. M. to give you a Fifth Judicial Circuit, which is com- Those College Players participat- posed of Anne Arundel, Howard, and ing are Irvin Katz, Shirley Reese, Carroll Counties. This appointment Michael Maynard, Joseph Whiteford, comes after many years of disting- John H. Douty, and Betty Cormany. uished service at the bar. Judge For- \ Elinor Ebaugh and Kale Mathias, sythe has served as judge since 1908, tooth alumni of Western Maryland the longest record of any jndge in the College, have active parts in the state. Westminster Players' production of "Outward Bound" to be given at the ~prP Baltimore ... Opera House on February 28. Miss Western Maryland alumni groups ~Ebaugh will direct the play; Mr. will be busy in two cities during the Mathias has the male lead. next week, the Baltimore and New York associations both holding meet- They hit the mark every ings. The Baltimore group will meet Preachers Take Crown time with smokers like yourself because in the Hotel Longfellow next Monday evening, February 24 for a dinner. Cent. from page 3, col. 4 people have learned they can count on The guests of honor are to be Mr. and points. Chesterfields to give them, without Mrs. J. Francis Reese, class of 1913. This victory gives the championship Mr. Reese is the present head of the of the second round to the Preachers fail, a smoke that is MILD ••• not Bat Alumni Association. and in doing so necessitates a playoff and them New York ... between of the first the Bachelors, Chesterfields are a pleas- winners round competi- The New York Alumni Dinner is tion, for the championship of the ing smoke at all times because their scheduled for Friday evening, Febru- junior league. ary 28 in the Rainbow Grill of the COOLER, BEITER TASTE comes/rom RCA Building, Rockefeller Center. the right combination o/the world's The guests of honer are to be Mr. and best cigarette tobaccos. YOU CAN'T Mrs. H. H. Murphy, class of '97. of CARROLL THEATRE T. K. Harrison, executive secretary BUY A BmER CIGARffiE the Alumni Association, will attend Today and tomorrow, Feb. 21, 22 both meetings. Jack Fred Benny Allen in COLUMBIA, BLUEBIRD "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" And VICTOR RECORDS Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 25 General Electric, Phileo, RCA Victor "SEVEN SINNERS" Combination Radio and VictorIas. with J. STONER GEIMAN Marlene Dietrich and John Wayne Wednesday, February 26 Songs! JOHN EVERHART Music! Comedy! THE COLLEGE BARBER "HULLABALOO" with AND BOBBER ~ank Morgan, Virginia Grey AT THE FORKS STATE THEATRE Today, February 21 "I'M NOBODY'S SWEETHEART The Endicott Johnson Co. NOW" Saturday, February 22 "Better shoes for less money" Bill Elliott in Ladies' and l\Ien's "PRAIRIE SCHOONER" SPORT AND DRESS SHOES Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, February 24, 25, 26 Tennis shoe~-a specialty Rosalind Russell-Melvyn Douglas Binnie Barnes in 11 W. Main St. ''THIS THING CALLED LOVE"
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