Page 55 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 55
The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 21, 1941 PAGE THREE The Short Of It Cagers Hold Second Slot In Conference Local Cagers Appear Sure Of And .Clinch Berth For Playoff Series Mason-Dixon Playoff Berth By Bill Robinson Green And Gold Capture ~ob Faw, Frank Suffern SPORTS EDITOR Eighth Loop Triumph At Pace Terrors In Last If a prize is ever given to a student body for outstanding support of an Expense Of Sho'men Minute Rally Tuesday athletic team, certainly WMC 1940-1941 should rate high among the leaders. ;.,---""".,.,-".-_; We have noticed the utter disregard for custom as local Holding second place in the league winning the majority. rooters have cheered the Green and Gold on to victory led standings and assured of a playoff Leading Hopkins will be Bud 'I'en- forward, who has by the one and only Bo Baugher. Let 'us quote from The berth for the series starting on nenbaum, lanky the majority of points been gaining Mountain Echo of Mount St. Mary's: March 6, the Western Maryland bas- keteers will journey to Baltimore to- for the Blue Jays this season, and "The sights that were presented by the student body morrow night to engage the Hopkins Captain wagner, a good fioorman and at that game (Western Maryland vs. Mounts in Gill Gym) Blue Jays. With a record of eight an average shooter. were like the things you read about in stories. . They wins and but three losses, the Terrors History repeated itself in Gill cheered, shouted, stomped their feet, clapped their hands now hold the runner-up slot, follow- Gym on Tuesday night, as Western and used many unknown instruments which were capable ing the Blue Jays' defeat of Mount Maryland came from behind and of issuing sound." St. Mary's. handed the visiting Washington Col- On the same evening, the league's lege eager-a a thrilling 41 to 38 de- And in reference to the game played at Emmitsburg feat, the second of its kind played be- ROBINSON on February 5, "although they were playing on a foreign leading Loyola quint will play the tween the two teams this year. court, the student body of West~'n Maryland traveled over here to cheer their team rather enthusiastically to say the least. It SECOND PLACE FRANK SUFFERN Playing the same type of game as seemed the best the Mounts could do in the way of cheers was their applause they did at Chestertown, the Terrors were never ahead but rallied in the after Red Lee's fog horn voice boomed out a response to the Green and Gold WF.STERN MARYLAND Already this season the Terrors cheerleader. It might also be noticed that the cheering of the opposing root- have taken the measure of Hopkins, closing moments of the game to win ers did not cease as they gradually but surely fell in defeat." 38 to 36, but that was early in' the by three slim points. The Sho'men Nice tribute, eh? Terror fans have been much in evidence all season campaign and in Gill Gym. Since that played excellent ball until the last ten following the quint on the road and were treated to a thriller on Friday night time both teams have steadily im- minutes when the Green and Gold put close bali game in Baltimore, when Loyola's Greyhounds beat the clock by a few seconds and !I :I proved and another Another point to on the .pressure and the visitors fal- tered badly. may be anticipated. Ferguson's charges by two points. 5" .18 41 be considered is the fact that in the wcetem Maryland was never in In all probability, the local carers ,----------- last foul' years no more than four the lead until the closing two minutes, will get another crack at Lefty ciplinary action is neeesaar y," points have separated these two teams the closest score of the first half be- Reitz's league leaders and perhaps on The other and more pleasing dis- in league play, Western Maryland a neutral court, the outcome may be patch comes from Chapel Hill, North Cent, on page 4, col 5 different. The playoff series of the Carolina, where All-American George Mason-Dixon ..Conference opens in Glamack, the Blind Bomber from Baltimore at Homewood on March 6 Johnstown, Pennsylvania, shows 'em Baby Terrors Eye Fourth ...... and concludes on March 11. Accord- how the cage game is played. It Western Tot.l. Maryland. 16 16 ing' to the schedule, the series will seems that against the Clemson Tig- Washington 22 open with No.1 playing No.4 and No. ers the other night, the six-foot five- Straight Win From Hopkins 2 against No.3. At this time, the inch center of the 'I'arheela took 41 Mounts and all indications point to line-up looks like Loyola versus shots from the floor, but the impor- another Greyhound victory, which Washington and the Terrors match- tant thing about it was that nineteen will sink the Emmitsburg crew deeper Bob Stropp's freshman cagers will ing tap-off for the first basket. Me- ing baskets with the Mounts. of them ripped the cords and coupled into third place. Then with only two be after their fourth straight victory guwski continued to be "hot" during with seven free throws gave the piv- games remaining, both at home, the first half as he racked up seven Before leaving the college court when they engage the Johns Hopkins situations two items of unusual inter- otman a total of 45 points-a new American University on Tuesday and club in the preliminary test to the baskets, and the score at half time est have come to our attention. Over Southern conference scoring mark. Towson on the following night, the varsity affair at Homewood tomorrow stood 21 to 11. in Morgantown, West Virginia, they Needless to say, North Carolina won Terrors' chances of second place seem night. Following this fray, the year- The scoring opened up in the sec- go in for basketball in a big way and the fray, 76 to 53 and remains on the certain. lings will close the campaign against ond half despite the fact that substi- last week Floyd (Scotty) Hamilton, top rung of the loop with twelve the Hagerstown hoopmen on Tuesday tutes played the major portion of the ~ 190-pound guard on the state uni- straight" victories. in Gill Gym. half. Mansberger was high scorer versity five brought down the house Shoulder To Shoulder western Maryland's Baby Terrors for the night with 15 points, closely in a contest with Pitt. Late in the Terror Scoring swamped the Waynesboro Yl'IICA on followed by Mogowskl with 14 tallies. last period of the contest Scotty and FG. Teusday in a preliminary basketball Probable line-up for tomorrow: Eddie Straloski, Panther forward, be- sa Rifle Team Defeats game at Gill Gym, by the score 48 to came over, excited resulting in fisti- " us aa 21. The Frosh quint jumped off to Western Maryland Hopkins Er1Ikine 12 euffs and the KO of the Pitt ace. aa Hopkins Blue Jays an early lead and were never headed. 17 MaD"berger F F Hutchinson '" 21 {"v~f6 L8wia Coach Dyke Raese of the Moun- " Arlie Mansberger passed to Ed 18 Mogowski G 0 Dickler (I 5 )9 Kittner taineers suspended Hamilton for an " e a After suffering two successive de- Mogowski one minute after the open- 20 Bill. (e) G Sheer a indefinite period and stated, "Ib-Is my a , ,feats, Sergeant Rufu~ Puryer's rifie opinion that in the interests of the o team came through with a thirty-four University, and the sport of basket- point win from Johns Hopkins Satur- Reynolds Leads Terror Boxers ball and Hamilton himself that dis- day on the local range. The score was 1287 to 1253. Against Coast Guard Saturday Tomorrow, the sharpshooters will Ladies Only travel to riflemen in a to match the to Coach Buck Reynolds will lead his Green 'I'crror leatherpushers in~ New Gettysburg shoulder G-Burg Western Maryland Co-Eds Gain shoulder match. Last week's sum- London, Connecticut, on Saturday as the local mittmen test the United States To date Rey- Coast Guard Academy in their fifth dual meet of the season. mary: Court Victories At Notre Dame WESTERN Prone MARYLAND Stand Tot'" nolds's squad has won one match and gained a draw. In facing. the Coast Guard scrap- ,------------- Kneel 77 94 S,one 98 264 \\"iley .... 99 89 74 262 pel's, the Terrors will meet one of the the last fight against Eastern Inter- Leister. Last week in Baltimore, the West;. tion. Competing in the back stroke, ~:;;':in. M 96 97 69 96 75 60 258 top-notch group of ringsters in the collegiate League foes in dual com- 253 ern Maryland co-eds participated in breast stroke, relay and diving com- 96 72 82". 250 East. In the Sailors' fights with teams petition as Coach Reynolds may use from this section of the country they the annual college play day held at petition were Eleanor Prescott, Fran- roo na es ~~~ lost disputed decisions to Maryland underclassmen in the. Lock Haven Notre Dame. The local girls com- ces Lemkey, Jeanette Wigley, Ruth " na " and Catholic University. battle, since it is not governed by the peted in four sports against Notre K. Harcum, and Ellen Logan. se '" se ve " 248 For Captain Joe Rouse, it will be aforementioned body. This will eul- ~~g " minate Rouse's second year as leader Dame, Goucher, and Towson State. " 00 " In the first event basketball, of the team. two games were played resulting in In the :Maryland fracas, Rip Hud- two victories for Western Maryland Preacher Basketeers Capture Senior Frat Loop son lost by only the narrowest of in a good fight, to the cap- margins over Goucher, 17 to 10 and over Tow- tain of the Terp squad, Judson Lin- action were Marie Steele, Lois Guba As Gamma Bets Hand Bachelors Twin Defeats coln. Sophomore Clarence Bachman son 46 to 4. Among the Terrorites in and Mary Ellen Wentz, forwards; looked to be in fine fettle as he reg- Addie Ruth Williams, l'Ifary Louise A new league champion 'was ahead by a 28 to 26 count. Then with io:tered his first knockout in varsity Sehrt, Emily Linton, and Betty crowned and a pair of upsets recorded As Second Round Ends seconds remaining, Neil Eckenrode competition against Lonn Miller. Brown, guards. in fraternity cage competition on dropped in a short shot to cinch the Bill Walls was winning his heavy' Second places in two sports were Tuesday. 1n the senior circuit it was game for the Gamma Bets by the ; weight bout until he was fioored by Pet. gained by the Gree~ and Gold as the Delta Pi Alpha that defeated Pi Al- Preachers .. _.. ~. LE~:.:rE ~. 1.000 narrow, margin of 30 to 26. Lavin's a lucky punch midway in the third Archers, lead by June Lippy and Mil- pha Alpha in a hotly contested match, Dlack and Whitea " 3 '"' fourteen points lcd the Gamma B~t re-und, while Harry Baker regained dl'ed Harding, gained the runner-up 26 to 111. The Preachers employed a Bachelors. Bet" ..•. . 4 5 .333 attack, while Paul Myers and F. his stride as he won a decision in the .167 Gamma position. Miss Lippy was the leading zone defense to good advantage and B LEAGUE L. , Cook counted eight apiece to lead the three-l'ound 165-pound attraction. - , contender for the title up to the last led the Black and Whites at the in- Preacher. w. 5 , The line-ups: , round, only to fall by the count of termission by a 13 to 6 margin. Jim Bachelors and ._....... 5 2 ., , Ji~ B~~le~~: ~~~~!~.circuit, an inspired WESTERN MARYLAND I COAST GUARD Blnck 'White •.. 304 to 297. Mary Stevenson and Har- Thomas penetrated the Black and GanIm" Bets 1 .167 Gamma Bet quint made it a glorious riet Dygert gained the third place in White's man to man defense to chalk day fol' their club when they downed the bowling competition. • up three field goals and two foul shots Orten.! ~~;:~r:n~~~~~RS 48 the Bachelors in an exciting contest Swimming was the final event of while' Bill Robinson poured in eight '~.':."m.~.'.ode GammaB~h 47 by a 22 to 18 decision. A halftime the day and again the local lassies more points to divide the scoring. t" .. ~~:~~er!eta i~deadlock of 11 to 11 fell before the managed to finish in the second posi- Roger Saltzgaver and Carlo Orten- =M,=.,,=.~=B=",="='"="~~~~= zi led the Black and White scoring ~~~~i~~;~l:l~~!~~ao~e~:;~~er~~:~ Rasslin' Debut. with seven and four points; respect- decide the Gamma Bet-Bachelor con· led his team's scoring, with eight All Fraternity ... ively. George Barrick, rugged fioor test which was tied 24 to 24 at the markers. Diminutive Duke Windsor, Tomrrow night in Baltimore, the man, gave his usual finc-performance . conclusion of the regulation playing Bachelor forward, accounted for six Terror wrestling squad will meet Next week's Gold Bug will con- in the guard position and was out- time. With the count so knotted, of his team's points to lead their scor- the Loyola Greyhounds at Ever- tain the players' all star basket- standing on rebound plays. Slim Parks' deciding foul shot rimmed ing. green in the season opener for ball team selected by a consensus This victory crowns Delta Pi Alpha the hoop and fell out, thus prolonging Fred Kullmar hung up a new indi- both teams. of all opponent choices. as champions of the senior league for the contest. Tom 'Lavin sent the vidual scoring record for the season Representing the Green and Tuesday will mark the close of the second consecutive season. Sec- Gamma Bets ahead early in the over- when he penetrated the Black and Gold will be Al Cohen, Charlie De- the intramural cage season when ond place in the standings goes to the time period ,vith a short shot from White's defense for twenty-four 'manss, Bob Sorensen, Bill Pen- playoffs will be held in the junior Black and Whites with two victories beneath the basket but Tom Elias tied points to lead the Preachers to a 42 nington, Bill Prettyman, Archie circuit and the school champions and one defeat in the second round it up again with a pivot shot from the to 16 victory. Tom Shilling led the Thomas, Johnny Myers, and Bud will be crowned. competition. side. Lavin again broke through and Black and White scoring with five Schilling. An overtime period was n~ded to laid up a shot to put the Gamma Bets Cont. on page 4, ~l. ~
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60