Page 52 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 52
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesbninster. Md., February 13, 1941 • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- • CAMPUS LEADER • QUOTE BOX·-----------, Campus Collateral I William Richard Wiley, Jr., is one Laugh.t life with -------....;..---- • of the numerous second generation Eleanor Healy • Now that MacIntyre, the Scotch photographic marvel, Western Marylanders on the Hill at has fallen prey to the grippe, the Aloha staff is fortified the present. Born August 7, 1920, in • THE BUCKNELLIAN tells us that "Prrnce - Von for anything. Fire and pestilence have thus struck, and Baltimore, the son of W. R. Wiley of Lowenstein Will Give Lectures. Here on International the staff is preparing for flood; but if you have any doubts the class of 1910, he lived the first Peace." about the book's chances, forget them. The book will be years of his life on a farm in Balti- We'd say that man really has an eye to the future. good, it will be out and in time. We h.ope I more County. • WJ1[C ISN'T THE ONLY campu.s whe're innume-rabie • Rumor bas it that every play from Gammer GuetfJ'n'S Went through grade school in t.wo flu gernw are wQTking overtime. At GettysbUrg it WZcopy, we wondered whether and spent his first years "getting the of the Western' Maryland ROTC bat- • CHARLEY BARNET, King of the saxophone, eee., the transfer Jimmy Jones from Randolph Macon had a feel of things." Embarked imme- talion, Is one of the four honor stu- etc" clai·med in an interview with. a Muhlenburg Weekly chance at that. [tu-jitau course? diately on his four-year term on the dents picked by Colonel Percy Sad- cDluml~ut, that the war has q. definite offect on his platy_ rifle team which he now captains. ler from the senior military class, and ing. How'! It'8 very simple-good clarinet and sax reeds Majors in mathematics and minors considered by the Board of Exami- cO'mefrom France, and he ca.n no longcr get them; osmee- ON THE RECORD • • • in economics. Spends warm months nlar- commissions in the United States q-umtly hu vw.yinu suffer/s. ners last Monday, fOI' chance of reg- It seems the sororities are continually having club of the year indulging in his favorite Army without the year of active duty • THE WASHINGTON ELM runs a headline, "Fire tennis, sports: golf, swim, lacrosse, feasts , .. Delta Sigma Kappa plans a supper at the City ming. Is a fiend fot his pipe, a game required under the Thomason Act, and Water Outla,wed in Dormitories;" Saunds as if they're Restaurant for its members this Friday night In honor of of bridge, or [Al' A bner. Collects going primitiee. the club's seventeenth anniversary ... Pat White is in match covers for no good reason and • THEN THERE'S THE MAN who said "I'm going to charge of arrangements .. , Mary Stevenson has charge hopes some day to have a Great Dune College Debate Team To the dogs," as he looked around for a weiner stand. of the Sigma Sigma Tau supper tomorrow night which to eat him out of house and home. Visit Mount St. Mary's will culminate initiation activities for recently-pledged Would like to go into accounting but •. BUCKNELl, UNIVERSITY had the privilege of members. guesses the army will get him first. The western Maryland Collllge de- hearing a concert by Miss Gladys Swarthaut not long Miss Bertha Adkins has returned from Union Memorial Has led an active fraternity life bating team will be represented at ago, and [rom: The Bucknellian, they really saund duly Hospital where she was treated for influenza, and Mrs. climaxed this year by his election, for Mount St. Mar-y's College in Emmits- impressed. One artic~ stated that "The Metropolitan Evelyn Wenner is confined to her home in Bruns,vick by the first semester, to the presidency burg tomorrow llight at 7:30 P. iII. by Opera Star displayed evening attire that even rivalled illness. Students who have been forced to leave school re- of the Gamma Beta Chi and also of Richard Baker and George Wilson. the brilliance of her Cf"ntV6r8ation, fen- she wore a gO'W1l cently because of illness are: Corky Vollmer, Margaret the Interfraternity Council. For the The topic to be discussed is Resolved, and cap to 'lluUch, t'-1L 1netallic_like 1nate?'ial of dazzling Rudy, Phyllis Cade, Peggy Wilson, Army Armstrong, second semester he retires automati- That the Nations of the Wcstern gold shem wgether with a multicolen'cd 8tone-studded Carol Stoffregen. ' H61nuphM't; Should Form a PerrtUJ,- sash and bl'uceZct." Wow! SenmdS like- a Glwmour Girl cally to the honorary post of iSer- nent Union. No. 1_ ,------- An Explanation -,., year on a weekly basis demand that we publish each week or Ch~~~erfi~ids How do you like our new format which Sidney Mansh has chosen to call a hand-bill? Personally, we don't like it either, but necessity demands that we use this form, for this one issue at least. The situation is simply this-national advertising and Col- legiate Digest contracts signed at the beginning of the school with only infrequent omissions. At this time of the year when the campus is practically "dead" we still have to go to press each week. Our regular paper, four pages requires 7,000 . SatisfY words to fill. There is not enough news, and we have covered all sources, to make 7,000 words of copy, hence this two-page job. , Next week we hope we can revert to our usual four pages. This is by fir more satisfactory for us, and this is the form WITH THEIR MILDER, BETTER TASTE we would rather use_ Do you know why Chest- erfield gives you more pleasure? PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS SMITH & REIFSNIDER Because it's the smoker's cigarette Incorporated THREE CHAIR SERVICE LUMBER-COAL ••• it has everything a smoker NQ Waiting WESTMINSTER, MD. wants .• ,(.Real Mildness and a HEAGY BROTHERS' BARBER SHOP Cooler, Better Taste. Next to Post Offi~ CARROLL THEATRE Chesterfields are better-tasting Today, Friday, Saturday, and mild. .notfiat ... not strong, 0 JOHN EVERHART "GONE Feb. 13, 14, 15 WIND" because of their right combina.. WITH THE THE COLLEGE BARBER starring tion of the world's best cigarette AND BOBBER Clark Gable AT THE FORKS Leslie Olivia tobaccos. You can't buy a better DeHaviland Howard and presenting Vivien Leigh Phone 300 Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 18 "LADY WITH RED HAIR" CARROLLEEN Miriam Hopkins starring Wednesday, Feb. 19 Individual Coiffures "ALWAYS A BRIDE" Beauty in its Entirety Starts Thursday, Feb, 20 "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. STATE THEATRE Today, Friday, Feb. 13, 14 "THE MU.l\flUY'S HAND" with Dick Foran - Peggy Moran The,Endicott Johnson Co. Saturday, Feb. 15 Charles Starrett "Better shoes for less money" ;n "TWO FISTED RANGER" Ladies' and 1\-len's Monday, Feb. ]7 SPORT AND DRESS SHOES Held Over Limited Engagement "GONE WITH THE WIND" Tennis shoes-a. specialty Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Feb. 18, 19, 20 11 W.l\-fainSt. Paul Muni in "HUDSON'S BAY"
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