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'~~~~~:~;:~t'"'1~u,,"TSqc#:,,~~ HONOR SYSTEM TO Library College Naryland ITestern BE VOTED ON IN ASSEMBLY • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLUEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 21, 1941 Men's Student Government To Attempt Coe, Dexter, Wigley Nominated As Candidates For May Queen Wigley were Institution Of Honor System On Hill Kathleen Coe, Anne Dexter, and Jeannette nominated as candidates for May Queen at the regular Mon- queen to preside over the May Court on May 3 will take At Special Assembly Wednesday 17. Final elections for day morning assembly on February place on Monday, February 29. The May Queen will be crowned during Western Mary- Results OF Vote In Assembly March 3 Will Determine land College annual May Day celebration by Dr. Holloway. She will be attended by a court of twelve escorts: a duchess Whether Or Not Student Body Will Adopt Measure and two attendants from each class to be chosen at a later date. Robert Faw and the student council of the Men's Student Government will take definite steps to attempt institution of an honor system on the campus at a special as- sembly on Wednesday, February 26, in Alumni Hall to be held for discussion of the is- Professor Royer To Present Own sue. Student and faculty speakers will present both sides of the question after which the men will debate the issue at a meeting Friday. Composition At Band Concert College Group Will Present It's Sixth Annual Concert On Monday, Feb. 24 The college band, under the direct- follows: ion of Professor Philip Royer, will March "Invercargill" Alex F. Lithgou present its sixth annual concert in Festival March "Our Glorious Alumni Hall during the regular Mon- American" Kenneth S. Clark Ten Senior Aspirants day Assembly on February 24. Adoramus Te Giovanni Palestrina At the concert, Professor Royer Pass Oral Exams will introduce his newest composition, Selection of Melodies (Arr. In Major Fields "Negro Soliloquy," which grew out by Paul Yoder) V. A. Mozart of the enthusiasm of certain boys in Prelude for Four B flat Twenty-one junior and senior stu- the band for playing" modern rhyth- Trumpets - .... Bernard Fitzgerald dents are at the present time enrolled mical music. Professor Royer, who Melbourne Binns Russell Sellman in honor courses which, if completed, has displayed his talents as a com- John Williams Kenneth Bourdett will make them eligible for gradua- poser on several occasions, 'has em- Selections from "H. M. S. tion, cum la'!.lAk and summa cum bodied all the elements of a negro Pinafore" (Arr. by Paul laude. The courses continue for spiritual in his latest work. This mod- Yoder) Arthur S. Sullivan three semesters conducted by a ern selection has been dedicated to Negro Soliloquy Philip Royer tutorial committee, during which time are given, an oral URAC Barn Dance William Morgan, Jr., custodian of Solo parts played by Melbourne two examinations Levine Music Conservatory. The com- Binns and Arlie Mansberger in January of the senior year and a To Be Saturday position begins with a trumpet solo March "King Cotton" written in May of the same year. followed by a trombone accompanied John Philip Sousa Those seniors who have just eatie- Scholarship Cup Goes by brass. The same theme is repeat- factor-ily passed their oral examina- Get out your oldest clothes, date ed by the trumpet accompanied by Star Spangled Banner tions in their majoring fields include: up your bestest girl, and come to the To Black And Whites reeds closing with the solo trumpet. John Stafford Smith Benjamin Allnutt, history; Hazel newest thing on the campus. Yessir- The program for this concert is This program was played by the Beard, music; Pearl Bobbitt, mathe- t-ee, the URAC Barn Dance to be Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity gained composed of a variety of classical band on the Western Maryland radio matics; Jeanette Brannock, mathe- held on Saturday, February 22 is the permanent possession of the Scholar- ship Cup when it achieved the highest newest social event to strike the Hill. and more familiar compositions. The broadcast on Tuesday aiternoon, matics; Phyllis Dietsch, French; Wil- average in scholarship for the fifth The music will be furnished by selections which will be played are as February 18. lard Everett, chemistry; Ruth Mans- real hill-billy band from the nearby a consecutive semester. The averages, berger, Latdn ; Sidney Mansh, eco- hills of Western Maryland. Come computed by dividing the total num- nomics; Margaret Rich, mathematics; dressed to fit the occasion and pre- ber of points earned by the total Senior Home Economics Girls Helen Willard, mathematics. There will be a real figure-caller time. number Gamma Bets, Preachers and show that good pare of hours taken, to have a rousing for The Honors Commission at its most the dances which the old-fashioned and PracticeMass Food Production recent meeting has recommended that popular selections. with the playing will of Bachelors ranked second, third had fourth the following juniors be accepted for respectively. be alternated The Preachers honors work in their major depart- was the only other club to have ments: Paul Alelyunaa, Isaac Rebert, The price of admission will be 25 this cup for a semester-having held Perhaps you've noticed senior home management. nnd Louise Young, all in mathema- cents per couple, and 15 cents for it in the last semester of 1938. economics students meandering seem- In their present work, special con- tics; Lucie Leigh Barnes, English; stags, the dance to be held in Blanche Presentation of this coveted award ingly aimlessly around the dining sideration is given to the preparation Philip Bechtel, Latin; Miriam Bond, Ward Gym from 7 to 10 P. M. Doris will be made some time in the near hall during mealtime. Well, you'll and serving of food in large quanti- music; Ruth Caltrider, art; William Davenport, chairman of decorations, future by Henry Holljes, newly in- have to excuse them, for it's all part. ties; menu planning is studied from Leatherman, physics; Anna Robey, announced today that the decorations stalled president of the Council, to of the course they are taking, QUAN- the viewpoint of nutritive and eco- history; Virginia Sweeney, French; would be that of a real conntry barn Lou Elliott, president of the Black TITY COOKERY. nomic values; meals are planned, ser- and Janus Yentsch, chemistry. dance. and Whites. Oddly enough, there is an objective vice SUpervised, and practical work to their activity: to eventually give Is done in the kitchen and bakery of girls a major in foods and nutrition the dining hall. of Bruce Ferguson Receives Orders To Report and to meet the requirements of the The girls, under the supervision American Dietetic Association in ord- Miss Sarah-Tweed, pasteurize milk, er to qualify for graduate work in and help in service in the cafeteria. For One Year Of Army Service March 7 that field. Those taking the course seem to This course is a continuation of be enjoying it and relate amusing in- Will Be Stationed Prof. Elderdice First their first semester work, institution- cidents that they have encountered. al management, in which they learn- Anita Twigg was making icing for At Aberdeen By On Hill To Be Called ed the theoretical workings of.various Lincoln "logs" that we had for. des- War Department In Defense Program in!titutions, their organization, and Cant. on page 4, Col. 3 The national defense program since 1934 and will probably be in the claimed another member of the col- midst of the Mason-Dixon playoffs Skeleton In Miss Campbell's Closet lege faculty as E. Bruce Ferguson, when their coach leaves. coach and assistant athletic director, Mr. Ferguson predicts that army New Lab Prof. Proves Nothing this week received orders from the post teams will be competing with War Department to report on March next on the gridiron college teams But Skin And Bones---Less Skin 7 for one year of active duty. Earlier fall, pointing ont that Rutgers has al- this year, Hugh L. Elder-dice, chemis- the Fort signed to play with ready try instructor, left for duty as a Nat- Dix eleven. By JAMES SNODGRASS '43 ional Guard officer. Mr. Ferguson has been granted a Mr. Ferguson, who is a first lieu- one year's leave of absence and will If anyone should happen to find a with the social elite on the Hill. He is skeleton in his closet or meet a few made of some of the best grade bone tenant in the O. R. C., will be station- resume his duties on March 7, 1942, United States entry into the ed at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds barring bones hanging from a skull back- in the United States, in faet, there in the capacity of recreation officer. campus don't scream; just remember are only four other skeletons like . that the biology department has ac- him in this country. His duties will include supervision of Captain Elderdice, who is on leave quired a new skeleton. "The Hermit," Why does our new member of the the athletic program, the post theatre, of absence, was formerly the com- as he has been named by advanced biology department have such singu- the dances, the radio programs, and manding officer of Company H, M. N. biology students, was transferred to larity? Well, first of all, because of the recreation halls. E. Bruce Ferguson G. For the past several weeks he has Western Maryland College soon after his physique. His left side is equipped After graduating from Western been on detached duty at Fort Benn- the beginning of the second semester. with layers of rubber muscles. These Maryland in 1935 with a commission with the college athletic department ing (Georgia) with the battalion of- He is the product of Charles H. Ward, are cut so as to allow the arm to as second lieutenant, Mr. Ferguson since his graduation, coaching varsity ficers school. This week he was re- an osteologist of Rochester, New bend and show the students of anat- received his present rank in 1938 as basketball and baseball, freshman commended for promotion to the rank York. omy what makes us go. On his right a result of summer camp training and football, and assisting with varsity (If major and is to be transferred to "Herm" is not to be snubbed if he stdethe muscle areas are painted in special courses. :!'ootball and track. His basketeera the Second Battalion, 115th Infantry, should be found calmly mingling Cont. on page 4, eel. 5 Mr. Ferguson has been associated this year are having the best season stationed at Fort Meade.
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