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"~j~~:~,~~:;':::'~~""N"q#,sl#N~ ALPHA GAMMA TAU Library SPONSORS DANCE ON SATURDAY • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 13, 1941 Prexy Speaker URAC To Sponsor Jensen Elected . . . St. Valentine's Day Masters' Band To Be Theme Of At Advertising Hill-Billy Dance On resentative Jensen was elected rep- Bachelors' Dance To Play For Sigurd February 22 ' to the council of the Club Luncheon "Plenty corny, by cracky, and as Men's Student Government at the The Bachelor Fraternity will hold Military Ball meeting of the men of the fresh- old as George Washington" are the man class in Smith Hall after its annual dance on Saturday, Feb- Yesterday Declared adjectives used by Harper LeCompte, lunch on Friday 7. He will as- ruary 15, at 8:15 P. M. in Blanche Includes GI.e Club, president of the United Religious Ac- sume his duties immediately, at- Ward Hall Gymnasium. Lou Startt Vocalist, Trio, And Western Maryland tlvtties Council, to describe the music tending the next meeting of the and his ten-piece Eastern Sho' Band Day By Group of the first annual barn dance to be council. will provide the music for the occa- Electric Guitar presented by the URAC in Blanche sion, theme of which will be St. Val- Charlie Masters and his 14~ Dr. Fred G. Holloway was the Ward Gym on Washington's birth- entine's Day. piece Mutual Broadcasting Or- principal speaker at the Adver- day, February 22. All arrangements as to decorations chestra have been signed by the tising Club's weekly luncheon on Patrons must wear hill-billy cos- have been completed according to Officers Club to provide the mu- Lincoln's Birthday, yesterday at tumes, and the admission pi-icc is 25 Three Military Thomas Elias, general chairman of sic for the Military Ball which the Emerson Hotel in Baltimore. cents stag or 35 cents drag. the dance. Blue and white will be the will be held in Gill Gymnasium The subject of the address was dancing to music by the same orches- Students Take colo)' scheme of the affair. on Saturday night, March 15, There will be interludes of regular "Abraham Lincoln." Prof. Frank Hurt, Dean Bertha Ad- from 8:15 to 11:45 P. M. The Yesterday was declared Wes- tra. Decorations will fit the theme kins, Dean and Mrs. L. Forrest Free, committee in charge of signing tern Maryland College Day at of the dance. Army Exams Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havens, and the orchestra is composed of the Advertising Club in honor Chairmen of the committee are as Lieut. George H. Caple will be spon- William Banks, Guy Windsor, of members of the board of trustees, follows: General chairman, Denzel Three senior military students and sors of the dance, admission to which and William Vincent. alumni, and friends of the college who Wildey; program chairman, Jack one graduate of the college took ex- is $1.10 per couple. Masters is reported to be a master attended the luncheon. Rawlins: publicity chairman, Bert eminaticns, under the supervision of oi showmanship, and brings with him Dr. Holloway was presented with Jones; refreshments, Alice Vollmer; three army officers, for entrance into a trio, a female vocalist, an electric a miniature log cabin, a replica of decoration chairman, Doris Daven- the regular army us second lieuten- guitar, and a glee club. He presents that in which Lincoln was born, by port; music ehairmun, Wilbur Kidd. ants on Monday, February 10. .Argonauts Hold Tea a half-hour show before intermission. He has played at Cornell, Penn State, Theodore R. lIIcKeldin. The senior military students tak- and other eastern colleges. Among the invited guests actively ing the examination were Victor Im- For Honor Students interested in the college were: J. peciato, Robert Hahn, and William Admission to the dance will be by Pearre Wantz, Norman B. Boyle, Wiley ; George Myers '40, was the invitation only. Invitations may be Samuel B. Schofield, J. H. Cunning- Women's Clubs Hold fourth member of the group. The Argonauts held a tea for all obtained from Deans Adkins and ham, Dr. Lewis K. Woodward, Dr. L. William Banks was also scheduled students who had attained a B aver- Free. Students who desire to bring S. Bare, Acting Mayor O'Connell, Meeting On Campus to take the test but was unable to ful- ogle or better during the last semes- friends from outside the college may obtain for them by leav- invitations William G. Baker, Jr., Theodore Me- fill his appointment because of illness. ter on Thursday, February 13, in I1Ic- ing their names at the office of either Keldin, Col. Robert J. Gill, F. Murray Western Maryland College will be He will be permitted to take it on a Daniel Lounge. The pur-pose of this Benson, Charles E. Moylan, Char-les host to seventy-five members of the later date. informal gathering was to better ac- the Dean of Men or the Deal cr-w 0- R. Miller, and W. Frank Thomas. Lt.-Col. Percy L. Sadler, PMS and T, cuaint prospective members of the State Federation of Women's Clubs explained that of the several hun- club with the college honor society on Tuesday, February 18. The feder- dreds of students taking the exami- and its members. Miss Ruth Mans- atton will convene in McDaniel nation throughout the country, ap- berger headed the committee in ROTC Honor Colleqe Players Lounge where moving pictures of the proximately regular duty. Western charge of the tea. is open to all 10 per cent will be ac- a B average Students To will Sherwood Gardens in Baltimore The honor society ccpted fOl' To Give Three be shown after lunch. the movies are Maryland candidates will be compet- students who maintain Willard Ev- Get Awards in- Students against and soph- terested from their freshman throughout in attending nineteen students ing- One-Act Plays welcome. of the federation is Mrs. other units in the Third Corps Area. omore years. President Semi-annual merit awards will be examinations conducted The were erett announced today that plans are President Harry Harcum, of Salisbury, mother by Col. Frederick G. Kelland, Inf., being made for a 'trip to Baltimore presented to deserving members of The College Players wiil present of Ruth K. Harcum of the senior Col. Charles D. Carie, Inf., and Capt. where th"'e Argonauts will be enter- the ROTC battalion by Dean L. For- three one-act comedies under the di- class. Malcolm D. Harrison, Med., all of the tained by the Hopkins Supper Club rest Free during a future drill period. on March 18. Third Corps Area. rection of Miss Esther Smith, on Fri- Those cadets who have made a grade day evening, March 14, at 8 P. M. in of B or better and have not missed a Alumni Hall. The presentations of class or drill period during the past the evening, "Materia Medici", "A Latest Sports Results semester will be presented with the Matter of Choice", and "Stop For following awards: Love Scene", will have as their SIXTH GOLD STAR themes the representation of three - Mason-Dixon League- '--T-E-R-R-O-R-S-4---T-E-R-P-S-4-' - Among The Greeks C"Pta~'IF'.fH~o phases 0; American life. Oaptain W. R. 1st l.ieu~. K. G. "Materia Medica" by Florence Terrors Point For 12~Oh~OU~r~ryf~~~s,--g~r!~!~ J~pd'Wud~~~: Black And Whites 1st Lieu!. F. L 0 FOURTH Ryerson and Colon Clements is a sa- Upset Over Loyola ~,~~j:~Meet Preachers tire on the discipline and reatrtctlon 12t~;~O~~d!~~~~!3~~!d!{eat~de of the nurse's life. It has as its set- ting a corner of a library in a hospi- A major. upset will be the aim of .uylsnd. Delta Pi Alpha's fast stepping tal, all the characters being nurses. Bruce Ferguson's third place Ter- 145 onaround. quintet made themselves eligible pound ror five, when the Green and Gold Maryland. for a championship match with the G. Vincent "A Matter of Choice" by William J. doci.ion.threerou!lds J. Beane class--Clarence pound Leisler Farmer presents a realistic picture of invades Evergreen tomorrow night 155 W~.tern Maryland, dofo"ted Bachm.n, Black and White on Tuesday when M. GOLD STAR Rohert American family life in a very light for their test with the Loyola Grey- Miller, TKO, IIr.~ round they Tolled over a surprised Alpha treatment. The scene is a living room hounds. The conference tilt will 16ta~~l'a':,dd. cld::;';;~d';:';,e~;okr~r. Si~l~~!"::' Gamma Tau team by a 31 to 16 .~.~~~!Cert of the household of John Brent. start at 9:15 P. M. 175poundelas_HerbrrtGunther. M"rr' score. Bill Robinson, captain of the 1st Sergeant F. H. P. R. Myers ci.ion. three rounds Preachers, getter point Bohn Corpora! high The hosts, winners in tell of their was "Stop For Love Scene" by John thirteen contests and currently on ~~~!'ddefeated John Pirie. TKO, first for the day with four field goals Corporul W·. J. Dumler Kilpatrick is a fast-moving story of Rea,')·weight. class - Leonard Rodman. Corporal A. R. Friedel Corponl A. W. Jono~ a summer theater gTOUp,who are de- top of the Mason-Dixon Conference t~i:t~g:~d knocked out Willi"m Walls, and tW9 fouls making ten points. F. Corporal L. D. Lodge Corporal R. T. Siemon serted in a barn about two hundred with six wins and no setbacks, Cook, Bachelor forward, led his Corporal C. K McWilli miles from New York. boast a smoothly working outfit, FROSH 4 _ TERRORS 4 teem's attack with five points. A. H. Levin studed with high scoring veterans. In the other senior loop contest, GOLD STAR Lefty Reitz wiII not have his full 120 pound dasll--Eugene Mcginni •. Marl' the Black, and Whites, led by their : ~f:i:,::rtiato strength 011 hand, however, due to ~~~~~dd~~~a~~d Richard Uousler. TKO. high scoring forward, Carlo Orten" Corporal injuries to Vic Bock and Franny 127 pound clasr;--Prank Zeigler. Western zie's thirteen points led the day's ~~r}.~r~,.:';'. J. A. Elliott and ~~r.;J:nd. Lewi$ Carler drew, three O. PreUymsn McDonough, but has found suitable 135poundelass scoring while Tom Lavin hung up "'.W. Orrison replacements in Jim Nouss and ern ~bryland, a ten marks. J. C. Rawlins (Bay one round Franny Bock. In their last effort, 1.J.5p<>undc1ass-- In the junior circuit, a hard fight- Thirty-six cadets were awarded defeMed land, the Evergreen quint downed the eision,threerou ing Preacher team knocked the merit badges. Hopkins Blue Jays! 44 to 28. 155 pnund clas ohn 90ss. Maryland, Bachelors out of first place in the As for the Terrors, it will be t:;::t~~u';-~;lliam Pennmgton, decision, standing by a 20 to 16 win .. Fred Ortenzi. their tenth league game and a vic- 165 pOllnd class---Carlo Captain John Western Kullmar's seven points were high Concert In Assembly Pnge, Maryland. defeated decision, tory would practically assure the 175 pound three rounds Sigurd Jensen. for the winners while Fred Bohn The College Band will present its elass-Captain locals a playoff spot among the Western Maryland, knocked out William led the losers with five. annual concert in the regular Mon- Walker,.eeondround leading quartet of the loop. Fol- Heavyweigh~ elas_Bart Natalizi. West· Red Matley ripped the cords for day assembly on February 24. Mr. lowing two conference triumphs ern :Maryland, defeated Joseph }'re""s ten points in the Black and White- Royer, director of the band, has Defense Week Program ... over Delaware on Saturday and by forfeit Gamma Bet affair to lead Pi Alpha written a new composition which he Catholic University on Tuesday, the to a well-earned victory. Charlie will introduce at that time. Lieut.-Col. Sadler and Lieut. Green and Gold have moved to Reynolds will direct thc radio within one-half game of the second Boxers Battle Terps . . . DeManns and Harry Yingling di- vided eight points between them to broadcast on February 18 in cele- place Mount St. Mary's five. 1pad the Gamma. Bet attack in a National Symphony .. , bl'ation of National Defense Week, It took a scrappy band of sixteen losing effort 29 to 12. the period between the birthdays The lineups: 1'error leather pusheTs to catch ll;P March 7 has been set as the date of Abraham Lincoln and George WEST. MD. LOYOLA with the University of Maryland Second-Round Standings for the annual concert to be pre- Washington. Honeman (c) F Goldberg jinx, but the boxers had their hands A LEAGUE sented by the National Symphony The program of February 25 Robinson F Thobe iull and had to be contellt with a pail' Preachers 2 0 1.000 Orchestra in Alumni Hall. will be a series of piano selections Suffern C J.Nouss of 4 to 4 draws. Particularly pleas- Black and White 2 0 1.000 Dr. Hans Kindler, director of the of the fresh- lhg was the performance from the works of Johanne G Barczak man, who scored points in five of Bachelors 0 2 .000 orchestra, has selected Brahms' Brahms played by Oliver K. I B;,,; their eight bouts. I Symphony No. 3 as the annual Spangler. Faw G F.Bock Gamma Bets 0 2 .000 symphonic presentation.
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