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~he Library TIestern ¥aryland College Westminster Md. Queen OPEN FORUM ON THE I-j0NOR SYSTEM PAGE 2 BY THE STUDENTS • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. February 27, 1941 Students To Discuss Honor System Kathleen Coe MenTo Hear Coe. MayCourt To For the fourth time in her four years on the Hill Kathleen ---- Beane Heads Economics Club --- Pro And Con diminutive senior from Brookline, A. Joynes Beane was elected president of the Eco- time to reign supreme as Be Selected Mass., will be on the May Court nomics Club last Wednesday evening. He succeeds Sidney -this queen for. one day over the An- Mansh who held the officethe first semester. Talks Friday Vernon Weisand replaced Thomas Elias as vice-presi- nual Women's Student Govern- on March 3 dent, Harriett Dygert took over as secretary-treasurer in ment sponsored May Day place of A. Joynes Beane, and William Prettyman ousted !\Iay 3. Ed Weant as program chairman. Strayer Hancock will Final Vote Not To Be Candidates Receiving handle the publicity of the club in place of Mary Miller. Taken Until All Sides of political Dr. R. S. Saby, head of the department Eat With Rhythm Highest Number Of science and economics of Gettysburg College, has been invito , Are Heard, Says Faw Ballots To Escort Cee Musical Menus Making preparations ahead of ed to speak to the club at its meeting Thursday evening; bly for discussion of the honor After cancelling the assem- March 13. but members of the Plans are only. tentative To Be Offered time for May Day more than Gamma Chapter of Pi Lambda Sigma, national economics system scheduled for last Wed- At this and pre-legal society, may accompany Dr. Saby. nesday, February 26, because of two months away, the Council economic problem will joint meeting, some contemporary During Dinner of the Women's Student Gov- be discussed. a change in plans, Robert Faw, president of the Men's Student ernment Government t hat announced nominated candidates for the May Court to be voted there will be no further assem- "Music with your meals" a. La stu- blies for this purpose. dent government will begin this eve- on in regular assembly this com- National Symphony Orchestra To Further discussion of the is- ning when Robert Faw and the Men's ing Monday. sue will continue in separate Student Government will present re- From the list of names each class meetings of the Men's and Women's cordings of music during dinner. will select a duchess and two attend- Give Fifth Annual Concert Here Student Ccvernments with the first The records and record-player will ants to serve with Kathleen Coe. meeting of the men scheduled for 10 be borrowed from a downtown firm Seniors nominated are Anne Dex- P. M., Friday evening in Smith until money can be obtained by the ter, Jeannette Wigley, Betty Brown; The National Symphony Orchestra, of Washington, D. C., one Hall. Arnold Fleagle, Henry Holljes, student government to buy ita own and Ellen Logan. of America's outstanding symphony orchestras, will present its and Paul Alelyunas will address this equipment. Edna Triesler, Mabel Greenwood, fifth annual concert in Alumni Hall on Friday evening, March7. meeting, after which there wili be a Mr. Faw hopes to raise money for Jean Lamereau, and Miriam Shroyer The orchestra, which has as one of its most ardent patrons general discussion by the students. this purpose from the money got from are the juniors selected. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, is national in scope as wen as name, No vote on the issue will be taken the students' radio fees. Sophomores include Peggy Wilson, on March 3, as previously announced, Speaking of the money from this Jean Pollard, Mary Frances Hawkins, -==========:.1 increasing the radius of its tours each stated Mr. Faw, because there is too fee, Mr. Faw stated: "If the students and Virginia Bell. r: year. Hundreds of concerts outside much - misunderstanding about what will cooperate in the payment of the The freshmen are, Rebecca Lar- Education Convention of Constitution Hall, its regular win- the student council is trying to do. fee, the student government more, Dorothy Whorton, Doris Cum- Drs. Evelyn Mudge, Mary ter home, have been given through- The vote will be postponed until he sponsor more functions of this mins, and Doris Himler. Ebaugh, and A. M. Isanogle, all nut the United States and Canada. feels that the issue has been thor- The continuation of -this In former years, .the classes did the of the education departmen~, are Dr. Hans Kindler, founder and oughly discussed and understood by project depends on how well the etu- nominating. The Council changed attending the semi-annual conven- conductor of the orchestra, is the man all the students. Both sides must be dents aid in the payment of this obli- the system this year to save time. tion of the Department of Super- behind its continuous progress and given an opportunity to express their gation." Selection was based on May Queen development. In less than a decade, opinions, Mr. Faw declared. ---- nominations, elections of previous intendents of 'the National Educa- Dr. Kindler, starting from scratch, The following statements of the City. at Atlantic tion Association years, and the Homecoming Queen The convention started last Satur- has created an internationally known plans and purposes of the present dis- Tri-Beta To Attend election. day, February 22, and terminated organization. the Recently he was pre- cussion of the honor system with the Elizabeth Sprague sented with RegionalConference the Each person will vote for three of today. The professors will meet Coolidge medal for "distinguished hope that they will help clarify the from nominees his class. The discussion: purpose of the present young lady receiving the highest ltheir classes tomorrow. service to chamber music." The purpose of the present discus- The local chapter of Beta Beta number of votes will be named duch- In previous years, he has conduct- sion is not to hurriedly institute an Beta, national biological fraternity, ess; the next two, attendants. ed. the Philadelphia Orchestra in one is formulating plans to attend the Re- The officers of tho SGA stress the of its regular series concerts at the (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) gional Conference of the organiza- iact that additional women may be Vocal Concert invitation of Leopold Stokowski. He tion to be held at American Univer- nominated by writing their names on 11US also taken part in radio sym- the To Be Given sity in Washington sometime In the bulletin board lists nfter today. phony broadcasts th'ut have presented Franklin and Marshall April. Approximately 12 students Jeanne Shank, president of ill the same series such outstanding To Debate Here Tuesday will represent Western Maryland ac- SGA, is in charge of the celebration conductors as Toscanini, Bruno Wal- cording to Helen Willard, fraternity end the election. She announces that Tonight ter, and Igor Stravinski. Lawrence L. Brown and Paul AI· president. again this year the SGA will spon- Audiences before whom the crehes- elyunaa will represent Western Mary. The annual initiation party. will be sor a dance on the evening of May The Siberian Singers, internation- tra has played have been impressed land College in a debate against held on March 3 for the following Day, at which time the queen and her ally famous Russian male choir, will by the youthfulness of the urganiza- Franklin and Marshall College on pledges: Frances Lemkey, Emily Lin- court will be featured. present a concert of vocal music in tion. The musicians whe compose it Tuesday, March 4, in McDaniel ton, Janith Horsey, Lindsay Chase, Miss Coe, queen, defeated by over. Alumni Hall this evening at 8:00 nre young men in whom Dr. Ktndler Lounge at 2 P. M. Caroline Rudisill, Est her Henvis 11 hundred votes her rivals for the po- P. M. has taken an interest because of their The Western Maryland College William Taylor, Edna Bandorf, and sition-Anne Dexter and Jeannette Selected from among the 'finest musical ability. team will uphold the negative side of Robert Hahn. At this meet'ing, which Wigley. She has served on the May voices of Russia in a contest at St. Brahms Symphony No.3 has been the question Resolved, That the na- will be held at the home of Professor Court for three years as class duch- Petersburg, the choir has an exten- selected by Dr. Kindler as the annual tiamJ of the western hemi8phere Bennighof, both the informal and ess and this year she was queen of sive repertoire of liturgical and folk symphonic presentation. 8hrmld form a: permanent unUm.. formal initiations will be conducted. the Home-Coming festivities. songs. Prior to their coming to America, they were all connected as soloists with the St. Alexander Cath- 'Sarg' To Take It Easy Foreign-Born Students edral in St. Petersburg. liturgical In their group presents- Tane Takahashi Contrasts.Lite tion the chorus will appear in one- Seniors To Honor Sergeant Lavin robes from the Mos- hundred-year-old In United States And In Japan cow Cathedral. Vasilieff, tenor, is di- For Nine Years Service On Hill Nicholas rector of the group which has recent- In 1937, Tane Takahashi made the on Washington and Lincoln. Ame,ri. ly completed several broadcasts over Sergeant Thomas J. Lavin, U. S. long trip from Tokyo, Japan, to can movies had made some impres- the NBC networks. Army, retired, will be honored for his nine years of service to western Westminster, Maryland, eagerly and sion on her, but she realizes now that The program for this evening will easily. Despite the fact that she was those shown in Japan were mostly be as follows: Maryland ,QolJege's ROTC at a ban- a stranger in a very strange land, she historical and "very conservative." Part I: Fir~t Psalm, A. Archangel- quet sponsored by the senior members claims she was not a bit homesick. She had read Uncle Tom'lt Cabin sky; Cherubim Hymns,~ B. Bortnian· of the military department at Clear "There were too many new strange and one of the first things in America sKy; Alleluia, Old Chant of Kiev Ridge Inn this evening at 6 P. M. things to see!" • that greeted Tane's eyes and amazed Monastery: Nunc Dimittis, V. Str~ Sergeant Lavin ,\)egan his career at She had learned a great deal about her were negroes. When she de- kine; Behold, Bless Ye The Lord, Western Maryland College in Sep· America from her father, who grad- scended the gangplank at Seattle, Ippolitoff.lvanhoff. tember~ 1931. Since that time he has uated from Princeton University, and Washington, negro porters swarmed Part II: Burlaki (The Haulers of been living in Westminster with his from books she had read, especially everywhere; and, since she had never the Volga), Folk Song! Barynia, wife and three children. seen a negro before, she was fright. Folk Song; Beneath The Snow My The sergeant retired after 30 years army service month this Episcopal Services ened at first when one rushed off with Russia Lies, Folk Song; Cadets of active commission of master-ser· with the her luggage. Bells, Evening Beginning today and every She journeyed from Seattle, to Song, Traditional; Polka, Folk Song. geant. He will make his home at Alabieff; Laughing Thursday during Lent, Episcopal Montana, to Chicago, to WMC and Part III: Songs of the Flea (Sat- services of the Holy Communion began her difficult task of becoming ire), Mousorgsky; What Do I Care, Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania, where he will be held in Baker Chapel at acclimated to the new life. Although will be caretaker of the Tobyhanna 6:45 A. M. The Rev. C. Edward she carried a dictionary constantly, Gypsy Song; The Old Refrain (Gyp· Rifle and Artillery Reservation. Berger of the local Episcopal she had difficulty in understanding sy Waltz Tune), Gypsy Song; Kalin· Junior members of the ROTC are Song: ka, Gypsy Prelude C# in Church will conduct the services. (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) Minor, Rachmaninoff. invited to the banquet, Thomas J. Lavin
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