Page 60 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md .. February 27. 1941 Rasslin' Russian Male Choir ~--------Quot. Box-----------, Terrors Drop Interesting Facts From Other Colleges By· Eleanor Healy Initial Match REMEMBER OHIO UNIVER_I To Loyola • SITY'S "perfect unknown man of the among the 8,500 students such who fits the description. extraordi- Maybe last in mentioned nary people don't exist. month" week's Quote Box? Well, as yet he is still • HEADLINE FROM the Muhlen_ Bill Pennington, Charlie De'Mansa, unknown. So far no reporter on the be1'U Weekly: Science Hall Janitor and Al Cohen were the only Terrors paper has been able to find anyone Dies; Three Students Ill. to gain decisions against Loyola on You know there's nothing like "the Saturday as the Greyhounds swamped power of suggestion." the locals' in their mat debut. The The Honor System • THE DAILY TAR HEEL mwlt match, held at EVergreen, resulted in (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) have had eome time on its hOITu18, a 23 to 9 verdict for the home team. The Siberian Singers, internationally famous Russian male honor system on the campus, but Anyway, it did collect some rathe-r in- The victors scored in the four light choir, as they appear in their costumes of Old Russia which they rather to ascertain whether the ma- tel'esting sta.tistic8. Just to give you. classes as Lears, Ventura, Anderson will wear for a portion of their recital tonight in Alumni Hall. jority of the students are desirous of an idea of the HUGENESS of tkat and Woytowitz gained falls over the See page 1 for story and program. plaee, we'll hand them to you. Qt!tlT Green and Gold. In the four heavier a revision of the present system. If, Every 24 hl)Urs the university classes, the Western Marylanders, after proper discussion, the students, CQ1'I- held their own with only the Terror Tane Takahashi Contrasts Customs by proper balloting, show their desire su.nws enough three cool to heat a five-room for for years enough and honor an system, the student hovse middleweight failing to score. council will draw up plans, start dis- electricity to keep an electric Telrig_ The summary: Of United States And japan 12I~P5.'i9d Dlas_Lears, Loyola. threw Myers cussion, and set the stage for its in- eraton running C071.8ta.ntly for 33 years! stitution. 127·Pound in O~~ir-Ventura. Loyola. (Cont. from pag~ 1, col. 2) the people seated on soft cushions. "It is evident," Mr. Faw remarked, DIU_Anderson, Loyola. threw Professor Hurt's "Suthuhn" drawl. Tane verified another popular idea "that an honor system cannot be In 4.53. discus- Cagers Win Finale inOI~.25WOytowi!z. Lorol". threw As for keeping up with Miss Robb--- by telling us that the men do sit on rushed in over-night. Proper Class-Pennington. Western that was impossible. the floor "tailor fashion". Japanese sion, plans, and laying of a founda- (Cent. from page 3, col. 5) daci"ion ovar Siwinski. food is radically different from that 165·PoundClau-Sparling •. Loyola. won do· When asked if she lived in a paper tion are necessary before such a sys- minutes of the second half, the Green d.ion o,'er Sornn~en. house like the ones in Madame Bu.t- found on American tables. "In Japan tem can be instituted. If the stu- J 7f~~3.U~\~nCJ:~i.i;;~"!!:~"i>o~~~s!ern Mory terfly or The MikadQ, Tune said "yes" there are indescriliable elaborate deli- dents decide that they are in favor of and Gold closed the gap and took an From this point game the on, o Hel:~~~'e~~o~d~~i.i:;;-;;~~~n6n;~~~tern Mary· and "no". The partitions are paper, cacies. Quantities of fish are eaten some type of honor system, we shall 18·to 15 advantage. see-sawed back and ,- but with a bamboo frame. Even so, too." Another striking difference is begin this planning with the intention forth and it was not until the last a great deal of light shines through seen in the Japanese custom of com- of building an honor system upon it." minute that the Terrors managed to that formula- Mr. Faw also stated Often the windows are of With The Greeks the wails. but, unlike the American va- plimenting the hostess at length on tion and adoption of any honor sys- cage the deciding counter. the excellence of the meal Which is paper, (Continued from Page 3, Column 3) riety, it is very strong and durable. measured not by the tastiness of the tem must be done by the students SMITH & REIFSNIDER dishes but by the color schemes of the affair with both teams missing nu- "Japanese furniture," Tane says, "is foods. "Any hostess is very careful themselves although a tentative con- merous potential goals, but the super- very different from American. Near- to see that the color of the food har- stitution around which he hopes to Incorporated ior passing of the Seminary told the ly all of it is low and plain. It is used monizes with the color of the china. build the honor system will be distrib- LUMBER-COAL final story. Midway in the initial so sparingly that a large room may After almost four years at WMC, uted among the students in the fu- WESTIvUNSTER, MD. period, the Preachers switched to a have in it only one or two low bench- Tane has decided that she likes ture. man to man defense; but even this had es. The floors are always covered Colleges with working honor sys- THREE CHAIR SERVICE little avail against a club like the with very fine soft matting which is America, likes its freedom of speech, tems are also being contacted and ad- Seminary, who sensed victory and kept so clean and of such excellent and likes Americans. In fact, she vice sought; and, if possible, speakers No Waiting stepped in to grasp it. quality that the Japanese always take likes everything about this country; from neighboring colleges will be In- HEAGY BROTHERS' but somehow she just can't be enthu- BARBER SHOP In the junior league playoffs, the off their shoes before entering their siastic over that. vited to discuss their honor systems and their operation. homes." Preacher B team, led by Fred Kull- "It's the meals of Japan and Amer- NB~t to Post O/fiCB mar, with nine points, downed the ica that I noticed the greatest differ- Bachelor junior five in a rough con- ence," Tane told us. In Japan the test, by a 27 to 18 score, as the meals are eaten at low tables with Preachers retained the league crown for a third year. Duke Windsor, TotlfonoJ'J Bachelor forward, kept his team in and in doing so, led the losers scor- CARROLL THEATRE baskets three timely the game with ing with six points. Today, Friday, Saturday, The first half of the game ended in Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 1 Cecil B. DeMille's a 15 to 12 advantage for the Preach- "NORTH WEST MOUNTED yr Chesterfield ers, but quick baskets by Windsor and POLlCE" Fred Bohn cut the advantage. At with this point, Knllmar and Bill Dumler Gary Cooper and Madeleine Carroll took over and slowly but surely pro- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday duced the margin of victory with a, Mar.3,4,5 it's the smoker's cigarette blaze of shots, The Marx Brothers in "GO WEST" COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING Thursda}. Friday, Saturday, JOHN EVERHART Cary Grant Mar. 6, 7,8 cigarette because Katherine Hepburn THE COLLEGE BARBER James Stewar-t It's called the SMOKER'S AND BOBBER in Chesterfield is the one' cigarette that gives you a AT '!HE FORKS ''THE PHILADELPHfA STORY" COMPLETElY SATISFYING smoke. STATE THEATRE You try a Chesterfield and find them COOL and PLEASANT. You light one after another and Today, Feb. 27 BETTER, Youbuy pack after Jackie Cooper and Bonita Granville find they really TASTE The Endicott Johnson Co. "GALLANT in SONS" pack and find that Chesterfields are MILDER. "Better shoes for less money" You can't buy a better cigarette Friday. Feb. 28 "CHARTER PILOT" Ladies' and Men's Saturday, l\Iar. 1 SPORT AND DRESS SHOES ''THE RANGER AND THE LADY" Tennis shoes-a specialty Monday, Tuesday. Mar. 3, 4 "DIAMOND FRONTIER" 11 W. Main St. with Victor McLaughlin WHAT'S NEW? Everything with the .Modernaires, outstanding quartet of radio, one of the latest additions to Glenn .Miller's "Chesterfleld Moonlight Serenade."They sing everything swing. able, swing everything singable. Left to rigbt, Bill Conway, Harold Dickinson, Chuck Goldstein and Ralph 'Brewster give with a smile over C. B. S. airwaves. .
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