Page 59 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Wntern Maryland College, Westminster, Mel., February 27, 1941 PAGE THREE Mason Dixon Conference All Fraternity Basketball Team --- New Champs First Team~ Second Team Cagers Close Home Season Left Forward 'Mural Court Tim Lewis, Bachelors (29) Carlo Ortenzi, Black & Whites(26) Right Forward Crown Taken With Victory Over Towson Neil Eckenrode, Gamma Bets (36) Tom Elias, Bachelors (18) Paul Myers, Bachelors (27) Center By Seminary Green And Gold Remain In Second Place Jim Thomas, Preachers (33) Lou Elliott, Black & Whites (19) Left Guard Despite 50-40 Loss To American University George Barrick, Black & Whtes (32) Joe Workman, Preaehers (25) "Age before beauty" was the cry of Playo~s To Open March 6 In Baltimore Right Gu,ard the Preachers on Tuesday afternoon Bill Robinson, Preachers (27) Tom Lavin, Gamma Bets (23) when they absorbed a 25 to 17 defeat In a rough and tumble game. the Western Maryland eagers closed at the hands of the Westminster their regular league campaign with a 42 to 24 victory over the Towson Theological Seminary. This victory State Teachers quint in Gill Gym last night. The triumph leaves the crowned a new intramural champion local five with a firm hold on the runner-up position, right behind the in the guise of the Semlnites. pacesetting Loyola Greyhounds, who captured their tenth straight The Short Of It Time after time, the' Seminary at- from Hopkins on Tuesday, the into penetrated tack Greyhounds And Terrors Only zone and dropped a vatiety Preacher more aggressive American University quint handed of shots the Terror cagers a 50 to 40 lacing in Gill Gym to hold a 14 to 6 lead at half-time. Quints Sure Of Playoff Berths The Preachers of the second period but Tuesday night for the locals fourth conference began to roll in the defeat of the campaign. The defeat does not af- early part bogged down under the persistent fect the Mason-Dixon standings except that the Eagles are a notch closer to a playoff berth. With By Bill Robinson man to man defense thrown up by the a record of one victory in three starts and a test SPORTS EDITOR Seminary. with Hopkins in Washington this week-end, Staff As the Mason-Dixon basketball campaign enters the home The scoring was evenly divided Cassell's boys may cause a fourth place tie. stretch, the merits of the playoff system become rather obvious among the victors with Charlie Wall- Late in the second half, the Terrors began a to the casual observer. Although Loyola has been firmly in- ace, John Dawson, Hal Wright, and belated rally led by Manny Kaplan, Bob Faw, and i'"""__"_=~=-;i trenched in first place for _the past six weeks or Norm Parr garnering six points Frank Suffern; but the Capital five had too great so, the loop continues to hold the public interest each. The remaining marker was a lead to overcome. e as the battle for berths in the playoff series still scored by Lenny Bee, Seminary Carl Byham with fourteen markers, ;----------- rages. guard. Bob Siemon led the defeated Archie Norford and Ernie Webb intermission, the Eagles rolled along In addition to the Greyhounds who hold the Preacher scoring with six points sparked the American attack with a at an even pace for the rest of the number one spot for the post season affair, Bruce while Don Wildey dropped four more dozen points apiece while Hugo game. Unusual in the scoring column Ferguson's five have gained the second slot, but to aid the total. Shulze played a fine floor game but is the fact that the victors' tallied 23 the fight is on for the third and fourth positions. As a whole, the game was a sloppy was held in check offensively by Irv times from the floor while the Terrors Mount St. Mary's with five wins in nine starts, (Cont. on page .4, col. 1) Biasi. Holding a seven point lead at caged but 13 field goals. have games remaining with Loyola and Johns The first half was one of the finest Hopkins, while the in-and-out Washington Sho'- seen on the local court for quite a men hold a six-five record and tackle Loyola in while and after twenty torrid min- ROBINSON Baltimore on Saturday. Delaware, with but two Yearlings Take Ninth Test Of utes, the Eagles enjoyed a 24 to 17 wins in five contests, and Hopkins seem to be defi- margin. Shulze, visiting captain, nitely out of the running. The latter engages the Greyhounds, CampaignFrom Seminary Five started proceedings off with a foul the Mounts, and American University; but with all games being goal in the first minute, which was played on the road, the Jays have little hope. duplicated by Biasi. Then a tight Next year. the plans call for a more balanced schedule with a Bob Stropp's freshman quint shifting zone defense and superior minimum of eight games to make a team eligible for the playoff rolled up an early margin in the rebound play began to favor the D. series ... Randolph-Macon has been added to the conference, which first half last night and held on Pta. a C. lads and they held the lead at 10 will provide for a ten wheel circuit. for the remainder of the fray to ro , a to 4 after six minutes. Last Saturday night at Homewood, Hopkins' fandom was defeat the Seminary five. Closing the gap with a goal and a treated to an unusual exhibition of school spirit on behalf of a vis- 0 a couple of fouls, the Terrors came back iting team. About three years ago, the athletic department of the Hagerstown YMCA was added to a to 11 to 9, but the Eagles hit the cords university underwent a radical change ,------------ the list of defeated teams by the Baby aa five times in a row. With the mark at Terrors as they topped the club 33 to as de-emphaala of athletics became 26 on Tuesday night, in a game that to , 21 to 13, Suffern converted Gibson's Pts. the keynote. No athletic scholarships less words were typed, Glamack was , underhand pass into a two-pointer for were to be granted, no admission was only four points behind Stutz Mod- was close throughout, especially at , the outstanding play of the night. .to be charged, and the games were to zelewski, of Rhode Island State. He the close when ,Hagerstown came -a Came the second half, with the Amer- reached the 500 mark by flipping in within four points ;)f the frosh quint. 0 ican U. crew holding their lead as ~:gp~a~~~e;~;a~~;r!: ::::~tb~~dg:~~ 30 points against Clemson. Arlie Mansberger scored the first to ae they swished the nets from all angles, as he caged bucket for the Terrors was unheard of untiJ- "He shoots- from memory, mostly, the ball after Otts O'Keefe had Terrors got the lead and were never keeping their margin in the vicinity Bo Baugher walked in, suitcase in and he has one like an elephant. When missed a foul shot. Joe Kittner then headed as has been the case in all of twelve and fifteen markers. The "where's the dressing room 1"; then he had to swallow the terrible truth Terrors seemed to be off in their Where's the dressing room 1"; then that he'd never see out of one eye made a basket and a foul and the their victories this year. shooting and the Eagles used this, appeared on the scene in that white again, and that the other would get Green club led 5 to 4 as Kelly scored Kittner passed to Mogowakf under sweater to lead approximately two weaker as a result of over using it, twice for the "Y" team. O'Keefe and the basket for the first score before a hundred Terror fans in the W-M-Rah! the kid taught himself how to shoot Mansberger added baskets, and at minute of playing time had elapsed. To say the least, it brought down the a basket by instinct. He practiced half time Western Maryland had O'Keefe and Mogowski scored from Honoman. f the floor before the Blue Jays were pulled away to an 18 to 8 lead. house, and the fervor increased as the for hours, in his backyard, with an Gibson. I. f. Bri~ker. game progressed until the winning improvised hoop on the wall. He The play roughened up in the sec- able to dent the Terror defense for Robinson. f. basket was tallied with less than six- seemed able to see most clearly from ond half and the Green team was their first counter. Bill •• f... Suffern.". ty-seconds remaining. 11 distance of 10 or 15 feet, and to forced to the limit to stay ahead. The The Terrors continued to hammer ~'aw. g.... g. Kaplan. Last week we mentioned North shoot most accurately with one hand, scoring honors were closely divided: at the Jay's basket until the score L?dge.g Carolina's AU·American G e or g e either on the run or in the midst of Mansberger was high with 10 points, stood 25 to 10 at half time, but the Blasi.g. 19 Glamack and referred to him as the a rough-house pirouette. Even now O'Keefe had 8, and Ed Mogowski 7. scoring was held down in the second Totals .....•... STATE "4 TOWSON Blind Bomber, a title tagged on him he gets out on the court about a half The Frosh defeated Johns Hopkins half through the free use of substi- as a result of his wanderings on the hour ahead of anybody else and prac- in a drab game 38 to 17 on Saturday tutes. Kittner led the scorers with 13 :g~t,i j >;dlloven. basket-ball court. Bob Considine, one tices this scoring shot, against which night to score their fourth straight points, followed by O'Keefe and Mo- ~ir~~~V'I . f. f. F 0 0 Tho,npson. of the most able of New York sports no team has yet been able to set up victory and their first one on a for- goweki with 9 and 8 points respect- Sdldek. t, 0 writers tells the following- story con- a defense." eign court this season. The Baby ively. Co:t.e......... ... 1 g ~~!~Oo~ye~:~.. cerning the Chapel Hili Ace: -, "Glamack smeared the sight off his His good eye, Boxers Face Lock Haven Teachers In Final left eyeball in a sandlot football game plus their height to gain the ten when he was a kid. point verdict. overburdened by studies, isn't too Hopkins, after a striking comebaek good. He wears glasses all the time, Duel Meet Of Current Season Tomorrow Night in their two games prior to the Ter- except when on the basketball floor, rors' test, gave the Green and Gold and he must close the good eye at Rip Hudson Accounts Freshmen Sig Jensen u real battle before bowing 27 to 26 least 10 hours a night. To focus on in Baltimore on Saturday night. The the basketball hoop, or. back-board, he For Terror Lone Score A"d Red McGlaughlin Jays had sprung the season's biggest must often clamp one hand over the Against Coast Guard T" Fight In Match upset in trouncing Mount S. Mary's blind eye. five 48 to 34 as Bud Tannenbaum In the heat of action, this good- Tomorrow the Western Maryland Freshmen Jensen and McGlaughlin and Van Horn racked up twenty-sev- looking young center often trips and boxing team will meet the Lock Ha- will be able to fight in the Lock Ha- en points between them. Then faUs because he can't always see ven Teachers in the last dual meet of ven meet because it is not governed on Thursday, the Homewood cag- where he is going. Immediately un- the season for the Terrors. Last by the Eastern Intercollegiate BOxing era took an impressive 39 to 22 der the basket, from which point week Lock Haven was tied by the Association which forbids freshmen judgment from the State Teach- every other player in the game makes City College of New York team, while from boxing in varsity competition. ers at Towson. Thus 'the stage his easiest shot, Glamack is about the boys from Westminster lost to Both boys looked good in their fresh- wna set for the TelTor-Jay clash, lost. He makes his shots from about Coast Guard by a 6 to 1 count. man fights, and this stiffer competi- Hopkins needing the win as a step- the free toss line, always with one Rip Hudson was the only Terror tion should serve as a good test for ping stone towards gaining a playoff hand, and while pivoting in mid-air. able to win last week although Cap- them. spot. Sometimes he gets hit with the ball, tain Joe Rouse seemed to be robbed of "I am fairly well satisfied," stated Western Maryland started off with in passing sequences, for he can't al- his bout by a poor decision. Bart Na- Reynolds, "with the fine spirit and a foul goal and a double-decker, but ways see it. But shoot 1 talizi dislocated his left shoulder in team work of the majority of the men soon found the home team in the lead "And how! With two or three the first round of his fight at Coast on the squad. -'Ve have a very small and at the rest period the Jays were games left to play. Glamack has Guard and will be out for the remain- Rip Hudson squad and the replacements are few." cut in front 15 to 9. In the first five long since passed Hank Luisetti's var- der of the season as will be 'Earl many years by a Sailor scrapper. The laboratories are a drawback it (Cont .. on page 4, col. 5) sity mark of 465. When these death- Schubert, who was not allowed to Coach Buck Reynolds is still uncer- was pointed out because the men are fight last "Weekby order of the team'!\ tain of the lineup for tomorrow's not able to get to practice until about Frosh Scoring physician because of an injured nose. fights, but tentative plans call for 4: 30 and there is little time for a W. J. Pct. Claren·ce Bachman battled three Hudson to handle the 120 pound good workout then. the "'n'r1 " , 0 1.000 rounds in taking a bad beating but chores, Captain Rouse 127, Red Mc- "Western Maryland at one time . , , , " , , '".555 again demonstrated while Bernie Gus- man 155, Baker 165, Sig Jensen 175, was as good as the best boxing teams that he can take Glaughlin 135, Ed Lewis 145, Bach- .545 , , , , '" Penn State, today-Army, and of much punishment, Syracuse," he continued, "and .333 0' .375 gesky lost his first varsity fight in the and Bill Walls will fight in the heavy- same thing will again be possible with Baker was round, and Harry initial weight division if he recovers from .000 0' .000 his injul'y. knocked out for the second time in as the cooperation of 'the- studetit body."
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