Page 61 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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Library ~estern Maryland r-pstm1 Qstor; Hil LETTERS TO EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR PICKS ARE INTERESTING ALL-STAR TE~M THIS WEEK PAGE 3 • • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 6, 1941 Students Will Wigley, Triesl." H~wkins, And Himler Dr. Hans Kindler To Bring Argue Honor Are Named Class Duchesses On Court National Symphony To Hill Betty Brown, May Day chairman, announced that the System court to escort Queen Kathleen Coe had been completed by For Concert Friday Night class elections on Monday. Results were as follows: senior class, Jeanette Wigley, duchess, Anne Dexter and Addie Ruth Williams, attend- Widely Renowned Conductor To Direct F.w To Give Theme OF ants; junior class, Edna Triesler, duchess, Mabel Green- Proposed Issue During wood and I Jean Lamoreau, attendants; sophomore class, Orchestra In Fifth Annual Concert Mary Frances Hawkins, duchess, Peggy Wilson and Mary Dr. Hans Kindler, under whose direction the National Sym- InFormalMeding Anne Hassenplug, attendants; freshman class, Doris Him- phony Orchestra will play in Alumni Hall at 8:15 P. M., Friday, An informal meeting of the ler, duchess, Rebecca Larmore and Dorothy Whorton, at- March 7, is recognized as an out- tendants. men and women of the campus standing conductor by the music will be held on Monday evening, public both here and abroad. March 10, immediately after When Dr. Kindler established dinner. to discuss the honor sys- the National Symphony in 1931, tem. There will be a general Officers Club To Feature Masters he had already achieved world discussion after several intro- fame as a cello virtuoso. He ductory speeches by both men And Band At Military Ball started his music career when and women. only thirteen in his native city, Robert Faw, president of the First Dance Of "Big Three" Series To Rotterdam, Holland, by taking Men's Student Government, will first prize for piano and cello give the general .idea of the Be Held In Gill Gym March 15 At 8:15 playing at the Rotterdam Con- I honor system in the first talk of the Climaxing the pre-spring vacation social calendar, the Officers Club, social evening. After the prepared talks, group of the ROTC unit, will sponsor the first of the "big three", the Military ~e~::;~r~~~w~:°i:t~t~J l~u~~~ the floor will be open to any im- Ball, in Gill Gymnasium on Saturday, March 15, from 8:15 to 11:45 P. M. pear before the Queen of Hol- promptu questions or suggestions Charlie Masters and his 14-piece Mutual Broadcasting Orchestra have land. that the students want to offer. __________ --, been signed by the Officers Club to After visiting America, the At present, the opinions on the hon- provide the music. young virtuoso decided to stay here, and he has made his home in or system are many and varied, and Masters" band has been classed as this country ever since! He was the first cellist with the Philadel- _ phia orchestra until the demand for ;- no vote will be taken until the issue one of the best of the smaller name has been thoroughly discussed. The orchestras on tour. This attraction solo appearances lured him to once nine years, developed a group of play- vote will probably be taken imme- features plenty of solid swing ar- again make a tour of EUrope. ers into an integrated symphonic or- diately after spring vacation, after rangements as well as many out- Dr. Kindler did his first conducting ganization. The National Sym- the students have had time to con- standing sweet tunes. During the in 1927 as guest director with the phony's phenomenal development has sider the possibilities of the plan. course of the evening, Masters will Philadelphia orchestra. At the height caused even Dr. Kindler to describe Last Monday evening the Men's Stu- present Lucille Watkins, female song- of his fame and popularity as a cel- his organization as a "prodigy". The dent Government held an informal etrcas ; genial Jack Studd, who sings list, he decided to give more of his National Symphony, proud of the genius of its conductor, Jives up to his time to conducting, in which field he discussion on the horror system in some of the sweeter tunes; Marvin felt he could contribute more to the spirit as well as to its name. Smith Hall. The turnout was small; Lee, a graduate of the University of advancement of music in America, his The program for Friday night's but Faw considered the meeting sue- Alabama and male voenlist; a trio adopted home. concert is as follows: ee,,~fu! inaomuch 411 ~ovcral import- c...iie
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