Page 54 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Wesbninster, Md .. February 21, 1941 - OUR OPINION • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES OPEN FORUM We BeginTo Realize How Campus Collateral L.tter To Th. Serious This Thing Is -------------------. Editor ... In an atmosphere such as is to be found on a o Decorations Tops with open mouths. But what can Dear Sir, college campus-isolated, protected-c-questions Now that all of the fraternity dormitory women do with uncooked Once again the "Big Three" dances 100mon the horizon of national defense, the rearmament program,· dances have come and gone it is- cereal, coffee, rice, and canned corn? and bring with them the old question of having a good the emergency measures and how they affect us common practice to admit t~t they T~ere wasn't a thing immediately orchestra to play for them. We are sure that the stu- heretofore have seemed somewhat remote and were all well-engineered and enjoyed edible; so the basket-the last we dents would like to have the question definitely settled hazy. If such things were discussed, it was by all. Still, we must say tliat the heard-a-went home to Mother. one way or another. The only way it can be settled is from an academic and impersonal viewpoint. decorations last Saturday night were to bring a "name band" to the Hill and see what hap- But today one can't walk down-town 'in tops. Bill Leatherman, Stan Ritchie • Legal-Eagle pens. If the dance is a success we can have more, if Westminster without seeing scores of olive uni- responsible Legal-eagle Mansh, we have notic- not, we'll have to resume dancing to the mediocre bands forms as the local company, MNG, living at the end Pete Townsend were Leatherman, ed, has had his name in every Gold we have now. It's up to us as students to demand a for their plarming-c-and armory, prepares to leave for Fort Meade. we are told, figured out mathemati- Bug this year. We mentioned it the chance or the privilege of bringing a big band to the - And many of your own classmates receive cally how many ships of crepe paper ot-her day and he said "not this time." -campus, and show the administration that their old pol- War Department orders to report for selective would be needed along each side of We aren't sure that this name doesn't icy is wrong. service immediately after June 15. the two main frames. He also esti- appear elsewherain this issue but, if Why can't we have a "name band" or-even a middle And senior ROTC officers sign for foreign mated that approximately two miles it doesn't, we fox him here. rate band? Why are the dance committees limited to a service and purchase light weight uniforms in of paper were used. We don't blame We wonder how Woody Lippy made rate of $175? Why not at least twice that much? Can preparation for summer camp duty. .. the decoration committee for sub- (Outthe day she wore Bart Natalizi's the administration give a definite answer? They are And the basketball coach is ordered to report stituting the blue find white Delta socks. not going to be held responsible if the dance "goes un- for active duty in the middle of the Mason- Sigma Kappa for the brilliant red der". They don't have to foot the bills. Dixon play-airs in which his team will partici- Delt banner. - Confucious - . We are told: "Db, it would be foolish to spend that pate. Why not advertise outside of the school? Certainly And a Western Maryland graduate ctf sever- • Jackpot Again A member of the faculty is do- it costs just as much if not a little more to have invi- al years ago visits the campus in the uniform ing research work on a pair of tations printed and sent out, than it would to advertise The lights were perfect too. A man of the National Guard. could see his date's face and yet not suspenders he purchased under openly. If sending out invitations isn't a method of And mother writes that the boy next door the shine on her nose. Which, in the the trade name of "Confucious". advertisement, then what is? Surely, when people in .... was selected for service and was given a rous- ladies' estimation, is perfect. The suspenders are decorated Baltimore receive the invitations they spread the word ing send-off as he left for army camp. with actual Chinese characters around that WMC is going to have so and so for a And you receive a letter from the boy you Western Maryland hit the jackpot which read, so the wearer has as- dance. Surely, too, if a couple comes to the dance with- went through high school with telling about again last Friday when Deborah certained, "Wise man who wear out an invitation, but with theinr $2.50 they aren't go- Bowers find Bob Sorenson won groc- army life and KP duty and marching. eries at the State. Poor Bob had to suspenders need not fear pants ing to be refused admittance. The word would spread It brings things home, doesn't it? cart them home and the crowd on fall down." The translation is even farther if the bands were better. If the German being verified. Other colleges do it, why can't we? first floor wing of McDaniel waited Club of VPI can have Bob Chester for two nights in Must We Be Reminded? succession at two dances, why can't our Officers Club If the Cotillion Club have a band of the same rating? decisions • CAMPUS LEADER • Is it necessary to remind college students at VPI again can have Al Donahue for the aforemen- that jeering and booing of referees' tioned same two nights and two dances, why can't our or opponents is not good sportsmanship? We Junior Class have a band of a little lesser rating for feel that no more than a reminder is necessary, Influenced toward Western Mary- one night? If Muhlenburg's Junior Class can have Such discourtesies do not befit mature ladies land College by alumni,_ he arrived Tommy Dorsey, why can't we have a smaller band, but and gentlemen. We realize that such reactions in Westminster in the fall of 1937. yet a well known band for our dances? And last, if are made in the heat of the moment and with- Green as grass ... spent first year in Hood College can have a band such as Mitchell Ayers, waking up to fact he was really out much thought. A little restraint would certainly we ought to be able to support a dance with a prevent embarrassing catcalls in the gym. college. Pledged Alpha Gamma Tau. band of at least an equal rating. Officials- do sometimes make mistakes but Has participated in fraternity The administration has told us that such a dance they are chosen for their competence and ex- sports for four years ... was little would lower the social standards and the morals of our perience and their decisions are generally fair. brother to Jack Lytton who coached college. They seem to forget that other colleges such Let us not mar a reputation for good sports- the Bachelors' quint in '37 and '38, as Hood have a very high social standing and their manship and friendly rivalry which the college when it won the inter- mural basket- position is not lowered in the least by having a good is known for. ball championship. Has captained band to make an excellent dance. 'Ve are told, "It just • • • Is a member of Tri-Beta, honorary are permitted to have "name bands" for their dances the team for the last two>years. isn't done!" Look at all the colleges that Oh, yes it is. They are heard of, at least by the people who go to Do You Have A Pet Peeve? ~~biological fraternity, vice - president such dances. We are not going to lose our dignity, or of Economics Club, and vice-president of his fraternity. Has been included social standing, or become degraded merely by having Since one of the letters to the editor printed in the '41 edition of Who's Who an advertised dance with a good band. On the con- in the first column of this page reveals an ig- Among Students in American Uni- trary it would tend to help the school both financially norance of Gold Bu.g policy in regard to forum versities and Colleges. and socially. Neither the young people of today nor letters, we shall elaborate on this point. In Student Government during his their parents would stay away or keep them away from We welcome and are glad to publish letters Thomas Elias sophomore and senior years. Played a college that held orderly dances with excellent bands. from students or faculty members dealing with Thomas Glenn Elias was born to a three years of varsity soccer. Has Why should they? campus issues. live-wire life on June 22, 1919, in been perennial class vice-president. If Hood College can have a "name band" and still Such letters must be signed but we will not Frostburg, Maryland. Has always To fill the gap left by his abandon- maintain their excellent traditions and social standing, publish the author's name if he desires an- lived there. ed violin, Tom tooted on the sweet why, for any reason, can't we? onymity. Letters should be brief and legible. Born into a family with a multi- potato until he broke it. Is a pinochle We want a definite answer. Can we be given one? Opinions expressed in the forum do not nec- plicity of dentists, he has been guid- fan and quiets his nerves by tossing We doubt it. essarily express the opinion of this paper. ed by his family toward medicine. cards into a hat. DISGRUNTLED. We invite you to send in your opinions, your With this purpose in mind, he man- In fulfilhnent of his ambition, he pet "peeves", your recommendations. aged to maintain good grades and has been accepted at the University Medical School and if QUOTE BOX----------~ carry a full schedule of extra-curricu- of Maryland get him-the dis- the army doesn't lar activities through ,his pre-profes- secting room will. I Another Letter stonat school career. • • • Laugh at lif. with At Beall High School, from which To The Editor . he graduated in 1937, he "can't re- Eleanor Healy member ever actually studying." But • YOU KNOW THE LONG-ACCEPTED fact that Dea~Sir: he played four years of varsity soc- ON sugar makes energy? Last week an unassuming Chapel Has the Gold Bug become a mere medium for anony- cer, worked on the business staffs of Hill varsity swimmer really fell back on it. As the swim- mous complaints and vague threats? Previously, it was both the school paper and the annual, THE mer broke a backstroke record and climbed out of the the stated policy of the paper to publish only signed was president of th~ Hi-Y group" and RECORD • pool, the coach warmly congratulated him for his fine per- letters-signed with an identifiable name, not using a was awarded. with a record number formance. The boy, however, coolly replied "It wasn't large organization as a shield. of activity points, the activities key Several of our students attended one. It was the lump of sugar Billy Stone gave me before I earnestly desire to be acquainted with the names of at graduation. the marriage of Mary Crosswhite, the event started!" these feminine' busybodies, these glorious crusaders, Tom took violin lessons for seven ex-42, to Owen Ringwald '40, Univer- Moral: Eat one lump of sugar before any great under- who have taken it upon themselves to inform the rest years, played in the high school or- sity of Maryland. The marriage took taking-you will then be second only to _§_uper- of the college concerning the "well-known condition" chestra for four years and in the or- place on February 8 at Riverdale, the man. existing in the Lounge. chestra here his freshman year. Peo- home of the bride. • A LOYOLA REPORTER WENT of! on (J, flight of Furthermore, I would like to know how the Women's ple say to him "You should be a whiz The BACHELORS' Valentine dance fancy when he was boasting a future college dance. Af- Student Government has become a body constituted to on that thing." But Tom grins, brought back to the Hill Blanche ter describing th-e orchestra eto., ese., in glowing terms th-e interpret "the ideals of the college" or to determine "You'd be surprised!" Scott, Kitty Jeekel, Mason Sones, rcpurter loftuy concludffi with a statement that "the "desired standards of conduct." Gordon Gilbert, all '40 graduates, and soiree will be q'U(1;8i-formal" / ! ! Such a high-handed attitude as is evident in the tone Henry Reckard '38. of the Open Letter is not to be condoned on the part of Marie Crawford, Fran Dillaway, • TO BUILD UP SUSPENSE and create interest the a supposedly democratic organization, operating within Aspiring Adolph Seeks Cody Dunn, and Margaret Rudy have Junior Prom committees of Ohw U placed a list of possible a democratic institution. I, for one, am tremendously been confined to their respective bandB in a local store window. Every day after January disappointed in the stand taken. ANTHONY. I Glamor In McDaniel homes as a result of the wave of in- 27 one name was withdrawn until on Februa.ry 7 the The practice not WILLIAM fluenza. name remained alrme and triumphant. we bet, an ezcell- only increa8cd ticket sales, but provided, Monday night Bill Alolph plodded Senior speech etadenta voyaged to mt O'Pportunity for a lottery. into McDaniel. Baltimore last night to witness the • OHIO UNIVERSITY runs a monthly feature exalting performance of Time of Your Life. "Call Ann Sheridan!" THE GOLD BUG Pearl "Poolesville" Bodmer stared. Mary Louise Asbury will spend a "perfect unknown man on the campus". This unique to a "Campus leader" has as its purpose to pay tribute "There's Officialstudent newapaper 01 Western U ..ryl ..nd Dollege, published dorm!" no Ann Sheridan in this the week-end at V. M. I. for the mid- man "who has the courage and tbe steel-edged nerve to let winter dances. d!;r~e~Od~":ddhr~~:!~~ ~~~ BS;~e~icv!~:~iOe:.cep;:t~r!~8B~o~~:.,i;l~~~~i~ "Yes there is. Freshman, third The inter-sorority council has set campus life pass him by and not let its kaleidoscopic ac- mattEr at Wutm;paler Post Office,under the Act 01 Mareh a, 1879. floor; and is she smooth!" the dates for the respective sorority tivities bother him ... who has the calm conceit to be- SUBSCRIPTION PRIC~ $2.00 A YEAR So, bewildered Poolesville tripped tea for freshmen-Phi Alpha Mu will lieve th~t preparing himself for life is more important to the stairs and called, "Ann Sheri- hold the first tea on February 25, than being a campus organizer and general BMOC ... EDITORIAL BOARD Jeanne Shank, WSG president, has who is brave enough not to be a 'joiner' and 'one of the dan!" EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Henry C. Triesler, '41 "Who 7" called a throat from above; moved from Blanche Wa~d Hall and boys' . He is a rare specimen indeed." ASSOCIATE EDITOR .. . Ruth Mansberger, '41 will complete the year as a commuter • THE GETTYSBURGIAN reports this m.etMd of or- MANAGING EDITOR Isaac Rebert, '42 The name was repeated. from Westminster. dering flowers practiced by the seminaria:n.8 in the G-Burg NEWS EDITOR Thelma Bowen, '41 "Sorry she's out. Will Hedy La- The Episcopal Club will hold a institution. "They leave their date's nam6 with the jWrist ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Alvin Levin, '43 marl' do 7" lIarty for its members at the Parish FEATURE EDITOR Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 who calls to what flowers will go best with her dress. SPORTS EDITOR __ William Robinson, '41 The dorm's still laughing. Pocles- house of Ascension Church in West- ... It saves time and mmwy, fellows •• _ . What girl ville is still bewildered. minster, on Thursday, February' 27.-.' would· have the nerve to order herself an orchid? U"
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