Page 58 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug. Westem Maryland College, Watminster, Md .. February 27, 1941 OUR OPINION Can Cheating Be Abolished PARADE OF OPINION Are You In Favor Of The Honor System By Use Of The Honor System?- BY BERT JONES nothing will cause more heartaches On the question of the proposed honor system many stu- or headaches than trying to maintain If all students were to be given dents have radical misconceptions. No group or minority is CON the system on its rightful level. But such an official secret ballot and near- trying to impose any type of regimentation on the students. Benjamin Allnutt: ly 100 per cent answered all ques- The Student Government is not trying to force the students it. can be done and if we have the tions of the ballot in the affirmative, to agree to anything they do not want to do. The leaders fav- Honor is a matter of personal in- courage to put and hold our spirits the system could be a success. Under oring the adoption of such a system are not saying "Here is tegrity, and 1 seriously doubt wheth- behind it-it will be done! And the other circumstances it would be very an honor system. Do you want it or not?" er an honor system established with- results will be more efficient and more doubtful. This comment is based on out a popular request for such by an just in the long run. Rather the questions for consideration are these: almost-unanimous student body, will personal experience with the honor Do the students want to do anything about the cheating do more than license cheating or Harper LeCompte: system at Princeton, where the pledge and stealing which is prevalent on the campus? create a community of self-righteous A- college education should include was: "I pledge my honor as a gentle- If so, is the honor system or a modification, the solution? busybodies. I am, therefore, opposed. development of character as well as man that, during this examination, I If it is not, can the students working together evolve a William Anthony: development of the mind. I favor an have neither given nor received as- system which would be satisfactory to all concerned? I do not believe that an honor sys- honor system that would apply, as sistance." Such a system must come from the students, must be tem can be imposed upon a student far as it is practicable to all phases of Dr. Earp: originated by them, must be approved by them. A great ma- body. If that is the case, it will tend college life. What could be more fair I think an honor system is a good jority of students will have to support such a system before toward increasing the moral degra- or more democratic than an honor method of training individuals to it will work. But a large number of students are already dation of the students rather than im- system established by the students function in a democratic social order. unalterably opposed to any honor system and have closed proving it. It will build up an elab- themselves? If the establishment of The best form of control is by pub- their minds without hearing both sides. Let us be open mind- orate "spy" system and make inform- an honor system is attempted with- lic opinion and by the individuals ed and fair about this thing and come to the assemblies un- ers of the students. out proper care and preparation, and who are to be controlled; and, furth, biased and willing to see the other person's point of -vlew. I do not see how honesty, which is without an adequate educational pro- ermore, it is much more efficient if it Let us remember that the college has never had such a an individual moral characteristic gram, however, we shall have a "sys- is participated in by the individuals. system and be prepared to give it a fair trial. can be defined, standardized, and im.. tem" without the honor. Such a system must and will work if the students want posed by one small group. U an honor system is to work here, it to work. a large majority of the students must • • • Beginning tomorrow students and faculty members will Paul Alelyunas: favor it, and a type of honor system be heard in Student Government Assemblies on the proposal. To have an honor system we have must be established that well adapts ON Equal consideration will be given those in favor and those to have honorable individuals. Honor 1\ itself to the local situation. opposed to the system. Let's attend these meetings and should come before the system. Dr. Ridington: THE thrash this thing out together. seems to me-though I claim no di- The honor system can work if nine- vine insight-that such honor (a ty-nine or more per cent will neither RECORD • strong moral character) is non-exist- 0 • ent on this campus. It would be of cheat nor help others to cheat, and '40, while visiting Lee Nitzel OPEN LETTER------ infinite value to all concerned if there will report anyone whom they know Hill last week-end, sprained her an- the to have done either. could be such a system. I would, therefore, Wooden, AI- week-end were Virginia Dear Students, PRO ballot be taken: suggest that a kle. . . other alumni visitors of the We're stumped. Will you refuse to cheat? Will vin Newton. We've struck a snag in our informal discussions, and we must Lucie Leigh Barnes: you refuse to give assistance to Delta Sigma Kappa and Alpha send out a feeler for public opinion before we can go on. An honor system works at all others? Gamma Tau plan a joint tea-dance in Must the money spent here on dates come out of the man's pocket only if it works entirely-and before Will you agree to report any- the latter's dub-room this Saturday for the date to be fun? it runs smoothly, it will roll unjust- one whom you see cheating or .. the Delta will follow the Phi Al- Isn't it true that nearly everybody here, with the exception of a J~. perhaps over some individuals- giving assistance? phas with a tea for rushes on March few "rich kids", if not broke most of the time, is almost broke more 7 ••• the Phi Alpha Mu tea was giv- often than not? As a general rule the girlS harvest at least as large en this past Tuesday ... Sigma's plan funds from home and their own labor as the boys. Is it fair for the their rush tea for March 14. burden of the date-bill to fall always on the man's purse? - Able Journalists Issue Paper - Western Maryland girls who at- Would the girls be willing to trade a little of the expense for a tended the dance last week-end at the chance at more dates? Emerging from McKinstry the past few days has been a journal- United States Naval Academy were Could the man look out the window when the waiter brings the istic brain-wave known as the McKinstry Beer Barrel. It comes from Peach Garrison, Margaret Moss, and check once in a while and still feel he was a man-if that were the the press every evening, and before the ink is dry is posted in its Joan West. accepted system? Could a girl offer to assume the whole or at least home office. Delta Sigma Kappa Sorority and her part of a bill without going down in general estimations-if that One copy, so far, has been the circulation. The paper is unique its brother fraternity, Alpha Gam- were the accepted system? in its ability to reproduce on typewriter original rewrites of Gold Bug ma Tau will give a tea dance Setur- Could a dutch-date system be instituted that would lessen li- news In Gold Bug make-up, but NOT Gold Bug policy. day, March 1, from 3 to 5:30 P. ~L . ability for dates and perhaps make them more numerous? The publication has caused much interest and an immigration McDaniel Lounge. The Delts and The "share-the-wealth" idea often operates here between steady of non-McKinstryites to glean its pithy pages. Bachelors and their dates will dance Its origin. is unknown, couples. It works in many schools as a legitimate system in which equally questionable. its editors mysterious, and its future to recordings. Mildred Melvin is checks are always handed out two to a couple. Would it be feasible president of the Delts: Thomas Lewis here? is president of the Bachelors. We don't know. We're asking you. You're going to be asked point-blank, so think about it. Sincerely, CAMPUS LEADER Tml MEN-WOMEN RELATIONS STUDYGROUP. Theodore Marshall Whitfield was Ihundred feet outside of the town-lim- born, reared, and educated in Rich- its. • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES mond, Virginia. Entered Richmond of Free, Lieut.,Col. Sadler, Bruce Fer- Plays handball with Mr. Hurt, Dean College in 1922 with the intention transferring after a year to VMI to guson, and Mr. Spier and is confident Campus Collateral study scientific agriculture, "But," they can lick anyone on the campus. chuckles the Doctor, "influenced by • Believes In College --------------------. :~::. t~:mb~~~ ~o~I~:ll~~~~~~:~g~"fO{~ Believes in a college education as • We've been hearing things· about • In the light of the above, college 1926, he was graduated with all A.B. McKinstry first floor: youth doesn't sound like the volatile degree as a major in history. a means of "fitting one better to live *That Red Jim Wrightson, the subversive group it is cooked up to with (tneseif and one's neighbors. It radical, gives lessons in how not be, does it? • Went To Hopkins should stress character development to play handball. Went to Johns Hopkns University and intellectual curiosity." "That Tom, the fencer, O'Leary, • We saw our first away-from-home where he specialized in American his- Toots democracy's horn and be- the lady killer and City College's game last Saturday night when we tory under Dr. John H. Latane. Was lieves education is waking up to the gift to America, is increasingly saw Hopkins beaten by one point by student assistant to Dr. Latane his fact that it must do the same. "De- annoyed by roommate Rock Raw- the local boys. It was the thrill of third year and conducted his first mocracy 'has to indoctrinate, not lin's renditions of Hail Sea/&rd at the season. The Western Maryland courses on a college level at the Johns falsely, but, indoctrinate! Play up 6:30 A. M. side of the Hopkins gym was as Hopkins night school in 1929 when our good points ; who else will? Be- sides, it's the squeaking "That, Joe Workman, by hitting the crowded as the Hopkins side, and it the professor was ill. gets the grease." wheel that hay at 7:27, slipped two minutes contributed a lot more to the general In 1929 he made Phi Beta Kappa off MacWilliams' early-to-bed rec- racket. We've heard a lot about the and was awarded his Ph.D degree. ord. way the school has supported the Taught five classes in Polytechnic as team this year, but what a boisterous a substitute before coming to Wes- College auiz Kids manifestation last Saturday. Hop- tern Maryland to be assistant pro- THE GOLD BUG they really enjoyed Demon Bo's fessor under Dr. Ranke, also Ph.D. College Capers Via Badrich and kins has no organized cheering J.H.U., 1929, now at Hood. Olfici&ialudentnew.paper ofWe.lern Ma.ry· antics. When he began to throw him- With Dr. Whitfield to Westmin- l~nd CoUe~e. published every Thul"IIday dnring self, jui-jitau fashion, aiter a cheer, To Reach Air In March the ".ademie rear el
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