Page 50 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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'AGE POUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 6, 1941 Committees For Galbreath '40 Commissioned Lieut. GeorgeH. Caple '32 Added Debating Team Junior Prom In U. S. Army Air Corps _ To Staff Of Military Department Begins Season Chosen graduate George Henry Maryland, Jr., ,the lieJtenant spent a year and a half With Trl'p Lieut. Caple, in active service under the Thomason of western has been added to the staff of Lieutenant- Act with the 34th Infsntry at Fort Plans for the Junior-Senior Prom The varsity debating team resumed have gotten under way with the se- Colonel Percy Sadler as ROTC in- Meade. activity this week when Edwin Thorn- lection of committees in charge of the structor and aide. . Finishing his service at Fort as and Paul Alelyunas started their dance, according to Philip Bechtel, Lieut. Caple, active in lacrosse, Meade, the newInstructor was placed winter tour of the central Pennsyl- president of the [unior class. soccer, and football during his eel- in command of a CCC company at vania colleges on Monday to debate Members of the committees include lege years here, graduated in 1932 Brandywine, Maryland. Lieutenant the topic: "Resolved, That the nations the following: General chairman, with the commission of second lieu- Caple returned to teaching when he of the Western Hemisphere should Robert Podlich; decorations: Paul tenant in the Reserve Army and a spent 1939 to 1940 at the high school form a permanent union." This team Myers, chairman, Harriet Dygert, B.A. degree. From 1933 to 1936 Lieut. at St. Michael's, Maryland. will continue tHeir tour through to- William Leatherman, Royce Gibson, Caple, whose home is in westmtn- In July, 1940, the lieutenant reo morrow engaging in five debates. Ruth Caltrider; program: Robert ster, taught industrial arts and math- turned to active duty in the 112tb In- They uphold the affirmative in all but Bricker, chairman, Norman Fay, Dor- ematics in Snow Hill, Maryland. fan'try at Arlington, Virginia. The one. othy Mulvey; publicity: Ednar Ban- Leaving the high school there in 1936, last three months he has spent at The first debate was held at Frank- dori, chairman, Jane Fraley, William Fort Benning, Georgia, receiving in- lin and Marshall College in Lancas- Vincent; orchestra: Wilbur Kidd, win, but all who see the bout will struction in infantry tactics and tel'. On the four succeeding days, Al- chairman, Melbourne Binns; refresh- know that there is a kid who has weapons. bright, Muhlenburg-, Lehigh, and Dr. ments: Ruth MacVean, chairman, worked hard to realize an ambition Lieutenant Caple, a member of the sinus were visited. Elaine Barnes; invitations: Don Grif- and is in there fighting with all his Bachelor's Fraternity, will conduct all The Oregon method of debating fin, chairman, and Bayne Dudley. Samuel C. Galbreath '40, cadet lieu- heart. sophomore and part of the freshmen was used in aU except the Lehigh Elmer Evans, treasurer of the ju- tenant at Kelly. Field, Texas, will reo All of which leads the writer to classes. Lieut. Col. Sadler will eon- engagement, in which the Oxford nior class, will be assisted in the col- eetve his commission as second lieu. quote from the Gold Bug of Novem, centrate on the seniors. method was employed. lection of dues by Dorothy Attix and tenant in the United States Army Air bel' 7.. "the boys give all they have Emily Linton. Corps on Friday, February 7. during the game, but there is still JU1'. Galbreath. prominent on the Hill for his athletic and military ae- missing that nccessaby spark gained t1in'L 5JuL dJ.ullhJ-? tivities, will remain at Kelly Field as only by long hours of tedious work on the practice teams, Great field. Committees Chosen instructor, having refused an offer to ,..composed of conscientious players are You'll See a Lot of Her For Military Ball ny for a South American airline. produced from coordinated groups of men, who have developed themselves Committees for the Military Bali, The Short Of It , thru individual initiative and sacri- 9t You Bring Your to be held on March 15 in Gill Gym- fice." So we say hats off and the best of nasium, have been announced by the (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) luck to the western Maryland twen- US"'» TEXT BOOKS Officers Club, sponsor of the affair. leges to keep their entrance arms COLLEGE BOOK STORE Robert Hahn, president of the Offi- open for students at this lute date. t.y-seven-pounder who is out to bring to cers Club will serve as general chair- Western Maryland dawned upon back the bacon against Maryland's THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Terps. man for the dance. Victor Impeciato Joe when he heard that one of his and Harry Bakel' will serve as asso., old pals, a kid named Hank Holljes, Our Buyer is Prepared to Pay elate and assistant general chairmen, had decided to use the 'Westminster CO~IE TO THE HIGHEST MARKJ:T PRICES! respectively. . school as a basis for new fields to Other committee heads are as rot- conquer in the medical world. So Joe Carroll Pastry Shop Wilcg~:!,:Uett I Up to 50% on Your Old Books lows: Invitations, William Wiley; hiked up to look the place over and music, William Banks; programs, t-he next thing he knew his mail was For Vitamin B PASTRIES Thurston Applegarth; favors,' Mac being addressed to McKinstry Hall. McPike; publicity, William Robinson; His freshman year was uneventful decorations, Francis Smith; and en- except that he went out for boxfng-,-. tertainment, Henry Triesler. though I guess if he hadn't taken this step forward, this story wouldn't have been written. DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGARETTE From Leatherman Elected and conscientious worker and the reo he was a steady the start, Chemistry ClubHead sult is well known to all on the Hill. THA~aIt(j~ It is indeed an honor to be introduced to the captain of the Green team and Election of officers was the chief what's more his name will be- respect. business of the Chemistry Club meet- ed when he climbs through the ropes ing held January 24 in the physics on Wednesday night. He may not laboratory. William Leatherman was elected to succeed Willard Everett as president for the second semester; THREE CHAIR SERVICE and Emily Knowles and Bruce Gray- No Waiting beal were reelected vice-president and HEAGY BROTHERS' secretary respectively. BARBER SHOP Following the choosing of officers, Next to Post O/fiC6 William Leatherman lectured on the subject of fluorescent lighting. Plans were made for a program concerning chemistry and textiles to be held EVERYBODY LIKES TO jointly with the Home Economics Club. SEND VALENTINES and we know you'll enjoy looking H. E. REESE over the wonderful variety we now have on display. TAILOR Oeaning WON'T YOU COME IN! Preuing P. G. COFFMAN CO. Repairing KENNY BILLS--Representath'e TIMES BUILDING 94 East Main Street Westminster, Md. Keefer's Sanitary Market CARROLL THEATRE Feb. 6, 7, 8 If It's Good To Eat We Have It Today thru Saturday, Olivia Errol WESTMINSTER. Mp. Flynn DeHavilland "SANTA FE TRAIL" !'I1onday, Tuesday, Feb. 10. 11 FOR "CROSS COUNTJlY ROMANCE" with Barrie Gene RaymO~Vendy Valentine Day "GIRLS UNDER 21" Wednesday, Feb. 12 FEBRUARY 14 Bruce Cabot with Rochelle Hudson Paul Kelly We Suggest Starts next Thursday better-tasting cigarette Whitman's Hearts "GONE WITH THE WIND" ••. the smoker's cigarette 1 and 2 pounds STATE THEATRE $1.00 - $3.00 Ralph Today, Feb. 6 Diana Chesterfield has so many things a smoker likes so well that it's Wynyard Richardson in SEE OUR DISPLAY "THE FUGITlVE" just naturally called the smoker's always enjoy SHE will not forget the ONE Friday, Feb. 7 cigarette. You COOLER,BETTERTASTE Chesterfield's who remembers ''THE LONE WOLF KEEPS A DATE" .,.and they're really MILDER-not Saturday, Feb. 8 strong or harsh. Get yourself a Bonsack Bros. Monday, Tuesday, POST' pack of Chesterfields. "PONY wednesday, Feb. 10, 11, 12 "The College Shop" W. C. Fields in ''THE BANK DICK"
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