Page 49 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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The Gold Bug, W~tern Maryland College, Westminster. Md.. February 6, 1941 PAGE THREE THE • Maryland To Delaware Blue Hens Meet SHORT Face Boxers MOUNT ST. MARY'S Six and Six F 3 •===== OF IT Grodavent, f .. G s ,-, 10 T Bruce Ferguson's Terror 4-' By Bill Robinson In Twin Bill Harkins, f. 13 Quint Here On Saturday SPORTS EDITOR Murphy, f. 0 4 1-1 1 Tuttle, c. 0-0 At long lust, Western Maryland Terp Frosh To Match Sheridan, c. 3-' 17 fans arc being given something to DeBelle, g. 0-1 Mount St.Mary's Hands Terrors Lacing cheer about, as Bruce Ferguson leads Terrors In Prelim To Celeste, g. 1 1-1 And Knocks Green And Gold From Second the Green and Gold quint through a Varsity Bouts Here most unusual campaign. Totals ... .2112-18 56 Place In 56-43 Fray At Emmitsburg Exclusive of Successful in their first home Jast night's game match of the season, Coach Buck WESTERN MARYLAND Playing a fast, aggressive game, the Mount St, Mary's quintet handed with Mount St. Reynolds is looking forward to a G F T the Terrors a 56 to 43 setback in Flynn Hall last night to drop the Ferguson- Mary's let us ex- much improved group of varsity Robinson, f. '-1 men to fourth place in the Mason-Dixon cage race. The Mounts jumped into Hoot Gibson a early lead and held an 11 to 3 margin at the six minute mark. amine the facts. leather pushers when the Terrors Honeman, f. 0-2 and Don Honeman helped cut the home team's lead and at half time, the con- To date the club face the University of Maryland Bills, f. 1 0-0 has made the fol- boxers in Gill Gym on Wednesday at Gibson, f. 1-2 test was deadlocked at 24 up. In the second period, the Terrors stuck to the Mounts for the first few lowing record: 8:15 P. M. The preliminary between Suffern, c. 3-' ·15 minutes but soon found the latter enjoying a 42 to 33 "margin as Sheridan 1-2 Biasi, g. (1) 'won six the frosh of the two institutions will Lodge, g. 1-3 and Harkins ripped the cords. Only Frank Suffern could penetrate the tough of its el even begin at 7:15 P. M. Faw, g. 0 0-0 Mount zone defense. ga mes, scoring From College Park will come a Western Maryland's vastly improv- ;- _ 388 points, while squad composed of veterans and new- Totals... ..,18 7-15 43 ed basketball team plays host to the ROBINSON y i e l di ng 439 ccmet-s ; and on Saturday at Charl- Mount St. Mary's 24 32-56 University of Delaware Saturday strengthening their hold on the run- ner-up position in the Mason-Dixon markers. ottesville, the 'I'erps took a sound 7 to Western Maryland 24 19-43 night in their seventh league game of Conference. (2) rests in second place in the 1 lacing from the Virginia Cavaliers. current season with anticipation of Delaware, Mason-Dixon Conference with an Only Hotsy Alperstein was able to ell games this winners of four of sev- visions has season, impressive record of five won and but garner a single point for the Old one set back. In these six tests, the Liners. Among The Greeks also of the second spot in the confer; Terrors have tallied 229 counters to Included in the Terps ranks will be ence, for in three league tests the Hens have won two and lost one. such boxers Lincoln Judson at as 234. 120; Bobby Dorr, one of the swinging Black and Whites UpsetBachelors (3) won three conference tilts by Headed by Art Douglas, 6 foot two points and a single tilt by a one Dcrrs at 127, Alperatein at 145, Herb 7 inch center, the Hens will probably point margin. Gunther in light heavyweight, and In As Preachers Retain Cage Lead present a team similar to the one (11) has no individual scor-ing lead- Leonard Rodman, heavyweight. which has, in the last two years, in- er, but claims three men over the six- their first three matches the College Led by Carlo Ortenzt's eight points, a fighting Black and White quint flicted two four-point losses to the ty mark. Parkers have defeated Coast Guard came back strong in the second half of their game with the Bachelors on Terror courtmen. (5) dropped four of the five games Academy 4% to 3%, South Carolina Tuesday afternoon, to break an 8 to 8 tie at intermission and win going away Captained by Bill Gerow the Dela- to sectional leaders, namely George- 6 to 2 and dropped their affair with by a 22 to 11 count. Paul Myers, Bachelor center, was high man for his team ware boys have beaten American Uni- town University, winner of twelve Virginia. with five markers. versity and Washington College in straight since mid-December; Loyola At this time Reynolds is not set on In the remaining senior circuit contest, the Preachers defeated the Gamma league tests, and Penn Military Col- College, conqueror of Georgetown in the way the Green team will enter Bets in a well played game by a 32 to 24 score, Angular Bob Siemon, lege and Philadelphia Textile in non- thE1season opener and undefeated in the ring, and the bout ...may see a few Preacher forward, led his team's . • league skirmishes. Losses have been conference play; Baltimore, unbeaten changes made. Another item to be in their twelve contests played thus considered is the fact that no fresh- ~~~!~~~:i,t~h:el::~U~~~dle!~~~~ p~~!~Lewis and Myers have been outstand- ~~tldiC~:~OI:~ti?eicl:i~:~nbei~;a;~:~~~; fur; and Gettysburg College, out- men will be used because of the year- maker, boosted his total and contrib- !~::ae~!~r:~~ss:::o:~e Bachelors in conference .tilt. standing in Pennsylvania cage circles. Jings' bouts with the Terplets. In less than a month, the regular Against Penn State and Army, it ~:~dp!~n::,e Gamma Bets score with The men of Pi Alpha Alpha filled t('!~~o~~~:~d ~e p:vee~~;Sm!~~:~'; ~~; league play will be completed and if was a question of too much opposition, The junior league games found the ~~::h:~: ~:s;;: ';ie·t:. ay ;:r~~e~rt"!~ the Terrors also were victorious over Ferguson's quint can bag five of the and in the match with the Nittany Bachelors defeating the Black and the American Eagles and Washing_ remaining eight conference tests they Lions only Harry Baker had his hand Whites in a close second half finish by INDIVIDUAL SCORERS ton College while losing to Loyola seem sure of landing in the play-offs, raised in victory. At West Point, af- a 32 to 27 score. Abe Gruel, Black Eckenrode .Gamma Bets 38 and Dickinson. Last night's fray may prove to be the ter watching seven of his teammates and White forward, led his team's Ortenzi Black and Whites 33 One point will be in the Terrors' turning point of the season and on fall before the Army gray, Bill Walls scoring with sixteen points while Thomas.. _.Preachers 24 favor for the Hens have only once Saturday night, a strong Delaware entered the ring in the heavyweight Fred Bohn's fourteen markers were Elias .... Bachelors 24 traveled away from home, and all four five will invade Gill Gym. class, fought the scrap of his career, high for the winners. '''''!)~..'~''''''...'''=~B~';:;'h;;'';;'';;·'''''..~~~23 only to gain a draw. In the othe~' junior league game, ;!~:O;:e~~d O~tt~~r h:7.~ ,~::rt~vit~h: ')!:~s B:::a~::f:::\::~:~a:n~:::~ To meet the Terps' invasion, Rey- the Preachers downed the Gamma zi, Tom Tershinski, and George Bar- one-point win over American Univer- a triumph over the Washington Col- nolds will set the defense in the hands Bets by a 37 to 11 score. Bud Blair's rick have starred for the Black and sity in Washington and a two-pointer lege Sho'men. of Rip Hudson, Captain Joe Rouse, ten points led the Preachers' scoring White quint in each game. over Washington College at Chester- From now on competition is ex- Earl Schubert, Clarence Bachman, while Johnny Williams ripped the Last place in the league goes to the town. clusively of the league variety and Ed Lewis, Baker, John Pirie and cords for five. Gamma Bets, who have yet to sec a In the contest with Washington the Green and Gold are in a favorable Walls. The standings, to date, find Delta victory. Eckenrode and Tom Lavin College, the Terrors came from be- pos'ition to wind up the home season Although a week remains before Pi Alpha in first place in the second have been the bright spots in this hind and in the final minute of play with five victories against Delaware, the fresh see their first opposition, round after having won the first gloom. Eckenrode's consistent scor- wiped out the Sho'men's margin Catholic U., Washington, American Reynolds has the squad hirly well round competition with successive ing coupled with Lavin's defensive which had been held throughout the U., and Towson Teachers. Of the two lined up and will choose his starters wins over the Gamma Bets, Bachelors work have sparked the Gamma Bet's contest to win 42 to 40. games to be played on the road, only from the following eleven scrappers: and Black and Whites. Jim Thomas attack. Starting- off fast, the She-men took Loyola has enough to stop the Ter- At 120, Jack Alexander or Dick and Bill Robinson, both veterans of In the second round, the Black and an early lead; but the Terrors came rors, and Hopkins should not prove to Hausler; 127, Frank Zeigler or Paul Whites move up, due to their upset back and battled on even terms for be too strong. Manino; 135, Emory Gross or Red Standing 01 The Clubs .... victory over the Bachelors, and share 15. minutes of the first half. Then On Wcdnesday night, another Wes- McGlaughlin; 145, Howard Hall; 155, the first place honors with the Preach- with less than three minutes to go tern Maryland boxing team will enter ·Jim Tinder; 165, Carlo Ortenzi; 175 A LEAGUE ers, who earned the position after Samele, Stevens, and Fetter scored to the squared circle in Gill Gym for the Sig Jensen; and heavyweight, Bart W L Percent thei r defeat of the Gamma Bets. bring the count to 24 to 18 as the half third match of the present suicide Natalizi. Pi·eachers 0 1.000 €-nded. schedule being fought by the Green Black and Whites 2 .500 In the second half, Washington still .500 Terrers. This year a llumber of veter- Bachelors 2 2 .000 McKnepp Hall, continued to dominate play and paced ans who have learned how to take it Old Gym Reopened Gamma Bets 0 4 the Terrors basket for basket until during the past couple of years B LEAGUE B Section In eight minutes remained in the ball should, by the law of averages, come The physical education depart- W L Percent game. At this time the Terrors were o through with a victory or two this ment has taken a step in the direc- Bachelors 1.000 behind by ten points 38 to 28 but season. Certainly if the results are tion of providing better provisions Preachers .750 'Mural Leads Royce Gibson and Irv Biasi teamed on the negative side, it will NOT be for ~'ecreation on the campus for Black and Whites 1 .250 up and Washington soon found their the fault of the tutor, who is giving those who do not engage in varsity Gamma Bets o 4 .000 Two undefeated quints, the Semi- lead had dwindled to one point. his all in an attempt to develop a competition. This week, Barney previous campaigns, have led the nary and McKnepp Hall, will meet in Terrors then went ahead for the boxing team worthy of the colors of Spier made public that the Old Preachers' attack throughout these Gill Gym this afternoon to determine first time in the ball game, but Wash- Green and Gold. Gym will be open from 4 to 5:30 encounters. first place in the upperc\ass division ington counted again from the floor In their first match of the year, every afternoon for such sports as of the Intramural basketball league. to make the score 40 to 39. A foul certain individuals looked conditioned badminton, shuffleboard, and bas- Second place in the first round rat- In the freshman division, a pair of shot and a field goal put the Terrors and well trained and as a result had ketball. For groups interested in ings went to Alpha Gamma Tau be. games will be played tomorrow at in the .lead with 34 seconds remaining; cause of their ,vins over the Gamma wins chalked up for them. By far such activity, arrangements can be Bets and· Black and Whites. Their 2:45 P. M., when B Section, winner of and, following a jump, the Sho'men t.he most favorable, to the writer, was made to reserve the facilities for two straight contests meets Ward gained the ball but threw it into the the perfbrmance of Rip Hudson in the individual use at any time. lone loss was by a 22 to 17 margin to Hall. Skeets Hauff, captain of the stands and with it the ball game. 12() pound class---the division the lit- the Preachers on January 21. Tim new dorm squad, expects to have his In other games the Terrors downed tle scrapper belongs in. Captain Joe full team of Warren Cook, George Catholic University 43 to 26, lost to Rouse deserves worlds of credit for Wilson, Jack Buttner, Warren Earll, Baltimore .47 to 29, beat the Mounts his steady work as the team's leader. Freshmen Seek Fourth Win and Bob Johnson ready for duty. 32 to 30, eked out a 40 to 36 win over Unknown to most 'Vestern Maryland Among the Ward Hall cagers will be Drexel, and, after leading at half fans is the Cact that four years ago Charlie Demanss, Wi! Kerber, and time, dropped a 36 to 24 contest to fall of 1937, J. -in Rouse, Monk to you and me, was an -Against Littlestown Cagers Woody Lippy. Gettysburg's invading quint. Hanway the undergraduate in the University of Virginia. Bob Stropp's freshmen quint, the squad in the evenings in Gill Gym Mason-Dixon Standing Terror Scoring Well, Joe had always wanted to be boasting three' wins in its first five so that there will be no conflict with nn athlete in college, but what could games, will meet a high scoring five the varsity practice. Before the W L Pct. FG F T r. little fellow who weighed approxi- on Saturday night when the Littles- week-end game, the Ten·or mentor Loyola o 1.000 Frank Suffern . 44 10 98 mately one hundred and five pounds town A. C. faces the Baby Terrors may make a few changes in the Mount St. Mary's .. .800 Irv Biasi 26 24 80 do in the way of making a place for in Gill Gym. The play will start at line-up. Delaware .667 Nerno Robinson . 26 11 67 himself in the college world of bruis- 7:15. In their initial tests, Stropp has Western Maryland 2 .714 Don Honeman 26 5 57 ers? Anyway, to make a long story In their last start, the local squad stood pat on his starting five, who Johns Hopkins 1 2 .333 Hoot Gibson . 18 6 42 short, he didn't last at Charlottes- rece·ived its most severe setback as have all turned in favorable perfor- Washington 1 3 .250 Lee Lodge. 14 7 35 ville very long because of financial the Gettysburg Bullets' trounced the mances. He plans to une Mansberger Towson Teachers .. 0 .000 Bob Faw 9 13 31 difficulties and in two weeks, Joe was Green team by the score of 42 to 26. and Otts O'Keefe at forwards, Ed American U. 0 .000 Ken Bills right back in Baltimore. This was Only Arlie Mansberger could pene- Catholic U. 0 4 .000 Manny Kaplan .. in the third week in September and trate the visitors' defense as he hung Mogowski in the pivot, and Joe Kitt- Bob Bricker it is not the usual custom for col- up ten markers. lIer and Captain DeWane Bills at the Ben Griffith .. (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) Coach Stropp has been working guard posts,
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