Page 48 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 6.1941 • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES -- • OUR OPINION • ON C.mpus Collateral THE We Make Reselutlens As A New you haven't met him yet, is the college librarian. • Being one of the herd of the col- Semester Begins Mr. Mirise is proud of his new charge. He says RECORD • that an increased budget in the last few years has legiate of 1941, and seeing successive Last week brought to an end another semester made our college library comparable to any Filled to overflowing these herds of '38, '39 and '40 first hand "i.e and we, students and faculty, can wipe the slate possessed by colleges in our class throughout the few weeks has been the sick list. .. have some little lists about college clean and begin all over again. After a week of country. Mr. Mirise also realizes the library has Doris Jones was a victim of strepto- students. "cramming", staying up all night, studying for certain defects and in some respects is not serv- coccus infection of the throat ... in- For instance we deplore the decline four tests in one evening, writing term papers in ing the students as it might. fluenza took its hold on Kakie Coo, of the term jazz; only boogie-woogie a few hours, after one week of more work than To serve the students and the faculty, to en- Mary Hastings, and Peggy Wilson•.. approaches it for onomatopoetic satis- we've done the whole year, we can get back to courage them to use theHbrary, and to provide l\Iaybelyn Bertholf was taken to a faction. And we deplore the decline normal-sleeping at night, cutting classes freely, facilities for making the finding of information Ealtimore hospital for an appendec- of the idea that college was a prepar- and letting work go until the last minute. This is easier is the purpose of a college library, accord- tomy ... lIliss I. has reported several Illation and not merely a time-filler to as it should be, of course; for the' average student ing to the new librarian. cases of grippe in both the girls' and keep youth off the job-seeker list. -so he says---can only work when "pressed." In order to do this more thoroughly, Mr. boys' infirmary. This past week, Miss Bertha Adkins, Miss Minnie M. Ward Seriously, though, how can one be expected to Gridiron Heroics conscientiously review for four exams in one eve- Mirise desires the help of the student body so that and Miss Louise Campbell have been deficiencies may be corrected and the greatest • We don't see how we lived without ning, at the same time write one or two research number of persons wiiI be satisfied. Certain kept. indoors by sickness. Larry Kelly and Tom Harmon; we papers and keep up with daily assignments? \ A questions have come up in regard to future pol- There i~ much news from the soror- know other generations had their Red faculty committee is investigating the situation icy: ities ... Phi Alpha M11has elected for- Granges but because these two are at the present time and will make suggestions to Should the loan period be extended to two president, Mary Lou Asbury; vice- our generation and typica1iy Ameri- improve the examination system. The students weeks instead of one? Is the atmosphere friend- president, Elaine Barnes; secretary, can we like them best. And how did heartily beseech this committee to take some ac- ly and, if not, what can be done about it? Are Gloria Salerno; treasurer, Betty the co-eds of way-back ever dress in tion before the end of the next semester. the books suited to the needs of the students? Poore. Delta Sigma Kappa has elect- the ultimate of collegiate style with- It was fun to cast aside the intellectual pursuits Would a course on library usage be desirable? ed Mabel Greenwood to the vice-pres- out Mademoiselle? And who juetifled for one day and to really enjoy a Winter Carnival Would the library be used if open on Sunday? idency to succeed Mildred Melvin who barn-dances where there wasn't any that surpassed all others. Perfect weather, a Would abolishment of fines provide more satis- has become president. Miss Green- Lil" Abner? high-class dance, an active sports program made factory service? wood will automatically succeed to We'd rather not hear any more the holiday complete. If students would make known how they feel in the presidency next fall. Sigma Sig- about youth movement. College peo- Semester grades were made known this week. regard to these questions and would make other rna Tau voted the following girls into ple we hope will realize that they For some this was an occasion for joy; for others suggestions to the proper authorities instead of office: Eddie Edmond, president; Ka- must work hand-in-hand and not a time of wailing and gnashing of teeth. But re- complaining among themselves, library service kie Coe, vice-president; Jeannette hand-to-hand with the adults they gardless of whether we made the Dean's List or would be greatly improved. Wigley, secretary; Harriett Dygert, profess to love and respect and yet barely made our seventeen points, this is the time treasurer. the Sigmas made their disregard totally in their scheme of when we all resolve to do better next time. We (To be continued) annual trip to Baltimore last Friday things. And tales of hitch-hiker acci- decide to do some concentrated studying, to do as- • • • for dinner at t.he Stafford Hotel and dents are taboo now because so many signments day by day, to date less, and to stop the performance of Ina Claire's new thumber8 are our members trying to loafing so much in Earl's or the grill. Lofty am- We Did Manage To Come play, TIw Ta.lley Method. Former get home to work at play, or back to bitions, to be sure, but doomed, we are afraid, to Sigmas at the banquet were Fitzi school to play at work. be observed for a week or so and then forgotten Out This Week Fitzgerald, Dot Smith, Winnie Hop- • We definitely do not like snoods, until the latter part of May when another reckon- wood, Mary Jane Honeman, Ginny Despite the doubts of many of our critical read- which are supposed to be the collegi- ing rolls around. ers, we managed to go to press this week. For Karow Fowble, and Jeannie Lou ate pass word and yet are seen only • • • Cairnes. in the cities on those too-lazy-to-comb; the first time in the past several weeks has there Pearl Bodmer, Margaret !\foss, their-hair ... and treatises written been sufficient real news to warrant a paper. We Mickey Reynolds, and Miriam Shroy· on our composite personality by indi- Does Library Service Meel Wilh can only publish a digest of the events that have er have accepted bids from Sigma occurred or the happenings that will take place in viduals who obviously never met one Your Satislaction? the future. We can't make news. On a small Sigma Tau ... Joan West and Phyllis of us. And this talk that college We went to the library the other day, we oc- Cede have automatically become ac- youth feels it has been raised for casionally do, and had a long and enlightening campus where, at best, big events are few and far tive Sigma members ... new active pacifism only to be hypocr-it.ically talk with Edwin C. Mirise. Mr. Mirise, in case between, an examination period plays havoc with Delta are Mary Frances Hawkins, faced with war, and refused to fight- a weekly publishing schedule. Carol Stoifragen, and Virginia Elsey . Phi Alpha Mu has pledged Fran- it'8 hokum! ces Ogden and Marie Crawford and Typically Collegiate CAMPUS LEADER welcomed Doris Jones as an active member ... this club will tomorrow • But on the other hand we love the go into Baltimore to see the play short reveraibles the boys wear, and The Man Who Came to Dinner starr- the kerchief which hides the girl's Dr. Edwin K. Schempp grew up in the educational program of Maryland. ing Alexander Woolcott; they plan to hair-pins and chilly ears. We love the midst of the great dairying and Dr. Schempp says a college educa- have supper afterwards at the .&1_._ the CAA because it gives us one lumber-ing- industries. He was born tion "should train the mind and help vedere Hotel. .. The presidents of the practical way to be doing at the same and received his public school educa- equip the student for a useful life of three sororities have appointed the tion in Brodhead, Wisconsin. time we are learning-and it's thrill- work in a. sphere of influence which following women to assist them on ing. And we love teachers who when In 1924 he graduated as an econum- is larger than the college campus." the Intersorority Council: Sigma Sig- they say they are going to tell us ics major at Oberlin College in Ohio. He believes that Western Maryland ma Tau, Caroline Rudisill and Vir- something-tell us something. And and he entered the business world for maintains the advantage of a small ginia Bell; Delta Sigma Kappa, Ma, we love modern arts because so few several years before 'returning to pre. college in the personal contacts be- be l Greenwood and Doris Harmon; people know anything about them pare for his ma.ster's degree. He did tween faculty and students. Phi Alpha i"Ifu, Jean Lamoreau and that, with the few courses we can sales promotion work for the I\linne~ The interviewer asked Dr. Schempp Elaine Barnes. take, we are relatively experts. seta and Ontario Paper Company and what he thought the effect of the de- Randolph Scholl has left his Alma We have a great curiosity to see was on the research staff of the Ilfi- fence program would be on our pro- Mater. .. deatinatlon unknown. Es- what we aren't supposed to see but nots Bell Telephone Company. It was duction and consumption 1 ther Henvis, a junior transfer from we haven't a monopoly in that field. while on leave from the latter com- He answered, "The defense pro. American University, has found her- pany in 1927 that he took his master's We also would like to see what we gram requires the full cooperation of home in McDaniel. could do with the world. degree from Oberlin. His master's capita], labor, government, and the The marriage of Lieut. Maurice But not before our turn comes. thesis was on "The Financial History consumer. It may be necessary to Roberts '36 and Miss Phyllis Erdman • And some of us here would like to of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. curtail the production of some of the took place at her home in Baltim,ore go back to exams and the warm Paul Railway." He accepted a posi- non-essential goods in order to use 011 Saturday, January 25. Lieut. Rob- of the Wharton tion on the faculty winters of some years ago. School of Finance and Commerce of more of our raw materials for defense erts is stationed at Fort George G. But thank the powers that be that the University of Pennsylvania which production." Meade. we've outgrown the hateful raccooned Edwin K. Schempp college-joe who remembered 'Fatty he held from 1927 until 1932 when he Arbuckle, danced to Guy Lombardo, came to Western Maryland College. with much of the gracious living of With The Greatest Of Ease He received his Ph.D. degree from the thought he was the beginning of the University of Pennsylvania in 1933 the SOUU1." Eight years here aren't but he is convinced of a Life Just One Slip After Another new era, and, calling his friends in the field of marketing. sufficient to make evident many "comrade" in imitation of parlor changes in the Western Maryland at- pinks, thought he was intellectual. Dr. Schempp says "Maryland is a mosphere, part in During Days Of Thrills And Spills In a large measure we have out- state which seems to have the eeo- good spirit in this school which, he grown that, haven't wo? nomic energy of the North, coupled says, is playing an important of old fashioned A hint Western I Mar-yland winter has dropped on the lesaly gliding down the icy hill from THE GOLD BUG QUOTE BOX campus since the last issue, and the Science Hall toward Blanche Ward. Babe Dumler and Sunday evening I Laugh at life with '/ ' , firmaries. Seems the new nurse ar- somebody's were carrying a toward flu list runs into the 'teens in both in- sick Sis Harding supper (1) rived just in time. Blanche Ward when suddenly Sis saw Eleanor Healy • THE JUNIOR CLASS at Muhlen- ., SOMERSET MAUGHAM, noted It would take Sid Mansh, the legal food and dishes go one way and Babe Subecription Price $2.00 a Year eagle, to catalogue the casualties on go another, before, crash-both came berg has just signed T. Dorsey for its British author, is writing a short the ice during the glacial descent, Editor-in-Chief ..Henry C. Triesler '41 Junior Prom. Each junior will pay down together. Sis whooped and sud- Associate Editor.Ruth Mansberger '41 an extra fifty cents, but tickets sell to series of articles for The Daily Tar- Harper LeCompte took a prize slide denly slipped and made it a three. Managing Editor ......Isaac Reher-t '42 the rest of the student body for only Heel and a few other large university when he glided from the front of Me- some. describes News Editor Thelma Bowen '41 $1.50!! Outsiders will be charged newspapers. The writer of Young Daniel to the steps opposite the li- • Special Gymnastics and analyzes the "Attitudes Assistant News Editor.Alvin Levin '43 $2.50. brary-half up and half down. "It John Macfarlane took his first Feature Editor.Lucie Leigh Barnes '42 It can be done, it seems. Men in England Before Total War." was more fun than anything I have wooden-horse-riding lesson when he Sports Ediwr ....William Robinson '41 • RATHER SURPRISING, in the Maugham says that in England ever experienced before like it," he tackled the snowy hilI down to Hoffa Business l\Ianager ..Edward Weant '41 light of what seemed to us to be "pub- there was a great deal of communis- said, "until I lost my balance." Field on a carpenter's horse. He was Advertising Managera ..Werner Orri- lic opinion," Benny Goodman was tic feeling shown, but it was usually • Injury Items unseated when his mount refused a son '43, Betty Cormany '42. again voted by musicians in the DQ'lIJ'n of the parlor variety. These young Jane Fraley declares she felt like SUdden rise of ground. Circulation J\.Ianagers....William Vin- Beat magazine poll, as having the men were at college by favor of capi· a wet hen i~ orchestra practice one Miss Tweed rose early, very early, cent '42, Mary Louise Asbury '41. tal and, however vehement they were afternoon, and Betty Niedert had a last Saturday morning to send the best swing band of 1940. Duke El- permanent rouging on one cheek for boxing team off to Pennsylvania with Reporters: Mary Miller '43, Irvin lington placed second and Woody in attacks on privilege, few of them a week-both the result of tailspins. a good breakfast. It was about five showed any inclination to put their Katz '43,/Albert Jones '43, Harvey Herman, third. Goodman was also theories into practice and surrender Bob Gelder has been sold on the ad- u'clock as she started down the steps Buck '44, John Rawlins '43, Doro_ voted the favorite soloist, with Harry the advantages they enjoyed. vice against advice-giving since he toward the dining hall kitchen. thy Thrush '44, Eleanor Healy '43, James and Artie Shaw second and f advised Mrs. Wenner to try the street Whoops! Amid silence and desolation John Robinson '43, Joseph Work- third. There were also, large pacifist "where the going was better" only she slid and slid and slid straight for man '43, Nelson Wolfsheimer '44, Glenn Miller came out tops in the groups who had "signed declarations to see her unfortunately slip and go the man hole. She says "If the cover Mary Turnley '44, Mary Lee Hay- "sweet" band group, with Tommy that in the event of war breaking out down immediately when she heeded llad been off, I would have gone in- man '~4, Jane Day '44, Dorothy and Jimmy Dorsey as runners-up. they would refuse to fight." When his counsel. Gelder had a chance to bull's eye!' Thrush '44, Hazel Metz '43, Jean- Looks like you c!\n't keep a Good the war began, however, there werE} feel the hero later though when he Latest results of cold snap: Phil ~tte Brannock '41. man down! few conscientious objectors. reScued Pe8'~r Will?on who was help- Bechtel has rheumatism.
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