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L1br!jry , ,Western Maryland College Sibe~la~nSSfngers,Russian Choir, To Perform Here BY THE STUDENTS Vol. 18 No, 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE February 6, 1941 Bachelors. To Brannock To Lead Freshmen To· Hold Dance Sunday School Elect Council Brannock was reelec- Jeannette the for Sunday Baker School Internationally Famous Chorus Featuring On Feb. 15 ted president of the William G. Member coming semester at the organi- Finest Male Voices In Russia Has Won zation's first meeting of the year.' Other officers elected were the Acclaim Over Broadcasting Networks Lou Startl And His following: Dorothy Souter and Dormitory Council, Eastern Sho' Band Don Griffin, vice-presidents; Ed- Elected By Men, The Siberian Singers, internationally famous Russian male choir, will present a concert in Alumni Hall on February 27. To Provide Music win Thomas, secretary-treasurer; To Assume Duties For five years the Siberians have been presenting the litur- and Josephine Branford, Peggy gical music and folk songs of Old Russia during extensive tours. February 15 has been set as Reeves and Bert Jones, members Organization of the freshman Their popularity and public favor has placed them in the front the date for the Bachelor Fra- of the advisory council. men will take place tomorrow, rank with large organizations of in- , _ ternity dance to be held in Dr. Bertholf installed the Friday, February 7, immediate- ternational reputation. Blanche Ward Hall Gymna- newly-elected officers at the ly after lunch, when they will Prior to their coming to America, a distinguished young musician and sium, beginning at 7 :15 P. M. meeting of February 2 in the convene in Smith Hall to elect a the singers were all connected as so- an outstanding vocalist. Lou Startt and his Eastern Sho' chapel. member to the Student Council. loists with the famous St. Alexander The program of the Siberian Sing- Players will supply the music This is as provided for in the Cathedral in St. Petersburg and with ers is presented in authentic national for the occasion which has as its constitution of the Men's Stu- other famous cathedrals. Some years costumes. Their range fmm contra theme St. Valentine's Day. Fraternities dent Government. . ago there was an all-Russian contest G to treble E is perhaps unequalled • Elias Is Chairman Robert Faw, president of the Stu- Special lighting effects and decora- in St. Petersburg to select the finest by any other male ensemble in the tions to suit the occasion are being Elect New dent Government, announced the re- male voices for the purpose of send- world. Through their broadcasts sults of the elections' of the members ing them to America to further inter- over the NBC networks, they have planned, according to Thomas Elias, of the dormitory council as follows: est in Russian melodies. All the impressed audiences aU over this general chairman of the dance. Oth- Officers Ward-Hering Hall members of the Siberian Singers country and Canada, and they have ers on the committee include Wilbur 1st. floor-H. Holljes, R. Moore, J. passed this test by unanimous assent. received thousands of letters praising Kidd, orchestra; William Leather- Ryan, Holljes, Lewis, Rouse; 2nd. floor-So Ritthie, R. Nicholas VasiJieff, their director, is their artistic presentations. man, decorations; 'William Hauff, re- Bricker, V. Impeciato; Srd. fioor- freshments; Henry Triesler, 'pro- Elliot Preside For S. Jensen, R. Faw, F. Ziegler. grams. Second Semester McKinstry Hall Money Talks • Sponsors Are Announced j at, floor-T. O'Leary, J. Work- Lou Startt and his ten-piece orches- Officers for the second semester man, H. LeCompte; 2nd. floor-A. Student Loan Fund Aids Worthy tra has played at such places as were elected by three of the fraterni- Albert Norman Ward Hall Fleagle, E. Lewis, W. Anthony. ties during the past week. Washington College, Eastern Country Applicants To Further Education Club, Cambridge Yacht Club, Ches- Gamma Beta Chi, elected new presi- A section Beglln; Srd. floor- Two clubs, Pi Delta and Alpha 2nd. floor-H. Centreville Club, tertown Country Armory, and the Easton Armory. The dents; Alpha Gamma Tau re-elected F. Blair; 4th. flOOl·-W. Robinson. Established by friends of the col- -an average of twenty students per band is noted for its smooth arrange- the identical administration of the B section lege, helped, by the Alumni, and now year. ments of stock numbers and old fa- first semester. rst. floor-R. Webb; 2nd. floor-F. supported by the students, the Stu- A student, to be eligible for loans vorites. John Wade Ryan, Jr., of Bridge- Scott; Srd. floor-W. Hauff. dent Loan Fund serves as the first must possess definite qualifications. Sponsors for the dance will be ville, Delaware, was elected to be the C section "Iine of financial aid for students who, He must be a regular student; he Prof. Frank Hurt, Dean Bertha Ad- Preacher- leader and succeeded Robert ,1st. floor-E. Grenda; 2nd. floor- for various reasons, cannot earn must be a. candidate for a. degree; he kins, Dean and Mrs. L. Forrest Free, Faw at the installation of officers w. Banks; 3rd. floor-R. Podlich. enough money to pay their college ex- must have completed one year as an Mr. and Mrs .. Charles Havens, and which took place on January 30. The D section penses. undergraduate; and he must have es- Lieut. George H. Caple. vice-Delta will be Donzel Wildey. The 1st. floor-J. Newman; 2nd. floor- Since its inauguration in 1931, 183 tablished his scholastic and general following were re-elected to their J. Whiteford; 3rd. floor~T. Price; students have been aided by the fund ability and seriousness of purpose. posts: William Robinson, Alpha; 4th. floor-W. Clarke. The duty of this council is to super- students with merely the above quali- Concert Series Leigh Venzke, Beta; and Harper Le- vise conduct in the dormitories and to the money is loaned to Although Benjamin Compte, Gamma; Lavin To Be Feted charged at the rate of two per cent To Be Offered Smith, Epsilon. reduce general breakage. Mr. Faw fications interest is as collateral, intends to have a list of specified in- Henry Wirt Holljes, of Baltimore, By Officers' Club per annum to the end of the gradua- Maryland, succeeded William Wiley, struction for these members in the Sergeant Thomas Lavin will return tion year of the borrower, six per cent By Holloways at the helm of the Gamma Beta Chi near future. to the campus on Thursday, Febru- per annum thereafter. club when he was installed as Chi ary 27, to be guest of honor at a Col. T. K. Harrison, who is in President and Mrs. Holloway will Monday evening, January 27. Other Economics Club banquet given by the R.O.T.C. Offi- charge of the fund, states that there present a serjes of five informal pro- officers installed were Neil Eckenrode, cers' Club at the Clear Ridge Inn. is a definite need for contributions at grams of recorded music in their vtce-Cbj: William Banks, Beta; vice- Officers Meet Sergeant Lavin will be retired from present in order that the work of the Frank Dau, vice-Beta; William Den- the Regular Army on March 1, with fund continue. "The present fund is home beginning the evening of Sun- nis, Gamma; William Parks, 9. Gamma; Chaplain; day, February Dudley, Bayne his wartime rank of first lieutenant. only one-third as large as necessary, The program will be as follows: Here Feb. 22 He will make his home at Tobyhanna, and the responsibility for helping this William Wiley, Sergeant-at-Arms; Pennsylvania, where he has been ap- worthwhile project rests with the Sunday, February 9, 8 P. i\J. and Robert Moore, Beta-Pi. pointed to a permanent post as the students," he declared. The Musical Offering J. S. Bach The Bachelors re-elected all of Officers of the home economics caretaker of the Tobyhanna Rifle and Contributions less than one dollar Brandenburg Concertos their officers unanimously; Thomas clubs of Maryland colleges will con- Artillery Reservation. Thomas Lavin, should be made in the Class Memorial (II and Ill) J. S. Bach Franklin Lewis, Jr., of Frostburg, vene on February 22 in McDaniel his son, will remain at Western jars in the bookstore; larger contri- A Group of Chorales J. S. Bach Maryland, has been the Alpha for the Lounge where the Home Economics and will continue to Maryland as a boarding student for butions should be personally given to (Trappe Family Choir) past semester Clubs Cabinet will hold its second the second semester. Col. Harrison. Monday, February 10, 7:30 P. M. lead the club. Others re-elected were meeting of the year. Advisors and Symphony No.6 (Pastoral) Thomas Elias, vice-Alpha; Henry women students from the following Beethoven Triesler, Gamma; William Hauff, schools are expected to attend: Hood Quartet No.2 in G Major Beethoven Tau; Edward Thomas, chaplain; and College, University of Maryland, ---- Dean's List ~--- Sonata in F Major Beethoven Elmer Evans, sergeant-at-arms. Maryland College for Women, and The Black and White Club, by con- Tuesday, February 11, 7:30 P. M. stitutional provision, will keep the Western Maryland College. SENIORS JUNIORS Syphony No.4 Brahms same officers for the coming semester. Discussion of past accomptiah, and future club projects will Benjamin W. Allnutt Paul Alelyunas Quintet in F Minor Brahms They are as follows: Lewis Elliot, merits Kenneth G. Bills Philip F. Bechtel Wednesday, February 12, 7:30 P. M. Alpha; William Vincent, vice-Alpha; be the main purpose of the meeting, Brady C. Bounds Andrew i\1. Bohle Symphony No. 36 (Linz) Mozart Don Griffin, Beta; Lee Kindley, vice- after which Western Maryland's rep- Theodore R. Bowen Alfred J. Diener Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Beta; David Brengle, Gamma; Jos- resentatives will serve refreshments, Paul K. Cummins A. Strayer Hancock Orchestra. Mozart eph Rouse, Delta. Ellen Logan will preside as president Frank D. Day William J. Leatherman Quartet No. 18 in A Major ......Mozart of the cabinet. Charles M. Earl Isaac B. Rehert Thursday, February 13, 7:30 P. M. Arnold N. Fleagle Wesley Sheffield' Symphony No.8 Ralph G. Hawkins William C.Taylor (Unfinished) Schubert New Lighting Units Installed In O. Harper LeCompte Quartet No.8 in B Flat Major Sidney Z. Mansh Lucie Leigh Barnes Schubert Physics Lab And Lecture Hall Ruth Ora Caltrider Quartet in D Minor Hazel I. Beard Harriett E. Dygert (Death and the Maiden) ....Schubert C. Ruth Billingslea Elizabeth M. Ellwein Prof. Milson Raver has announced differ from those in the chemistry de- Pearl B. Bobbitt Jean 'V. Lamoreau completion of the installation of new partment inasmuch as they are equip- Catherine F. Councell Emily K. Linton New York Alumni To fluorescent lights in the physics lab- ped with white tubes instead of day. Phyllis M. Dtetseh Virginia E. Sweeney oratory and modern indirect incan- light ones and because they have dis- Ruth K. Harcum Mary Elizabeth Tyson Hold Banquet Feb. 28 descent lights in the physics lecture mountable and washable reflectors. 1\Iary Kathryn Hudson Janus E. Yentsch room. In the lecture room six "totally indi- Mary Alice Klein Louise 1\1. Young The New York Branch of the Alum- R. Y. Younglove, an illuminating rect fixtures of modernistic design Edith Leidy ni Asst.ciation of Western Maryland engineer of the Consolidated Gas and were installed. Further improvement Ellen R. Logan College will hold its annual alumni Electric Company, of Baltimore, who in the lighting situation will be com- Ruth E. Mansberger banquet in New York, February 28, drew up the specifications for the pleted when the ceiling is refinished Ina Mae Rakes in the Rainbow Grill at Rockefeller fluorescent lights in the chemistry Helen M. Willard Center. Tables will be reserved for laboratory, planned and supervised with white, glossy paint. Violet V. Younger members of the group who will have their installation. Mr. Younglove is working on plans their banquet after a business meet- Ten
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