Page 46 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege,Westminster, Md., January 16, 1941 Episcopal Club THE GUIDING LIGHT .... Dr. Bertholf Film Luminaries I Elects Weant At Convention Visit Campus President parte Eight members of the faculty spent Eric Rhodes, actor featured by holidays at- of their Christmas Harlow, Nicholas contract At the first formal meeting of the tcnding meetings in various sections RKO studios and to Warner Brothers, under newly-formed Episcopal Club, pre- of the country. Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf drove Virginia Crusius '43 back to sided over by Reverend Berger, the end Prof. Cloyd L. Bennighof attend- Westminster after the Christmas re- following officers were elected: preei- ed the convention of the American dent, Ed Weant; first vice-president, Association for the Advancement of cess. Harlow, Miss Crustue' brother, Mary Houston Wright, who serves as Science, which met in Philadelphia remarked that the campus was, for a chairman of the program committee; from December 28 to January 1. Rob- small college, "ideal." The three second vice-president, Emily Linton, crt Podlich, junior biology major, al- dined at Royer's and compared college in charge of social activities; third so attended this meeting. dRYS. Rhodes was Phi Beta Kappa vice-president, Mary Louise Asbury, Dr. Bertholf presented a paper en- chairman of publicity; and secretary- titled "Laboratory Studies on Toxi- at Oklahoma University while Har- treasurer, Frances Lemkey. cology to Honey Bees of Add Lead low attended the University of Penn- Clyde Baden and Lucie Leigh sylvania. Barnes were elected to represent the Arsenate, Calcium Arsenate, Pheno- Rhodes has been featured in such club at the Tri-Diocesan Conference thiazine, and Cryolite, Especially in hits as Ga-y Divorcee and On YOur at College Park, Maryland, on the Relation to the Particle Size" before Toes. Last summer, he starred oppo- week-end of February 7, 8, and 9. the agriculture section of the Amer- site Phyllis Brooks in the musical, A guest speaker, Albert T. Molle- ic&n Association of Economic Enta- gen, professor of New Testament and mclog iets. Goodbye Again, and is also in Hi 'Ya. Ethics at the Episcopalian Seminary G6ntlem.en, starring Max Baer. in Alexandria, Virginia, has been 'in," Messrs. Havens, Ferguson, and Speir attended a national convention vited to address the club at the next H. E. REESE regular meeting, which is held the of coaches in' New York City; Dr. TAILOR fourth Thursday of each month in the "'-Hliam Ridington and Dr. Morrtgom- deaning SCA room. Plans for a party to be ery Shroyer, Classical Society, Baltt- Pressing more; Profeasor- Royer, music con- Repairing held at the Parish House of the local KENNY BILLS-Representative vention in Cleveland. Episcopal Church in February have 94 Ea.t Main Street been made. THREE CHAIR SERVICE No Waiting SUBSCRIBE The Endicott Johnson Co. I COLLEGIATE REVIEW ACP I TO THE HEAGY BROTHERS' "Better Shoes for less money" BARBER SHOP Hallie Harris, supervisor of jani- Southern life and economy are to GOLD BUG Next (0 Post Office tors at the University of Kansas, es- be interpreted in educational and Ladies' and Men's timates that in 14 years he has dramatic films to be produced at the Keefer's SPORT AND DRESS SHOES climbed 5,880,000 steps, or a total of University of North Carolina. JOHN EVERHART 742 miles. Sanitary Market THE COLLEGE BARBER :!ennis shoes-a specialty The Lincoln library of the late Val- The new $30,000 henhouses at the AND BOBBER University of Connecticut are steam- entine Bjorkman, comprising more If It's Good To Eat We Have It AT THE FORKS 11 W. Main St. heated and termite-proof, with elec- than 1,000 volumes, has been acquir- WESTMINSTER, MD. college, East Orange, ed by Upsala tric lights, hot and cold running wa- N. J. ' ter and automatic fountains. Temple university has 559 NY A Seventy-four Minnesotans are in- students. cluded in the enrollment of 6,300 at This bookTOBACCOLAND*V*S*A* Northwestern university. Living alumni of Dartmouth to- taled 19,500 at the last count. Students at New York city's four gives thousands of smokers like yourself municipal colleges last year contrib- North Dakota university and uted $972,000 in fees. North Dakota Agricultural college have been football rivals since 1894. Iowa State college holds the na- SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER tional dairy. products judging cham- Incorporated Ch~~te1i~id's pionship for the second year. Four Colgate university alumni re- LUMBER-COAL ceived $200 in prizes for songs sub- WESTMINSTER, MD. mitted in a contest. Stevens Institute of Technology received gifts totaling $96,562 in the MILDER, BETTER TASTE fiscal year 1939-40. To the keen interest of the Phone 300 thousands of men and women who visit our Chesterfield factories, we owe the idea of publishing the book, "TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A." It is a Individual Coiffures Beauty in its Entirety comprehensive picture story about the growing, curing and processing of tobacco. telling you why Chester- 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. fields are MILDER, COOLER-SMOKING and BETTER-TASTING. We are Proud of the hundreds of letters who have seen ,. TOBAC· CARROLL THEATRE from smokers like yourself have asked us to send eGLAND, u. S. A " Many Today and Friday, Jan. 16 and 17 copies ./0 their friends. We would take Measure mail your request to in sending you a copy-just "CHRISTMAS IN JULY" Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 630 Fifth Avenue. with - Dick Powell and Ellen Drew New York, N. Y. Saturday and Monday, NEWS Jan. 18 and 20 "TOO MANY GIRLS" starring Lucille Ball' In the !\1aking! Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 and 22 To get a !rue picture of all "ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS" phases of college life, read- with Allan Jones, Nancy Kelly ers of this paper get accu- rate local news in our own STATE THEATRE columns and "national col- Cclpt.JOHN M.MtlLER,Amer1co·s lege n~ws in picture and pilot ond pioneer"logiro Thursday, Jan. 16 paragraph" in our Collegi- of Ihewarld·. ontywingt ..umait ate Digest picture section. "SOUTH OF SUEZ" Follow Collegiate Digest's ,/ plane route between Comden. Post N. J. ond the Phitodetphio with here enioying George Brent, Brenda Marshall picture parade and com- Office, is .hown new interutlng Chesterfield'. plete local news regularly Friday, Jan. 17 in this newspaper. book"TO&ACCOLAND U.S.A." "THE LEATHER PUSHER" starring S
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