Page 45 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 16, 1941 PAGE THREE By Bill Robinson SPORTS EDITOR Up in New York last week, the metropolitan basketball writers got together to discuss the court game, with the central ;=""""'""=~;theme being the apparent trend to the offensive. Indiana State Teachers of Pennsyl- must get his weight down in order to Before long, however, the swing of the conversa- vania will furnish the opposition for box in the 145-class, otherwise he the boxing team for their first match tion took over a different complexion and defense of the year on Saturday night at.8:15 will fight in the 155-pound class. Bill was the keynote. in Gill Gym. The Terrors have been Vincent will, fight in the 145 and Ed Bachman depending in the i55-class, Honey Russell, whose Seton Hall quint has working out for the past six weeks on what class Lewis fights in, Harry managed to patch together thirty-two wins in and now are rapidly approaching tip. Baker and John Pirie, two veterans, succession said that one of his "few fixed ideas in top condition. Lieutenant Reynolds will handle the 165-pound and light- basketball" was that "defense is paramount." had been giving his boys plenty of heavyweight c Iass e a respectively. "The fewer points the other team makes the few- chances to "throw the leather" in or- Sophomore Bill Walls is the heavy- er you have to get," he declared. "We emphasize der to give him a good opportunity to weight mittman. defense all the time, and now and then use what I decide on whom to use for the initial Captain Joe Rouse Intramural wrestling bouts will be ROBINSON . call a 'Blitzkrieg' defense, in which we guard all fights this week-end. Joe Rouse of offered as a preliminary to the box- over the court," Baltimore, will be the team captain WESTERN MD. INDIANA STATE ing. These contests are to be offered In telling "why N. Y. U. clicks," that includes Bucky Miller's high fly- for the second successive year, nip Hudson 120 F. Tclerico as an introduction of the sport to a Howard Cann also stressed the im- ing University of Baltimore Bees who Rip Hudson has lost some weight Capt. Joe Rouse 127 H. Grandinett Western Maryland audience. A squad portance of condition and its manifes- engage the Terrors in Baltimore on and will fight in the 120-pound class of approximately twelve has been tation in relentless moving and driv- Saturday afternoon. instead of the 127-c1ass which he Earl Schubert 135 S. Shuster working out under the coaching of ing. "We go in for calisthenics, ap- • College Throws Bull handled last year. Captain Rouse Ed Lewis 145 F. Evanko Bob Sorensen, Charlie De Manas and paratus work and rope skipping to Last' week the college became $250 will advance a weight class and take Al Cohen and Saturday's program is get our boys in shape," the Violet richer according to an Associated over the 127-pound job. The 135.class Clarence Bachman 155 B. Lyons to consist of four or five bouts. Those mentor said. "There's one mistake Press dispatch from Frederick. James~ will be handled by Earl Schubert who Harry Baker 165 N.Kish expected to compete include Pretty- high school coaches make. They do F. (Bull) Draper, former football is' coming from the freshman team. John Pirie 175 J. HUSak a fine job technically, but they ought player at Western Maryland, 'through Plans for the 145 and 15S-pound man; Harris, Jones, Pennington, My- to pay more attention to developing his counsel acknowledged a judgment classes are still vague. Ed Lewis Bill Walls Hvy J. Trimarchi ers, Ensor, and Scott. their players physically." tor expenses that allegedly accrued Another coach of a first class club, when he was a student on the hill. Maryland, Preachers Defeat Gamma Bets And Albert Gorten of Panzer College The dispatch stated that "Draper, a pointed out that his institution had 1936 graduate of Western captured forty-four straight games, was sued for the balance due on a bill owed -for the Bachelors Stop Black And Whites prior to a 43 to 40 defeat by John of $535 which the college contended Marshall. Gorten stated that Panzer represented fees Draper- had made its remarkable record with first and second semesters of 1936- (1) no athletic scholarships, (2) only 1937 and the summer session of 1937. Led by Johnny Macfarlane's eight goals and half as many charity tosses affair to lead his team to victory. ninety male students to draw from, "In answer to the suit, Draper en- points, the Alpha Gamma Tau bas- tr. lead the league in scoring. This game followed the order of the (3) limited practice time, and (4) a tered a general denial, said the ex- keteera opened the Interfraternity Bill Prettyman and Neil Eckenrode day with numerous fouls being called small gymnasium. did not accrue in the three basketball league on Tuesday after- sparked the Gamma Bets in a last or: both clubs. Johnny Williams was penses • Loyola Defeat No Disgrace years statutory debt limitation before noon in Gill Gym with a 27 to 16 win minute ;utburst which cut down the high man for the Gamma Bets with Before we leave the subject of bas- the suit was filed and said the college over a fighting Black and White quint. 15 to 4 advantage held by the Preach- four points while Jack Warner and ketball, a' few words concerning the was indebted to him in a greater The game was one of those rough and ers at the intermission. Bill Hall were outstanding from the local set-up. Its no news that Loyola amount for services rendered." tumble affairs and was consequently Both the Bachelors and Preachers derenstve angle. toppled the Terrors from their posi- Among those given honorable men- marred by numerous fouls. Tom Elias kept their slate clean in the junior tion at the top rung of the Mason- tion on the All-Eastern soccer team and the ever-steady Paul Myers saw circuit with the former taking a close Calupe's Rowdies Sink Dixon conference. True, the Green were John Tomlinson and Frank Tar- one from the Black and Whites, 19 to McKnepp Hall Quint were outclassed by a bettel' coached, button, both named as forwards. 16 and the Preachers stopping the more aggressive, sharp shooting The Mason-Dixon Conference has Gamma Bets 23 to 9. quint, but the defeat ,\Va!,!not a dis- gone out of state to add Randolph- Abe Gruel, diminutive Black and "No excuses were offered, but old grace in any way. • Macon College to its present mem- White forward, kept his team in the age told the story," stated Mike Phil- The Greyhounds are without a bership 0:C ten, it was announced by gamc with a total of tcn points. Paul lips following the 19 to 17 triumph of doubt. the finest five that Bruce Fer- Tom Kibler, president of the organi- Cummins and Don Griffin were out- the Galupe's Rowdies over the Mc- guson's lads will face all season and zation. Tolals 5 . standing on rebounds and broke up Knepp Hall Prowlers in Gill Gym in BIJACK AND WHITES O. several potential Bachelors' scores. It the preliminary game to the fresh- F:!liott,f. .•. 2 was Al Nowak who entered the game man practice last night. a Barrick,f. I . late in the final period and scored the The McKnepp five got off to an a Mason-Dixon Standing' Terror Scoring ~1~i£.g:::::::::::~ . , a clinching points for the Bachelors. early lead and at half time enjoyed Tere.hinski, g .. ~ Fred Bohn was high scorer for the a 10 to 4 advantage, but Al Nowak W L PC FG F Bachelors with six points. and Jack Stewart sparked an offen- Loyola 3 0 1.000 Frank Suffern 18 5 41 Bud Blair ripped the cords for ten sive that spelled defeat for McPike, Mount St. Mary's 1 0 1.000 Irv Bias! 13 9 35 the Bachelors off to an early lead and points in the Preacher-Gamma Bet Impeciato, Bohn, Knepp and company. Western Maryland . 2 1 .667 Don Honeman 15 31 a 15 to 8 advantage at half time. The Delaware 2 1 .667 Nemo Robinson . 18 second half was all Bachelor with the Washington 1 1 .500 Royce Gibson 17 exception of a last minute rally by BASKETBALL CatholicU 0 1 .000 Lee Lodge 7 2 16 the Black and Whites which fell Towson Teachers 0 1 .000 "Dead Eye" Faw . 2 6 10 short. Saltzgaver Cagers Take To Road To Meet Johns Hopkins 0 2 .000 Bob Bricker 1 3 Lou Elliott and Roger AmericanU. 0 2 .000 Kenny Bills 1 2 teamed together to account for half Ben Griffith o 1 zi and George Barrick were outstand- Catholic U. And Baltimore Bees their clubs points while Carlo Orten- 7230174 ing defensively for the losers. Western Maryland's basketeers win of protecting this unmarred record. In the other senior loop contest, the journey away from home for two Baltimore's hopes all year have Preachers after a slow start finally tilts before the week concludes, meet- been pinned on Johnny Ross, lanky to take the Gamma Baltimore YMCA And Hopkins hit Bets by a 35 to 15 score. BiB Robin- ing Catholic University then in Washing- high scorer. Ross leads the club thus their stride traveling far in points scored and also displays Thursday ton and son was high for Delta Pi Alpha with Saturday Ably backing in endeavor Fall Before Freshman Quint again the streak Baltimore an Bees' quickly to fine defensive tactics. is Oeste Schaffer, up the Bee captain snap rangy center, and Jack Oland, versa- of wins. soaring wnees.r. In the Capital, the Terrors will run tile guard. Nat Winitsky and Dick Baltimore YMCA was defeated by the breaks were the factors in the Rohin"on,f the Western Maryland Frosh last scoring for the home boys. ' Siemon,f c. up against strong competition in spite Edell round out Bucky Miller's color- Thorn,.,., fuloutfit, Catholic University of the fact that Tuesday night by the margin of 1~ The Johnnies were unable to check WorkmBn.g. is still without a victory. In the only Irv Biasi, always a thorn in the Kullmnr,g. to 10 in a slow basketball game. The the Terrors after they lost their short Phillips.g. conference tilt thus far, the Cardinals Bees side will have to be watched Baby Terrors quickly went into the lJived lead and the game quickly de- ~~~"'~=i",.'~==~-__g_--: were beaten by Mount St. Mary's 31 closely in both of these Terror scraps. lead and never were headed, the Green veloped into a rout. It seemed that to 29, but this game was played in Biasi's best game this season was club scoring six points before the everything that the Baby Terrors D~L 1 Frederick, against American University, where "Y" was able to rattle the cords, and threw headed for the hoop in their Prettyman,f. 0 Capable tossers for the Capital he tossed in sixteen points and Irv is continued to widen the gap until the scoring spree in the first half. Fey,e. . 0 2 quint are captain Gene Daly and Jim due for another streak which enabled Parks,c. score stood 12 to 7 at half time. Mogowski was the spearhead of the J.a'l'in,g.. 10 Mulvihill. Mulvihill has performed him last season to lead the scorers, to top the E""T:;:'":"'~~~'·CJ· 'Lc==~----':--l~- Right after the opening tap-off, Ed attack scoring 15 points especially well in all of the Cardinals • Suffern Leads In Win Mogowski passed to Joe Kittner for scorers, and was closely followed by games thus far, and consistently The Terrors' 38 to 36 win over the first basket. Mogowski and Arlie Mensberger and Otts O'Keefe who nine points and with Jim Thomas' leads the attack for District five. Hopkins showed definitely that the Mansbe'rger- followed with baskets in contributed 9 and 8 points respective- eight markers, provided the winning • Terrors Third In League Johnnies must be watched this year, t:he next two minutes. IJ to the cause. margin. For the Terrors, it will be their It was the first loss in five games for New blood was inserted into the The club is coached by last year's The Gamma Bets' TOOl Lavin was fourth league encounter and a win Hopkins and once again Frank Suf- Baltimore aggregation at half time, captain and all-round star, Bob high scorer for the day with four field would put the Green Jl.nd Gold in a fern paced the winners' attack. Stropp. and a better game resulted. fine position to stick near the top. Suffern popped in five field and three Mogowski was high scorer with six Grapinn;;S,T---,--,.-, -,- PTS Now resting in third place with two charity shots to lead both teams with 1"0 YMCA F-S points, getting two baskets and cag- SPORTS WEEK . . wins and one defeat, Bruce Ferguson, 13 points. ir..g two out of five foul shots. ehu&ky.f .•....... ". g o I\-Z g 0 varsity mentor, will in all probability It was a different story in the 0·0 The Terror yearlings proved them.; ..... o 0 0·0 0 0 start Captain Don Honeman and Loyola test on Tuesday in Gill Gym 0-0 selves to be bad hosts last Saturday 1 o 0-0 1\ Saturday-Boxing, 8:15 P. III. Royce Gibson at forwards, Frank in which the Greyhounds definitely night as they humbled Johns Hopkins 0·0 0 Indiana Teachers-Gill Gym. Suffern at center with lTV Biasi and showed why they are the best state freshman club 40 to 16 in a prelimi- Tu~ay-BasketbaU, 4 P. M. Bob Faw at guards. team and one of the finest in the East nary basketball game at Gill Gym. Bachelors vs. Preachers. In Baltimore Saturday, the Terrors Bernie Thobe gave one of the best The Blue Jays were ahead for only Black & Whites vs. Gamma Bets. will match baskets with an unbeaten exhibitions of outside shooting at the a few minutes by the scant margin Friday-Basketball, 7:15 P. M. Baltimore five. The B(!es expect to expense of the Terror defense and of four points until the attack of the Freshman vs. Seminary . collect win number nine against the general handling of the ball by .Terrors swUng into action. 6-14 16 Mount St. Mary's, Gill Gym. Princeton Seminary, and thus will the visitors roade up for the one side- ball handling, and waiting for 6-16 enter the Terror -scrap with an idea edness of the contest, 8-10
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