Page 44 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 44
. PAGE '!WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesbninster, Md., January 16, 1941 - OUR OPINION Pionee .. In New Order • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- Pi Alpha Alpha First Fraternity Campus Collateral Have You Used All Your Cuts Yet? You know this "cut" system is a great thing. It Reorganized By Administration -----------------------. seems that there are two plans used by students • Someone was trying to call one of the sections of ANW to see that they use up their quota of allowed ab- In 1923 social clubs, as such, were trashy back-campus by signing the hall last week and the phone had rung several minutes sences. The first method is to religiously attend not sanctioned on the hill, and such campus to remind students and by in- before being answered ... all classes and save one's cuts until an appropri- associations as did grow up were stalling waste baskets in dorm rooms "Hello?" ate time when an extended vacation can be taken built around dormitory circles whose to discourage use of the windows for "Hello, operator!" a gay masculine voice answered," at home. One can then leave college for almost a main tie was their common claim on same. Happy New Year! This is the first call we've had this week without being penalized. When one re- eatables from home. Each year shift- year!" turns, of course, friends might ask, "What are ing of locations occasioned the col- Unofficially and officially, Dr. G. S. And, slam, he hung up! you doing here? We thought you had with- lapse of existing "fraternities" and Wills has consistently given aid and • Speaking of the New Year, December 30 and 31 were direction to the club's activities. Since at Enoch days for Pratt drawn," But think of the fun one has had. the rise of new ones. 1939, when Major Severne Mac- red-letter in Baltimore. Western Maryland eve, we hear nearly Library New Year's The other popular use is rather hap- In the fall of 1923, Hall DUncan, Laughlin left the faculty, Professor everyone, at one hour or another, was at the Alcazarl hazard. One cuts at any convenient time-when '26, now instructor of Military John D.. Makosky has served as of- sleep is desired, when an unfinished assignment Science and Art at McDonough ficial adviser of the club which he The Gag Rule is due, or when the student just doesn't feel like Schools, was leader in the organiza- helped to found and, once served as • These are BMI days on the radio. We wonder how long attending class. One must keep careful check tion of the Pi Alpha Alpha. This president. it will be before the song-peddlers settle their feud and though because he may find at the end of the se- was the first club to defy the official put the networks back on the gold standard. Of the about mester that there are several cuts on the books ban on secret organizations, and it • • • five presentable tunes available these days is a "new" one that he has not used up and he would not be get- adopted the familiar name, Black and ting his money's worth. White Club. which has attained phenomenal popularity, Freneei: It's the best piece played, we think, but we thoughll':'so too, We wonder how many would attend classes if Founded Collegal Paper ON last spring, when it was number one on the machine at attendance was not required ... thirst for its own THE Margaret and Earl's. That tune found sweet uses of The club sought to j~stify knowledge .... Oh, yeah ... existence and that of similar fraterni- adversity. • What happens to the lamp at the corner of McDaniel • • • ties, getting the authorities to waive RECORD holidays saw rings and Blanche Ward Avenues? It seems to be affected with anti-fraternity their attitude. Sterl- to it hap- happens a chronic broken bulb and whatever The Christmas ing Edwards, a col- lege newspaper, and White, An Open Letter To The Editor '. with a staff '25, established including change hands in a carload of engage- pens every Saturday night. Saturday at 10 P. M. all is the Black well but it is barely morning-as the Shelley says-when ments: Pat White to Raymond Mar- numbering, lamp is skattered. Dear Sir: himself, thl'ee----one of the other two shall of Cambridge, Maryland. Rachel Green to Lorenzo Maraey. As you well know, the doors of McDaniel being John D. Makosky, '25, who Yvonne Earle to the Reverend John Sleeptalke rs Lounge stand open to welcome students from the wrote all sports and news. The pa- Link, now a student at the Seminary. • Either Everett and Chase are psychic, or Charles Hen- cold blasts of winter. However, conduct of late per has had an uninterrupted exist- . Norma Nicodemus '40 to Lester drickson is fabricating. The latter sticks to the story has not been up to the desired standards. We ence up to and includil{g the printing (Bobo) Knepp ... Thelma Owens of that he tells consisting of the roommates, sleeping, a wish cooperation from all students in order to im- of this issue. Baltimore to Earl Schubert '43, Ber- set of chemistry experiments, questions and answers. It prove the situation. Otherwise, measures must be Also, through its progressive ideas tha Belt-ex'43 to Harold Follows of seems Hendrickson worked late in the boys' room over taken in the way of permitting no students to en- and its agitating newspaper, the Pi Baltimore. said experiments; there were a myriad of questions. He ter other than for scheduled meetings. Please Alpha Alpha succeeded in breaking claims the sleepers gave him the answers from the banks realize that Western Maryland College wants to down the old absence system which Visitors over the past week-end in- of the Lethe-but the two can't remember. keep the lounge open for the convenience of stu- allowed the subtraction of three clude Jean Lou Cairnes, Mildred dents but can~only do so when ideals of the col- points from a final grade for every Baumgardner Jester, Kitty Jockel, lege are maintained. unexcused absence--a system mixing Blanche Scott, Thelma White, and QUOTE BOX----------~ The Women's Student Government. the disciplinary and the intellectual. Gordon Gilbert of the class of '40_ •. I Six members or'the Pi Alpha Alpha Jimmy Shreeve and Sidney wager- Laugh at !iF. with The above letter needs no comment. The were at one time financed by the club stien of the class of '39. Eleanor Healy condition described is well-known and the coffers as a "Flying Squadron." The Virginia Brinsfield nad Barbara meaning is obvious. The letter is made public half-dozen, including Makosky, Ed- Zimmerman are patients in Baltimore • A COLUMNIST OF THE MOUNTAIN ECHO, of on this page for one reason: to enlist the coop- wards, and Charles Trader who had hospitals for appendectomies. Mount St. Mary's CoUege is Vf1ry upset over the fact toot eration of the men in remedying the situation, the distinction of being president of while Jean Carey and Anita Rue have Joe Palooka enlisted. He belisves toot Joe Palooka is 'IW The is open for student use but this privilege the Men's Student Government for just recovered from similar opera- Umger froo, and MUher is kill Ct'fJator Haan: Fislter, for must not be violated. A little discretion will three years, made weekly attacks on tions ... The infirmaries are busy with surely great care will hjubilantly really know how to read a book. wanting to whistle some of the musw toot ill being played He added that smaller schools must lead in any change Weirton, West Virginia is the pres- lately. because "the larger ones are so top-heavy with watertight ent home of Ruth Easter Mansburger. • GLENN MILLER'S FAVORITE SONGS that his compartments of so-called fields of learning." Bom April 3, 1920, in Pittsburgh, she band has recorded are, according to the Band Wagon of moved from there after thirteen The Diamondbat;k: "Moonlight Serenade", "In the years to Connellsville, Pennsylvania Mood", "Tuxedo Junction", "Pennsylvania Six-Five- . THE GOLD BUG and from there last October to her TJtousand," and "Handful Of. Stars." of hIS band are "Stop Bobby Byrnes' new home. pet recordings Ollldal .tudent newopaper of Western Maryland College, ~nbU.hed Graduated from elementary school Pretending", "Only Forever", "Trade 'Vinds", "One Look every Thursday duriDg the academie year """"pIing the tollow'Df!: holi in Pittsburgh, first in her class. "I at You", and "The Right Time." day period.: Chri.tmu and Svring V.clltion. Entered U •• coDd elul matter at We.tmins!er Po,t Office, UDder the Act of March 3. 1879. had to give a sort of valedictory ad- Could it be because these have all been good money- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR dress at the commencement," Rudy makers? shuddered. "I lost my voice. But I • THE U. OF NORTH CAROLINA, which often eeems Member whispered it!" to be a jump or BOaJwad of other coUeges, is planning an J:\lIe5iaie Di6est found her place there and declares theiT rooms wer to theiT dateB. There will alao be a ban- "that was the tops!" quet and dance, and generalfenivitws! Was editor of the high school pa- Will thiB start a new CU8Wm for coll6ge campuses? EDITORIAL BOARD per, and also or the yearbOOk, both • THE LOYOLA YEARBOOK STAFF is in the same EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .... Henry C. Triesler, '41 named the Coker. President of the boot as the Aloh
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