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PIANO RECITAL IN FOURTH WINTER LAVINE HALL CARNIVAL HERE TOMORROW JANUARY 28 • BY THE STUDENTS • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlNSTER, MD. January 16, 1941 Frats Pledge Dr. Marion B. Bartlett, Columbia Graduate, Barnes Is Elected Editor Of Large Group > Appointed To Psychology Department in Passaic, New Jersey; ,42 Aloha=Doenges Chosen B.S., Dr. Marion B. Bartlett, taught Semple School, New York City. Manager By Junior Class Of Frosh M.A., Ph.D., has been appointed Logan, Utah; Mary Washington Fredericksburg; by Dr. Holloway to the psychol- and College, sec- beginning ogy department, ond semester. She will assist At the Hospital for Crippled, Sixty-Five College Men Dr. Earp, who formerly taught in New York, Dr. Bartlett did rc- Rehert Lose. Close Contest By Only Six Are Accepted Into general and abnormal psyehol- medial work; she has also done at Votes-Diener And Baker Fail To work in psychology research ogy. The Four Clubs Dr. Bartlett, who received her Yale University and Psychiatric Overcome Rival's Majority campaigning, and intensive Climaxing weeks of controversy Sixty-five pledges, the largest degree from Columbia Untverst- Institute, Medical Center, New the junior class in assembly period on Monday elected Lucie Leigh group of men to be accepted into ty in New York City, comes to York. the fraternities for several ~~:~li~:~n; ,~~:~:e;h~~!:g~e~~ H~:'n,B~~~~~t~~iC:~~e Si~ei~i~:e~ ~i:h:.seditor and John Doenges business manager of the 1942 years, will soon be taking their teaching since 1936; she has also the campus on January 4. Th te t f dit I M' B ith 52 t informal initiations into the ==",;,==========",;===",;",:,,== defeate~ ~oe~o~I/~i~ai. O[s:a~s~;~:~t~\y l:rx :~~~~' \~r. Do~~;es~ various organizations of the polled 62 votes to. easily defeat his Players, and the Argonauts. She Hill. National Emergency running-mates, Jerome Diener, who was vice-president of her class last Students of Western Mary- received 21 votes, and Richard Baker, year and is an honor student. Her strolling Western Maryland Alumni Get land can look forward again to who received 14. sorority is Delta Sigma Kappa; her seeing f l' e s h men Candidates for the offices were home is in Baltimore. around in pajamas, praying for nominated from the floor in Smith The newly elected business man- rain, bending over to receive Training In Defense Program "paddle-prints", pushing pea- Hall before the Christmas recess and ager, Mr. Doenges, is a member of nuts, impersonating the oppo- Hugh L. Elderdice, Jr., assistant will be examined by the board are: voted on the first assembly period af- Delta Pi Alpha fraternity, and an 8C- site sex, and other similar protesacr of chemistry is at present William Banks, Victor Impeciato, ter the holiday. tive participant in intra-mural pranks concocted by the fiendish taking a "refresher" course in ad- Willam Wiley and Robert Hahn. Miss Barnes, the newly elected edt- sports. He hails from Glyndon, Md. The election, the traditional The examination meth- will be held on a minds of sophomores. ministration, organization, and supply nation-wide competitive basis, those tor, has been active in journalistic • od of choosing the two officials, took three years. circles on the Hill for Pi Alpha Alpha formally initiated at Fort Benning, Georgia. Captain a class squabble over the ito; pledges on Wednesday evening, Elderdice, who is commander of who make the best grades receiving She wrote for the '39 and '40 Aloha, place after system. A. proposed ap- served and as elective Gold H!~g reporter, the appointments. January 8. The informal induction Company "H", machine gun, of West- this year was appointed feature edi- pointive system was rejected by the began last Sunday, January 12. The minster, goes into active service with twenty men taking part include: John his unit early in February. tor of the weekly publication. Miss class after several hotly debated meetings. Barnes also represented the paper at Ed- A Western Maryland graduate, Alexander, Lewis Aumack, William ward Elder '40, has also recently re- Second Recital the Mason-Dixon Editors' Conference The two new heads will spend the Baylies, Donald Burroughs, Andrew at Washington College last spring. rest of the year receiving bids and Mr. Elder, a lieuten- To Be Given Chi, William Clark, James Griffin, turned from a course at Fort Ben- .Among her many activities, she num- signing contracts and assisting this Richard Hausler, Woody Lippy, ning, Georgia. bel'S the Camera Club, the College year's staff'. Charles Matley, Carlo Ortenzi, Rob- ant, has command of Company "C", ert Phillips, James Robb, Thomas 16th Infantry, Fort Jay, New York. By Spangler Tereshinski, Frank Zeigler, Zaeh Also at Fort Jay is Lieut. David Cal- houn '38. Oliver K. Spangler will p"'11 Winter Carnival Is Entertainment P"f. I._'~~;~~~~'~:~l':o~!~~:;,er~n~h~r:~~ Paul H. Burtis '40, is at present sent the second III hIS serres of plano lieutenant in the 93rd Anti-tank Bat- For Inter-Semester Holiday sc~~!e~'achelors Club will hold its talion at Fort Meade. Lieutenant ~~c~~l~no~e~~:a~u~fcn~~:se~:a:otry~ formal initiation on Tuesday night, Burtis will be on active duty for one Friday night's recital is made up Western Maryland's annual mid- January 21, when nineteen men will year. entirely of selections from the works doubles matches are scheduled to be be accepted into the organization. Ac- Late in February or early in March of Beethoven. The first of these re- year Winter Carnival will open thts played. Also at 1:15, if the weather cording to Thomas Lewis, president a board of officers from Third Corps citals, which was presented by Pro- year on the evening of Tuesday, Jan- is cold enough, a skating party wiU of Alpha Gamma Tau, the informal Area Headquarters in Baltimore, will fessor Spangler in November,! was uary 28, with a dance to be held in be arranged for those students and The Black and Blanche Ward Gym. faculty members who desire to skate. initiations will not begin until the arrive at Western Maryland College composed of the works of Bach, and first part of February at which time to examine four honor R. O. T. C. stu- the third recital, which will be pre- White sponsored affair will start at Basketball again occupies the spot- the following will be initiated: Wil- dent officers who have applied for sented in February, will be made up 8:30 P. M. and end at 11':30. light when the Faculty "Flashes" will liam Duncan, Wilbur Preston, Mi- commissions as Jieutenants in the- of selections from the works of For those students who may not attempt to subdue the student chael Phillips, Warren Cook, Wilmer regular army. The cadet officers who Brahms. care to attend the dance, card games, "Stooges" in Gill Gym at 8 P. M. Ru- Kerber, Robert Johnson, Sam Harris, Miss Jane Veasey, in the absence of Chinese checkers, and music record- mor is rife around the campus that Bean.. Charles Additional Nurse To Arlie Mansberger, Howard Hall, Miss Gesner, will give program notes ings will be arranged for in McDan- the "Stooges" are planning to pull a Clyde Hauft', Wallen to aid ill the appreciation of the iel Hall lounge between the hours of surprise on the faculty team, a grou~ Irwin, Joe Rowe, Charles Tsouprake, Aid In Infirmaries music. 8 and 11 P. M. ' which the student players designate Jack Buttner, John Nace, Joseph The program for Friday night is Breakfast at 8 A. M. instead of the by the title of "Flashes in the Pan." will game The basketball be the Kittner, Arthur O'Keefe, and Charles Margaret H. Adams, a graduate as follows: usual 7:15 on the morning of Wed- final event before dinner at 6 P. M., nesday, January 29 will be a boon to Harden. from the Maryland General Hospital Two Sonatas-Opus 49 The Preachers will hold its pledge in Baltimore in the class of '40, has 'd2 Variations in C Minor those students and faculty members unless it snows on the day of the service Friday evening, January 17; been app'ointed by the administration Sonata, Opus 57 who like to sleep late. carnival. In that case, Dean Free and the informal initiation will begin as an additional nurse to assist in the Dean Free will officially open the has arranged for bob-sleds and skiis the next day. The twenty-one to be infirmaries beginning January 30. Ac- activities of the day by conducting a for some frosty frolics on the hills of the back campus. cross-country hike from 9:30 to 10:30 of free medical service to Harry Marsh Signed initiated are: Peter Badrich, Harvey tivity of the infirmaries since the in- A. M. All men and women interested Buck, Earl Darsch, Warren Earl, auguration Feature and concluding event of Emory Gro~, Milton Huber, Sigrid hoarding students has warranted this For Mid-Year Hop will be requested to report to the the da~'s arretrs will be the varsity Jensen, Emanuel Kaplan, Fred Kull- appointment. men's game room at the designated basketball game at 8:15 P. M. in Gill mar, Edward Magowski, Jack Math- Miss Adams has been doing special Featuring the rhythm of Harry starting time. Gym. The hoopsters will engage the ewson, John McGlaughin, Frank research work and general duty nurs- Marsh of Hanover, and starring Pi Al- Sports will become one of the prom- Gettysburg in a non-conference fra- songs of the Coglan Sisters, Moore, Richard Patten, William Pen- ing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in inent features of the day as the inter- cas. nington, ,William Richardson, John Baltimore. Her new capacity will be pha Alpha Fraternity will sponsor a fraternity basketball play-oft's are The freshmen team will play the Rowe, Reese Scott, Robert Seimon, assistant to the regular nurses in the mid-year hop to be held in Blanche scheduled in Gill Gym at 10 A. M. Gettysburg rrcst, at 7:15 in the gym. Nelson Wolfsheimer, and Don Wool- men's and women's infirmaries. At Ward Gym on Tuesday, January 28. Both A and B frat teams will com- ston. the same time she will begin her col- Harry Marsh brings his band to Wes- pete, four games in all being sched- after a recent engage- tern Maryland Bosley Baugher and Joseph Work- lege curriculum as a freshman stu- uled. finals Doctor Holloway To man head the committee which is in dent. ment at the. Valencia Room in York. At 11 A. M. the tournament Return To Campus charge of the informal initiation. The appointment of a nurse to re- Joe Rouse has been appointed chair- in the mixed doubles ping-pong , Gamma Beta Chi held its induc- place Miss Nelda Kalar who gradu- man of the dance committee. matches will take place in the game following The tion service Wednesday evening, Jan- ates this year has not yet been an- have been selected: committee heads room. lunch in the dining Dr. Fred G. Holloway will return Bill Vincent, or- Time out for uary 15. The new members will llounced. chestra; Paul Cummins, publicity; hall will be taken at 12:30. to Western Maryland College Friday be: Johnny Williams, William Hall, morning, January 17, aiter partici- The Kidd And Badrich Joseph Whiteford, Jack'Warner, Har- David Brengle, decorations; Don Grif- The ping-pong tournament tl.nals pating in a series of college confer- ry Yingling, and Paul Mannino. fin, programs and inVitations; and will be continued in the game room at ences held in Pasadena, California, date for the informal initiation has Organize Broadcast Lee Kindley, refreshments. 1:15 P. M., when the singles and during the week of January 6. not yet been decided. • Dr. Holloway delivered an address Beginning early in February, Peter before the New Methodist Associa- Badrich and Cap Kidd plan to organize - Tau Kappa Alpha - tion of Colleges on Methodist Edu- Prof.WilIenToEnter a radio program featuring over station cation and National Preparedness, college va- and was also delegate deties to be presented to the Asso- Baltimore Hospital WFMD, Frederick. The program will Four new members were initiated into the Western ciation of Church Related Colleges originate either here at the college or Maryland College chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, national hon- and to the American Association of Professor Willen will be absent in the Westminster studio and will be orary debating fraternity at the last regular meeting. The College Conferences. from the campus for about two a part of WFMD's new night pro- nevi members are Paul Cummins, Paul Alelyunas, Richard Seizing the opportunity to take a weeks while having a cartHage gram. Baker, and Edward Thomas. Mr. Thomas was elected secre- brief mid-winter vacation, Dr. Hollo- removed from his knee at Union Scheduled early in the evening, on tary and manager of the organization. way, who left Western Maryland on Memorial Hospital in Baltimore. a week night, the program will depend Tau Kappa Alpha, whose honorary national president is January 2, travelled extensively The professor will go under ob- upon student cooperation and enthu- Lowen Thomas, lists as other members of the Western Mary- throughout California and some parts servation at the hospital on Mon- siasm for' success. Student talent and land College Chapter, Sidney Mansh, Andrew Bohle, and Will- of the West Coast. High spot of the day, January 20, and an opera- humor will be featured, and plans ard Everett, president. Sponsor of the group is Prof. John vacation part of his trip, however, tion will be performed on his now include comedy, music, and the D. Makosky. was a one-day stay at the Grand knee the following day. presently popular quit feature. Canyon on Monday, Jan1.lary 13.
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