Page 42 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western WestmiDlter, Md., Decemher 13, 1940 Organizations I Dorm Salesmen ... , Terrors Reach Peak Under Harlow Hold Meetings (Con~. from page 1, col. 2) (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) Sadusky were also vital cogs in the spending money, Alice Kiefer's per- sometime. The Terrors took their Harlow machine. Senior members of the Home Eco- sonal shoppe, will gladly fill the bill. medicine with out a whimper but- A year later, perhaps the greatest nomics department will again sponsor Sweaters, dresses, and coats are all well, just wait till next year." team ever wore the Green and Gold a Christmas party for the underprivi- "brought right to your door," and all Everybody did, and when the sea- -scoring 209 points to 12 against leged children. These children are the customer has to do is to pay Alice son opened, the local squad was play- nine opponents, including Villanova, cared for by the Children's Aid So- on the 'dotted line. ing under a severe handicap--Coach Albright, Boston College, Catholic ciety of Westminster. The party will McDaniel boasts of the most un- Harlow was ill and wns forced to miss University, Bucknell, and George- be held on Friday, December 13, at 4 usual enterprises. There one may the first two games of the year. Only t:~erI;:L ~: P. M. in the Management House. learn all kinds of fascinating facts a 13 to 14 score by Bucknell marred !:~te~h~o:i:~dC~~~~~~ Other classes of Home Economics about himself and his destiny, It's an otherwise perfect season, high- time and handed Bucknell their first students are also helping the seniors palmistry, friends! Appointments, lighted by a 20 to 20 tie with Boston home reverse in six years. to spread the Christmas spirit by Saturday afternoon. College and victories over George- Offensively, Shepherd, who tallied contributing to the preparation or-the The boys also hold down their end town, 12 to 6, and Maryland, 39 to 7. 133 points, was the leader; but "the party. The junior class will furnish of this campus boom. Bill Hauff and A fellow by the name of Kopp cap- defense stood out as its greatest of- candy; the sophomore class will sup- Neil Eckenrode create "sandwiches tained this eleven and was choser: fense. Catholic U., Bucknell, and ply ice-cream; and the freshman class you love to eat," Bob Bricker and El- All-Maryland as a lineman'and a back George'town totaled only three first will supply cookies. mer Evans provide the inevitable can- in two different years. Harlow re- downs against the Green Terrors, two dy bars, while Bob Reglin and Addi-- ferred to him as his greatest captain cf these being made on passes. Buck- Argonauts ... son J. Beane, who were in the fresh in twenty-one years of coacliing. nell actually lost yardage against the Dr. Walter Nathan 'of the art de- fruit business, have closed shop due Came 19:fJ - another great year Terror forward wall. Six of the partment will address the monthly to financial difficulties. and the advent to stardom of another men - Shepherd, Andy Gorsky, Web meeting of the Argonauts on Mon- As for laundries and cleaners, backfield ace-Bill Shepherd, who Lucas, Joe Lipsky, Bernie and Lou day, December 16 in McDaniel there're heaps of those represented on raced to fame behind the blocking of Kaplan-were chosen all-state, with Lounge. His talk will concern Ger- the Hill. Kenny Bills and Bill Adolph Bruce Ferguson. Wilson Wingate in the first named an unanimous selec- man education of the pre-Hitler era rake in the· profits from a spilled covering the Georgetown game that with special emphasis on require- bowl of soup on your eecond-bcac.gun, year said "on a touchdown play, the SMITI-I &: REIFSNIDER ments for the Ph.D. degree. clay-go-to-meeting suit; they encour- blocking was beautiful to watch- age "spotless attire at all times." As Shepherd took his time - Interfer-, Incorporated Trl-Beta .•• do Pearl Bobbitt and Jeannette Bran, ence formed--eleal'ed way-Shepherd Tri-Beta will hold its annual neck for their respective concerns. walked over with consummate ease." LUMBER-COAL Christmas party on Tuesday, Decem- Cold milk, cigarettes, and the Jack McNally, John Blissmnn, and Al WESTMINSTER, MD. all supply some stu- Washington POBt ber 17 in McDaniel Lounge from dents with pocket money. 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. Professor Cloyd L. Bennighof will serve as Santa And so-goes the Fifth Avenue of Claus. the Hill. A word to the present MERRY CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS AT HappyNew Year and Committees for the party are as businessmen-it's said that Pete Bad- HAPPY NEW YEAR COFFMAN'S follows: Francis Grumbine, Eloise rich is going to start selling peanuts from To All and popcorn accompanied by a super Wiedersum, Nelda Kalal', and 11'1 spiel. You'd better watch him, for Your BEN HURWITZ CARDS ' , GIFTS College Jeweler Wentz, decorations; Edith Leidy, Ethel Rae Richards, and Virginia that boy can talk a leg off a wooden Columbia Jewelry Co. Typewriters !i1l' Sweeney, refreshments; Henry Holl- horse-he's 110 slouch. Magazine Subscriptions jes, Doris Davenport, and Junus P. G. COFFMAN CO. The Coffman-Fisher Co. Yentsch, program. Westminster, Md. Campus Collateral... Westminster Sunday School . : . Opposite Bus Terminal Doris Davenport, representative (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) from the Sunday School to the United one man who, as the club left, bowed Religious Activities Council, is in and complimented each one gracicus., charge of a special Christmas pro- ly. gram to be held in Baker Chapel, Thirty-five girls can't help having Sunday morning at 9 :15. fun. We'll look forward to' hearing The program wiII feature the story what happens when the other clubs of "The Other Wise Man" to be given put on the glad rags and do the town. by Phyllis Cade, and Virginia Cruaiua will read the Chrtstmas story from the Bible. CARROLL THEATRE The Short Of It Today and Tomorrow; Dee. 13.14 Jeannette Nelson Mac Donald Eddy' (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) in Noel Coward's other awards, the Heisman Memorial "BITTER SWEET" and Maxwell Memorial football tro- phies, emblematic of his selection as Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 16. 17 the outstanding player of the year. "PUBLIC DEB NO.1" ...giJle - with George Murphy Brenda Joyce THREE CHAIR SERVICE Wednesday, Dee. 18 the ciguwUe No Waiting Wayne Morris HEAGY BROTHERS' in BARBER SHOP ''THE QUARTERBACK" Next to Post Office Thursday and Friday, Dec. 19. 20 thut&ni&s Dead E:;~l~!~s UsLitV;l3sffh Guys J Keefer's A carton of Sanitary Market STATE THEATRE Chesterfields with their If It's Good To Eat We Have It Today. Dec. 13 MILDER BETTER TASTE will WESTMINSTER, MD. John Bi~'l'ymore "THE GREAT PROFILE" Saturday, Dcc. 14 CASSELL'S·· Jewelers Johnny Mack Brown in EARLY SHOWING OF "RAGTIME COWBOY JOE" CHRISTMAS GIFTS Select yours now Monday, 1~~dil, ~~,dl~Vednesday Use our convenient Lay-a-way Plan-a small deposit will re- "A LITI'LE BIT OF HEAVEN" serve any article until wanted. starring The Store of New J<~a8hirmed Gloria Jean Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesfiy Starts Thursday, Dee. 19 J. WAI. HULL, Owner "LITI'LE NELLIE KELLY" 51 E. Main se, starring Westminster, Md. Judy Garland City Restaurant • • WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLACE TO EAT • 12 W. MAIN STREET in the attractive Gift carton /,}/..,A~ that says ... -IL.""u/ ~ Copyri,h.19lo(1 LIGCItTa-Mn .. t.,.._Co. r/,IQVFl
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