Page 41 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Western Weetmiuster, Md., December 13, 1940 PAGE THREE Basketers Seek First Win Of Campaign Fencers Score Tomorrow Against American University Initial Triumph Over Loyola Terrors' Debut In Newly Terrors Fall Before Formed Mason-Dixon Georgetown's Second O'Leary, Grenda And Cage Conference Half Rally, 41-29 Darsh Tally Points In 7-2 Terror Victory Western Maryland's baeketers will ing this faet, the visiting club fared enter into their first league encoun- very well; for in the existing first Successfully making their 1940-41 ter of the season tomorrow night half the losers kept the bns on edge debut, the western Maryland fencers will never play, when they arc entertained by Ameri- with deadly accuracy from the out- defeated Loyola College by the score so we will be dif- can University in their opening game side. of 7 to 2. The match, Friday night' ferent and agree of the newly formed Mason-Dixon Frank Suffern, visiting forward, ill Baltimore, was not played on an not to pick the Conference. stole the show during the Terror intercollegiate basis due to the fact compete in foil only. mythical squad. Last season the teams met upon prosperity when he filed five straight that the Terrors squad, the Greyhounds As a varsity In pa s s l n g, two occasions and twice the Eagles are active in the sabre and epee in however, we can- were repelled by close scores. In the ". not afford to pass fihst session, the Terrors were victor- FG a , F T addition to the foil and compete with up the most un- ious at home by a 50 to 41 count and F F , 0·0 . such clubs as the Philadelphia Fen- a 0·0 usual All-Ameri- in the second skirmish in Washing- il!~~~~(c) ... 0 F. i 00 a cers Club, New York University, !!!!!L-=--",,""" can team of the ton, the Green and Gold hung up..a ~i:r.lian... 0 0 , , 0·' " a Yale, and Johns Hopkins . Leading the local squad were Tom season presented nip and tuck 34 to 32 win. Bricker § n a u , ~OBINSON This year both teams will be func- ~i~s';,e" O'Leary and Emil Grenda, both of by Eddie' Brietz, J Associated Press writer. He nomi- tioning with practically the same line- i a as whom hung up a trio of victories. nates: Spirit of Notre Dam e, Eyes up, for the Eagles have six lettermen The other Terror point was made by Earl Darsh, while Giblin and Stadem of Texas, Marriage of Will i a m returning while the Terrors boast sev- defeated Bob Hahn for the hosts' and Mary, Hard of Knox, Dead of en experienced eourtmen. long shots in from the outside with- Center~ Holden of Yale, Poopoo of Captained by Dutch Schulze, the cut a miss, and added one more in the two markers. Purdue and Hail of Columbia. Engles should present one of their second half to lead the scores along Commenting on the match, Mana- finest teams 'n years. Besides Schulze Following the one touchdown vic- they have Cal' Byharn, Ernie Webb, with the Hoyas, John Kiernan, who gel' O'Leary said, "Of course, it was fine to open the season with a victory also tallied six field goals. tory of Boston College over Holy Bart Reese, Bruce Etchison, and Ar- went on to win in a game which was Western Maryland was sadly han- and if more boys would come out the Cross, Tom Sweeney of the worcester chie Norford for a nucleus, while Bill closer than the final score of 41-29 dicapped by a serious leg -injut-y of team would be stronger. After the Mass. Ga-zette: "The more we ponder Blaine, All-Northern Pennsylvania indicates. Irvin Biasi, Terror guard, who last first of the year, we will have home the Boston College-Holy Cross game, Center and Gus Frizzel, All-Mary- meets that may stimulate more inter- the more we are convinced that those land scholastic center from the finest For the Terrors it was the initial year tallied sixteen points against est." fifty plays coach Frank Leahy is sup- freshman crop in a decade. \ game of the campaign and, consider. Georgetown. posed to have given the Eagles must Along with the Mason-Dixon con- have included the complete works of ferencc, Amer-ican University will en- Shakespeare and Eugene O'Neill." tertain such formidable opponents as Preachers Set To Defend Basketball Crowns- Tom Harmon, Michigan's 21-year- Georgetown, Penn State,. University old ace came in for his share of d Mexico and Virginia Polytechnic cheers the other day. Limitation- Institute. Frat Loop To Begin After Christmas Vacation they were of the Bronx variety. The Coach Staff Cassell of the Eagles AlI- American choice had just com- will have one game under his belt '}lleted a radio series in which he stat- before the Terrors are met, that with "Shoot two" will be the prevalent Hogan last year "B" leaguers. duce some exciting games in the loop ed that Michigan should have beaten Georgetown, who in their last meet- expression on the campus following Graduation, the headache of all frat this season. Bill Dumler, Jack Raw- Minnesota by three touchdowns this ing a year ago edged out a 41 to 34 the Christmas holidays when the 1941 sports, has gone deep into the ranks lins, Jack Stewart, Frazier Scott and year. decision over the Eagles. interfraternity basketball competi- of Pi Alpha Alpha's basketers and Bud Blair, all holdovers from last The city council of Minneapolis, Coach Ferguson will, in all proba- tion will get under way. The two- removed three of last year's main- year's junior league champions, will home of the University of Minnesota, bility, send into action four veterans league setup will again be in vogue stays: Lenny Bee, Webb Hood, and take the floor at the opening whistle answered the statement by sending a who played a large part in last sea- this year with a close finish promised Ed Elder. It will be the prime job of in fine shape. crate of raspberries with the card, son's wins over the \Vashingtonians. in both leagues. Several of the quints the Black and Whites to produce sat- The team to watch this year will reading: "Sour grapes are not the Among whom are Captain Don Hone- have held their first workouts and are isfactory replacements for these three be Alpha Gamma Tau, with an array product of Minnesota, but we do raise man, Frank Suffern, Bob Eaw, and rapidly whipping into shape. men. Bright spots in this gloom are of talent that will certainly speed up the most delicious raspberries in the Irv Biasi. In the "A" league, it will be the the return of Lou Elliott to active the frat league. Tom Elias, Tim Lew- nation. Please accept these raspber- Georgetown University took advan- Preachers who will be defending the duty and George Banick, a freshman is, Paul Myers, and John Macfarlane, r-ica as a token of your three score- tage of a momentary lapse of defense crown which they won last season af- squad member last season. These members of last year's runner-up less years against Minnesota ... " on the part of western Maryland in ter a trio of close games with Alpha two, along with Abe Gruel, Don Grif- club, will be bolstered by the return 'Young Tom was chosen to receive two the first five minutes of the second Gamma Tau. The Preacher "E" fin, and Roger Saltzgaver should givc of Bill Walls, Al Novak, and Francis ball play- Cook, who were freshman (Cont. on page 4, col. 1) half, erased a 17·16 Terror lead and team will endeavor to retain their the Black and Whites a strong ug- twice-won junior league champion- gregntion. Paul Cum min a, Joe ers last season. Fred Bohn, Bill ship but a close race is anticipated Rouse, Bert Jones, Bill Baylies, and Hauff, Paul Brooks, Guy Windsor and because of the influx of new material Bill Clarke will, in all probability, Tus Applegarth will carry the Bache- in both loops. carry the Black and Whites hopes into lor colors in the "B" league competi- Soccer Co-Captains Chosen At Meeting Last year's co-holders of third the contests of the "E" circuit. tion. Two Eastern Shoremen, Robert Shockley of Salisbury and Frank place, the Gamma Bets, will return Delta Pi Alpha, with four veterans Tarbutton of Sudlersville, were ejected co-captains of the 1941 soccer nearly intact to the basketball wars returning and two sophomores filling All Opponent . . . team at the meeting of letter men last Thursday by a unanimous vote. with Frank Day, and Neil Eckenrode, the gaps left by the graduation of Center on Dickinson all-opponent The men succeed Thomas Lewis of Frostburg and John Tomlinson of all-star selections, along with Bill Charlie Cole and Will Prentiss, will Philadelphia who lead the Terror boaters through the past season. Parks, TOIll Lavin, Bill Prettyman, present a formidable group of de- eleven is Green Terror sophomore The newly elected leaders are juniors, having played on the varsity Mike Phillips who performed in a squad for the last three years. Shockley handles one of the fullback and Norman Foy. III the junior cir- fending champions. Bill Robinson, creditable manner against the Red posts while Tarbutton holds down the right wing position. wit, John Williams, Phil Bechtel, and Jim Thomas, and Don Wildey, all Devils. Phillips, who has just fin- Joe Rowe will act in the capacity of manager, filling the gap left Hank Holljes will endeavor to over· three being all-stal' selections, cou- ished his first year of varsity ball I by the graduation of Neil Eckenrode and Sidney Mansh. shadow the results turned in by Frank pled with Jack Doenges, Hall Phil_ hales from Clifton Heights, Pa. Mather, Gordon Gilbert, and Charlie lips, and Joe Workman, should pro- Dick Harlow Coached Green Terrors To The Top Teams Of 1929, 1930 And 1934 Maintain Perfect Records Havens, Neal, Bates And Shepherd Rose As Stars By BILL ROBINSON After a most successful season in held until 1921, at which time he as- a powerful machine ready to bowl O'Leair and Ludwig Pincura, tackles, 1925, the Western Maryland Athletic sumed the positio~ of head co~ch at over all comers. Against Schuylkil, and George Ekaites and Clary, backs, Association decided to take even Colgate. After five years at the New the Terrors crossed the goal line were placed on the All_Maryland longer strides to York institution, he came to Western three times and this game marked the eleven. put the local insti- Maryland and in his first year, 1926, first victory in a string that by 1930 Two of the '29 triumphs were scor- tution on the foot- brned out a club that tallied 206 been increased to twenty-seven ed over Georgetown anti Temple, and ball map. Dick' points to the opponents 30. The only games without defeat. To complete in 1930, nine opponents fell before the H a r Iow replaced defeat of the year was handed the the '28 campaign, Loyola, Mount St. mighty Terrors, with Albright gain- Ken Shroyer as Terrors by Holy Cross by a one touch- :Mary's, St. Francis and Muhlenberg ing a 7 to 7 tie. Baltimore, Loyola, head coach and Di- down margin, 20 to 14. were repelled while Gettysburg held St. Johns, Georgetown, John Cal"l'oll, rector of Athletics. One of the all time greats of Green the Green and Gold to a 19 to 19 Mount St. Mary's, Muhlenberg, Mary- During the next and Gold history made his debut that draw. land, and an All-Marine team were nine years, the year-Greasy Neal, who was chosen "Finishing the season of 1929 with mastered by Harlow's squad, five of sporting world saw on the All-East team in his initial a perfect undefeated and untied rec- whom were selected as all-state per- the Green and Golti season as a Terror. Also on Har- crd in eleven engagements, \Vestern fe,rruers. rise to the top in low's eleven were such performers as Maryland remains at the top of the But on October Eastern grid cir- Nate Weinstock, who played in the Eastern football world, second only 3, 1931, in Griffith cles, carried by such men as Charlie '27 East-West classic; Clark, Mc- to the University of Pittsburgh, the Stadium, the bub- Havens, Greasy Neal, Paul Bates, and Mains, and McRobey, all named on ranking national champion." ble burst as Bill Shepherd. the All Maryland squad. As second "The eleven straight amply re- G€orgetown pound- Harlow was born in Philadelphia t€am selections, Charlie Havens, Buck warded Coach Dick Harlow and his ed out 3 25 to 7 in 1892 and attended the Episcopal Chambers, and Shorty Long were players for their untiring efforts .. win, and beiore the Academy before matriculating at given places of honor. The team's record again supports the season was ovel' Penn State, where he received his With a group of veterans on hand football knowledge and instluctive even the Universi- Bachelor's degrec. It was here that in 1927, the Terror mentor presented ability of Hadow." ty of Maryland had h~ met big time football for the first a well-balanced club that was suc- Harlow, later in the year, was pre- Among the outstanding performers repelled the Green time, playing varsity tackle for four cessful in all but two of its eight con- sented with the General McArthur of that club were two men, chosen and Gold. Con- years, and beinJ} named an All-Amer- tests. In producing three of the wins, Cup following a victory over a United AlJ-Eastern and in some cases AlI- cerning the situa- ican. Dickinson, Albright, and Gettysburg States Army eleven. American. These men were center and tion, said the AIQM In 1912, he was made assistant were defeated by the overwhelming By 1928, Harlow was firmly in- captain Charlie Havens and end Paul .. the law of averages had to work coach at his Alma Mater, a post he scores of 45 to Q, 33 to 0, and 41 to O. trenched in the local set-up and had Bates. Four other flthletes, Alex (Cont, on page 4, col. 3)
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46