Page 40 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 40
QUOTE --I The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md., December 13, 1940 • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES -- PAGE 1WO BOX Laugh at life with ... • OUR OPINION • Campus Collateral I L.-----EI~anor Healy Grill Proposal ago, the administration explained that the in- to say apropos It seems a few • THE QUIZ PROGRAM CRAZE Meets Set Back creased use of radios on the campus would conse- words about the man who has become is beginning to spread f1'om radio quently cause increased electricity consumption, something of a myth here on the hill programs to college eampusee. Gou- The proposal to enlarge the grill has met with increased repair bills, and a faster deterioration -Dick Harlow. His was a many- cher Collage has st(JJT'ted its own "I~ considerable official opposition. The idea was in- of equipment. The radio fee was to take care of faceted and complex personality. The formq,tion Please" with variQU8 col- troduced in the Social Activities Committee these expenditures from the College fund. maker of grid warriors loved flowers, wg~ professor8 M the "experts," The which made an incomplete investigation and But according to all reports, this money has did more than dabble in horticulture students do their part by thinking up seemed generally opposed to it mainly because never been used for this purpose. Few men have and' cultured Alpine plants at his hard questions w stump that "prof' women would be allowed to smoke in the grill an- ever paid the fee since it was' instituted, but all summer home in the mountains near that gave him a. very unde8erved nex. 'the women comply with the regulation. There is here. "D." The sponsors of the bill, seeing that they in this fund at the present time a tidy sum of The story is that he gave up driv- • THE CAROLINIAN contains an weren't getting anywhere, withdrew the pro- money. The money is used to finance social func- ing a car after he ran off the road advertisement headed "How to Win posal and took it to the administration. tions and pay for cleaning the gyms after dances. while craning his neck at a field of Boy-Friends and Influence Stag- The administration ruled that enlargement of But if the original need for the fee has disap- wild bluebells. Mrs. Hat-low brought Lines." Sounds like a steal from the present grill would not be beneficial to the peared, why continue to impose the fee? him to school one morning, dropped Dale Carnegie. Anyway all one must college and so vetoed the whole idea. They were The Student Council has been asked to collect him, went on, turned around in the do to accomplish this feat is to use willing to be convinced, however. This is the sit- the fee hut has refused since the student gov- parking lot and drove past him again Dura-Gloss Nail Polish in the new uation as it stands today. ernment did not institute the fee and does not ad- as he stood by the grill. She passed shade-Zrnnbw! minister its expenditure. him and was nearly to the arch, Whoever decided to use that name The Men's Student Government Council, spon- which was then at the president's for fingernail polish must have a sors of the proposal, have decided to solicit the • • • house, when Dick loan after her and entire student body and, if the support of the morbid streak or a perverted sense of students so desire, to carry the proposal directly called. She heard him and leaned humor. to the Board of Trustees. The Council has de- Come and Speak out of the car, "what is it?" "Say, • DARTMOUTH IS STEPPING cided on a student-signed petition as the best dear, did you hear that robin1" DOWN out of the "rich man's col- means of making the wishes of the student body Your Mind We don't swear by the story but lege" clo,ssification. known. it could be tr-ue and it is interesting. Clarence E. Lovejay, author of "So It is unfortunate that the administration does At-last the student government has called a Musically Speaking You'1'e Going to College,", who said in. not see how strongly the students feel about this meeting of the men's league. The constitution his book that it costs $1,650 yearly to calls for at least one meeting each month during • Who is it that calls Cap Kidd and attend DartrtWl~th, has informed ad- situation. ItAs also unfortunate that the student the school year. The excuse given for not having his band Firecracker Kidd and his but what to petition, body must resort other ministmtion officials that his latest means can they use to show their wishes in the regular meetings was lack of issues. The Coun- seven pieces of punk? edition wiU 'readjust DartmuJ.uth's matter? cil now feels that there are sufficient issues for a • The Delts made their annual pil- "typical" annual eepease at $1,350. meeting. g rimage to Baltimore last Saturday By virtue of this change, which has There are many campus problems waiting to and thirty-five girls together can real- been requested by the administratWn, • • • be solved. Destruction of college property, an ly have a party. The treat of the Dartmm~th no lmlger will be labeled honor system, water-bagging, the grill uituation, evening came when the head waiter "the country's most expensive men's Radio Fee Issue radio fee, and others. They will be discussed in at the Southern Hotel asked the college." ACP Is Back Again the men's meeting tonight. group if there were any requests for • THE COLLEGE WORLD of Ad- The power of the student government associa- the orchestra and the Delts answered in a body, "Yes, a song from Mary rian College head-lines, "Thomas The students would like to know what the radio tion lies mainly in cooperation of ALL the men. Francis." So Miss Hawkins was es- Convulses Student Union." At first fee revenue is used for and why there is such a We take this opportunity to urge your attend- corted to the bandstand, introduced we thought perhaps he'd fed them ar- fee. When the fee was first imposed two years ance at this meeting. to Lou Becker's orchestra, tested for senic, but really all he did was to im- itate Harpe Marx. key, and accompanied in three num- bers. • ONE ENTERPRISING STU_ CAMPUS LEADER The management offered to make DENT at American U. writes a let- recordings of the renditions, and ter to The American Eagle in which Mar-y Francis sang for her-supper he suggests that "Wendell WiIlkie is Henry Wirt Duvall Helljes began thr-ee times twice through, once f<;lr the logical person to fill the now va- to get a kick out of living on 1\Ia:117, yourself and then making a decision records for the management and once to do one thing or another with your cant post of president of American 1919, the day he was born in Balti- time in college. Decided to stick to for records for herself. And each University." more, Maryland. his books and has proceeded with that time a record was made, it was play- Maybe FDR wouldn't think this is idea through this year although the cd back. The "crowd" in the dining such a good idea, for after all, Amer- Enrolled at the Liberty Elementary serious business of football has taken room seemed to enjoy it, especially ican University is in Washington. School No. 64 of Baltimore and has it!l due this fall. (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) That's getting sort of close. been a schoolmate of Betty Brown '40 Has always dabbled in poetry but since they were in the second grade. • AFTER GATHERING STATIS_ found out his dabbling isn't particu- • •• TICS on library attendance, book Attended the Forest Park Junior larly successful. Enjoyed cartooning cirl7Ulation, reconie, eec., the library 'High School and then Forest Park when his age and his cartooning abil- ON staff of WaBhington College hae High. Was on the soccer and the drawn up a portrait of the typical li- track team. Senior year, played var- ity were equal. Considers theatre- THE going his hobby but finds it gets to brary student. He works hard on sity football and edited the year book. he a penny-pinching proposition. RECORD • Mondays and Tuesdays, but for the Graduated, February 1937. Has been accepted tentatively- by 0 • reet of the week he takes things easy. 'Vas set for the University of the University of Maryland Medical This week the sororities take the Ubmry attendance is parUcularly Maryland when Rex Sims, athletic School which, barring accidents, he spotlight for activities: faculty mem- =ll on Saturday af ternoone, The director at Forest Park, brought him will enter next fall. Maintains he is bers, club members, and escorts will most popular tioure for his work in here. Entered Western Maryland be- "going into medicine as Cree of anti- ht: present at the Inter-sorority tea the library are [rom: one until three cause it was smaller and more fr-iend- cipation as possible ...• not allowing dance this Saturday ... ali the soror- in the afterrwon, and from dght to Iy, myself to fix my mind on surgery or ities plan Christmas parties for their nine at night. TYpical library stu- Freshman year he formed with any other special field. I'll let them members on December 17 .. "open dent is not an avid magazine reader, Harold Solomon ex-'40 the partner- pulling in my horns." Believes that put me through the paces ... and I house for seniors" will be observed except for a few regularly 'read fa,- ship known as Tho Hermitage. Re- college days are spent first in finding bet they will." throughout the night of December 19 voruee. ill all the sorority club-rooms; this members with great pleasure his • SEVERAL COLLEGES take their friendship with Albert Goldberg and custom of "open house" for the ear- dramatic attempts "on' the road." Frank Malone, former campus lead- What We EatAnd When rolling senior girls tends to become Loyola and Washington College are ora. Played freshman football and a tradition in later years ... the Delta two nearby colleges which are follow, .~If Ell U ", II All are planning to have a banquet with serg ennt-of- l Ylanager ing the plan. pledged Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity." en ness 1e S their brother fraternity, Alpha Gam- Has WMC ever considered it? Sophomore Y'''· was his C 'G 'II B ' ma Tau, after the Christmas holidays. • DID YOU KNOW that Fordhmn arms of his class. Inaugurated Oncernlng rz usmess Visitors over the past week-end is celebrating' its hundredth anniver_ column "From the Her-mitage" in the were Lu Mar Myers '40, now teach- sary tMs year? The [ouauler of the Gold Bug and played his first year of ing in Boonsboro, Maryland. . . Dot university was a graduau of Mount varsity football: Count.s these as two "Chocolate milk and chocolate gra- stampede grill-ward occurs. Maybe Brown ... Mary Louise Asbury at- St. Mary's at Emmitsburg. oC the most satisfying things he has hams are the big favorites" said it's for the food, Ol' maybe just for tended a dance and banquet at Dick- done here. • EXCERPT FROM THE booklet "Hessie," reigning queen 'of the grill, social contacts. At any rate, lots of inson College last Saturday ... West- of Social Etiquette For Coeds pub- During his junior year, Holljes says when interviewed by your inquiring milk shakes and dozells of cupcakes em Maryland girls who will be at the lished by the University of Maryland "the column deteriorat.ed - general repoltcr. "Ice cream rates next and and chocolate gl'ahams are consumed Naval Academy this week-end are Women's league: indication of things to come.. cokes rather surprisingly trail in in a few minutes. Georgie Milby and Mary Miller. "A quick 'good night' is better than third place. There are, however, lots Business is a little meagre at Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity has re- the slow fadeout. Love may keep of other individual favorites: for nights, that is until 10 o'clock. Then cently pledged as members, William you warm, but it's just a draft on the I No Dull Exams Hore ... ACP I Thornton Wood, carbonated water; after dates have been safely tucked Baylies, William Clark, Earl Schubert feet fOl' the sOl'ority sisters." for Colonel Sadler, large, rare ham- in Blanche Ward and McDaniel, the and Zach Ebaugh ... the fraternities burgers; for Henry Triesler a vanilla boys trek to the grill where they man- are busy at this time dedding on bids ice cream cone in a cup with a wood- age to produce plenty of nickels to tllat are to be issued on the twentieth students in higher math- THE GOLD BUG ematics find their exams tough-but en spoon (no other type of spoon ac- £atisfya male appetite. And it takes of this month. Dartmout a loti cepted). Alumni Western far from dull. When asked to suggest big-grill While on the subject of males, Marylanders news: former met Novem- and friends A difficult question propounded by eaters in the college; Hessie informed might we add that the cook's pet hate ber 30 in the Studio Club Room of the Prof. Bancroft Brown, baffled and us that the Robinson boys consume is for boys to stroll casually into the Hotel Fairfax in Washington for din- amused them: It was as follo,,":s: tons of cupcakes monthly, aVeraging kitchen, unlighted cigarette in hand, ner, singing and card-playing; ... it about four a day; and that Lucie and borrow a box of matches. Since was announced that the Washington "In the game of shooting craps, the it's the cook who usually makes the caster rolls two dice and wins if (a) ~~~~~i:.~rn~~ke::n'~:~s:a:~pe!~~ luncheon group had recently celebrat- Member the sum be 7, or 11, (b) if the sum st.icky buns, it might be well to keep ed its twenty-second year of weekly 14lSociafed CoUe6iale Pre" be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and if this same causes him to work it out in hard her in a good humor. luncheons. announced that Jack Quynn, less energetic ap_ labor. Besides the students who often find Col. T. K. Harrison Dislribulorof sum reappears before seven is ever parently, merely asks how good is his themselves ending up in the grill, ac- the class of '44 has started its class To obviate seen. the odds against Colle5ia1e Di5est the caster, a dishonest caster employs credit. cording to Hessie, college gossip and memorial, its student loan fund .•.. two dice, one true and the other so In the mornings a few peopl~ study jokes do likewise. In many cases the twenty-seven students of the college catch up Editor-in-Chief__Henry C. Triesler, '41 loaded that a certain number always ill the grill, and incidentally doing so. jokes are via Bob Moore, but there were assisted by this student loan while are also Jots of other contributors. on their breakfast fund last year .... Business l\Ianager._Edward Weant, '41 appears on the top. What should this Shorty Garey can always be found in In spite of the countless gastro- Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Emman Carl_ number be in order to give him the the grill at that time: studying a lit- maximum advantage?" nomic enterprises on campus, busi- strand have announced the marriage tle, eating more, and most of all en- ness at the grill is "much better, as of their daughter, Delores Margaret, Send ans\vers to Professor Brown, tertaining and being entertained by a whole, than last year." All of which ex-'42 to Arthur Kurtz Bradley ex- Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. the gentlemen. goes to prove that it is the social con- '40. The wedding took place last Sat- You may be right at that! It's in. ~etween classes th~t the tacts that everyone is after. urday, Decembel· 7,
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