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Edwin Mirise ilestern Maryland College City Men's Student Government Meeting Tonight To Discuss Vital Issues Robert Faw, president of the Men'sStudent Government, has called a meeting of the men's league tonight at 10 P: M. in Smith Hall. The Council met this week and decided to take action on unnecessary breakage and rowdyism in the men's dormitories. It was voted that proctors be assigned in each hall to help maintain discipline and to curb breakage in the dorms. Proc- tors will report all offenses to the Council which will take the necessary action. This plan will be presented to the men to- Vol. 18 No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE December 13, 1940 night. As Mr. Faw explained, "there are not enough men on thirty proc- College Players And Choir To Present the Council nor are they distributed throughout the halls to take care of the muation. With approximately tors it will be easy to check on violators." honor system to be voted on after the first se- Annual Christmas .Vesper Service In Other matters to be discussed at the league meeting are a proposed mester, the radio fee, and the proposed annex to the grill. Alumni Hall On Sunday, December 15 SCA Student Study GroupsSelect Program Of Carols And carols of all countries. Among the Service To Be Directed selections are: Temporary Committees Tableaux To Begin At 1. As Lately We Wetched Carol By Miss Esther Smith, 4:45 In The Afternoon Austrian 2. Lullaby, Jesus, Dear ....Polish Carol Prof. Alfred Delong Permanent Leaders Of Organizations Alumni Hall will be the scene of 3. 0 Nightingale, Awake! ;:~~~~;. The Adoration, (Matt., To Be Chosen In Future Meetings the annual Christmas Vesper Service, 4. Stars Lead Us Ever On Swiss Carol A group of the players has been when the College Players, in con- SCA Student Study Groups held like a discussion group had been or- junction with the College Choir, will Sioux..trribal Carol rehear-sing- for several weeks in order meetings for the first time on. Wed- ganized. Harper LeCompte, president present a program of carols and 5. Mid-Winter Carol Johnson to make their presentation perfect. nesday, December 11, at 6:45 P. M. of the Student Christian Association, tableaux on Sunday, December 15, at 6. Ninna Nanna Italian Carol Members of the group who will par- Steering committees and chairmen when interviewed asserted, "There 4:45 P. M. The service, which is at- 7. Fum! Fum! Fum! ticipate in the chapel service are: were selected to operate in temporary are too many people signed under va- tended every year by more than a Catalonian Carol Mary .Dorta Hess capacities until permanent leaders rious 'groups like Men-Women Re- thousand persons, will last an hour 8. Balkan Candle Carol. ..Gaul Joseph Irvin Katz are chosen by each individual group. lations and Campus Affairs. We may and will be under the co-direction of 9. Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Herod. Joseph Whiteford The primary difficulty of the or- find it necessary to convert these into Miss Esther Smith and Prof. Alfred Handel Wise Men Joseph Whiteford, ganization seemed to be the fact that two groups. Another difficulty lies in deLong. Following an organ interlude by Marvin Sears, Arnold Fleagle this was the first time that anrhing;- finding time for the meetings. The Opening the program, Prof. Oliver Professor Spangler, the second half Shepherds .....Lawrence Brown, Michael Maynard, Earl Shubert SCA has consented to have no meet- Spangler, of the music department, a of the vesper service, a series of Innkeeper . Arnold Fleagle will as an organ prelude present ings for the period of one month, in Seminary To give the groups time to function. Af- medley of three traditional Christmas tableaux dealing with the Nativity Angels Beard, Jean Lamoi-eau, De- Lucie Leigh Barnes, in order to February, all probability will be presented and Annunciation, compositions to which the choir will Ruth Mary Offer Annual ter this time, meetings will' be up to march in a candle-light procession. by the College Players under the di- borah' Bowers, Ruth Reed, Schul- Smith. The rection of Miss Esther The following selections will be in- Asbury, Louise Madeleine the discretion of each group." will be five in number and tableaux cluded: the discussion of The purpose Nativity Play. groups will be to arouse in the minds 1. Three Preludes in XVI Century will be accompanied by a scripture theis, Mary Hudson, Edna 'I'riesler, Davenport, Doris Bell, Virginia reading by Paul Alelyunas. of each participant awareness of his Carols . .' Boely The five scenes to be presented are: Ruth Whitmore, Victoria Hurley. Students of the Westminster Theo- natural environment. The groups 2. Pastorale.. Fideles ....Arr. by Clokey Stage manager for the production ......Traditional 3. Adeste logical Seminary will present two will also lead into constructive criti- Following the organ prelude, the Annunciation, (Luke 1:26-33, 38); will be Arnold Fleagle. James Snod- performances of their eleventh an- cism of campus activities. At the end "There Was No Room", (Luke grass and John T. Douty will be in nual Nativity Pageant at 8 and 8:40 of each per-iod of discussion, a report College Choir, directed by Professor 2:1-7); "Glory to Gop", (Luke2:8_13, charge of lighting. There w:ill be no P. M. on Monday, December 16. This will be issued to the SCA with any de Long, will present a group of 15, 16); Herod and the Magi (Matt. seating arrangements for the service. year the play is under the direction concrete suggestions for immediate of Miss Dorothy Elderdice. As usual, improvements about the campus. it will be presented in front of the The Committee on Social Action of Dick Feeser, Club Royal Orchestra To Play Seminary. the SCA is sponsoring the groups. Doris For Preachers' Christmas Dance On Dec. 19 The play entitled "Born, Prince of Members of this committee include Peace" is in the fonn of a medieval chairman Thomas O'Leary, mystery play with the roof of the Lubking, Isaac Rebert, and Norma Seminary porch representing heaven. Prust. Dick Feeser and his Club Royal Or- dance, says that Feeser has one of There will be two presentations in chestra will furnish the music for the the best orchestras that has ever ap- tableaux, the Nativity and the An- annual Preacher dance to be held in peared on the Hill for a Preacher Blanche Ward Gym from 8 to 11:30 nunciation. Professors, Students P. M. on Thursday evening, December dance. Members of the cast include: Fred 19. 4ppeal'ing on the campus for the The Christmas dance will be the Holloway, Ray Roderick, and Charles To Attend Meeting last social event of the yea)'. Baer as Prophets; Charles Wallace second time, having played for a fra- As usual, the fraternity dance will as Joseph; Catherine Little as Angel Two professors and two students ternity dance in 1936, Feeser brings be semi-formal and will begin at 8 orchestra a well-balanced Gabriel; Miriam Shroyer as the Ma- will attend the hundred and seventh of eleven artists to the Hill. composed and end at 11:30 P. M. The admis- donna. meeting of the American Association Norma Hutton, song s'tylist, who sion will be $1.10 per couple with no Members of the college, who will for the Advancement of Science, has gained for herself a name in the stags admitted. compose the angel choir are: Virgin- which will take place in Philadelphia, East for her presentations, is being Sponsors of the affair will be Dr. ia Whorton, Jane Day, Betty Brown, Pennsylvania, the week between and Mrs. Holloway, Dean Adkins, Edna Triesler, Dorothy Stephenson, Christmas and New Year's Day. featured by the orchestra. Dean and Mrs. Free, Dr. and Mrs. Doris Cummings, Dorothy Whorton, Those planning to attend include Dr. Feeser has played at Caledonia Earp, Dr. and Mrs. Spicer, and Mr. Rebecca Larmore, Doris Himler, El- Lloyd M. Bertholf, Prof. Cloyd Ben- Park, Fayetteville, Pa.; Elkridge Ken, and Mrs. Raver. len Logan, Jean Lamoreau, Helen nighof, Henry Holljes, and Robert nels Club, Baltimore, Md.; Vinda Bon- The var-ious committees expect to Heminghaus, Phyllis Cade, Jean PodHch. du Inn, Frederick, Md.; and at nurn- have programs, music, and decora- Bentley, Carol Stoffregen, Alice Kie- The purpose of the annual gather- eroua college dances. The Club Roy- tions that will carry out the motif of fer, Peggy Wilson, Yvonne Earle, ing of six or seven thousand members al Orchestra appeared for three con- Dick Feeser the season. Marvin Evans, Robert Judy Grow, Margaret Anne Smith. of the society is two-fold: the discus- secutive years at the Richard McAl_ Beg-lin, and Robert Sorensen ecmpr-ise The music for the presentation will sion of the new developments in the lister Hotel Roof Garden and Grill five straight years. Ryan'a.commlttee and are completing be presented by electrical transcrip- many fields of zoology, botany, math- and at the Wil.1iam Grove Park for Jack Ryan, general chairman of the the arrangements for the dance. tion with Karl Helt in charge. Wil- ematics, and medicine; and the oppor- Ham Ervin, middler-, will act as stage tunity of hearing and meeting fa- manager for the production. mous men of science. Cercle Francais 'A' And 'C' Companies Plea,e Note Presents Program Colonel Kelland To Make Annual From Soup To Nuts Student Salesmen Maintain annual program of French Christmas Fall Inspection Of ROTC Unit Le Cercle Francais will present its Col. Frederick Third G. Kelland, Twenty-Four Hour Service. carols and readings in McDaniel Corps Area ROTC officer, will make fore, when making his tour of the Col. Kelland has visited WMC be- Lounge on .Monday, December 16, at 7 r-, M. The program under the di- his annual fall inspection of the local Third Corps Area which includes Vir- "Popcorn. peanuts, chewing gum, On second floor McDaniel a sort of rection of Miss Margaret Snader, will unit on Tuesday, December 17. He ginia, District of Columbia, Pennsyl- candy bars"- so runs the chant of super-syndicate sandwich association feature group singing by members of will observe the theoretical work in vania, and Maryland. He is the head the proprietors of the "big business- has been formed. In this organiza- the club, accompanied by Shirley the class room and the practical work officer on civilian component affairs H" which are thriving in nearly every tion, two girls tend shop one night a Belle Reese at the piano. Mary Alice on the drill floor. After he has in- in this area. other room on the Hill. week, so that no one will get "spread- Klein, president of the organization, spected "A" and "C" companies, WMC'ers must be an eating crowd er's cramp" from buttering bread. will present readings from the French which drill on Tuesdays, he will make because all the sandwich vendors do Elizabeth Gable-and Mary Frances Scripture between caiols. suggestions to the department that a rushing business. It's hard to get Hawkins claim to "Satisfy Your The selections which will be sung might help to improve the unit. near Jeanne Pollard's and Doris Lub- Sweet Tooth" with any candy desired. by the French Club consist of the The visit is po semi-official inspec- Silver Collection . . . king's Dorm Diner when the rush is Soon there'll be candy bar hit par- following: tion and will not affect the "excell- on; and when the cro,\d does finally ades: "It's Clark Bare-s-two to one" "Voici la Noel"-Group. ent" rating held by the school for the A silver collection will be taken depart, nearly every crumb has been or something. Peggy Reeves has a "II Est Ne"-Solo, Mildred Miller. past several years. This rating is not at the door of the Christmas Ves- annihilated by starving collegians. Coco Cola business deluxe; Virginia "Marche des Rois"-SoIo, Charles affected until the official inspection in pers Service on Sunday, December This sandwich business has reached and Paula Weinberg offer cream puffs Irwin. May. 15, at 4:45 P. M. The proceeds of such proportions that another one, and doughnuts. Room 55, McDaniel, "D'ou Viens Tu?"-Solo, Doris While on the campus, Col. Kelland the collection, sponsored by the with cokes, is maintained in Blanche Jean Carey, advertises hand-painted Baker. will confer with Dr. Fred G. Hollo- SCA, will be donated to the World Wari'.! by Barbara Zimmerman. She Christmas cards ... order by Decem- "Un Flambeau"-Solo, Virginia way, 'With whom he will discuss the Student Service Fund for the pur- has a natural asset in that her fourth ber 14. And the available typists are SWeeney. ROTC and its relation to other de- pose of aiding the students of war- floor room is near the smoker, and legion. "Cantique de Noel"-Solo, Mary partments of the school. Need for torn countries of Europe and who doesn't relish a "coke" and a In ease the girls feel like really Frances Hawkins. equipment and for new housing fa- Asia. cigarette as a night cap? (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) "Ancien N5eI"--Group. cilities will probably be discussed. 1
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